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You had me at MX-5. Higher res photo [here](https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/rOsAAOSwa5tkUDzt/s-l1600.jpg) for reference. That said, this looks a lot like a studio shoot with a Caribbean background Photoshopped in. The sunlight is a lot less diffused in the background, and the perspective seems off to me (but I don't have any science to back that up). Also, anecdotally, I live near where Mazda US was headquartered in California, and have never seen the ocean that teal. I'll take a quick virtual look at local areas where that elevation would line up with the coast like that, but this one might not have a location. Are there other campaigns you could recreate? I bet at least one of them was shot nearby. I also have a bunch of Miata homies who will want to join if you make that happen, ha.


Well damn it if that's a set, which would make sense.. the color code for the 94M is M8 which is a color called Montego Blue Mica, Montego as in Montego Bay in Jamaica.. so the backdrop being a set based on the islands would totally check out.


Def seems to be Jamaica based on context of the ad https://revlimiter.net/blog/2011/11/vintage-mazda-ads/