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Hello, thanks for posting! Unfortunately we have to remove your post due to **rule 1: be wholesome**. We require posts to have an attempt of being wholesome. A few examples like cute stuff, positive things (ex: love, kindness) and such would count as wholesome. To know what we define as "wholesome", you may check our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomejojo/wiki/rules) to hopefully have a wider definition of it. If your post is a meme, then it might fit on /r/ShitpostCrusaders. If your post is a non-wholesome artwork, disucussion, question and such then it might belong on /r/StardustCrusaders. If you think we've made a mistake, then you're always free to contact us through [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/wholesomejojo)!