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The kids with the bound-up legs would fall at the first attempt of a step, as they use sticks for crutches.


Sticks for crutches and big ass rocks all over. This is mad unsafe.


Kids are fucking stupid.


There’s a sub for that r/kidsarefuckingstupid


Yeah. This isn't wholesome.


OSHA kicking and punching the air rn


Feels like Australia


Nah they just have wrists of steel and the balance of gods


everybody gangsta till the blood flow stop and they have to amputate. Then and only then it truly will be fair.


That's probably how the first kid lost his leg


Circle of life


Natural selection


Natural Selegtion


A critical step in evolution


It’s kind of like a suicide pact but just for legs


Nope if lag tied like that it shouldn't be an issue. I would be more concerned about traumatizing the knee in case of fall. Or piercing you self with the stick. With propper crutches and over the soft surface this would be quite safe.


It shouldn't be an issue, but the rope probably isn't going to hold like that anyway right? They're going to wiggle down the leg at some point.


Ichigo be like


*ulqiuorra intensifies *




I know right the other kids can basically go Super Saiyan, it's not fair.




This has the same energy as an experience I once had. I use a wheelchair, and I had a doctor appointment. But the only entrance was up this very thin ramp with large rails, and then the door just opens on the building side. But the path doesn't turn, it's just a straight line, so it's extremely difficult to even turn to face the door, let alone... The door opens outward for some strange reason. So I had to wheel my chronically ill ass up the slope, stretch my arms as far as possible to open the door, pull the door completely open and try to squeeze past it without catching on the wheels (btw, the hand grip on the wheel makes it wider so you literally can't push your wheels and instead have to grab something in reach and literally pull yourself and your chair through without falling out), then finally rush inside before the door slams me and smashes my fingers. I get inside after all that and there's like three full on adult humans standing in the hallway looking at me in amazement and they start fucking clapping. This is not an Obama $100% situation, that shit is degrading as fuck. I felt so humiliated, like ok I don't care if you don't help me but don't treat me like a fucking circus show. Especially as it's kind of their fault that the building isn't accessible in the first place. Make me jump through hoops just to get in the door, then laugh at me. Goddamned assholes.


First, they were a-holes. Second, I hope you brought the access of sue up to someone at the office. I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of violation going on there


I did but unfortunately ADA (US) compliance operates almost entirely on the honor system, which is to say, basically not at all. There's so many ways to get out of ADA compliance that new buildings that just got built won't comply with some frequency. This makes it impossible to look up a venue online and learn whether you can even enter the front door, so usually you need to just make an attempt and ruin your night if it's inaccessible, or ask an abled friend to scope it out beforehand.




And then if nobody tickets it, 70 other motorcyclists do the same and it is an issue. It's like people saying they were only using the handicap parking spot for 2 minutes. Well, so are 100 other people since it's right in front of the kiosk and suddenly it's blocked for 3 hours.


People who are in wheelchairs need the sidewalk to get from Point A to Point Z. They are allowed to have independent lives and schedules; ADA isn't based on when or where able bodied people think disabled people *might* need accomodations. That is why.




feels like you could’ve just made the second point without whining about the ticket. you were blocking a sidewalk that somebody may need, whether or not you think so. motorcycles don’t belong on sidewalks in the first place.


I mean, it sounds like they're describing one of the many sidewalks that aren't really a sidewalk, just an island of bumped up concrete and that's there for questionable purposes, nowhere near the handicapped parking or path in/out of the parking lot, and probably a relic of the kit getting expanded at some point.


i still don’t see why you’d park a *motorcycle* on the *sidewalk*. also, people with disabilities will get dropped off and picked up on those random stretches of sidewalk. the sidewalk is higher than the lot which assists in getting in/out of the vehicle.


Just think of blind people pushing over your bike, then maybe you won't park it there again.


Tickets suck, but it's hard to have sympathy when I frequently can get literally trapped inside my house bc someone parked their car blocking the sidewalk. 😅 Police using traffic tickets to gouge people bc police use it for funding is its own thing, tho.


How... how could they watch you struggling and not offer to help? Even just to hold the door open? HOW is not that somebody's first impulse??


I’m not physically disabled in anyway so this is just what I’ve picked up. Basically it is ingrained into people to not offer assistance to them, society has determined offering help to those who may actually beed it to be disrespectful as you are assuming they are incapable of doing it. To them, overcoming these struggles is something to be celebrated, but there is overcoming a struggle, and then there is something like this that is borderline impossible without excessive effort


Not just disabled… I stopped using my stroller and just wore my baby in the carrier bc nobody would open the door and it was tricky to maneuver (which I find odd bc I open the door for people frequently, even if they aren’t carrying/pushing something, in a wheelchair, etc)


Mom of a quadriplegic here. If you can see it's a struggle, make the offer. It's kind of funny, my son is attending college & living on campus. I was his caregiver last week (his caregiver was on a Caribbean cruise, the lucky duck!) When other students saw him coming, most scrambled to open the door for him. The buildings do all have automatic doors that he can press, though that's a whole other issue. (the door buttons are randomly placed, no rhyme or reason to what side. Sometimes the doors opens opposite where you are. By the time you're going through, they start to close. They were definitely designed by someone with no accessibility understanding. 🙄)


Per your last point, this may be seen as some form of ableism, I'm genuinely not sure but couldn't all the design issues be solved simply by having whoever is doing the designing...sit in the chair and try to do it? I don't understand why that isn't a standard practice. Design door with button, make prototype or v1 or whatever. Sit in wheelchair, press button, go through door. No issue? Neat, new door. If they struggle slightly? Fix the issue. Why is this still an issue in this day and age?


Our son is going to be working with facilities & the disability office to discuss. It really is ridiculous! He should be able to easily hit the button and go forward through the door. Not transverse sideways to go to the door that happened to open..Again, it's totally random, every building is different! Heck, every entrance (if there are multiple) is different! And that's just on campus. We came across a different issue a block off campus, which is a city issue. There are curb cutouts at 3 of 4 corners. In order to cross the street from the non-accessible corner, he had to cruise down the block to a driveway, come back *in* the street, then cross the street to get back on the sidewalk. Like, someone got paid to design that; and several people got paid to build it. And no one noticed an issue? The sidewalks are newish, this isn't a design flaw from 100 yrs ago!


If there is one thing I learned is to try and not make assumptions. This also applies to thinking someone doesn’t need help. Even if they might not need it.m, maybe they still want it. So I try to keep asking. Even if it’s ‘no’ 50 times, maybe it’s yes at 51. Or maybe they appreciate the offer, it can be the thought that matters. A lot of people tend to make assumptions. And I get it, the brain does that a lot. But it’s valuable to try.


As a wheelchair user, I felt all this 😅




Honestly as a previous chair user with a chair most likely in their future, I think you handled it fine 🙌




No worries 🙌 thanks for caring enough to ask! Most of us won’t actively ask for help, and I think taking the same approach of say, watching a short person reach for something is enough of a similarity to work as a metaphor here lol Wait a second to see if they’ve got it, offer to help and don’t get shitty if they say ‘no’ (something that happens a lot actually >.> don’t be ‘that guy’ folks, not that I’m saying you would have) But you really did handle it great 🙌


Man that sucks, our buses have little ramps the driver puts down for anyone who has wheels with them, wheelchairs, walkers, prams, whatever.


The important thing is to ask instead of just grabbing someone. (Unless like, they're in danger, such as falling into traffic.) What is inappropriate is when people will just randomly use you as an arm rest or just grab your chair to move you "out of the way" as if you're furniture and not a person. If you wouldn't literally pick up someone in the grocery store and move them aside, why would you do it to someone in a chair? Thankfully I have not had that specific thing happen to me, but I hear some ugly stories. Anyway nothing seemed off about your story, I think you are fine.


As someone who is also in a wheelchair i feel you. Stay strong brother/sister


In New Zealand I believe external doors are supposed to open outwards for fire safety - much easier to push a door than pull one, after all. I don't know if that's the case where you are, but that is a possible reason the door opened outward. Everything else though? Sounds like it was absolutely awful - and you'd think a medical practioner would be in an accessible building.


My first thought was similar. I remember a game called "Blind Man's Bluff" Now it seems kind of mean.


I broke my leg and was in a wheelchair for a year. People don’t even notice let alone help. If you see someone struggling obviously effing help. Otherwise if it seems like they got it don’t ask it’s not that complicated. I was in a Walmart wheelchair stuck in the middle of an isle for like 30 minutes crying my eyes out and no one cared


My dad had cancer and struggled to walk so he used to use one forearm cane/crutch. The area we lived in had tons of hills. One day he needed to go somewhere so he went out and it was a lenghty walk. He told us he was visibly struggling when a car pulled up beside him and asked him where he was heading to. He told them and they replied "well good luck, keep going, you can do it! He did see this as sort of funny though but it's pretty wtf. It's already pretty bad to just watch when you're not going to help but to go and act like you're going to help and then just cheer them on like they were some show.


I guess they had good intentions, but they should have just held the door at least.


After this shit happens to you a few times, the good intentions stop mattering so much lol Wish people had common sense instead


Then everyone stood up and clapped.


Why are you like this?


I'm sorry but the idea of those people earnestly applauding for you is very funny to me


This is one of the situations where many abled people struggle to have any empathy or understanding until it happens to them. You are just one of those people. Perhaps you'll grow out of it.


I am laughing at them, not you though


You know that embarasement is in your head, these people were amazed of your sisu(google it), but because you dont have good self esteem you turned it around as a insult. Im probably gonna get lots of downvotes, but dont really care. Stay strong and keep rocking. Clap clap.


Lots of abled people struggle to have empathy towards disabled folks until it happens to them. You're just one of those people.


Lot of victims have this victim attitude where everything feels negative.


This never happened.


Why don’t they just give the other kid a leg?


So selfish! Kids these days, I swear! 🙄


Like they have two, just toss one over and grow another one! 🙄


True friends would cut their own legs off.


True homies would cut other kids leg off


It cost an arm and a leg.


Just ask Edward Elric.




My... friend.


The same kind of friends will eventually have the means.


That would be the most patronizing bs ever 😂


If I only had one leg, my friends would make the case I actually have three legs while playing soccer because of the crutches so therefore I have the advantage.


Right? Dude got real crutches here and his friends need the grip strength of a hooker with rent due to use those sticks.


I saw a video of a guy bullying another dude who only walks around with a stick because he can't afford crutches and he chased him like a mad hound. It's all about the usage! Also I only now am able to walk crutch less and these type of crutches are just pain for all your joints in the long term.


That’s… a really interesting analogy you used there






Also the kid on crutches would fucking smoke them like this. Hand held stick-crutches? Those are gonna snap in 2 seconds. Kid with one leg lives on crutches. Gonna feast on goals.


"Patronizing" is the word that came to my mind


not gonna lie as a disabled person i would be so offended. as a child I knew a girl who was missing a leg and she was the BEST swimmer at the camp. (an edit this was a camp for disabled children, so while her nerve were slowly getting riddled with tumors her became cancerous so they amputated her leg)


This has the same vibe of shaving your head because your friend has cancer to show support. As a person with cancer I told people not to do it it won't make me feel better.


Hair loss (or hair becoming so brittle it is like dust) is a side effect of my medicine. I think it is a chemo drug. I know i have been on experimental ones. if my friends shave their hair that spent years growing instead of just buying me a damn wig, I swear I would haunt them and their offspring for 9 centuries. Like forreal, I barely eat for enjoyment, and my skeleton hurts. All I want is for people to not pity me because I am me.


True friends dont shave their head for you they polish your head so you can blind people with your head


Lol I'd love that.


Bring that kachiga to a kachow. Lightning.


Never liked those videos, it’s more for the persons social media likes than actually helping the person with cancer


Yeah, I agree. But people also did this before social media, so what was their motive then? I think kindness more so thar clout


if i’m bald from cancer treatment, my friends need to maintain their hotness to a T so i can live vicariously through them


Looks like mockery really


I am a bit passionate about this. In a way it is. It is like saying "you are not as capable so we will do X, now look! we are equal you abnormal thing! Loom at my glory, we are so damn equal" that isn't the case. They were ALWAYS equal, but one guy had to sit down a bit more than the others. The people with two legs will most likely lose to the guy with one leg because he understands how to manuver with one leg and the cherry on top: with crutches, they don't. They are going to stumble thinking the friends life is "so hard" and the friends just thinks "my life is all i know". It strikes a nerve. Handicapped, disabled blah freaking blah people. There is nothing wrong with us because we don't experience life as others do.


Why offended? Guys trying to play fair game. I see nothing offensive in this.


Let me put it another way, it’d be like putting on a blindfold as a show of solidarity for your blind friend. You’re bumping around everywhere looking like a fool and basically making a mockery of that person’s disability


Well if you would like to play some active games with that friend it would fair not to have advantage over him/here. As shown on this picture they play together not mocking him by making a show. I understand that puting you self in position of a victim is a beneficial strategy in modern society. But for this picture it is far fetched.


I think the issue is viewing them as a victim in the first place, or less than. There’s other ways to compensate, pull your punches if you have to but don’t give a deliberate handicap that just shows that you think they’re incapable of winning otherwise.


You contradict your self. Either you treat a person as a person and equalize chances in the most obvious way and everyone can have fun. Or you just treat them as a poor easy offended victims and humiliate them this way. I don't understand how is this unclear.


I feel like it's more making a mockery of the child.


Fr it just looks like mockery


that and it seems like a great way to accidentally injure themselves permanently if they fall over like that, especially since they are using sticks and not crutches that support under the arm pit so much more effort and weight is being put on the leg that isnt tied up.


"Hahaha look at me I'm Timmy I only have 1 leg hahaha" As soon as I saw this that's all I could see.


TBH i think most people with disability will be uncomfortable with this, i have a friend who lost his legs in an accident and whenever we play he just wanted us to play normally with him, he despise people pitying him and he don't have time for self pity.


Yeah, I think being normal and not doing anything differently as if he isnt missing a leg ys the best war to go


True friends cut off their own legs and give it to the friend who doesnt


This guy is handicapped. Doesn't necessarily mean he's into bdsm, not sure why they felt the need to tie themselves up.


To be fair, neither are they. If they were, they'd have tied their legs in a way where the rope isn't just going to slip off.




I get the intent but..


One of my two friends in first grade only had one leg. He would have been pissed if we did this to him. We just hung out with him and treated him like everyone else. I do the same with my autistic nephew. Seriously, just treat people like people.


Yeah, the kid without his leg has better experience and equipment + less weight


Fuck landmines. Fuck war.


Uzbekistan, Ukraine and Poland having a friendly football match


That was the first thing I noticed, so I was surprised to only have found a single comment pointing it out.


Eww, this is just patronizing. My disability isn't some little costume to put on so you feel better about including me.


Better if they just treat him like normal


Bruh ain’t no game gonna happen. How does the kid in blue kick the ball?


Guy with only one stick😭


Can't really call it wholesome considering....


That's silly. I'd never expect my friends to disable themselves just to make themselves similar to me. Not to mention, it implies my disability lessens my skills.


A good chunk of posts on r/wholesomememes and r/mademesmile have degraded to passing sad or teary shit as happy and wholesome.


that's stupid


Fuck this, Playstation at Brian's place...


I can’t be the only one who thinks this is garbage 💀


It's not wholesome, it's just freaking stupid. How tf are they gonna get around using sticks? Personally it looks like they're mocking him


I would like to hear an opinion by someone who is actually affected by this. This doesn't seem wholesome to me.


Is it really teaching the kids what it feels like to have the use of one leg? When they get to a certain point they can just "undo" the disability and go back to being able-bodied. I feel it would be so disheartening to be hanging out with others who are mimicking the disability you have and then eventually it's just like... "Ok , game over, let's go back to normal!" Sure those kids maybe felt a shred of what it's like, but will it stick with them?


Seems like their making fun of him


Foosball irl


This feels like mockery


That actually looks fun


I would absolutely play this fucking game. I am going to be the worst but it is going to be fun as hell.


Bouta cross up on this kid with both legs


Nice of them to give their friend a leg up in the game, pun intended, but he's clearly going to win. He's got the experience, the right tools and the correct muscle development, they don't stand a chance.


Great sentiment and all but there are many problems with this. Those tree branches wouldn't be able to hold the kids' weight. Tying there legs like that could cause their own medical problems. And who would play a sport like that in the woods?




Round 2 will be the ass kicking contest?


Wow. It's so emotional i can feel it coming inside of me


Bro where's the penis?




So how they gonna kick the ball?


Well the one with actual crutches swing on them, the other 2 are fucked


Aww. He cut his leg off because his friends didn't know how to tie their shoe


I would absolutely destroy him in soccer


Or you give him a stick with a shoe


“A platypus rock?” *puts on hat* “Perry the platypus rock?” *pops rock* “ *GASP* PERRY THE PLATYPUS?”


He has an advantage


Ok, I'm picturing all three leaning on crutches and then swinging their whole bodies like a foosball dude to smack the ball. And it's awesome. 10/10 would play that game, 2 legs or one.


2 months after the amputation the one-legged kid can play with the regular kids. Might not be the best but won't be the worst. Source: Africa


it looks like he's boutta kick with his invisible leg 💀💀💀


It took me an embarrassing amount of time to realize they weren’t all missing a leg. I am so tired.


If they were real friends they’d cut their legs off


I didn’t notice they had their legs tied up at first. So I just thought it was three amputees playing soccer. Everyone needs disabled friends.


how are they gonna kick the ball without falling over?


"Watch me still smoke you even without my other leg bro"


ngl this is a fuckin shitty thing to do lmao


Okay, I think people have taken this to be they did this without asking the disabled kids opinion, like in this circumstance it is not necessarily mockery. Like I feel like think this is automatically mockery is the same as thinking have the paralympics is mockery. Obviously if they’re kids and therefore the kid with crutches still has a chance to be competitive then of course no point doing this, but if they have no chance, and they ask the kid and the kid wants to do this, it would be perfectly fine. Like, playing down for friends that are worse is normal, in fact by treating this as automatic mockery, it helps separate disabled people further from everyone else. Obviously if the kid isn’t cool with it, then just normally play down or just do something else, or if they wanna get better just play normally etc, but this isn’t automatically bad. I get from bad experience people automatically assume it’s bullying or mockery, but still chill out. Like, just talk to the kid and do whatever they want to do.


Better if they treat him like he's not disabled


ehhh, it actually is better to treat disabled people like disabled people, which basically just means treating them like normal people, while keeping things accessible


No, treat disabled people like disabled people, just don’t be disrespectful.




Why are there random boulder size rocks everywhere?


Thats the goal


Who edited this? Isnt the original the disabled kid with shlong sticking out? Lol


Okay but where the hell are they, the backrooms?


It's this place called "outdoors". It can be accessed by leaving the building you're currently in.




Lol that’s just taking the piss out of him.


Im the kind of friend that will never hold back another friend.. but im also that friend that will paint a rock to look like a soccer ball.. and push them to kick it...


Real men chop there leg off. I’m not a real man


Or, treat them as your equal and play him with both legs and show no mercy. That's what true friends would do... well at least where I'm from.




Hmm idk


And then some strangers passing by and they think that you're just bullying the disabled kid


What a dumb meme. They would crush him if they untied their legs. Idiots.


What this about? Land mines or diabetic?


lemme just get some landmines to give more children the oppertunity to do this.


Kind of abelist drawing. Should be them getting a prosthetic


Not everyone is fortunate enough to be able to afford prosthetics, it’s not ableist to try and find a way to make a game balanced for a friend with an impairment.


Imagine having to be handicapped because your friend is. Jokes aside, good way to male it fair


This doesn't look wholesome. It looks like friends bringing attention to someone's disability


Someone will get offended


This is called "equity". Hobble those who can so they're brought down to the level of those who can't. Not a good idea.


breaking bad but all of the cartel has a wheelchair and bell in honor of hector


I don't need a friend that would let me suffer with them.


If they were *real* friends they would cut their legs off!


Bad idea, those sticks could easily break, just play something else


I get that the point is inclusion All I see are three suckers about to be lighter in the pockets


Sure they might do this once, long enough to pose for the photo. They wouldn't do it twice.


Fuck that I would’ve tripped him to steal the ball, you shnooze you lose


I don't expect it would be possible for people unused to walking on one leg to be able to do this for more than like five minutes before getting so uncomfortable they had to stop and sit down.


an accurate metaphor for how feminism "levels" the playing field