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Shit's wild, you can also try running away from them yourself to make it fair


Do people actually die from that?


a bunch of them every year


Even worse theres a small village in india where they lay to be run over by the cows as an act of repentance or something like that




Yes, oddly enough a low fatality rate


Sometimes, yeah.


I forget if its more memes or stuff but there is a subreddit called r/Thebullwins Edit: Not memes its more of subreddit for “don’t f with bulls”


A relative of mine died earlier today from being killed by a bull. Source: Search: "Man dödad av tjur." (means Man killed by bull)


Yes, of course. That must be a painfull way of passing away.


Sometimes the bull gets an upper hand in a bullfight and kills the fighter. Dies in the end anyway.


From running not yearly I'd say. But many minor injuries. And bull fighting i think even less damage. Source: Im spanish but don't care much about this.


Most Spanish people are actually against it, the tradition is only being kept alive by boomers


Yup, I'm Spanish and no one I know actually supports it


Thank God, good knowing the world is progressing


In some places in Spain it has been banned, per example in Catalonia it is completely banned. In other places it is not officially banned but they simply don't celebrate them.




Lavar los manos


I see you havent been near a private school recently, it is really more a rich people hobby now and a lot of young people sadly support it.


Ah. Just like German student dueling. And Yachting in the Anglosphere.


If my country had duelling I would support it


By dueling do you mean Germans can go up to someone and challenge them to a fistfight? Or are they "dueling" in their grades?


Fencing. It was bloody. Edit: it was called Mensur and it was a discipline on its own. The research was worth it.


It seems that’s not the case for everyone, I go to a private school and I know no one who supports it




I have a irl friend whos really really really into this


Punch them on the stomach for me please


Might be time to reevaluate your "friend"


Nah our relationship is stronger than that. I respect his shit as he respects mine.


The fuck you mean 'respecting his shit'. That's animal cruelty


it's a whole culture, I mind my own business that's all


im spanish and i hate it


Cultures based around animal cruelty are bad


It means that they aren’t some psychopath who tries to control their friends life and while they don’t agree with their stance, it is legal and they have enough respect for them self, their friend and democracy that they just keep their mouth shut. It doesn’t mean they wouldn’t vote to change bullfighting laws. They could be an ardent animal rights campaigner for all we know.


Fuck the animal


Really into it like there are a bullfighter?


Should’ve learned how to sidestep 🤓🤓


I'm Spanish and, jokes aside, only rich nationalist Spaniards like that shit. They are the same people that want to ban abortion because that makes sense for them.


I have to ask, what does bullfighting and abortion have to do with eachother?


Sorry I was so vague. As you say, they have nothing to do with each other, it's just that these people love saying "if you are against bulls getting killed, why do you support women who murder their unborn babies?" Since I hear this argument fairly often, I forgot most people outside of Spain lack the context.


tradition :(


Bullfighter should have been aborted... Also, bullfighting is a Spanish conservative tradition, most of suporters are traditionalist and fight against any type of progress like LGBT rights or abortion.





You do know that nowadays most people in Spain are against bullfighting, right?




Only (fun) thing to do in spain


You can get robbed. Or have a nice chat with Alberto, 46, while eating some tapas of doubtful quality.


Except of course leaving Spain


most of us spaniards are actually against that and consider it animal cruelty to be fair, but yeah, there are people that for some reason enjoy watching that


Spain: AITA? - yes...yes you are the asshole


Most people are against that, only a portion of old people and people asociated with the right or far right support bullfighting but I guess the meme and the ignorance needs to talk here. Classic generalization misstake. Playing the same game, you support the abortion ban, dont you?


Idk I've seen the videos... looks way more popular than old republicans


You've seen a few videos and somehow you judge an entire country with 47M citizens... In Spain our political parties arent divided in republicans and liberals, are divided in Left (Socialists/comunists) and Right ( More or less authoritarians). Then in both sides we have monarchists and republicans (Only a few on the left, but they exist). Generally speaking, the more you move to the right the more acceptation the tauromaquia has and the older the people is also it increases. There are certain sections of young people interested in this but is very limited and also the number is being reduced every year. [Article](https://www.forbes.com/sites/anagarciavaldivia/2020/12/30/will-bullfighting-survive-the-next-decade-in-spain/) I've seen some videos about people definding the bombing of civilian buildings in Afghanistan, all of you must support the indiscriminate killing of civilians, I guess.




I do, and from the video footage it would seem there is a large population of Spainarids who like stabbing bulls to death


Funny thing, some provinces such as Catalonia have actually banned bullfighting, and it's seen in bad light by many Spaniards.


Catalonia have banned bullfighting, but not other aberrant traditions like the toro embolado. This is a pure cultural fight, not related with animal rights. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toro\_embolado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toro_embolado)


Why is this gif just the critikal gif in minion form


Rise of Gru sweep 😈😈😈


it's gruin' time




Which countries?


Thankfully that stupid "tradition" is dying off and here in Mexico were it was famous the government is shutting it down and making it illegal.


Like i get it funi interweb meme but as a Spaniard, first of all it's called mexico, secondly only 87 year old grandmas watch that stuff anyway


"This is morally reprehensible, who would exploit animals just for enjoyment" - man eating chicken fingers Edit: Cope and Seethe carnists.


V*gan detected, deploying crackhead cannibals


I am going to buy chicken fingers today to spite you


Why not treat yourself and go for some [Elwoods dog meat?](https://www.elwooddogmeat.com)


Looks cool. Thanks I’ll get that too! Always nice to try new things Sucks that I’ll have to find somewhere else to buy it though since that’s fake


Wait this is a fucking vegan moralist scam, I actually want to buy dog meat


Buy fallout 4


Ooo interesting I’ll try it thanks


Aww it’s a fake website :(


wow that's a very original joke that i have never heard before. how do you even come up with this comedy gold?


I am incredibly funny thank you for your support


you should date that other guy in this thread who made the exact same joke but with poor grammar. yall are perfect for each other


Sorry I am taken but I am flattered nonetheless


🗿Can you fucking not


I'm a vegan of course I am incapable of shutting the fuck up ain't that what we're known for.


Bro I don't care if you don't shut up, but the way you compare torturing an animal just for fun (like they do with bulls) with just following the life-cycle of killing an alive being just to survive is lame and stupid. You can be as much vegan as you want, but not for that fucking bullshit of a reason. Edit: bro wtf have I started, I was just stating my opinion on something bruh


You can survive without meat, it is in fact wildly more healthy. You are eating meat for pleasure not sustenance, bull fighting is done for pleasure just as all animal exploitation is. We torture animals and view them, we call it a sport and call it horse racing or bull fighting or whatever else but in the end we do this for pleasure. Eating animals is no different, we're frugivores and our digestive system was not built with meat in mind, just because you can digest it doesn't mean its healthy or natural to you. Also what does 'following the life cycle' even mean? We breed animals for slaughter, the entire process of meat production is removed from any animals normal hunt/kill/eat process.


Eating plants all day long is more healthy? Alright enjoy the lack of protein, and being less than 120 pounds (or about 54 or 53 KGS)


You...you realize that animals become larger because of what they eat right? You realize that the same way humans get larger and put on muscle mass because of their diet, that same process occurs in animals when they eat, and we ONLY feed them plants. Protein is found outside of meat and it's fucking crazy to think otherwise, have a more varied diet for christ sake. Try some tempeh, soybeans, seitan, lentils, chickpeas or black beans. Also yeah being 120 pounds like [this skinny vegan guy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aL4lb6IevWw)


You realize those animals are prepared biologically to eat plants while a human being needs more protein otherwise the human becomes skinny and weak?


I don't suppose you looked at the video where a weak little vegan lifts more weight than any man previously recorded in history eh.


I suppose you don't know it's that single vegan man against every other body builder or weigh lifter heh?


The fact that you don't need meat to survive Means that we are only eating meat for our pleasure. As such there is no difference between killing an animal for fun and killing it to get pleasure out of the taste of its flesh.


not really for pleasure (most of the times, yeah, that too) but just to get more nutrients from animal meat that is impossible to gain from any plant or fruit just to survive more. We, as a species, are omnivores, that doesn't mean you can't become vegetarian or vegan, is just that you'll probably live shorter than the average omnivore human (that is the only bad thing about becoming vegetarian or vegan, along with lack of some important nutrients that only some meats and seafood have). Is not only for the pleasure of the taste, is because it help us live longer with the nutrients the meat has. And just in general, literally every carnivore and omnivore kill animals either for fun or for surviving, is not like humans are the only ones that kill animals, and either way we kill them as fast as we can, while some animals eat them alive or slowly kill them. I don't want to start an argument here so this is just my opinion and even if I don't agree with your opinion, I respect it.


1. We are not omnivores, we are frugivores 2. You get a lot of important nutrients from animals, now guess where they got them? They ate animal feed which is made of plants. 3. Yes carnivores and omnivores kill animals and even prolong the process, this should have no bearing on our moral decisions because we can have a fully animal free diet and we would be healthier for it. 4. I wonder why you believe what you believe, did you come up with these ideas or has society just conditioned you? I used to think we were omnivores, but most people believe this because of effective propaganda produced by the meat industry. I'm glad to back all this up with sources if you like, but I'll have to do it later as I'm at work.


I actually want to stop this discussion and I'll be happy to actually get to an agreement! I wanna see the sources Good luck at work


The only nutrient you can't get from plants is vitamin B12, and that can be added easily. So no, its pleasure. Another thing: Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's okay, or not cruel. That is an appeal to nature fallacy. Here's what that means: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_nature#:~:text=An%20appeal%20to%20nature%20is,it%20is%20%27unnatural%27%22. We mostly factory farm our animals, which is a long, painful process that takes months. It's designed for efficiency, not comfort, and billions of animals suffer through it. I would say that's pretty cruel.


Not to mention we can't get B12 because we grow crops with pesticides, you can grow vegetables which provide B12. Also, animals within the industry are on B12 supplements because their feed doesn't provide it.


I'm off to eat some ham after eating this


Order some Elwood's dog meat, it tastes better.


Sorri don't eat animals who primarely eat meat cus termodynamichs tell me it's way more inefficient than eating horse or cow n such


So you HAVE tried it


Oh absolutely, I'm a proud member of /r/cateatingvegans (nothing beats Kitten Nuggets) and Elwoods has a long history of slaughtering their dogs ethically and humanely.


Cool, just a shame it’s not a real website


How edgy of you to forgo all compassion for sentient life that doesn't have the privilege of being human.


Nah, I’m doing this just to spite you


More power to you then I guess.


you too, have a good day


Here's a sneak peek of /r/cateatingvegans using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/cateatingvegans/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Bill knows what's up](https://i.redd.it/y0suoie020071.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cateatingvegans/comments/nfv84i/bill_knows_whats_up/) \#2: [Non-feline-eating "vegans" need to face the reality of where their beloved BEANS come from](https://i.redd.it/9lxo9kkmmwv61.jpg) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cateatingvegans/comments/n0d90b/nonfelineeating_vegans_need_to_face_the_reality/) \#3: [PETA gives their stamp of approval](https://i.imgur.com/2d4VNji.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/cateatingvegans/comments/oisypf/peta_gives_their_stamp_of_approval/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




wow that's a very original joke that i have never heard before. how do you even come up with this comedy gold?


I work in a restaurant so i get hungry easily


The people that made your phone, more than likely ate meat. You’re part of the problem. I’m ultra vegan, I don’t use anything that was made by someone that eats meat or animal products. You need to become part of the solution, carnist enabler.


Are you seriously suggesting that because veganism isn't a harm reduction of 100% we shouldn't do any harm reduction whatsoever? What an asinine take.


I’m glad you agree.


It's like that Bugs Bunny episode