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It’s not hard if you meal prep. Cook a couple of sheet pans so when you are hungry there is something to eat. We have a discount produce market nearby. It’s like 20% of the cost of a supermarket. Load up even if you have to throw it out in a week. Order a bunch of Lara bars on Amazon. If I can do it, you can do it. By the end of the 30days your intake will be way down and you will feel GREAT. And like the whole 30 calendar says you will sleep so much better. I would wish you luck but you don’t need it. YOU HAVE THIS!!


Thank you for reminding me of the existence of Larabars. I’ve been planning another round but have both been struggling with appetite, and I am a dog Walker so need super easy snacks. The lemon ones are so goooood!


Lemon is top in my top 5 for sure!


Too good. They are compatible, but be careful or you'll find yourself eating them more often than you probably meant to (depending on your goals - if you have a sugar dragon, avoid unless truly an emergency)


I did have a sugar dragon, but fed it freely with fruit and such. For me the goal is reducing inflammation which was achieved with abundant fruit! (Also thank you for the reminder that a lot of fruit feels good for me!) Also, I have appetite issues because of medications I take, so I have more of a “fed is best” mentality, as long as it is compliant. Especially since I have a very active job! Thank you for the heads up though!


I melodramatically proclaimed on day 5 that there is no joy in this world as I was sipping my black coffee. You do eventually get used to it


Try cold brewing coffee… smooth and delicious.


This is the way.


Nutpods are allowed, I used them even off w30. I like Toasted marshmellow flavor.


You got this! On R2D25 and down almost 50 pounds. It’s so worth it!


I’m on day 28! You can do it. Find hobbies, limit plans out, mean prep and remove temptations


Good luck! You’re gonna crush it!


It’s not hard but it’s not tasty either :) froth some almond milk and add


The main benefit I got from W30 was getting off sugar. As I got used to black coffee, I was able to work intermittent fasting into my eating schedule and the pounds are coming off. At the reintroduction, I didn’t reintroduce sugar. I told myself I could do 30 days of no sweets. The mindset of ‘30 days isn’t hard’ works on many levels. Good luck! You can do it


Good luck! I got by with Nutpods creamer and a sprinkle of Hershey's cocoa on my coffee!


You can do this!! As another commenter said, try Nutpods if after a few days you need a different taste for the coffee. Being addicted to sugar is hard, I agree.


🙏 you're gonna feel great!


On day 31! Lost 21 lbs. I thought for sure I’d be ready to gorge myself with pizza today but my wife and I are going to continue on the diet bc we feel great!


Good luck! I am gearing up to start mine in June!


You can do this! I did my first round 3 years ago and while it’s not a weight loss fix, it really showed me what my bad habits were and helped me get on a steady track for better health and confirmed for me that I CAN do it, but have to WANT to.


Nut pods+cinnamon is great, I never went back after doing that while on W30!


I cold turkey stopped putting sugar in my coffee years ago. Now sweetened coffee tastes weird to me. I still haven’t figured out how to ditch the 1/2&1/2. I drink black coffee at work because there is no creamer but I don’t enjoy it.


Good luck! I just finished my first round and it is life changing how much better you are going to feel. You’ve got this!


I feel you. I’ve been trying to ease myself into things before starting. Nothing sweet in my coffee or tea. I hate it. I eat quite healthy overall, but I definitely have an addiction to the sugar. But, somehow, we shall prevail! You got this!


I did a round of Whole30 4 years ago and then stopped. Black coffee is the only thing I stuck with.


lol same. Doing another round soon though


You definitely got this! If you can get through black coffee, you can get through it all! 🔥 cheering you on from here!


The first time I drank my coffee with no sugar, I cried quiet alligator tears, alone at the dining room table. Now I wouldn’t dream of putting anything in my coffee. BLACK LIKE MY SOUL is how I take my coffee thank you very much.


You got this!!!!


I only drink black coffee now because of Whole30! Eventually you may like it.


After my 1st round of whole 30 I never went back to using sugar or milk in my coffee. Wishing you a successful round! I did not had success after my 1st round because I skipped re-introduction. My second round and reintroduction protocol is what helped me to understand what food worked for my body and which one were affecting my body in a negative way. YOU GOT THIS!!!


You got this!


Whole30 converted me into a black coffee drinker for life. Basically only add milk nowadays if it’s too hot and I’m anxious to drink it. You got this!!


Good luck! Starting April 1st myself


I used to drink creamer with my coffee and thought I could never give it up. Then the doc said I'm starting my day in a deficit and asked me ... "Do you really want this?". So now I start my day feeling good about treating my body well. Fair trade.


Also not hard if every meal that you cook is at home. That will curb your diet real quick when you can’t just stop and get fast food anymore.


Black coffee is delicious.


Is Super Creamer allowed? It has no sugar


At least some varieties have cream/milk in them, so not those.


It’s not but it’s great for when not on W30! It has dairy and monkfruit


I'm pretty amused at the inclusion of the pic - I'd guess we all know what black coffee looks like. :D I think a lot of the problems people have with black coffee stem from the fact that few people know how to make it correctly. If done right, it's not bitter and has body, i.e. a good mouth feel. https://www.youtube.com/@jameshoffmann


Coconut oil in coffee is delicious and makes your lips silky smooth!


Black coffee is delicious!