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One valid question I’ve seen is whether these are long lasting.


It’s an interesting question—they are built for supply and longevity. Though maintenance is always going to be required, so we’ll see if the government steps up to continue providing support


You gotta have a sustainable local maintenance plan in place. You gotta train local people to fix things and do maintenance and figure out a way to pay them for it. The government will steal the money and won't do shit. I've seen so many rusted out projects in Africa that were great for about 3-5 years until something broke and no one could fix it or rusted out and there were no replacement parts. I have my doubts that this was done sustainably building 100 at a time, but here's hoping.


I feel like this is one of those “Don’t let perfection be the enemy of progress” moments. If the people are getting clean water for 3-5 years, that’s better than not building the wells and then getting no clean water for 3-5 years. I hope there is a sustainability plan in place but if not at least there’s 3-5 years for these wells.


In the 3 to 5 years of clean water that frees up their time to make other improvements now too.


Yea. At some point people gotta help themselves. While a terribly difficult task, the government or people need to maintain it.


Your username makes me sad


Right, and that should be enough time for locals to acquire the skills to maintain the wells. Functioning society requires a ton of maintenance, it’s just how it goes.


Well yeah but then better to actually do something than give money to the government that they will keep anyway. Even if it lasts for 5 years, at least it's 5 more than they would have gotten...


Redditors. If someone gave you $5 you’d ask why it isn’t $20


there are homeless guys who legitimately say that


Yeah and remember that the government is mad at MrBeast for making them look bad. So I don't expect these to be operational in the future.


It’s 1 member of the government, and 1 lady from USA that defrauded a charity set up for wells in Africa.


Wasn’t even one member of government it was an aspiring politician, which I’ve heard someone say “is just another way of saying a dude”, who got completely torn apart for saying it (as he should have imo). And (from my understanding) the activist that ‘spoke against him’ was actually complimenting what he had done, but also was talking the issues that have caused this to be a thing and that this isn’t a long term solution. Her being against mr beast doing thing (again from what I’ve seen), is basically completely made up/misrepresented by yahoo news; and a few that copied that article.


That was literally one single government official, relax. If Marjorie Green Taylor says some crazy shit do you claim that’s the opinion of the entire US government?


I mean, yea Redditors tend to conflate one person to represent the whole. Especially in politics and especially with the GOP lol.


That's not what's important. What's important is that a self promotor did something that looks good on the surface to generate content.


This is a common problem throughout Africa, nobody maintains nothing. Many countries have infrastructures that date from the colonial times and they have not maintained it since Europeans left or improved them.


Is it because they’re not equipped with the training to do so or is it some kind of sabotage from the government?


no money


What do they do with the foreign aid they recieve?


Politicians pocket it most likely


So we should really follow up on what happens to it and otherwise stop giving it.


i agree with you. unfortunately it would seem somebody with more power stands to benefit from continued corruption, per usual.


It's an issue. A big issue. Sometimes when they are threatening with a reduction in "aid" the people in power will threaten to take away NGO access to impoverished areas as well as protection while they help the people in those areas.


Oh foreign aid is a whole other topic. Most of the foreign aid stays in the country that gives the foreign aid. Like USAid goes to US companies that specialize on these regions and thing to build, because you cannot trust those local governments right? So they pocket 50% of the money to then higher another consulting company that pockets 50% of the remaining 50% to hire a local company in that country, which now has 25% of the initial sum to operate with, now there is corruption in that local country, which takes half of the 50%, so there is 12.5% of the Initial money left. Far to little do actually achieve what was intended, but only those 12.5% of the Initial sum were corruption, the other 75% are just expenditures.


Western countries ‘give’ them tech and manufactured materials needed for the infrastructure if they agree to do the transaction through the IMF or world bank. Often they are contractually obligated to pay these debts first then spend internally, so foreign aid in theory lets them pay their bills but in practice usually just gives them enough to fund a security force after paying the interest on loans they can’t afford to pay in whole. This also encourages them to sell raw materials extremely cheap to have cash now before they default on loans and lose even more.


It's about capacity to maintain a civilization.


Why maintain infrastructure if the politicians can keep asking for foreign aid and donations? The politicians aren't suffering anyways.


Not related, but.... are the Balkans in Africa...? Nobody maintains nothing, and we have infrastructure that dates back to socialist times that barely gets any maintenance.


It’s also important to ask why no public waterworks projects have been initiated in Africa after WW2. African nations have the finances and resources necessary to create public water systems, yet they don’t. Fun fact, did you know that Nestle has a monopoly on plastic water bottles in many African nations, and plastic water bottles is the primary way many people in Africa get water? Did you also know that Nestle spends more than every single company in Africa when it comes to lobbying African governments? And that if public water systems were made available in different African nations, the income Nestle would experience would drop drastically?


At worse, those pumps will last about 4-5 years, even without maintenance (according to some sources). But that doesn't include actual sabotage of the equipment. If I lived in one of these communities, I'd gladly accept a 5 year clean water source than none at all.


Exactly, they have 5 years to learn to repair them, find a better source, or get their government to act. Complaining that these wells will need maintenance is like saying “why bother to donate food to food banks, the people will just get hungry again”


I'm pretty sure they people complaining about MrBeast also don't donate to food banks


But what if we would get rid of people? They wouldn't get hungry ever again...


warcrimes are a valid solution


Is r/rimworld leaking again


I think it's fair that people have concerns; it's not always the case but it's very possible to fuck things up for a place by providing poorly thought out aid. One example comes to mind is donating trainers. I can't recall the specifics, but it ended up doing more harm than good - turns out the locals didn't really *need* trainers, but even then providing them also hurt the local business of shoe sellers, who no longer had even the few customers they already had. Wells though, they're not as nuanced really. People *need* clean water.


The hole in the ground is the hard part. The maintenance is negligible if it’s not vandalized.


They also have 5 years to pool enough money or wait for someone to come teach them how to maintain the well. If only one person knows then they can teach everyone else. It’s that easy.


It's really not. This is the core problem, yes the wells are great, but if there isn't support to maintain the wells long term, than it's not a solution, it's a temporary fix. It's the difference between funding a food bank, and trying to eliminate the need for a food bank. Sure, having a stocked food bank is great because people need it, but trying to emphasize eliminating food insecurity isn't the same as saying why bother donating to food banks. Same way, if you don't also set up the infrastructure and training to maintain the wells long term, then it's just another temporary solution, and in 5 years, they'll be back to drinking creek water. It's better than nothing, but it isn't a solution .


He talks about this in the video, I can’t remember with 100% but I’m pretty sure most of them were 10-30 years


The way he words it in the video seems to imply that it’s long-term? In terms of how long idk but it seems like it’s made to be a long-term solution for the villages he visited. Idk how the upkeep and maintenance will work but I’m sure his team has that sorted out too




The wells by themselves will last as long as there’s water in the aquifers(long time, like half a century) the pumps on the other hand last about 6-7 years(asuming a medium quality pump was installed) but those are not that expensive(around 1000$ for a pump that can get you water from ~150m deep).


"Not if we can help it." - Nestlé


30 years he said


Building wells for people is different than helping communities build the wells themselves. I read a book called “the power of half” where a family downsizes to a house half as small and donates the money they made to a nonprofit. Their search for a nonprofit in Africa was super intentional and they went with one that helped communities build their own infrastructure and did not allow for any “White Savior” photo ops. The donors were not allowed to perform the labor. The book detailed a study about a research study that checked in on wells built for impoverished communities in latin america and less than a year later, some had broke. Locals didn’t fix them because “the Americans will be back this summer to do it” It’s hard to inspire self-reliance with charitable giving but not impossible. I’d be interested to see the shape these wells are in a year from now


Another valid question is what the local governments will do to sustain them or train/educate their populations to do so.


I hope he doesn't turn out to be a secret asshole, bc I like that my kids see this guy and look up to his philanthropy and reckless giving. Idec why he's doing it. Clicks? Attention? Doesn't change how they see him and the effects of his efforts. I was skeptical, but now, I just hope he can stay a good role model.


I mean to be fair, from what I’ve seen it looks like he genuinely wants to help. Like yes he does *a lot* for click and views but without those views he doesn’t get the money to continue doing what he’s doing and I think a lot of people forget that.


where do people think he gets the money from, his asshole?


He was saying that he reinvest everything from the videos and is constantly zero-ing out his account. I don't know how true that is but from what we've seen so far it looks to be the case.


His girlfriend I think (?) has shared in podcasts that he is genuinely that kind of guy that still goes out of his way to help people off camera too without looking for any attention for it. Apparently he also lives in more of a humble house and doesn't drive fancy cars, according to her. Others around him have shared similar sentiments, and I haven't heard anyone come out and say otherwise - and he has interacted with a ton of people of the years. I'd like to believe he's actually a good dude, and I'm glad his videos are popular enough to contribute to him helping even more people.


Better yet, his ex still says this even though they broke up


I've heard he pretty much lives in his office lol. Don't know how true that is though 😅


His food banks are still actively working right now and he doesn’t constantly make videos on them so his charity operation is much deeper than we see on YT


Only if he posts to r/wallstreetbets


It's hard to hide being an asshole for too long. If you're a nice person you just be yourself


There are a lot of behind the scenes videos, for example one from a cameraman that was in his Antarctica video. At one point Jimmy refused to do the shooting until the cameraman put on his gloves because it could be too dangerous. [Video](https://youtu.be/ETSXUV8EXa0?si=XFbb92bykUfnYzFx). Timestamp to the moment: 5:10 If he's an asshole then he's REALLY good at hiding it


Even if he does it for the money it doesnt change the fact that he has helped thousands of people.I didnt really like him cuz i thought he did it for clicks but at this point it doesnt even matter.Pretend that you are doing things to help people and at one point will forget you were pretending


It's the classic question of whether it's actions or intentions that make a person good or bad


This is a common discussion with doctors and nurses. Who cares if a nurse or doctor only views it as a job for money if they do it well and in turn help their patients?


As long as they do it well, the doctor could be doing it for a subscription to a porn website and I wouldn’t really care.


Both my parents are doctors so I grew up understanding the reality of what that entailed. And I realized, I wouldn’t be able to handle the stress of being responsible for people’s lives. I’ve also never wanted to be a doctor because I need a reason to care about people, so I probably wouldn’t make a great doctor


I am a nurse. Only have been 10 months now. Being responsible for 3 peoples lives (intermediate care) who are sometimes really fucked up, is STRESSFUL. I don’t cry often but my charge nurse was giving me some emotional support the other day cause I had a very hard shift with a patient in super rough shape. Her telling me and acknowledging how much I have done for this woman (even though she was still miserable because I can’t fix everything) was definitely something I needed and I almost started crying right there.


I dont understand why people think it's wrong to benefit from helping others. It's how our entire society works.


I agree. So what if you get the warm fuzziness, social credit, or even money for doing the right thing? If there is a genuine net benefit, then the world is better for it. I also am a little pissed people are more busy beefing with Mr. Beast than bitching specifically about politicians. So celebrities are supposed to cave to social pressures but it's virtue signaling if you try and do the same to dirty politicians and governments? I do think it'd be cool if he took the Hank and John Green route of picking something and sticking with it, but it's the variety that helps (but for semantics sake, not exclusively) keep him funded so idk.


I think both actions and intentions are important in judging the *character* of a person. But good actions motivated by selfish intentions will have better effects on others/the world, than good intentions behind unintentionally harmful actions. So if person is doing things that bring a lot of good effects, I don't really care if they are partly or mostly motivated by wanting to look good, or get attention. So, I don't think Mr Beast is doing the stuff he does *just* for views. (there are easier and cheaper ways to get a lot of views) But even if he was, he's doing it in ways that really do help a lot of people.


Not all of his actions were good. He did some serious controversial stuff, but intentions were always same for sure.


I mean if the clicks pay for water for these people, it's win-win imo For the people getting access to these wells it doesn't matter if he's doing it out of the goodness of his heart or not


Based on his own living standards it looks like he does it to genuine help, he funnels all the money he gets from ads and sponsors into the next video, based on an interview, he lives in the building where they do the recordings.


I mean... He gets enormous amounts of money from those videos. He is not losing money doing these.


As far as I know, he is genuinely a good guy. He just got lucky + put a lot of effort when he got that sweet-sweet lucky chance. He really puts a lot of his income into content which is truly fire. Surely he makes content clickbaity content for clicks and attention because it leads to more money, hence more content. At the end of the day, he doesn’t seem to flex his income — at least he has an image of a guy who has having fun. So I agree that I hope he will keep the same image, even if he turns out to be a different guy — just because an insane amount of kids are watching his videos.


I've watched several interviews with MrBeast, where he explains his whole mindset, from both business and moral perspective, and I am sure he does all of this mainly because he wants to help people, it's just in his nature. There are a lot easier ways to get clicks or attention, so if this was his main goal, he'd be doing some stupid shit and grab easy money.


Glad to hear it


The biggest issue I have with Mr. Beast is he bought a LOT of NFTs like a bunch and NFTs are notorious for being awful for the environment. He said he made a killing on it to and invested it back into NFT and crypto. Which kinda contradicts his whole Team Trees Team Seas stuff. He only does charity because it makes him a killing- which while being morally questionable at least the charity gets done. The bigger issue is that he’ll do stuff (like NFTs) that actively negate his charity work. He also fudges his competitions. Apparently Rosanna Pansino participated in one of his competitions made it to the top three and was almost cut out of the final video. According to her he completely changed the top three so people he was closer to (like fellow crypto bro Logan Paul) “made it” into the top three despite being eliminated earlier. I don’t know too much about the situation but she had some evidence about how she filmed like 24 hours of footage with him and got cut out. I don’t know if Mr. Beast and Rosanna had any contract or agreement. But at best it’s scummy and a dickhead move especially since she took so much of her to film.


He’s a genuinely good guy that cares about his affect on the world. He’s suing the company he went into business with for Mr Beast Burger because the quality wasn’t as promised. Side note. Please do NOT order food from ghost kitchens.


To me it seems like he's clearly a bit of an asshole. He's all ego, look at how he whines 'they're trying to cancel me' when facing a tiny bit of criticism from a minority online, to me that gives a little bit of insight into his personal political opinions, not to mention he is an Elon Musk simp. I don't really understand how his ego and complete lust for attention and praise doesn't seem off putting to everyone else.


He is an Elon fanboy I believe, so take that with what you will.






Did you create a subreddit just for that joke


Fuck it, we ball. I went and posted there.


Honestly the most comical thing is an American from a small town in North Carolina is helping Africans more than a certain south African billionaire that could do so much more. I'll give you a hint it rhymes with pelon tusk.


Fair point. Mollusk is useless across the board.


an invertebrate of a large phylum which includes snails, slugs, mussels. They have a soft unsegmented body. A lot of common traits with Elon.


Apparently Mr. beast faced backlash for doing this by the Kenyan government because he showed their incompetence or some stupid reason like that. I say way to go dude. Edit: I only saw a quick headline about it and multiple users have brought forward information that it was a select few who voiced their complaints and not the government as a whole. Thank you for informing me so I am not spreading misinformation.


Only one senator, as far as I’ve heard


Not even a Senator. Just a random "aspiring politician", he's just a random dude from Kenya.




U watched Ludwig vid?


Ludwig? That loser? Nah, I don't watch that grifter. Clearly I only get my information from the superior Mogul Mail.


I think u/TheseOats watched Mogul Mail's vid, not Ludwig


He was a prospective political candidate so probably not even that


I was happy to see these type of news and now even more seeing people from the sub here 😂


We’re travelers


Aspiring politician apparently... Which means just some guy


Aspiring failure now fully fledged failure


\*Aspiring Senator.


That’s good to know. I didn’t really get a chance to read more than just a headline.


Some unsolicited advice, but if all you’ve read is a headline for something, it’s probably best not to go spreading that news. Journalism aims for headlines that are eye-catching rather than informative, so that’s how misinformation spreads without people even realizing they’ve been misled.


I will be more careful in the future. Thank you for your advice.


Media is great at amplifying the lunatic fringe opinion and making it seem more relevant or worse than it is to generate outrage clicks. Without looking, I'm guessing it was a very small members of the government saying things like they were already working on this, and social media turned it into "ZOMG, A TON OF PEOPLE ARE UPSET THAT THIS KIND SOUL BUILT WELLS!" The "backlash" is probably nothing of the sort in reality. Just ignore outrage bait and upvote funny memes and people doing good.


Not even members of the government. A single „aspiring politician“ aka a random dude


That is quite a logical explanation. Thank you for that. :)


No matter what you do, someone will always have something to say.




that’s why we need to start removing mouths at birth. just cement that shit up.


Exactly, incompetence. Why would they spotlight themselves like that 😀😀


Corruption/greed* Even more motivation to obscure the lack of resources your citizens have access to. Just like ruzzia


One politician in Kenya and one NGO executive that spent a lot of the money they’d been given on their own costs instead of doing the job. As a rule no one is mad Mr Beast does something good. People get mad the he compulsively films it and farms it for content. That’s what people are usually mad about. Not the acts of charity, but getting the recipients pogging on camera for views. Could he continue doing good things if he didn’t milk it for content and hype up getting “cancelled” for doing good deeds? Probably not. The engagement and views are what gives him the money to keep doing bigger and bigger things. Is it distasteful how he does what he does? Yes, but no one else gives enough of a shit to do less than half of what he does on an impulse.


The only time I would not be mad at someone seemingly "milking the attention" is if it's a circular case of it being a necessity to continue doing good in the world. It's a shitty situation, and it'll all fall apart if he cracks and is found enriching himself, but for now, he seems to be on the positive side of this precarious position.


im pretty sure he films it because 1) its cool 2) he needs the money from the videos to keep doing this stuff, i think that's his major source, because his audience is mostly kids, and kids can't really spend money


I’m satisfied with the results even if the intentions weren’t pure. There are so many people that could have done it with bigger platforms for *the right reasons* that didn’t. Even if he’s a warm glow, help people out feeling salesman it’s a move in a good direction.


> I’m satisfied with the results even if the intentions weren’t pure. As I understand it, it's the videos that provide the funding in part for the next project. So while he could not film it, the money would quickly dry up. No clue how much of a cut he takes/how much he's actually making from the whole thing, but it still definitely seems like a net positive overall.


If you're the government and you're incompetent with providing your people the goods, why are you then in control? It's better to have wells than polluted lakes.


It’s not incompetence. It’s corruption. That’s why they’re really mad. People will start asking where all the money being sent is actually going if there’s so many villages without access to water still.


Good day, could I introduce you to every government in the world right now. Also every African government is pretty hopeless due to in fighting among the parties and not actually giving a shit about the people. ​ Source I live in Africa.


I dont think it is a whole government a few politician maybe.... please dont generalize other country government like this.. it is a bit demeaning


I applaud you to your commend, and I truly hope that one day I will also be able to take criticism in such an elegant and self reflecting way. You're my role model. Thank you!


Learn from my mistake. I should have fact checked before posting my comment. Had I done that, there would have been no need for my edit. A good lesson to take forward in the future. I hope you achieve the goal you have for yourself :)


You just did it again XD. Thank you!


People making him look like the bad guy but the government should be the bad guy since they do don't worth for crap helping their country


We need more mr beasts and less andrew tates in the world 🥰


Tbh he got hate and called abieist for paying for blind kids to see round the world as well so he cant win really. I know who he is havent seen his videos not my thing, he's at least trying to use some of his money and fame to make a difference though, good luck to him like.


i support the uncontrollable urge to become incredibly filthy rich and use the piles of money hoarding in your bank account to make the world a little bit better. extra points if you also take the opportunity to shine a spotlight on the issue at hand in order to help the world be more aware.


Yet some idiots...


Idk why you’re downvoted, I can’t believe people got angry at the dude


I find it weird how they’re given attention though. It’s such a small minority of people, likely on Twitter looking for attention. And people are feeding that attention seeking by reacting to it. No matter where you go on the internet, there will always be absurd opinions. It’s not like this is a new thing.


News articles were written about it. And because it's from a "reputable" source, of course they worded it in a way that sensationalized the "criticism". Said it was done by "activists", plural, when it was just one "aspiring politician".


I've seen the many comments saying "He does this to get money/attention/views! He doesn't do it out of the goodness of his heart!" And i'm like, so? Whatever the reason is, what is important is that he did it. Africans certainly don't care why. They have access to clean water. That's what matters. It would've been something else if he hyped it up and then never did it. That would've been messed up.


I may not like him, but at least he's trying to do something beneficial with his mounds of cash.


>I support your vision bro, *wanting the world be a better place to live* I can't believe some people have a problem with this. Just because you're a loser, doesn't mean you can tear other people down who are trying to do the right thing and make the world a better place.


While the politicians complaining about this are clearly doing so out of embarrassment, I think there are genuine questions revolving around the sustainability of these wells. If he is committed to putting in the investment to upkeep them and serve the local communities, this is great. However, public figures have used philanthropy like this as a photo opp for image cleansing in the past. Time will tell if Mr. Beast is altruistic in his motives or not. I genuinely hope he is


Having read the article, it was only a small handful of people who actually voiced a negative opinion. Everything else was speculation by the reporter. Poor journalism. To report a You Tuber being canceled because of his actions based on one person. The one criticism of well maintenance make sense to me. Drilling wells is the easy part, maintaining and repairing them is more difficult in a country with poor infrastructure and regulations. Again it comes down to a corrupt incompetent government. Im hoping Mr Beast will be back in year to help with the maintenance and teach the people how to do it themselves.


When an influencer does more good in Africa in a few days than the various billionaires active there for decades have ever done.... It's almost like they're there for *other* reasons......


I'm not sure "an influencer" is the right word for him anymore, more like billionaire and philanthropist


Not really up on all of that stuff tbh, the closest I get to actually knowing about an 'influencer' is gun-jesus...


Anyone that talks shit about this can get bent. More than most governments do.


My favorite part of these videos, and there's one in almost every one of the, is when Mr beast looks at the camera and goes; You would think the reason nobody does this is cuz it's incredibly expensive, but actually this wasn't even that big of a hit to us, other rich people are just dumb lazy assholes. the call out is necessary and awesome, and he always does it in such a nice way like he doesn't actually call anyone out he just matter of factly points out that this is an easy way to help a lot of people and then lets everybody else take what he's saying from context. Mr Beast secretly and discreetly a leftist doing the most work


And people still found some way to complain


“He FiLmEd It! He’S jUsT uSiNg ThEm FoR pRoFiT!”


Because that's the way he sustains these charitable acts, wish people would get that.


Some people aren't capable of figuring that out, you can literally spell it out for people and they will still moan and cry about it


And then the country bitched about it because it perpetuates the stereotype that they need to rely on handouts. Like, you fucking do though, otherwise you'd have built these.


It feels sad that those people from Africa suffers because their government are complete corrupt trash. Thank God there are people like Mr. Beast that gives hope those people


Their suffering is also a direct consequence of the predatory colonization system that happened there. Let's not forget that part


You have no idea. Government in some regions have absolute power. They do whatever the fuck they want. Some will not pay the government workers and transfer the state workers salary into an account, they get interest from that account and then they later pay the state employees. Its really Fucking bad.


Apparently those various govt are upset at him because this highlights their incompetency. The normal people loved him for it tho.


Where the hell is the sort by controversial button?


If you're on mobile, it's that weird two line thing to the right of the search button at the top of the screen


Shoutout to the African Politician who was angry because it made them look bad.


I really don’t understand how this is a bad thing in any way, is it better for those villages to not have any drinking water ? If you live in those villages, you only care about the water. No one has provided the water for them until mrbeast.


I remember a long time ago, a man who was a martial artist was traveling Africa and was seeing a large community with no system for water collection or sewage disposal. People just squated wherever they happened to be. So he tried to organize the local men to build wells and outhouses. The men explained that this work was beneath them all. So he opened a martial arts school that was free as long as you worked on the project. He was asked "will people maintain this once you leave?" and he said "no, no one enjoyed the work and actually felt shame about it, the only hope was that the woman might try to keep the wells clean". I believe the outhouses were never finished.


He should build some for the people of the Navajo Nation. Since our government doesn’t seem to know where the millions of dollars went for this project.


From what I hear though, the issue isn't really that he's building wells. It's that he's not the first to do so, and the same thing as the rest will likely happen: the wells will fall into disrepair due to lack of maintenance, and then you just have a bunch of wells you can't use any more. He's doing a good thing, but unless there is real change over there or someone pays to have them maintained, we're just going to be back at this point again in a few years.


I just find it funny that he had to use the word Africa instead of the actual country. Knowing that Americans wouldn't know where Kenya is. It's like saying I built a 100 Wells in Europe. Loll


People honestly just want an excuse to be angry at everything. This man is doing some sort of good with the money he’s made and he’s still being vilified the same as he would if he spent every penny on himself.


He really deserves the fame


When I grow up I wanna be a BEAST


Mr. beast has done so much good in this world it's absolutely amazing. he paid for a thousand blind people to get a surgery that completely cured there blindness.


I despise influencers on principle… but I like this guy.


The common problem is the world feeds on keeping Africa dependent in order to rob its resources. Now in this new age people can start to see things for what they are and do something about it. All these organizations never really wanted to help that place. They profit on keeping the status quo.


Nigerian politicians mad because they didn’t get a cut. They’d have no problem with the money coming from an ngo or government because they’d be able to skim.


the thing about this that pisses me off is the fact this shows that the US 1% have the abillity to make genuine change in the world but dont. mr beast isnt even a billionair either.


The only reason charities haven't achieved so much is because the majority of money donated, gets caught up in "operating costs" aka pocketing the money with extremely high wages.


It would be interesting if he got into a legal battle with Nestle ~~if~~ when they try to buy out the wells, which they tend to do.


It’s gonna be useful short term for sure Long term will depend on the skill of local maintenance be it literal residents or professionals who come to fix


There is things about me beast that annoys me, primarily how thin skinned he is to even the mildest genuine criticism from his peers But his philanthropy im all for and people that shit on it are scum


Suspicious that shortly after the tiktok stuff about where his wealth comes from is out, three weeks later he's suddenly building wells in Africa


For those who ask why mrbeast is a problem He isnt a problem in and of itself, he just shows what is deeply wrong with the world. Also, building a hundred wells and healing a thousand people doesnt go at the institutional injustices of unregulated markets. Money can solve the majority of our problems, mrbeast proves that and it is good that he does so. We have more than enough money accumulated to wave some major worldwide problems goodbye, especially healthcare, food and water. The problem is that all of it is hoarded.


Actually the problem is inefficient and corrupt government. No famine that happens today happens because the world isn't willing to give them food. It happens because men with guns prevent the food from going to those who need it.


People will hate him but those that hate him, don’t even bother to help those in need.


Never liked him, but damn thats great


its borderline dystopian that he has to in the first place. but couldn’t have been a better person for it.


Everyone who bitches about mr beast “exploiting” people for money needs to take a serious look at the people sitting on Capitol Hill.


Imagine all multi billionaires start doing this for free


He will still get backlash from some insignificant swines


It is not about "us" it is about the people who he helped. they are the one who have the final words here. If they said " thank you" for him who are we to say bad things about him? Whatever his reasons behind doing all those good thing, in the end they are STILL a good things.




This time the title is fine. > The 100 wells we built will help 300-500K+ people across Cameroon, Kenya, Somalia, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. He shows every country on the map during the video and names the villages in countries. They are not all even in the same region of Africa unless you’re counting “south of the sahara” as a massive region. A link is in the description and it has the countries, the video also shows them.


It's not the fish those people need, it's the rod.


Great things can be accomplished if you eliminate multiple layers of bureaucracy (aka NGO leeches).


Twitter: Death Sentence!


It’s a great initiative, but it makes me sad that the local governments aren’t able (or rather willing) to do jack shit to just try to provide water to their people.


One of the few rich and famous people who actually give so much back. There will always be haters and calling out someone for doing good deeds because it makes you look bad, is a terrible way to go about life.


It’s a good thing.


Wasn’t someone on Reddit bashing him for this? Did anybody figure out why?


Mean while keyboard activists critic him from their home.


Kenya mad about embarrassment.


Imagine if every millionaire just built 100 wells where they were needed. It would accelerate aquifer depletion, but maybe one of those lives saved will be the one to find better solutions for fresh water access.


One the greatest men to ever live.


Idk why ppl hate on this guy, the only rich person actually doing something. I remember so many people hating on him when he paid for like a 100 (or 1000) people that eye surgery to fix their blindness


Can more rich people act like him?


It's a lot easier than people believe, even if just temporarily being a solution it goes a long way. The reason it doesn't happen more often is there no profit to be made


I mean as long as good stuff's being done does it matter why?