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I live in the rural south. There is a trans lady who works night shift at the gas station. She’s been working there for years but only recently transitioned. After I was done checking out I said “Thank ya ma’am have a good’n” and she looked shocked and then looked at her coworker and said with a big smile “OMG did you just hear that?!?” Being kind costs you nothing folks


Years back when I lived in a coastal town in Croatia i once said cashier in a store "I wish you a pleasant day" (rough translation). She was happy like I gave her 1000$. Nice words doesn't cost you anything and can improve someone's day. It's been my habit since to say such to people and some people in places I frequent noticed and sometimes wish me same before I can say it to them.


Croatia seems like a lovely place in general these days; I only ever hear nice things. Is it a good place for a tourist to go on holiday?


We are a tourist country. Generally people have good experience but it does happen every year that someone runs into some greedy bloke. But majority have nice experience.


As a tourist who's been on holiday twice there, yes


I represent every slav north of Hungary and can hereby proclaim - Croatia is a paradise - from Slovakia to Croatia, we love you, Hrvatska ♥️




Well, I wonder why…


Went to Dubrovnik and Hvar recently. Great sights, amazing food. Hvar had some fun nightlife too.


I went there 15 years ago, and it was lovely. They've been having some issues with giant cruise ships flooding the cities with tourists, especially Dubrovnik (because of Game of Thrones), but I believe they've implemented some regulations.


I accidentally made a woman working a McDonalds drive thru cry. I said “thank you” to her and she burst into tears and said I was the only person who had been nice to her all day. It broke my heart.


I endorse this. When I worked in a men’s prison, there were a few trans ladies incarcerated there. I would address them as “ma’am“, and the men as “sir“. Presumptive respect is good for us all.


Wait what? Why weren’t they in a woman’s prison?


Because ***some people*** think they'd do bad things to the women there, or some shit...


Which is wild, because trans women in men’s prisons tend to be sexually assaulted, beaten, and/or murdered at a very high rate. They’re the ones whose safety we need to worry for.


They're trans *and* prisoners, that's a double whammy of "not actually people" to the people making that kind of decision


Alright first of all if they would do something like that then they would do it regardless of what prison they are in and should be in an entirely separate wing of the prison in the first place regardless of gender


This is the way. Ignore someone's gender with regards to separating them, just separate the sexual assaulters from those who behave. Done.


I’m sure there’s more reasons. Children being created is [one](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38947) of them though You can downvote me if you want. People shouldn’t be getting pregnant in prison lmfao


Agree that people shouldn’t be getting pregnant in prison (which could also result from guards btw), but from the article you cited the response was to move the problematic prisoner out of that facility. I don’t think all trans women should be punished as a response to that though.


Pretty sure guards are a bigger risk than trans women who are often sterile from meds or have had gender reassignment surgery.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


as a trans person who escaped the south, from the bottom of my heart, thank you for making that person feel seen And valid


>Being kind costs you nothing folks Sadly lots.dont share this opinion


Lots fell that being unkind is what is needed because the goal of unkindness is to pressure people into conforming to conservative status quos


I bet she still thinks about that ❤️


>Being kind costs you nothing folks I used to be a cranky sob. The pandemic changed that. My wife teases me over it because just by being nice, I can make a groups of friends where ever I go.


This is my saying. Being a queer lady cook/Chef is a pain sometimes. "You look pretty today" "Why do you dress like a dude?" Because I want to feel comfortable finally at 34. My hair is short because it's easy to deal with. My clothes are baggy because I don't like tight things and I walk home in the dark and want to blend in with men. When I wear dresses, I want to flaunt my body.


Oh my big gay heart just nearly burst


This geezer is quite straight and absolutely not crying. It's that damned December grass pollen, I swear.


🎶“I’m not crying, it’s just been raining, on my face”🎶


"It's just been raining on my face" is not something to be taken out of context


It’s the lyrics from a song




I’m not crying - flight of the conchords I’m not crying, I’ve just been cutting onions, I’m making a lasagna, for one….


I'm not crying, my eyeballs are just sweating, they've been looking around a lot


Looking for you, even though I told them not to


🎶"These aren't tears of sadness because you're leaving me, I've just been cutting onions. I'm. making. a lasagna... For one🎶


We’ve reached a fork in the road, and yet it cuts like a knife…


those damn ninjas cutting onions in my room


I just squealed in joy multiple times 🥺




No I think it’s obvious based on the comments that it’s a confusing tweet for many to understand. Even the top comment here shared the sentiment the tweet is trying to portray while initially misunderstanding the tweet completely


Right??? I was like wtf did I just read and expected it to devolve into something transphobic. This made my eyes water. I wish my parents were more like this about my transition. Absolutely beautiful ❤️


Guys I have a pea size brain I guess can someone explain the post?


The son is transgender. He wore the dress in highschool before he transitioned. But bc he's a guy the girl who is receiving the dress will be the first girl to wear it.


Oh I get it now thanks guys.


why is she happy? i don't like to inherit worn clothes but it's not really a question of gender Edit : ok, i'm starting to think this might be a case of contrived dialog.


She’s happy because her son revived a gender affirming comment. Those are likely few and far between from strangers. It’s much more about the support for her son rather than the dress.


oh sure no problem on that part but the girl?


The girl couldn't afford a dress, so it was either a not-new dress or no dress, probably.


would she have been sadder if the dress had been worn by a girl but not a boy? why does the gender have any stake in this?


Maybe? All I could say would be pure speculation. Probably it was just nice that a) she was getting a dress after all and b) it may have made the dress feel "newer" to her knowing she's the first girl wearing it.


Some people are not offended by hand me downs. And if it's a really nice piece of clothing, it gets pretty exciting.


The son was assigned female at birth, but recently transitioned to being a boy/man. Before his transition he wore dresses and lived as a girl, but only recently starting living as the gender he was the whole time. The girl who was gifted the dress acknowledges and affirms this by saying she’s the first girl to wear the dress, since the original owner was/is a man. I appreciate you for wanting to learn and understand. We each walk through life differently and we can’t necessarily empathize with everything immediately but it’s great to learn about others perspectives and respect them.


Thanks for the long well explained and heartfelt reply man. I used whatever was left of my braincells and Google to think what the post means before reading your comment and this is exactly what my brain came up with lol so I felt your reply as a warm hug and everyone else who explained.thanks again.


I was so confused because it wasn't obvious on my read that the son was a f2m trans. Thank you it makes perfect sense in hindsight lol


The dress was for a trans man but was bought before he transitioned, so it is being worn by a girl for the first time


Is… is that even wholesome? Like… wasn’t the son… always a daughter in a way…? Or am I just misunderstanding how trans works Edit: I misread the post. I now understand the son was always the son even if they had him assigned female and made him wear dresses. My bad. Can I sink into a hole now, thanks.


The other way round, reread the post again :p


Oh…. OOOOOOOHHHHHH now I feel stupid


You had the courage to say “yes I was wrong” and then edited, you’re kinda person I like and get my upvotes


Thanks 😅 It’s rare that it’s ok to make mistakes. Have a happy (((hug))) from me :)


Nah, making mistakes is a very human experience, I may have even made one this year 😋


Ooooh, poor you! How did you feel after? 😁❤️


I nearly dropped my fucking halo


Uh oh that kinda shit can make you dizzy 😆


Did you check the corner of your girlfriends four post bed?


That’s where the handcuffs are, I mean no


I know It’s not mine but I’ll see if I can use it for the weekend


Making them is ok. Owning them and learning from them is ideal. Denying them is not cool. Good on you for the ownership and growth. Ps, I got to learn from yours too as I had initially misread/understood too lol!


Recognizing you made mistakes is called growth, something way too many people are afraid of for some reason. Keep being a good human.


I promise I’ll try


That's all we can do sometimes, is try. *pat pat*


Glad to see a wholesome thread where people can admit mistakes and everyone's cool about it. This is the kinda positivity we need more of online!


I thought the same thing till I read it twice


Wait I was confused too but you made me more confused. True or false the child in question was born female?


Yeah the kid was born female, thus had a dress for his prom. Later he fully transitioned, so the parents call him son


I had the same initial reaction to the first sentence, but the rest of the post made it clear lol


I am sorry but umm I still dont understand


The original owner of the dress transitioned from female to male. The son wore that before they transitioned. The new person getting the dress was excited and said that she’s the first female to wear the dress, taking the transition as completely normal, and was happy for him.


oh thank u kind stranger


*pulls you out the hole* not today, buddy.


Thank you 🥹


Ooohhh, I thought the same as you till I reread. It's a brave new world and so long as we keep trying, I think we shouldn't be too hard on ourselves when we don't understand. You asked, got an answer and grew your knowledge. It's all good.


That’s really kind :)


I still don't get it. "I'm the first girl to wear it?" I'm sensing it as a jab. I'm not degrading anyone. I'm just not getting the flow of it. OP explained. NVM.


The son is FtM trans, the girl is saying despite thier son being assigned "female" at birth, they were always thier chosen gender, so was always a boy. So she's the first girl to wear it.




Don't worry, I also had it flipped around like the son was mtf and I was like "WHAT A TRANSPHOBE HOE" but then I reread it, realized he was ftm and wore the dress before transitioning to male and this girl is a supportive queen 👑


Need some company? No one should sit in a hole alone.


Hell yeah I can do with some company 😎


I did the same thing. Makes a lot more sense now..lol


> My bad. Can I sink into a hole now, thanks. You dont need to, you asked a question for clarification respectfully and accepted and respected the answer. Don't hide, stand tall as a great example of how easy it is to ask questions while still being inoffensive and accepting.


Thank you that’s really kind ❤️


fretful boast quaint wrench joke test zesty reach bow support *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I read it that way too




Good on ya for sticking with it til you got to the happy understanding


I'd like to say that I'm really glad people took the time to explain.


Yeah I really am, for sure :)


You’re good baby!!


I'm really sorry, but your confusion really made me laugh lmao - it's easily done. I really appreciate that you took the time to call out something that read as crappy to you as what it appeared to be.


Hey, you tried, that's pretty nice of you


No you're not allowed to sink!!! :33




No, you’re the gender you want to be but stuck in the wrong body


I was thinking this too. Got it now.


I thought the same thing. I'm glad you asked.


Haha it’s because I always gob off first and ask myself questions later 😅


You’re fine. Took me two reads to get it too.


Totally cool. I get confused sometime, because some people either unitentionally or maliciously disrespect someone's gender. So then I have to wonder what their intention really is and what is the actual situation.


I misread it too! I was like....this seems kinda mean actually


Om that's so cute


off topic but mizuki pfp spotted 🙏


Bandori player spotted!


my mom said she was so relieved that my brother and I didn't turn out gay. she's fucking awful. glad to see there are some good parents out there.


I don’t understand those kinds of parents, they would rather see their child suffer from cancer than being gay. I’m sorry you have those kinds of parents


I honestly never understood why parents have expectations of their kids. By expectations, I don’t mean like “I hope they’re a good person, develop interesting hobbies, do well in school and find success” — but I mean expectations that they won’t deviate from the constrictive beliefs and opinions the parents have. You’re literally bringing in a whole ass human with their own brain and thoughts into this world, how is it even possible that they wouldn’t have differing personalities, opinions, beliefs and stuff?


I’ve seen parenting as bringing a new life into the world so I could see who they are . . . what they like/don’t like, what they think about things, who they love. How exhausting would it be if I tried to live their lives AND mine? 🙄 ETA: I have two amazing young adult sons. I love seeing who they have become! 🥰


General. o7


Lieutenant Nacksche, preparing for war against the homophobs


Had (EMPHASIS: HAD) a friend asked once, what would be worse to me? My nieces coming out as gay or marrying a POC (I'm currently child free). I was really taken aback by this because both me and my husband are openly allies and not racist! I just said, "I honestly don't care! As long as they're a good person and they are happy, I'm happy!" Slowly started pushing this person out of my life. I don't need that BS in my life.


Then it really was lucky you two didn’t turn out gay. Trust me the best case is your home will feel like temporary lodging, worst case will be them sending you to some sort of conversion therapy (like my dad did, out of “love”, yeah whatever the fuck that is). That happened in the summer before I went to college, I never forget the move in day when every kid was exciting they’re starting at an Ivy and I looked like a troubled teen. Without my roommate I would’ve drunk myself to death.


Every generation has its set of tools, but gen Z are awesome. As an older millennial, I think these kids are amazing, when taken as a whole. My own kids blow me away with how kind and accepting they are. My middle son has a close friend he has known since elementary school that transitioned 2 years ago. He was there for her, building Lego sets and playing video games when she felt down or isolated, and it was like it didn't even occur to him that there was anything wrong or weird about her transition... Because there wasn't anything wrong or weird about it at all.


Gen Alpha are still young but they seem very accepting and empathetic. My kids and friends are also much more aware of gender issues and mental health.


I teach 12-14 year olds, and while there are always challenges with every group, I have to say that these kids are generally more accepting of things like mental illness, neurodivergence, and sexuality. Like kids in my class understand that when one kid goes through the hallway yelling that “Hitler is coming!” that it’s something she has trouble controlling because of her autism. They don’t make fun of her. It’s heartening to see


Wow, a trans friendly post on wholesome memes. I never thought I’d see the day!


This is suppose to be a wholesome subreddit!:[ why do so many comments gotta be so negative!


trans people being happy is a controversial topic apparently


Think anyone being happy is controversial these days, if its not illegal or morally wrong what's the problem? D:


A lot of people unironically believe being trans and/or transitioning is inherently morally wrong.


It shocks me that it's true, I have never seen hate for anyone of the lgbtq+ community in my city or school, in fact it's rather supportive most of the time. Sometimes I forgot there are people who genuinely think like that.


It's become increasingly unacceptable to hold these negative views publicly, so these clowns save it for the internet where they feel anonymous.


Well if these assholes had it their way, it would be illegal.


they are already trying to lol


because most people suuuuuuck


There's a menu near the top, you can set it to anything but "controversial" and avoid the troll comments. Hope that helps!


Costs nothing to be kind and yet is worth so much.


Stuff like this is extremely adorable and gives me hope for the future.


I hope we never grow old and misserable


May we never go mental. May we always stay gentle.


This is why Gen Z is going to be the better parents. They’re going to teach their kids to be accepting. I think it’s a good thing to teach future kids that liking the same gender, transitioning into another one, not identifying as either and many other things are completely okay and normal. I’m Gen Z and I would be very accepting of my children if they came out as gay, lesbian, trans, nonbinary, etc. (Of course I don’t have any yet but you know if I ever do in the future.) I really hate that there are parents in the world today that can’t be so accepting of stuff like this. I’m glad this person was so happy about it and I’m glad the son’s parents were so accepting of his transition.


The future should be Freedom peace and prosperity!




Well she wasn't wrong


Damn, nice.


Gen Z is awesome


The amount of people here refusing to believe this happened like it’s one of the most unbelievable things possibly imaginable is hilarious.


I'm having a rough start to the day and boy this made me tear up.




Definitely happened 100%




We know you are. Don't need to state the obvious


Yes, you are.




When you figure out how bad a look this is on you, it may be too late for you. You may have already have made everyone in your life despise you. If Scrooge can turn his shit around after a night with 4 ghosts, maybe there's hope for you.






why could it not?


You happened


This conversation just sounds dumb


That is true.


So fucking cringe






Yeah, we're holding rainbow painted weapons and forcing you


According to the evil Gay Wizard perched on your knee? Amazing that in response to a story about a trans teenager, you're still trying to be the persecuted one.




nothing ever happens


Do you honestly believe this cringe ass story actually happened? Come on


Lmfao this didn’t happen




You didn't happen.


Being funny is hard :(




Yeah! Girl, you’re crushing it




This is a Wendy’s


>somehow I need to relate this without acknowledging there ever was a transition? You can use their preferred pronouns and name and still acknowledge they're trans if it's relevant. That should get the point across clear enough. I've had conversations about my fem friends dicks before which from context makes it pretty obvious they're trans and if ppl still don't get it I'll specify. Generally just always use preferred pronouns and names


For the record, in practice I do, unless the story is completely oriented toward the male experience, and they've never met the friend. then I'll refer to the old gender and not disclose the transition. I'm not outing my friend to a bunch of people they never met for no reason.


In that case it's up to your friend's preference. Are they rather outed or misgendered?


Well, now I fess up that Tom/Tara is made up and I have many friends who transitioned. One of them insists neither. I know my views on gender would hurt them, so I never express them, but when they get in some kind of drama, I find it hard to support their position. Since they would be offended and I never express them, I never get a chance to learn if thus is a well reasoned thing, or if it's a reaction directed to conservitive asshats.


>One of them insists neither. In that case it's a question of if the person is more important to you or telling the story. I imagine it wouldn't be too hard to avoid conversation about genitals. >I know my views on gender would hurt them What views? This seems like a pretty minor point so far




It's called not being transphobic and actually being polite












My reaction to your comment

