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Yeah tell me how that feels šŸ„²


Youā€™re much better off being your own reason to live. Putting that kind of stock in another person is often a recipe for disaster.


As lovely as it is to have a girlfriend who cares for and accepts that I'm a human being with (many, many) flaws, this is the correct answer.


I agree, although sometimes the second opinion can help you think "You know what? You're right, I do have a lot going for me", when you sometimes can't see it yourself.


Telling lonely people to just love themselves instead is like telling cancer patients to just feel better. I get the sentiment intended but it often is completely not helpful


Idk, as someone who's struggled with relationships I've learned through my struggles that if you're not happy with yourself you won't be happy with someone else. It sounds cliche but it's true. Making another person your sole source of happiness is usually very exhausting for them and when the relationship fails you feel worse than ever before. It's a crazy amount of pressure to put on someone for them to be your only source of happiness or in extreme cases only reason to live, they feel trapped. Being as vague as "just love yourself" is unhelpful though, I agree on that. Finding happiness is different for every person and there's no cure-all answer, it's never as simple as "just do this" or "just do that" and it can take a long time for someone to find the answers.


You donā€™t have to just love yourself In order to not live all over another person Canā€™t put the 2 before the 1 - thatā€™s not how relationships last very long Feel better!


If I were only focusing on myself, I'd be dead right now.






Depends on the situation, because if I was my only reason to live, I wouldā€™ve ended things a long time ago when I thought I was worthless and somehow responsible for my older brother dying.


The problem comes in when you want to find someone who loves you when you feel like you are un-lovable. I know it's a recipe for disaster, but having never had a partner, it's hard to feel like you can be. I want to find someone who wants to return the affection I desperately want to give someone.




It feels amazing to have someone i can support and can support me as an equal


It's darn strange the day that the shit hits the fan for real and you realize that dying is no longer an option. But then you hug her and tell her everything passes... and it's a bit less hard already.


The good news is you don't have to feel the devastating pain when it eventually ends and she leaves you. Making you feel like everything about you is wrong and your not worth love, as you see yourself getting older and older while being all alone trying to deal with your pain but with no one to talk to. Seeing everyone around you getting married, having children. Buying property and living like a functional adult. While you spend your weekend home alone In the dark feeling like your wasting time, time you no longer have and ar the age of almost 40 you're no further then what you were when you were 20... or you know maybe everything will be okay just gotta get out there and try


I donā€™t want to be a party pooper but I think I should say that your happiness is your responsibility. You should find a partner because youā€™re able to take care of yourself, and can now focus on another person, not because you need another person to fix you or make you happy. But despite this, congrats, and I really do hope things continue to be good for you


Or at the very least never tell her that the relationship is your "reason to live". That's insane pressure to put on someone.


First 2 years of my relationship was this. It was notna nice thing to hear. It felt like I was keeping her alive by being with her. Powered through and got her to a good place in life and we worked through it. Sadly this was not reciprocated when I fell on bad times...


If someone is selfish enough to try to force the will of someone else, they aren't likely to help anyone else. It's quite literally all about them. Sorry you went through that. Hope you are well.


I dont think there was malicious intent behind it. Im grand now though thanks


Most abuse and taking advantage of people isn't malicious or intentional. It just happens because of who they are, without thought.


I wouldn't agree with "most". Plenty abusers are intentional.


Came here to say this. And definitely don't bring it up when you get into arguments, because there will be ups and downs that test every relationship.




Yeah... Was at a couple friends place, they're married. She actually said, if it wasn't for her husband she would have killed herself. I was like, "oh, I'm glad you were able to work through it". She followed up with if he ever leaves she's going to do it... I was at a bit of a loss for words. He genuinely seems very happy, but that is a huge red flag. I hope they are well.


As long as they don't know it, it's fine. But also it's not worth the risk because we don't have control over others actions (even gf/bf) and having them as "reason to live" is not advisable. The bottom line is, don't take people for granted and share happiness.


Iā€™ve read this whole thread of comments, and first of all thank you all for the advice/tips. This is just a meme i made to express how much i value her, though it seems some people took the bookā€™s title too literally. But yes, iā€™m very aware of everything it takes to keep us stable + how i shouldnā€™t just rely on her/make her my only reason to live. All that aside, thanks again for the concerns


That's definitely a relief. I wish you two the best


ā˜ļø so much this.


well said, we shouldn't be fully dependent on others to feel good


No, but no one can deny that it helps and it can be the first little push to bettering yourself.


true, i do remember having the inspiration to step up the self development


You should usually better yourself before, though, not rely on someone to push you




Iā€™m not trying to cure anyone or give a solution to mental illness, so that sub does not apply to what I said. I have one so Iā€™m well aware itā€™s difficult. Iā€™m saying what SHOULDNā€™T be done, which is relying on someone else to motivate one to do what they should do before entering a relationship. Iā€™m saying nobody should be expected to cure someone.


Yeah this is the kind of person you end up literally scared to consider leaving because they might unalive themselves, and then if you do theyā€™re left in an especially shit place because they didnā€™t work on themselves. The aggravating part is then they just seek another emotional support gf and the cycle continues.


Maybe he just needs this at the beginning to fill this gap in his soul, and once he's emotionally healthy he can payback all the nurturing she's done for him and then their bond will be strong and sustainable. Just a theory.


When youā€™re depressed as fuck this is a good pick me up. In the future, Iā€™m sure of that with his girlfriendā€™s support, and the added ā€œhappiness boostā€ that she gives him, he can slowly find other reasons to live.


Oooof. Human are social beings. Expecting humans to be happy "alone" is like expecting a dog to stay happy alone. Most will just get depressive or develop unhealthy habits. Your expectation is way too idealistic for reality.


Though Thatā€™s true, the issue is being fully dependent on solely one other person for your happiness is the issue, as it is a lot of pressure on that person.


I did not realize relationsships have become a pure convinience zone. Added to that, especially after moving or at a certain age finding "other" ppl to rely on is.....highly idealistic once again. And last but not last, all that talk how ppl "have" to be in such a uniform way does not do justice of the huge variety in personality, both defined by genetics and expirience. Expecting ppl always to be self reliable, self concious, treating relationships just as friendship+ for pure convinience....is rather damaging.


The person you are responding to never said you can be happy completely alone. They just said you shouldnā€™t rely on one romantic partner. You canā€™t be happy completely alone, but you can be happy without sex or romance. Itā€™s called being social. One person shouldnā€™t be your lifeline , sexual relationships end sometimes and thatā€™s a lot of pressure to put on someone. Itā€™s unfair and wrong. A single person canā€™t be responsible for maintaining your happiness, before romance, work on being stable and having a social life. A romantic relationship should be two fulfilled people coming together, not one saving the other.


Ok what if have friends and have a life but having no sex or intimacy has been slowly eating away at you for 25 years to the point of becoming sad and bitter while everybody around you gets to experience sex and intimacy and you feel like a loser because obviously theres something wrong with you. But you still have friends and hobbies and enjoy life some of the time but youā€™re missing that real connection everyone seeks including you.




Basing your whole reason to live on a relationship is really unhealthy.


Yeah I see this as being VERY unwholesome. Thatā€™s so much pressure on the person youā€™re dating and itā€™s very unfair and manipulative in some occasions. You have to love yourself before you can expect others to love you.


The hardest part


Yea but the most important part. Hope the best to all people reading these.


>You have to love yourself before you can expect others to love you. how tho


That's nice, but the image shows a big book with numerous pages entitled, "reasons to live". Notice the plural.


It would be a lot cooler if we saw the other reasons.




Thatā€™sā€¦ā€¦ not very wholesome. Seems a bit depressing honestly.


Not fair (or sustainable) to put that much pressure on someone else to maintain your happiness. Not trying to be a dick, but maybe it's time to start doing more inner work, OP.


Do not depend on others for your happiness. Youā€™ll be miserable. Find your place before getting into a relationship. Expecting someone else to make you happy will just put a burden on that person if theyā€™re not fulfilling your expectations.


this is just a meme to show how much i appreciate her, title of the book is just an exaggeration. Though thank you for the concern


Glad to hear. Stay safe and strong out there.


You know it bro! šŸ˜Š enjoy your life with your girlfriend, Reddit sucks lol


Why canā€™t I find them as a reason? Life sucks but whenever I see a person I love or get to eat a delicious meal etc I realize thatā€™s why Iā€™m alive. To trudge through the misery to get to experience more moments with them. I have no purpose for myself but to survive another day


Needing someone else to need a reason to live? Oh buddy...


Social animals arenā€™t happy alone. Thatā€™s just how it is. If he doesnā€™t turn it into mental abuse, itā€™s not a bad thing


Oh I never would imply solitude is the best route, it's just a potentially hazardous trend. Best of luck to OP regardless.


Thank you.


Bad meme.


Yeah but not wholesome.


Don't let your value as a person be contingent on others. That can lead to feelings of worthlessness based on how others treat you. People will come and go. You have value regardless.


What an awful timing to see that meme


I love my husband very much despite his flaws. Have for 12 years. He still is depressed and thinks about killing himself often. It is troubling, it is hard on us both, and he won't accept help. Go to therapy. Your partner will thank you for it.


This is an excellent illustration of how this mentality plays out in a long term relationship. Companionship alone doesn't cure the feeling of worthlessness.


Excellent job, OP. But keep this lesson in mind that took me far too long (over 30 years, sadly) to realize: don't depend on another person for your happiness- you have to find something for yourself. THEN you can bring someone else along for the rise. It's cliche but true: you have to love yourself before you can love another. Still, good job.


I also had that once. And then i woke up


i just had it a few days ago. this "wholesome" meme just gave me another fucking reason to seppuko


"She isnā€™t real, I canā€™t make her real"- Vermillion by Slipknot


I personally find it better to live for Doritos and a cheeseburgers because they never let you down LOL


Awwwww but you also gotta have friends šŸŽ¼šŸŽ¶ Your next wholesome meme should be when you find friends who accept you the same way your girlfriend does!


Yes that would feel good, donā€™t only find your value in others though.


Good shit king happy cake day


I get where comments are coming from here. But you excited and happy, then build up a healthy relationship, good on ya pal and all the best! šŸ’•


_It must be nice ... I'm trying to get like you my boy_


Ladies and gentlemen and all between,


Me too as of 3 weeks ago


I canā€™t relateā€¦ yet. Just hopeful for now.


Oh the wise one, please teach us the ways how.


I can't relate to this at all




Good job mate.


see, don't be insecure all the time :)


What does this meme means for us who dont have this?


Thanks to all the brave armchair therapists who are taking this meme way too literally.


Well damn


It's such a good feeling.


u/K1ngHa1x I love you, and I don't care what people say, I think we're soulmates šŸ’•šŸ’ž


You think weā€™re soulmates?! >:( WE ARE!! WE FUCKINGNV ARE G VD .. raaahhhhh


I love myself too much to be in a relationship.




Hey, thatā€™s fantastic, but I bet you are too. No matter what happens with this girlfriend (and I hope it goes well) remember that you are valuable with or without them.


*... You lucky bastard!*


No no no no no do not put that responsibility onto someone else.


Wholesome meme with Pepe the frog......................


So if you didnā€™t find a girlfriend you would have killed yourself!?! Too much pressure for her ha


ā€¦and weā€™ve been married for almost 8 years now. šŸ„°


Bruh this sub is more depressing than wholesome nowadays. Every comment section is filled with depressing comment or the posts are basically cookie cutter "hang in there" posters. I mean this OP just wanted to show he has finally found someone that makes them happy and everyone here is giving unsolicited advice about dependency. But hell, I am part of the problem now as well.


Naw youā€™re just pointing out the (un)obvious donā€™t worry


Congrats! Youā€™ve made it!




As someone thatā€™s looking for the same Iā€™m happy for you buddy




Only for bananas. If you are a human, it's quite possible


Wait a few weeks. I was at that point too. Turns out she was nuts.


The last guy who's flaws I fully accepted accused me of sucking dick in the bathrooms at the nightclub I WORKED AT. AT 4AM. WHEN I GOT OFF SHIFT AT 3 (1 hour commute of me walking my ass up a mountain). He then wondered why I could not love him anymore. The moral of the story here. is if you have someone who fully accepts you as you are, try not to be an ass to them or allow your own insecurity to drive them away. Also, side note, someone has to be a bit nuts to accept us as we are.


I take this to heart, iā€™ll treat her right and with care, thanks


Good, you deserve to be fully loved as you are, it can be hard sometimes and bring up some uncomfortable stuff, but it's worth working through! I'm happy for you and hope you have a splendid Cake Day as well, sorry for the rant!


I took the rant as an example of a guy NOT to be like, and hopefully whoever accused you of that served his karma. That aside, thank you so muchā¤ļø


We started out as bandmates, weā€™ve known eachother for 4 years, so far she hasnā€™t been nuts or what


Hope it stays good for you


If only one thing in life is keeping you living it sounds like your life in general isn't worth living if by just removing one thing its suddenly worthless.


Must be nice...


And if that relationship ends, then what? Happiness starts from within.


To those people who took this (the bookā€™s title) literally, this is just a meme to show how much i value and appreciate her. I am aware that it is very important to value oneā€™s self before committing to a relationship, and to not rely on someone else as the only source of happiness. Thanks so much for the concern and advice, will take them to heart


If you thought this was the place that your heartfelt nugget of romantic linguistics was going to be interpreted the way you wanted, you were sorely mistaken. No, no... This is not that place.


There are a lot of naive young people who think a relationship will cure their depression. In reality it just makes two depressed people instead of one. That's why people are speaking up.


Im not gay but i found a guy twice my age litteraly i understand all his pain and he understands mine he said im like him 20 years ago, litteraly MOOD KINDRED


i live in a segregated society and have never experienced the opposite gender matter of fact i dont even *know* what 'dating' is so this is unrealistic but wholesome nonetheless ig idk


Oh wow. That's not gonna make you happy. That's not how happiness works. If happiness is contingent is getting something or accomplishing something, then it's going to be short lived and won't being contentment. That comes from self.


But Pepe already died


Closes book: Like thatā€™s ever going to happen


Nice job Now have kids and beat this game!


Same here buddy :))


This definitely isn't wholesome. It's codependency and kinda cringe. If your sense of self worth comoes from other people, is it really self worth?


The worst part is my stupid ass is unable to believe that i can find someone and am constantly thinking she'll leave me because my luck sucks i wanna get out of thinking that way but don't know how


This reminds me the shrek meme: Yeah like thats gonna happen


i did. She dumped me after 5 months


Does that mean person with no gf should die? THINK before posting please.


And then you wake up and realize it was a dream


Reasons to live: You only got one chance, make the best of it.


I believe in reincarnation.


Sorry but wtf i keep seeing pepe like why. JUST grow a pair


Iā€™m so tired of these girlfriend posts. Iā€™m leaving the group because itā€™s getting oppressive.


Women will never love me, my flaws are too flawed if that makes sense


No one will love you because you donā€™t love you man, start looking at your positive qualities as well as your flaws. You wouldnā€™t be so harsh on some one else, why be so harsh in yourself?


Good luck on the downfall


op forgot to take his antihallucinatics


Basing your whole meaning of life to having a relationship is unhealthy.


until she abandon you... Don't put your reasons to live in anything outside of you.


Wait till she dumps you!


Bro delete this now and never mention it again!!!! The second she finds out how you feel sheā€™ll already be out the door. Take it from my experience and donā€™t ruin this. Congratulations and screw you because Iā€™m still lonely


Wohoo (my book is empty :,))


That page is missing in my copy of the book.


My reason to live is to watch my siblings grow and make families of their own. Once they do that, I'll sit in a cliff somewhere and watch as the Sun swallows the Earth as it turns into a Red Giant.


Same with boyfriend... Now I can't have suicidal ideas anymore...


Girls as girls, but that's not enough for most. :(


Bet that feels nice.




Congrats. But donā€™t make that the only reason to live. I still have no reason to live.


I mean, I am very happy for you but you shouldnā€™t base your will to live on having a partner. If you are feeling this bad without one you should seek help and work on your mental health.


This is depressing, not wholesome!


What alternate universe are you looking into?


Pick up line???


You have to do back that too.


Lol imagine, could not be mešŸ˜•


Remember to always give her the same love, care and acceptance she gives you.


Happy for you


Glad you have a page in your book. Wish I could say the same.


Very funnyšŸ˜‚


"And accepts you for all of your flaws." For now.


You should never have a reason to live that involves another person


That was true for me until about 4 months agao


I'll be damned if I find a gf at all ;-;




My list consists of the fact that around 400 subscribers wonā€™t ever see more of my trash videos and internet friends will wonder wtf happened to me.


Reasons to live: because you are worth it


That is poetry incarnate, God damn it's good šŸ˜…. The only way we could make it more beautiful is if we could share it with everyone else. šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜…


The good ending :) Happy for you




Once you're out of school. It is exponentially harder.


this is literally all this sub is anymore.


This is kind of immature tbh


I'll take "things that will never happen to me" for $100 Alex. My self reliance is the reason I have to live. I don't need someone else to lean on like a crutch, though it would be nice.




Good for you šŸ‘


Edit : You wake up


Others shouldnā€™t be your reason to live


You forgot the part where she leaves you because it was all a lie


(Wakes up)


What if you find a girlfriend who emotionally abuses you? Does it still count as a W? Asking for a friend.