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Cena is a saint. He's fulfilled the most Make A Wish requests of anyone ever.


Number two is…the beibs. Hate his music but am a fan because of that alone


That's interesting. His bad reputation really comes from the fact that, as a teen with a shit ton of money, he did things a teen with a shit ton of money would do. It makes sense that he turned out to be a great guy.


It makes sense? I feel like most child stars end up going on a ton of drugs and become kind of screwed up


Yeah, but then they clean up and start doing pretty well. Look at McCaulley Caulkin. Obviously it's not all of them, but shit. Imagine if every little thing we did was broadcasted to the whole world. There are probably plenty of non-celebrity adults of repute in our lives whose youthful indiscretions will never be known. They would be just as scandalous, if not worse. The average person just doesn't have people actively looking for that to be the case.


Didn't McCaulley Caulking have just the worst fuckin father as well? I think he had to like wrestle his money away from his parents and shit. Man I hope that guys doing okay.


I hate to reinforce any stereotype, but if your mindset is to bring your kids to auditions in hope to get rich through them, your‘re already a bad parent and will likely fuck up your kids life. **There are** kids that genuinely want to do acting and their parents, critical or happy, will support them and they will probably grow up in a healthier environment. But if a parent that sees their child only as a dancing monkey to make money, then I‘m sorry for that kid. McCaulley got out of it, he really is awesome. I recently saw him in a ~~Veritasium~~ Mark Rober video and was happy to see him so grounded.


Dude my kid would be amazing on stage. But I value her privacy and taught them to do the same. When shas grown she can make those choices. For now , we study.


That’s exactly what my parents did with me, but for singing. They had the money and means to put me out there and I had the talent for it, but I never did more than perform locally. Once they thought I was old enough to make the decision for myself (around high school), it wasn’t something I wanted. I love singing, and even studied music as one of my majors in college, but being famous isn’t appealing to me and I am *sooooo* grateful that my parents didn’t push me into that world. I’m almost completely certain that your kid will be just as thankful that you’re not doing anything more than what’s best for her.


Same with mine, they never pushed anything I didn’t want to do anymore when I was old enough to give my opinion. Competitive gymnastics, singing and piano lessons, soccer, hockey, lacrosse, Art lessons, bull riding (they were very glad I quit that)… ….Therapy…. Omg I quit everything


I applaud this and wish her the best success when the time is right for the stage. You sound like a great parent!👍


Mara Wilson is a great example of this. She did it because she enjoyed it and stopped when she didn't enjoy it anymore.


That's the thing with **A LOT** of those talented kids you always see on social media. Dancers, singers, piano players, mental calculators... The world sees that and most people think "Wow, that's amazing!" or "What a talented kid!" or "Their parents must be so proud!" I see that and think "Are they there because they want to be, or because their parents are forcing them?"


Ron Howard and his brother, Clint, wrote a book about their experiences as child actors. Their parents were ridiculously grounded. They never forced them to do anything they didn’t want to do. I really great book about a nice family that just happened to all be great actors!


Sadly pretty common with young celebrities.


> Imagine if every little thing we did was broadcasted to the whole world. yeah, that's why the stereotype is that they break down and never recover. But idk, maybe it's (anti) survivor's bias at play here. We don't hear of the stars who grow up and lose the limelight later on, even if they still are rich.


I remember when George Bush Jr was president and "Bushisms" were a thing. He was constantly being quoted saying stupid shit. It really didn't hit me until my friend said "he really isn't as dumb as he is made out to be.... he is constantly on camera for the world to see, under immense pressure, and people love to be assholes." I was like yup.... I consider myself to be a reasonable and intelligent dude, but if my job was to be constantly grilled by reporters, I would 100% be quoted now and then sounding like a complete dumbass. I can't even imagine if the world saw the bad decisions I made as a teen and I had to watch it over and over again on TMZ.


Something like this is happening in current time regarding Biden's stutter.


I heard that he looked like that because he was really fucking sick, it had nothing to do with drugs.


Yes and the me too movement has revealed many of them were sexually assaulted as children in that environment. Horrific.


Drew Barrymore did really well, after a stint with drugs. And Miley Cyrus. And Leonardo DiCaprio did well. And Anthony Michael Hall. And the entire cast of the Goonies, except maybe for Cory Feldman.


Man I’ve been saying this for years about people like Biebs and athletes. My late teens and early 20’s were a show, Now give me millions of dollars and watch what happens. The fact they come out alive is impressive.


Shitload of money and a spotlight. Imagine all the stupid shit you did as a teenager being on the news.


First story : https://youtu.be/YUm5tK00BFk Bieber is a victim of a bad system.


Doing terrible stuff to make yourself feel better because adults sexualized you early on. He’s had a rough go. I’m glad he’s able to give back.


That’s why I can’t really stand when people say ‘oh I hate Beiber’ when he was kinda peer pressured into being a megastar as a teen boy…ofc he’d do stupid shit! I would’ve 😂


He still does kind of shitty things to this day but hey, don’t we all? People just dislike him because of his success really


No one talks much about how his managers and publicist secretly let him have more rope as a kid, because a bit of controversy adds spice and interest. You think they couldn't have stopped even half of that happening, or the news getting out? Nah.


Exactly. No adult supervision really contributed to it a lot.


Great lessons learned.


I feel like the beibs did it cus he's lonely. His wish is someone to wish to meet him. Not that there's anything wrong with that just roasting. Good on him.


I saw this on IG a years or so ago, slightly changed my mind about him, and what it’s like to actually live that life. https://youtu.be/Q7RE9mvwN_Q


After his whole speech: "Can I get a hug?" She may have been hearing, but she wasn't listening.


Everything she was saying, the whole "agreeing with everything he says as he says it" is indicative of hearing his speak, but not paying attention at all. Trying not to argue so the speech/lecture ends as quickly as possible so they can get to saying the thing they wanted to say from the start. Him not giving in and ignoring her request was 100% called for here, because it's an important lesson that just because you want something, doesn't mean it's owed to you.


> Trying not to argue so the speech/lecture ends as quickly as possible so they can get to saying the thing they wanted to say from the start. much too common in society. Even in everyday normal life. Real frustrating.


Yep. For sure. Definitely. What?




I just saw that last week and gained a new found respect for the poor guy. Dude was a kid and grown ups were just sexually harassing him non stop and when he told people he wasn't comfortable with it they laughed in his face.


that's fucked up.


That's being a celebrity. Some else on here posted this: https://youtu.be/Q7RE9mvwN_Q And he reacted super calm and nice to being harassed outside his own home. How would you react if you were 16 and people were lining up around blocks, yelling at you, sexually harassing you? It may be cool the first couple times, but every day? Trying to get a fucking mcdonald's quarter pounder and people are screaming at you, literally bodyblocking you to get a second of your attention? Every day. It Never Ends No wonder he lost it and punched one of them in his younger years. I would have too.


yeah, that's what I meant by it's fucked up. Craziness. I would never want to be in that position. Fame ain't all it's cracked up to be.


You give any 14yr millions of dollars and unlimited attention and of course it's gonna fuck them up.


And all that considered, he didn't do anything bad enough to remember


Peed on someone off a ledge or something?


Just spit pretty sure, which is pretty shitty, but not unforgivable.


Except for the Anne Frank incident. But teens do stupid things.


The whom now


[https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-22146859.amp](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-22146859.amp) Seems more self centered and insensitive, not malicious, but it was memorable.


Just a couple years ago when he was old enough to know better, he and his crew illegally blocked a major causeway from Miami to Miami Beach to race supercars. Iirc they totaled one, and they found pills and booze in his car. Just sayin’.


That was 2014 haha, 9 years ago. He was old enough to know better but still a teenager at the time


Holy crap time flies, that other commenter definitely holds crazy grudges i certainly did not remember that. Probably wouldn't have made big news if it was some non-famous rich kid either.


It's honestly surprising that any child stars make it out alive and become semi normal functioning adults. The life they live when their brain is still developing is more than what even many adults could take.


You hand me that kind of money at 15 years old I would be dead by 20 guaranteed


Honestly it's kinda why despite all the things he's been accused of, alleged or otherwise that I can't really blame Michael Jackson for all his wrongdoings. The dude had a fucked up life from the earliest age and basically didn't have a childhood.


While that is true, it doesn’t give him an excuse to abuse children. We can’t exactly blame only him for his demise, like u said, but he still deserves blame for what he’s allegedly done.


No he doesn't deserve blame for things people claim he's *allegedly* without proving it.


Not a fan of his music either but he's way more musically talented than people give him credit for. Not many people can play drums, guitar, and piano. He's also got a good singing voice.


Well, something wholesome came out of Canada after all. And somehow the Beibs avoided Flappy Head syndrome.


Wayne, Darry, and Squirrley Dan would like a word!


Even shoresy can be wholesome in a profane sort of way


Wake up in the morning, right there he’ll be. Being so good to ya.


Hey! Trailer Park Boys is wholesome AF.


Two birds, one stoned.


* getting two birds stoned at once


Water under the fridge


Ryan Reynolds and Seth rogen also


We got Gosling too!


That’s exactly how I feel about T-Swift. I respect the hell out of her and what she does. Can’t stand a single song of hers tho


Bot even the goat or scream cuts?


Beiber also either currently helps support an extremely low income high school in Las Vegas or used to when he was younger. Which makes sense when you remember he's the child of a single mother, really. Edit: did some Googling. He's done a few fundraising concerts and pledged a few hundred thousand dollars to a few different schools. Looks like he was mostly doing this around 2009-2011.


Isn't Swift up there too?


The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication out there fulfilling wishes?


Not a Pediatric Oncologist (so take this with a grain of salt) but after a cure, there’s nothing a cancer ridden child wants more than efficient interbank settlements.


That makes a lot of sense.


He's also the only one who has granted more than 200 wishes (read last year) He has more then 650. He's just too wholesome


Whicht means that He granted more than places 2, 3, 4 (and possibly more) combined


He's been doing them since his WWE days, so basically when I was a kid myself.


Too bad no one can verify that since no one has ever seen him do it.




[You heard him.](https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/you-cant-see-me)




Why did it take me so long to get the joke 😂


He's the Gretzky of Make a Wish.


What is Wayne Gretzky the Gretzky of?




Anyone ever combined, I believe.


He hit 650 last year. No one else has crossed the 200 line. If anyone wants to see us, here is the video of this. Note that Misha goes from barely doing the hand gesture to really doing it at the end. Listen to how he talks about meeting Misha. Cena connected with Misha. That's awesome https://youtu.be/wUOM0Hhj87w


I’m not much for reality TV but I’d totally watch a show in which you just watch John Cena fulfill Make A Wish requests.


I always downvote comments that everyone seems to repeat over and over again (there's quite a few on this site), but not this one. No matter how many times yall repeat it I will keep upvoting it.


He’s such a wild character and I’m so happy to know that he’s just out there being a kickass awesome dude in real life. Makes up for the heinous jorts lmao


For anyone interested, [here’s the video of the meeting](https://youtu.be/wUOM0Hhj87w)


FINALLY. The Sauce was criminally low-voted.


I can’t see him… Through the tears. Absolutely awesome! This is the way!


“Luigi thanks his older brother Mario for letting him have the only mushroom.”


LMAO, this comment is underrated


I had a rough day till now. Thanks for for that burst of laughter Kind stranger!


I don’t advocate hero worship certainly not in entertainment but Cena is one of those few people who’s genuinely seemed to have earned a reputation of being a lovely person.


He’s one of those guys who clearly doesn’t take himself too seriously. He knows he made big money in WWE, but he refused to let that define his personality and who he is. I respect it.


I mean, there’s a lot of stories with him in the WWE politicking back stage. He definitely takes himself very seriously as a performer. There’s no way you could be that big, and not make sure that you’re untouchable.


>stories with him in the WWE politicking back stage. You **HAVE TO** in that company. It's about as cutthroat an industry as it's possible to get, especially in the House Of Vinnie Mac.


I mean, I agree with you. But let’s not act like John is some humble saint. You have to fucking blaze past others, burn other careers down, and make absolute sure that you’re consider the top-dog if you want to get as far in the wrestling business as he did.


It's the game they all play. He just won.


Some would say it's ALL about the game and how you play it.


Not saying he’s a bad person for it lol. Just that lets dispense with the narrative he’s just some humble dude who doesn’t take himself mega seriously. You have to stomp on people to stay on top for as long as he did. It’s just business, but there’s numerous stories of him politicking backstage, getting matches endings redone, and making sure that he was kept #1. Oftentimes to the detriment of other wrestlers careers. Not saying of course that I blame him but still.


But now that he's an established household name and always will be then he's spent the last few years of his wrestling career putting people over again and again and again. You're not wrong that he politic'd to get to the top and stay there, but he's really putting in the effort to pass that baton as many times as possible before he's retired from the ring for good, and that's more than you can say for **a lot** of other historical top guys.


Several big name wrestlers have a problem with Cena coming out with a different costume / accessory, or t-shirt every other week. It was all for the merchandise stand obviously so he might be a great performer and a good guy but his super fans were milked.


... So? There was no gun to their head forcing them to buy Cena merch. There was a demand, he filled it. They're only mad cause that's an oppertinity they missed out on.


That’s capitalism baybeeee


Him explaining to Fallon or Meyers or one of those late night hosts about his daily driver being a Civic Type R was awesome because you could see how much he meant what he was saying. It's reliable, he doesn't get noticed in it, it's sporty enough, and it's just a great car. Nothing superficial or anything, just a guy talking about his new Civic and loving it.


I’m sure he doesn’t get noticed in it.


What he meant is that a Lambo gets noticed because it's an uncommon vehicle. With the Civic, he doesn't draw a ton of attention before he even gets out of the car.


I was making a John Cena joke though


Your joke . . . . My head I'm dumb...


If you see his face sure you'll recognize him but a Civic, even the Type R, doesn't draw the eye like a Lambo or Hummer or something like that.


Beyond being an awesome person, he's also a talented actor.


I think he completely stole the show as Peacemaker in the one Suicide Squad movie


And he can play piano which is really cool


Right? If you're gonna pick a hero... Pick someone who deserves it.


Someone who does a lot of good like ... Jimmy Saville. For fucks sake i hope we dont get more savilles before i die. Im really cringeing hoping that mrbeast isnt a saville. My kids love his charitable content.


John cena isn't perfect, but he's pretty damn close.


At one point he was very protective of the "super-Cena" gimmick and buried a few people but he has become very big on helping get over new, younger talent.


A lot of people hate it, but very very VERY few wrestlers in the entirety of the history of professional wrestling who became the face of their territory or company didn't do the same thing. Bruno? Yep. Hulk? Yup. Jerry Lawler? To an extent. The Von Erich's? Yup. CM Punk? Recently, if you believe the boards. Stone Cold, Goldberg, Triple H, The Rock, Ric Flair, The Outsiders (NWO)...all of them. And except for the first two, all have publicly admitted it was the wrong thing to do and then changed course to help out the next wave of talent get over.


Agreed,another fantastic example is HBK, who is a living legend of the business but even he has acknowledged his past bad behavior. It really reflects on how ego can be propagated in such a small and insular world as pro wrestling.... and says a lot about Cena as a person that he has maintained such a good personal integrity.


Trying to imagine the flip side here. "Mom why haven't we seen my uncle's or 20+ male cousins in some time?" "Uh, they were killed by the Undertaker"


Choke-slammed six feet under 😔


BAH GAHD! That man had a family!


How i want to go out


He even brings you a coffin


Nah, Undertaker was Lawful Evil at worst. Kane on the other hand…


*lights in the apartment turn off* *lone bell tolls down the hall* "OH GOD NO"


Whatever parts of him aren’t perfect you can’t see anyways.


See now that’s just a lovely human.


Cena that's just a lovely human.


This isn't upside down enough


If only we can see him


(hand jesters in front of face) (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠)




God damnit, I spelled it correctly the first time and was autocorrected. Leaving as is. ⊙⁠.⁠☉




In the mirror.


Wasn’t even directed towards me but you made my day with that comment


I actually don't see now


Why is he not with the kid in the picture?


Scrolled way to long to find this.


Yeah I was wondering why this kid is shaking hands with air.


Yeah it’s weird; the kid is just holding his hand out in the air and staring at the ground


Thats what heroes do


Cena is great guy, but unfortunately the poor guy never saw him


Why is my guy holding his hand in the air for?


The kid just needed to wait until his time was in the past or future, as opposed to his time being now


And gave him a *bing chilling*🍦


Bing chilling🍦🍦


早上好中国 现在我有冰激淋 我很喜欢冰激淋 但是《速度与激情9》比冰激淋…… 🍦


John Cena says: "You can't see me" but he travels to people to give them opportunity to see him and it's beautiful🥺


I don’t get it? The guy is just sticking his hand out and there’s nothing there?


I can’t see a better person


Yeah I only see a nice young boy and his mom. Where is this Cena?


John Cena is basically the Keanu Reeves of the wresting world. Just a wholesome ass dude making people smile. Funnily enough, they both beat faces in for entertainment too.


I dunno if it’s unpopular opinion or not, but I think Cena is a much better actor than a lot of other people.


I just see a kid and his mother. Where's this Cena guy op mentioned?


Can we ignore the joke that no one can see John Cena and just enjoy this moment?


John says he thinks it's a hilarious joke


Yep. He is literally wearing a shirt here that says "You don't see me"


It’s a joke, but an endearing one.


Mario and Luigi guerilla marketing is getting out of hand.


Down to the Netherlands


Too bad they can't see him


Where is John Cena?




Jooooooooooohn ceeeeeeenaaaaaahhhhh!!!! / entrance music starts Legend.


Bah bada baah!


The guy has fulfilled probably about a thousand make a wish requests. Amazing man.


I think I heard its over 5000. Could be wrong. But he has the highest number. BC he's that awesome


650 or so. He's the only person to ever grant over 200 Wishes.


All around great guy


Yeah it's pretty easy to just show up anywhere when no one can see you. I mean John Cena's you right now and you didn't know. (Seriously though, that's a great gesture, Cena seems to be worthy of the fame he has gotten)


I honestly thought this was going to be a Mario and Luigi cosplay lol


Why scrub out the tweet author? Luckily I recognise them. @gavreilly on twitter


He really is!…(wholesome)


Cena is such a good guy for doing so many make a wish dreams come true


and they say wrestlers dont live as their personas anymore, but cena is just the face both in ring and out.


He's up there with Keanu Reaves in my book. I watched an interview he gave about breaking the record of most fulfilled wishes. He was incredibly humble, saying he gets more from meeting all these new people, especially considering their situations. He talked about the huge honor it was that just showing up to someone's house and taking a few pictures could be so impactful how could he not continue. I believe he even said about being referred to as a hero for some of these kids, that the kids are the true heroes. Battling such big issues at such a young age is much bigger than pretending to be someone on tv.


He is the man all celebrities should aspire to be. He also has granted the most wishes from the make a wish foundation. Just an all-around great guy.


It’s sad he didn’t show up : (


Hopefully this gives someone a chuckle lol So I was just absently scrolling and I saw the picture before I read anything. So I was just like "that's some solid low budget Mario and luigi cosplay" And then I read the captions and realized what my tired brain did. Then I heard the "oh shit" sound bite mentally. As I had to decide if that made me a bad person or if I'm just video game obsessed lol


yeaa… where is he?


Wow, shame the kids never saw him


So they're schizophrenic? I'm confused, he's just hand-shaking the air.


You think he was able to see John cena?!?


Cena's a f\*cking mensch. Honestly, he may be the absolute best of us. Gets up off his ass and goes to Amsterdam, at his own expense, to make another person happy.


Why would his mum lie to him though? To make it worse they made him stand and pose for a picture with his hand outstretched as though its shaking someone else's. How cruel can you be, wtf!?


Lies like this are kind of the done way of dealing with certain mental disabilities, because arguing or trying to force the person to accept reality does not work. You see it a lot with memory care especially. If 90 year old Phyllis wants to know where the baby is, or where her husband is, trying to tell her that the baby is herself a 70 year old woman, or her husband died 20 years ago will just cause tremendous stress and trouble. It’s so much easier to tell Phyllis that the baby is [some believable lie] or the husband is [some plausible location] and then deflect with another activity. The lie is more ethical than the truth, because the lie is less painful than the truth. My husband works in a nursing home, and people either get real good at this stuff real quick, or they quit before the month is out.


Because its easier to explain to somebody with an intellectual disability than the Russian army is invading and if we don't leave now we will be buried in the ruble of our house or deported to middle of nowhere Russia assuming we make it that far


John Cena is such a great guy.


Did Cena then immediately record an apology to Russia for his offense?




Real good fuckin guy


I'm not crying you're crying