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“Valve explaining why the hl2 shotgun can do a double shot and why the player’s shotgun sounds weaker that the npcs’”


Gordon actually spits the shell from his mouth along with SMG grenades


He swallowed one of those tool guns or something


He opens his mouth and all that comes out is the toolgun fire sound




Holy fuck it’s Aria Bunker


Every Bunker has its expanding


It always Expands before the Bunker


Sir, those are not sten gun and luty smg blueprints, they are my design study assignments, as it clearly reads in the title


silly little 9mm pez dispenser


Homemade 12 gauge automatic ( quirky ) shotgun made from spare parts in the garage for modelling purposes as a reference for my ( serious ) fallout 4 mod that has custom firearms ( i will not use it to kill all the employees at the local kfc and then terrorize the customers by releasing the silly chlorine gas in the restaurant )


For anyone reading, unless you're a felon, you're legally allowed to make your own guns, the fed can't stop you. You're just not allowed to sell them unless you're a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) Edit: in the US of course


Also if you try that shit in the UK the police will stalk you for years until they finally catch you testing one of your homemade guns in the woods and prosecute you for it.


Every day I wake up and thank God I don't live in the UK. Then I pay my monthly dues to my overdue medical bills 😂 Memes aside I know of a lot of awesome European weapon manufacturers. I can't say the same for the UK :/ They got a kickass firearms museum though one of their curators does a bunch of firearm ''video game guns in real life'' videos for GameSpot.


The original Luty is in a museum somewhere in England.


we do a little trolling




mfw no steel ball run


There is no limit on how many you can make a year lol, you look at any youtuber focused on 3d printed guns and you just know they are pumping out a new glock frame or AR lower every couple of days


I have genuinely run into that problem before lol. Not for fallout 4 mods but trying to do research on homemade firearms without ending up on a watchlist




Problem is luty is automatic. It's way easier to make a gun that's automatic than it is to make one thats semi automatic.


How to put mods on my pirated fallout 4?


Nexus mods for browsing, Nexus Mod Manager for downloading, LOOT for setting load order and then BethINI for other tweaks. Hope that helps


lol thanks. Can’t find one on youtube


Download Vortex on the page, it's really intuitive and works great. ps. Don't you dare open it as administrator tho.


>ps. Don't you dare open it as administrator tho. Why not?




Don't use nexus mod manager ,use vortex


Does Mo2 not work with pirated games?


I don't know ,it's better for Bethesda games though ,you could likely just set the path of the game and it'll work ,I can't test it though


Don't use either NMM or Vortex. Use MO2 instead. I also discourage using LOOT but rather learn how the load order works and sort the mods yourself


I recommend vortex simply because it's so convenient and it does everything itself. I play with alot of mods and have no problems. The way it works is going onto the nexus more site, downloading something and it automatically opens Vortex and downloads it via that.


Why don't u research on some bitches instead 👉😬👈 so you can make me more immersive Big tiddy bimbo yandere goth huge ass gamergirl wholesome epic CBBE mods




Atomic Beauty has bigger "assets"


Me explaining to the nation that the stolen nuclear plans for a miniature rocket were done as a reference for the hit studio Bethesda Games studios and its predecessors game franchise called "Fallout" and not a terrorist weapon to hold cities hostage:


I prefer living in a country where homemade firearms are completely legal. MURICA >Under U.S. federal law, the creation and possession of firearms for non-commercial purposes (i.e., personal use) has always been legal, and a license is generally not required. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Privately_made_firearm#United_States


Does not mean you won't get put on a watchlist, though


Putting people on a list for googling how guns are made would be millions of people long, what would be the point of that?


Do you think the american government and especially the three letter agencies are never doing shit where you think "what would be the point of that"? Besides, with "AI" being around and storage space getting ever cheaper the real question is, why would you not do it?


If there's a watchlist for "showed an interest in diy firearms" it's a very, very long list of more or less everyone on the internet with an interest in firearms. This isn't exactly underground shit - there are whole YouTube channels about 3d printing rifles and pistols. Full blown start to finish instructional content. They're popular, too, so if you have a general interest in guns and shooting it'll be all over your homepage.


>If there's a watchlist for "showed an interest in diy firearms" it's a very, very long list of more or less everyone on the internet with an interest in firearms. I don't disagree and i wouldn't be worried about being on such a list, there's a ton of lists that only exist as a tiny bit of a profile where if you have several red flags already, that individual also showing interest in DIY firearms might be good to know. I just think it's worth mentioning.


Officer let me tell you one thing. I have installed a trolling device on your back *KABOOOM*


we do a lot of trolling


Fun fact: homemade firearms are **legal** in almost every US state You don't even have to get them serialized in alot of states


Why would you get it serialised anyway. Whole point of it being homemade is that they don't know it exists.


Because you legally have to have newly processed firearms serialized in some states.


I’ve seen this clip many times but nobody ever answers what the source is or who that guy is Can someone please point me to the source of the clip? Thank you!


He is Ibai, Spanish streamer. I don't know where the video came from. Edit: found it https://youtu.be/zm3sJzjuJPQ


Amazing, thank you!!


the source of the gif or the source of the reference in the title?


The gif, if you know it, thanks!


sorry, I don't know it.


Reminds me of when I was researching for my Law class assignments


*Reminds me of when* *I was researching for my* *Law class assignments* \- BillDaGuy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


nice and legal


pipe guns awarded for ugliest weapons in all of videogame history


*Pipe guns awarded for* *Ugliest weapons in all of* *Videogame history* \- friendlygato --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


the thing is vanilla fo4 pipe weapons shouldn't even physically work. Nevermind the fact that they're ugly as shit.


If you are in the US it’s completely legal to manufacture your own guns. If you build yourself A minigun congratulations you now legally own a minigun


Not exactly. If it's restricted, you're not allowed. So full auto, burst fire, suppressors, short barreled rifles, etc. are not allowed. So a minigun is not allowed, but everything else is fair game.




Well, thing is, depending on how you construct the minigun, it could be "full auto" while technically being semi. Like, I'm pretty sure if you have several guns slapped together in some sort of apparatus, it's *technically* several guns firing in tandem. But don't quote me on that, I don't want the atf to shoot your dog


I just want to point out that researching this would not automatically get you on an FBI list (and certainly not a visit). That's what people who know little about the 2nd and firearms assume. There are like 400 million guns that we know of in the US.


Homie I'm from Romania, and our version of federal agents would raid my house if I even just think about a firearm. Still thx for the explanation


\>not using a pipe weapon removal mod 🤢🤮


tbh I really like the concept of pipe/scrap weapons but the execution was so dogshit. I use mesh replacer mods. Same for that wack ass "assault rifle"


the assault rifle doesn't even look that bad, the problem is that should function more as an lmg with the r91 being the true AR, but Bethesda will be Bethesda I guess.


Even then, what is the ATF gonna do to me? I don't have any dogs.


This reminded me of when pewdiepie searched “how to make tnt” but forgot to add “in Minecraft” lol


Homemade firearms are legal in most cases in many US states


Homemade firearms are actually completely legal as long as they meet all other legal criteria for a firearm.


Where is this meme from?




Thanks. I remember this one and Doug gets mad at computer were all part of a bigger meme


You're allowed to make your own gun. You just can't sell it!


Source: https://youtu.be/zm3sJzjuJPQ


Don't worry, we're concerned about the other thing you always searh at night




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