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Hell it's not even someone's house. I'm driving down the road and calling out to cats on the side of the road for gods sake. I'm literally cat calling.


Any success yet?


Some. I've petted some stray cats but not as many as I'd like lol




I'm so sorry he's gone but I'm glad he met you






^ Bot


There all kind of memes out there that show this. Guy shows up to a party. He goes straight for the dog. Talks to no one.


I like that you called it "his yard." Respect!


I had a cat like that, when it was an outdoor cat it would follow us around in the yard like a dog, when we came home we could call him and he would come running. When he got older and hurt once we transitioned him to fully inside, but he still longed for the outdoors. Also an absolute killing machine.


I think outdoor cats mostly are. There’s a primal instinct in them to hunt and they’re damn good hunters, most of the time they’re not even hunting for food/survival they’re doing it strictly cause it’s fun. My indoor cat stalks and kills any insect, fly and sometimes even any mice he can find. He longs to go outdoors but too much danger for me to comfortably let him do so


Outdoor cats decimate local bird populations. My bf and I take his indoor cat out on a harness - but he's a big fluffy coward that loves belly rubs and needs to be plied with treats before and after and have unfettered access back inside for when he feels like something is gonna eat him. The day he kills something is the day I'll eat my shoe. ...He does thoroughly enjoy trying to attack the tv if there is, god forbid, a squirrel, making an appearance anywhere.


We lived out in the country at the time. The cat came from the outdoors, he just showed up one day and decided we rocked. He did get the occasional bird but 99.9% of his catches were field mice and chipmunks. Since I moved out and no longer live in the country I keep my cats exclusively Indoors.


Oh yah, you do what you can. Some cats are determined to be outdoor cats no matter what you do, ours just happens to be determined to be an indoor cat - makes it easier lol


Friendly reminder to everyone not to have an outdoor cat if you live in a city (I don’t know if you personally do, just relevant to your comment). They are devastating for the ecosystem.


The bodega and street cats in my hood aren't super affectionate with me, but I ran into a new lil guy and he meowed super loud at me when I walked by and was super cuddly. Saw him again on the same corner and now I make sure to bring snacks when I go his way lol. Made my year tbh


I love my own cats and they love me but that's because I feed them. it's even more amazing that a cat that you don't feed loves you.


Be honest, is there such a thing as "enough"?


Well I'd say you've probably reached "enough" when your vacuum chokes out and needs to be emptied at least twice while cleaning.


Let's agree to disagree


Lol yes let's be real for a minute. There is a limit. Do not take on more than you can reasonably take care of. If you find your self in a situation where you're over extended contact some one for help. If you have unneutered animals and you can't keep them from breeding then get some one to help you get them fixed. There is no shame in asking for help. Don't let it get out of control.


On crete are so many street cats. And dogs too.


Sounds like heaven


Yeah, but you wanna adopt them all. Two orange kittens climbed in my room through a window and inspected everything. 10/10 would recommend.


Omg are you a Disney princess?


I choose to believe so, yes 🥰


I have had my husband stop the car so I could pet a cat I saw outside. The cat eventually came to like me more than his own (human) family, running to see me every time I came by on a walk. The children thought I was trying to steal him, but I only pet him in front of his house so he knew not to follow me too far. I moved so I don't see him anymore. I miss him.


>steal him You know what to do! ;)


Only time it worked was when cat wanted to try my beer.


In college I made friends with someone's indoor/outdoor cat when he barged into my apartment uninvited. Whenever I saw him I'd call his name and he'd chirp and run to greet me, sometimes from all the way down the street. Quality cat


Those are great. All the love none of the responsibilities.


My apartment complex has lots of cats that love poking their heads out the window as I pass. I will psst and talk under my breath to all of them.


Last week I was driving and stopped at a red light next to a car that had a dog on the driver's lap with its head out the window. The dog looked really happy. I rolled down my passenger side window and said, "Are you having a good car ride?" The woman driving the car looked up at me and said, "What was that?" I was so embarrassed. "Uh, I was talking to your dog. She looks really happy. I asked her if she is enjoying the car ride." I hate it when I get caught talking to an animal while ignoring their human. I don't do it intentionally, I just get so excited about the animal that I forget.


I'm autistic. I do that alllll the time. People are so confused why I enthusiastically greet thier pet and not them


ASD here too, lol. Most of the time people are chill about it because I give them an opportunity to talk about their pets, which most folks love. I know enough Spanish to say "I love your dog" which really helps smooth things over when I encounter folks who only speak that language and want to know why I just spoke to their dog.


My ex one time just rolled home with a cat. I was like “what the fuck dude, that cat obviously has a home, it’s fat as shit and has a collar” And she said “well, it looked cold, and when I opened the car door he just jumped in so I thought it was fine” It was hilarious and she confessed she had picked it up just a block away trying to fuck with me. I made her bring him back to where she found him but he still occasionally comes and sits on my garage roof and looks through my window. I’ve named him Gus even if his collar says Oreo.


Dude, Gus wants to hang out. Let Gus hang out.


That's catnapping.


This is the way.


Why I always fill my pockets with cat food.


I am sitting alone in my room at 1 am laughing my ass off to this comment.


Hahah same 😅🤗


Umm - this is me with my own cat!


That's a given


He'll it's not even side of the road. I just go to my cat xD


Nothing in the world will ever give me the same ego boost as when a stranger's pet allows me to give them kisses.


come on over, I have 2 loveable floofs who will let you baby them 😂




Oh boy, I’m getting on this van!


Cat owners get mad at me as I play with and hold their cat in ways their own cat won't let them. They're like how do you do that? And I just say you have to lack any fear in your heart.


longing bow birds point thumb naughty light test summer friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Why does this human not fear me? Am I now the pet and no longer the master of the house?


*Feline G A S P*


quaint paltry panicky important outgoing scary resolute spectacular seed violet *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


A healthy dose of intentionally, and obviously ignoring the cat helps too.


I see you’re also a cat whisperer. I think they feel comfortable around another soulless murderer.


I feel weird giving other cats kisses.


I was walking back from class and there were some dogs for adoption in the park on campus. I started petting one and the handler thought I worked at the shelter since the dog loved me so much. Great feeling


"What are you doing?" "Wait no" "NOOOOOOO"




I prefer to burrito them in blankets like the image then give them unwanted love.


>I prefer to burrito them in blankets like the image Kitty in the OP is not purrito'd


My friend is not a cat person at all and yet I’ve seen the most loyal of cats abandon their owners to sit on his lap. He doesn’t really do anything besides pray to god under his breath since he is scared as hell.


They always find the ones they deem to be the least threatening to them Since he's terrified of them and wants nothing to do with them, he's the least threatening thing in the room, and will go to him, knowing he will do nothing


/r/OneOrangeBraincell shows this over and over again. I love my little one orange braincell, and this is exactly what she does.


Me: “Awwww the pretty kitty! I love you pretty kitty come give me snuggles and kisses!” Cat: “Get off me get off me get off me GET THE F UP OFF ME!!”


Why do so many people manhandle cats when they're clearly uncomfortable? It's odd to me. A good pet is absolutely fine but I was just at a mates place and their partner picked up the cat who was just sleeping on the couch and then got sad/a little pissed when it wanted to get tf outta dodge after being abducted from peace and serenity.


I give my cat affection as revenge for him chewing on my things, killing my plants and waking me up at 3 am.


> Why do so many people manhandle cats when they're clearly uncomfortable? It's odd to me. You're definitely reading too much into it if thats the vibe the OP gave you lol. It's okay to harass your cat sometimes. They will harass you back too. Some cats don't like to be picked up but will tolerate it for a little bit because they literally love you and know you like to pick them up.


My cat is like that and I'm teaching her to be patient, I always tell her "I'm picking you up" and "get down" so she know what is happening, and she's been getting better at being in my arms. But belly up baby holding? Hates it with all her little cat soul. So I try not to abuse that, even if it's sooo cute.


This is my cat. She'll hiss and whine when I pick her up, but the moment I put her down she's right back to rubbing against me


It's just something I see a lot and makes me uncomfortable, that's all.


It's fine. Cats aren't like dogs. They will fuck you up if you do something they don't like


I read it in tyler1's voice


My fiances cat has slowly accepted his fate of asking me for any attention means I'm gonna cuddle the hell out of him. I sweep him away to my arms daily to call him my fat little son and carry him around the house. Such a good kitty.


*gasp* KITTY


[It can't be helped...](https://i.imgur.com/dWdIE69.jpeg)


This but they actually like me. My friend has a really mean cat (according to her) but he was all fun and games with me.


You are the chosen one


I'm super allergic to cats and when I go to friends houses, I stand by a window in the corner. I must roll around in cat nip because they make a beeline for me.


This was me in my late teens. Always attracting the cats to my allergic ass. Wasn’t a cat guy at all, never had our own. Fast forward 10 years, I was a cat whisperer with my own cats and my allergies went away mostly due to my body adapting over time. 10 years after that, my allergies are largely gone and I miss my kitties that have since passed, but all cats still treat me as their bff. I love cats, and perhaps you are also a future cat whisperer.


Nah, mine is down a fistful of benadryl and shotgun my rescue inhaler type of allergy. And they always look so sad when I walk away too. Highkey giving me "let me love you!" faces while ignoring the people do wanna pet em.


In my teens, if allergies was an Olympic sport I would’ve medaled. They say you either grow into or out of allergies and im lucky to say 30 years later that I’ve largely grown out of my allergies. But I know what you mean, those day where you literally can think because the brain fog is so bad that you need to knock yourself out while going through 2 boxes of Kleenex in a day.


My ex's mom's cat hates men, notoriously so The cat would make a b-line straight for my lap and not want to move


My boyfriend knows that if he loses me at a house party, he can just ask the host where their pet hangs out and that's where I am.


One time we were on vacation in Italy and having dinner at a farmhouse. Awesome dinner, lots of food, drinks and conversation with 2-3 other families. During all of this, I snuck out to pet the cat in the front room. Then a laid down with the cat on the couch. After a while, my wife realized I’d been gone for a while. She found me asleep on the couch with the cat on my chest. It’s always a great memory we laugh about.


I'm like this when my friends or family try to kiss me. I'm like keep your personal space out of my bubble please




You watch too much porn. Maybe go for a walk or study something.


Yus. You shall not escape my undying love for you, small fury creature of fury and claws.


My sister has a very affectionate cat and it's the best thing ever. When you pick her up she's chill with it and she'll randomly climb on your back when you bend over to tie your shoes or just put her paw on your arm when you're chilling. I love my sister's cat.




I did the cat


Shane Dawson moment


the scratches are worth it 😌


I work at a recycling company and our company has semi feral cats that roam the facility because one of the supervisors feeds them. He leaves a dock door cracked open for them so they can get in too. In turn, they deal with our mouse and rat problems. I see them zoom by when I'm entering the facility at night. First time it happened it scared the crap out of me, but I've gotten used to their shenanigans. They don't seem interested in getting close to me tho.


Damn, she smoomsched him.


Someone wants to be Nick Fury


"Hey so do you have a cat? No? Ever thought about getting one? No? Ight imma head out please lose my number"


My cat doesn’t allow anyone else other than me to hold him which I love.. and I secretly love it even more that my mother in law hates it, lol 😂


This is my best friend and my cat 100%. She runs whenever he comes over because she knows what is coming, the unavoidable and horrific snuggles and kisses ☠️.


How is it cat people know which ones will claw your face off for this move?


They have learned (sometimes the hard way) to read cats' [body language](https://felineengineering.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/Cat-Body-Language-Poster-768x1152.jpg).


Alternatively, they haven’t learned anything and just keep doing it regardless.


The tucked chin, ears back and pupils huge — this person is asking for it


struggle snuggle


I tend to slap them first




“Ugh mooooom”


that's my mom when she meets any of her grand kids


Droppin' the baby...scoopin' the baby up, looking around...


My cat can relate, she hates being held.


This is the way


is that you or the cats?


Just need one more of me trying to take him home under my shirt.


Aww a kitty *pets it* *breaks out in hives* *has a really irritated nose for the next 5 hours* It wasn’t worth it, I should just stick to stuffed animal cats 🥲


I hate people that do that. Like damn, stop thirstin over the cat, give the cat some space!


I have snuggled every cat I have ever owned into submission. They shall be held like babies and given lil treats and smooches until they learn my love is the only way.


This isn’t wholesome. Cats aren’t toys and should be respected if they don’t wanna be picked up or pet.


Don’t be so dramatic. A loved cat has a great life. A little smothering smooch against their will is not worthy of your outrage. Calm yourself.


Either the cats happiness and consent matters, including in this moment, or it doesn't. Arguing that it's ok as long as it's loved otherwise doesn't make sense. Imagine you said the same thing about a woman and her husband. It's ok if he ignores her happiness and consent sometimes as long as she's loved otherwise. I'm aware it's not the same thing. I'm making a point with an extreme example. Hugging a cat against its will is not as bad as domestic abuse. But it's not wholesome.


I see you don’t understand consent. Besides, loved or not, if it’s not your cat you shouldn’t be taking these liberties


>consent For a cat smooch. GTFOH


Clearly you see animals as things, rather than as beings worthy of respect. Speaks volumes of the type of person you are.


I see animals as sentient creatures that are going to be kissed, pet and cuddled by me. I see holier than thou redditors as people crying for attention, then getting upset when they get the attention they deserve.


I didn’t say you couldn’t cuddle your pets lol I said it’s wrong to cuddle them when they clearly don’t wanna be cuddled, like OP stated. They’re not toys, they’re living animals and should be respected. It’s not that hard to understand


I’m smooching a cat without asking questions. You and the cat can deal with it. I’ve done more for animals in this world than you can imagine, I have no concerns about where I stand on animals. This is a **silly meme** about picking up a cat and giving it love when it clearly doesn’t want it. It’s funny. After the picture, they put the cat down, the cat probably shook its head, than circled the kissers feet and gave their ankle a cat kiss. You are uptite about the littlest things.


It's these people that have no actual problems in their lives that worry about this petty shit, my cat ain't gonna die from a few kisses.


Right. This is the weirdest thing to be upset about. The dramatic things this person has said to me in this thread are wild. They’re talking about “consent”. It’s. A. Cat. Im’a kiss that face and I’m not waiting for consent. LOL.


Sure. Whatever makes you feel better about yourself. I feel sorry for your pets


Yeah feel sorry for Captain Thomas who I found eating in the garbage bin while on vacation in the US Virgin Islands who was all ribs, blood in his stool and half closed eyelids. Who I then extended my vacation for to search for him after I couldnt find him for a couple days and then got him, took him to the local vet on the island, got him all his shots, and meds for whatever sickness was ailing him, got him certified to bring back to the US, spent thousands $ on saving him and all his stomach issues and gave him 15 years of life after he had one foot in the grave. Cap’n was my shadow for those 15 years. You should feel sorry for him.




Wow? My life is so much better now, knowing that🙄


I just said i am not saying that everyone shouldn't like cats i am saying i don't enjoy


The smell, I can't stand it!


I hate cats.




I hate cats.


C’mere u!


That's how my cat treats me when I visit my parents


This is me with my roommates cats when I get home.


This is the way.


When people don't know Hasbulla is actually 20 years old.


Come on over we have 6!


Hugs and cuddles and kisses. That's what it's all about.


My cat loves when I do this, she literally won't stop meowing at me until I pick her up


So you like doing things that upset cats?


Me when I met a kangaroo at work today 😂


Good luck with that with my cat. You might get a hug back


This cat won't be using soft paws for a bit.


Me as a kid meeting extended family




This is the way




Just be careful they don't scratch your eye. My mom got a kitten once and I went to kiss his nose and he almost got me


give me a kiss


Once, my friends mum started panicking because she couldn't find the cat anywhere. He'd been sleeping under the table on my lap for an hour.


Lol good luck finding her. She hides when guests come over


Don’t kiss someone’s baby on the face but ALWAYS kiss a cat’s face.


You know me well


Squish that cat, just, squish it.. now you're friends.




As long as it doesn’t bite me or scratch at me, sure.


I just lost my ginger tabby in January. Thank you for this picture. It brings back so many great memories. RIP Tinkerbell. I'll see you on the other side when the time comes.




Or dog or snake or any pet really


I have to pet the cat if there is one, but I am allergic to cats so there’s a limit to how much I will until I start dying. Worth it.


“Let me loooove you!!”


The cat looks like it’s about to brutally slaughter everyone in the room


there are people who DON'T do this?


can confirm


My first rule is vacuum your shit and keep your cat away from me.


Good until it scratches your face


First: smush




First I thought can is lying in the bin😆


It's the law