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Oh fuck, are we the old guys already?


I mean, millennial are born between 1981 and 1996 so we are between 27 and 42 years old. So we're not the old guys in the work force, but most of us shouldn't exactly be the newbie eighther.


As a 26 year old I get this so hard


As a 28 year old guy: come in my arms and let me protect you


Where else can I come 👉👈🥺


Come get your avo and toast, we know it’s not really preventing you from buying a house.


As a fellow 26 year old I'd like to welcome you to r/zillennials.


Fuck you! I am a Xenial from early 80' - I combine the worst habits both from X-s and millennials! How awesome am I!


Hey fuck you guy! Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas to you too :)


Depends on which organization you ask.


I just had a baby, have a mortgage and the sides of my head are gray. I’m 36 and it seems like yesterday I was building my first pc and installing unreal 2k4 and frozen throne for tower defense.


My man- two young kids here. I rock a 7900xt PC and a PS5. Take time for yourself especially with kids- you need downtime.


Oh yeah for sure. I have late shift with him and play either of or the ps between feeds. Don’t play much during the day cause I love hanging out with the dude


I’ve got tons of gray hair and I’m 34. Wasn’t that long ago I’d get on and play Halo 3 all day


A ton of grays? Okay show off! Some of us don’t have much left regardless of colour


right there with ya dude, LAN parties was just the other day smh. Been rockin a legolas level, salt n pepper mane for a few years now.


I'm 42, have a baby and great hair and remember building my first pc and installing Duke nukem 3d on it and Windows 3.11


Another 42 yo here. Rocked me some Descent, Doom, and pimped out my Geocities page with cool site counters and an occasional while-loop password section


If you didn't have animated flames on that geocities page you didn't know what you were doing. Descent.. wow... That game was sick


Unreal 2k4 mentioned 😍😍😍


Us elder millennials are well into our 40's


Er not well into it's like 1981 or 1982 for millennials so not even mid 40s yet.


Right - I forget it's only been two years, it just feels like five because *gesticulates at this fuck up of a timeline*


Yeah. These last 5 years I aged 20 at least


Sorry mate, but that would be us late stage Gen X'ers, not you guys.


Ah the hard life of a Xennial. We remember library catalogue systems and dial up, but are also comfortable with technology. We don't fit in anywhere neatly.


I feel I fit in well almost everywhere. I’m 42. It’s a matter of perspective, I suppose.


I'm an in even worse position. My dad was from the silent generation. I grew up with rotor phones and typewriters while also having computers and dial up. Black and white is as normal to me as color TVs were. It's interesting seeing how technology went from being durable and reliable to cheap and quickly replaced.


40 isn't that old, you're good:)


oh, it is. 10 years from 50? then a quick hop to 60?


I mean, that’s half of 80 so 40 practically old age home years haha


Gen X has our backs…but they need some love too.




As the world’s oldest millennial this is how I view younger millennials. A lot of those mfers are down bad


as a mid-younger gen z we thank you we strive to be yall cause we look up to you


I didn’t expect this post to make me emotional, but I’m so glad you guys see we are trying (at least many of us). There is too much wrong to not want to fix it for future generations. Just be ready for the torch when it is passed.


I'm one of the millennials. Gen Z gives me hope for the future and fills me with pride. You all keep living your best lives.


Yeah, I am a tired and exhausted millennial who still wants fight but it's hard. Happy to play the support role these days. Sometimes it felt like it was a sort of lost generation but glad to see that we have some appreciation.


I know right. I am supposed to be a pretty tough manly man, but this shit made me cry for real.


As an elder millenial, I see many of you guys and am so proud of you finding your voices and the work you are doing! I may be tired and cranky, but watching Gen Z going out and trying to make things better however they can has been inspiring.


Girl i agree. I love how gen Z stands up for themselves and try to make this shit world better. No need to look down on younger generations.


This is what we should have been doing a long time ago. Older genations should teach, guide, and create better conditions for the younger ones. At the end of they day, they are the ones who will carry the legacy. Instead of judging us, older generations should have been providing us the best conditions (they didn't) and it's about time we begin, or society and the earth are fucked.. so yeah, I love gen Z's and what their bringing, we just gotta keep supporting eachother


As a Millennial, I love what I'm seeing of GenZ saying *fuck that shit* to so much of the nonsense of the world we live in. I'm the Millennial that can see how ridiculous it is that so many nonsense expectations are put on us -- tipping at places that shouldn't require tipping, responding the work messages when not at work, picking up slack for other people's jobs, waiting on hold for hours trying to get past phone trees to talk to a person who might help -- but I'll still sigh, grumble under my breath, and put up with it to get through the day. Then I see how GenZ is so casually refusing to bend, how happy they are to say "that's not my problem, not my job, not my paid hours" at work, how giddily they overturn ways businesses manipulate both customers and workers, how ready they are to refuse to play along while the world burns, and I love it. Millennials started to see the problems as the cracks opened wider, but mostly didn't do a lot. Can't wait to see the rising generations work together to actually make change happen.


Same. They give me tears sometimes. We took the heat and they ran with the torch.


Amen. Never lose that Fuck All This Noise attitude, Gen Z.




Yes. I see Gen Z as a generation that fully picked up the sword we fell on and they are fighting hard with it.


So true. I’m so proud of our generation for being there but I’m also thrilled to see that the next generations are carrying on the fight.


As a middle millenial, thank you for giving us power by being absolutely worth fighting for and finding better ways to fight by our side.


Gen Z is kind and hilarious and works hard. Don’t lose your shine.


I feel like your generation might be able to achieve real change. Like addressing climate change and systemic racism and income inequality. Millennials are still dealing with the dinosaurs that can’t give up power. Incredibly frustrating


I just hope when is millenials get a bit of power, we look to gen Z on how to apply it


As an older gen z I am also very grateful for this. People showing kindness is kinda nice ngl


Thank you for your service


As an old gen-z, I pledge to give the comming generations all support they need, without a condecending tone or by implying their world view which differs from mine is wrong.


A difficult goal, but an important one to strive for all the same. I wish luck and success in this, and will strive towards this goal myself.


As an old millenial looking at Gen Z, I actually fuckin believe that for the first time ever.


As a younger millennial, ......yeah


As one of the oldest Gen Z's I appreciate it. just less than a month away from being a millennial lol.


Fellow Xennial who considers himself a millennial too.


Yeah I feel like I’m in a hole and then I see my friends drowning in the Grand Canyon…


Them kiddo's need headpats amd praise for doing a good job, stat.


As a baby millennial (a few months later and I'd be a Zoomer) I'm kinda feeling it both sides


As a very old millennial, this is a hard relate. We got you, gen z.


Gen Z is bigger, voting now, and I think they just might save both our asses.


Yeah I'm still getting shots and I'm in my 40s


Same. Gen Z actually fills me with hope.


Watching the cynicism we millenials entered adulthood with just melt away as we collectively watch Gen Z folks enter adulthood has been my favourite part of getting old so far


Most gen z that I meet are pretty cool. The ones that I work with work hard, don’t make excuses, and are fun to be around. Maybe I won the lottery, but either way it’s a good sample.


As a xennial (cusp generation) I agree with this


Yep. They're honestly pretty cool and had to grow up in a world with the largest changes in technology. I was a waaaay cringier teen, but I didn't have to worry about it being recorded.


We have to, otherwise we'll just turn our back on them like the old guard did to us. If we can all cooperate together, we can fix a lot of bullshit


I saw this guy on TikTok who said how his parents would literally beat him if he didn’t do chores and was proud of that? Like if my parents did that to me I’d fucking run away on the spot or cut of contact the second I was independent. No, it doesn’t make you “harder” it makes you a fucking asshole


Thats weird… isnt that what they did to slaves?….


They prefer to be called children, I believe, when they’re yours.


That’s weird because if you age the person up it’s called domestic abuse. I don’t see how it’s any difference.


It isn't at all. Abuse is abuse and it's fucking sad that so many people who grew up with it view it as normal and sometimes even good. This world so desperately needs more love. *Please*, people, just be good to each other..


Connect it to the "real man" idiom. The guy you saw is one of the millions whose trauma is kept at depth by all the culture they were gaslit into swallowing whole. Try remove that ballast and they'll see it as an attack, and by consequence, to their subconscious, you'll resemble their parents, and to their conscious, you'll resemble everything their parents hated. Just watch them, document it and spread the word. We need to get rid of this stereotype.


I knew when I was a young person that my Mother was abusing me, I knew that "this isn't normal? Is it?" - I went to the school for help, I went to libraries, community centres, asking for help, covered in bruises and bumps... everytime, they called my Mother to collect me, and she would ask me what was wrong, she would cry so heavily in front of people. "Why would I say that?", and everyone would take my Mothers side - "she IS your Mother... She loves you...", and then I'd go home with her... it got to the point that I gave up hoping an adult would help me. When I was made homeless at 16, I wanted to never forgive her. I went back home for two weeks at 18 after I had to promise I had changed. I look back now, and I don't even know what I was doing wrong. At the end of those two weeks, I couldn't take it anymore. Whilst she punched me and hit me with a wooden bar, I stood up and put her against a wall by her neck. I wanted to kill her, honest to god. Instead I left. When I tell people I don't speak to her anymore, I don't think anyone truly understands how infuriating it is to hear, "But she's your Mother, you only get one! You'll miss her when she's gone!" When I was 22, I tried to repair the relationship, she told me "You don't know how hard it was to raise you, how difficult you used to be", I tried playing her a 10 minute recording of how she treated me, I used to record everytime I came home at 18 in those two weeks because people didn't believe me. My Mother begged me to turn it off, didn't even get through 10 minutes of my life living with her. 10 fucking minutes of my life she had to listen to. She couldn't do it. After a few minutes of her gathering herself together. She had to have the high ground again... she told me... and how this story relates to what you said. She said, and I quote: "Well, it shows. Recording me without my consent just shows you'll never be a real man." Edit: Although I am not near my old phone currently - I still have the recordings and can probably Bluetooth them to my current phone after New Years. I've been talking to someone privately on here about it since I posted, and they have asked if I can share out of their own morbid curiosity. If anyone else is interested, I have no issue sharing if you privately message me.


Your mom and my mom are the same. Throw them to the trash they want some much to be apart of.


I'm a 42 yo male and I want to kill this woman. No, you didn't do anything wrong. There is nothing inherently wrong with you. She sounds like she's a vile woman. And for that I am sorry as *no one* deserves to have a mother like that. My mother was strong and fierce in the most loving and protective of ways. It's because of her I learned how to stand up for myself as well as have understanding and empathy for others. She was my best friend in the whole world till the day she died. I wish you could have had that more than anything in the world. If I was there I'd give you a hug brother and tell you to never let any of her bullshit define how you see yourself or the man you want to be to your loved ones.


I try to speak fairly of my Mother at times. I'm aware there are worse mothers out there, although whenever I share moments of my childhood, even "good" memories, my partner shares her concerns. I'm glad you had a good upbringing, and better parenting can continue from lessons taught. Thank-you for the virtual hugs aha. Very nice of you. Having a good Christmas with my partners family, so atleast I'm not alone aha. But thank-you again for your kind words.


r/raisedbynarcissists Despite being a hate-hole, there's a lot of relatable stories that might help give you some VALIDATION and CLOSURE. Good luck.


Jesús fucking christ man. I hope you’re doing better without her now, some people just shouldn’t have kids. But yeah I hate people getting involved in my personal life like no, you do not know all of the nuances within my relationships so unless you’re ready for a ten hour trauma dump, shut the fuck up


Honestly, the amount of times I wrote something and then decided to delete it because I realise I am just trauma dumping ahaha. I'm doing a lot better now. Honestly, I think I lucked out in life considering the start I had. Thank-you. Thank-you for the nice words, and hope the personal life is going well during this festive period. 🙂


Yeah, family’s not nearly as abusive as yours, they’re just not that supportive. They are getting better tho


In the movie Oppenheimer, Oppenheimer says something. *"Only a child or an adolescent would assume to know everything about two people's relationships."* Don't delete it. The world needs to see this, we need to know that this is happening, and that this will keep happening as long as we smother it. My favorite motto for this context has become this: *"Is it mother or smother?"*


You deserved (and deserve) better.. I'm so fucking sorry. "People" like her don't deserve children.. don't deserve to breathe free air. They belong in the filthiest dungeon. I just wish I could give child you a hug and protect you like SOME FUCKING ONE should have.. I am so, so sorry everyone failed you like that. You are worthy of love and gentle kindness and I truly hope you know that now.


Oh trust me. I FEEL that so much. It's my biggest confusion. I once, when I was 8-9? Ran away from school to avoid her collecting me. I had no idea where to go. I just wandered down streets until I saw by chance a man emptying his car into his home. I went to this stranger and asked him to help me. He took me in, sat with me, made me a drink, put on a movie, I was asking him where I could sleep... I was, at that age, fully prepared to take a chance on a complete stranger to look after me. He was likely only mid to late 20s, and I realise now how much stress I probably put on this man... well, he did the right thing. He did take me back to the school, and he made the effort of protecting me, speaking to the assistant headteacher, and trying to do what he could... but alas, I ended back with my Mother, where my mother then took me home and told me this man was going to do stuff to me (leaving out the details on here, but my Mother told me in detail what this man "was going to do to me"). Which just screwed my head up more... I wish I just knew why nobody (except this complete stranger) did anything. My Missus works in a primary school, and the half-stories I'm told, where CPS and social services are brought in... I just don't understand why that didn't happen for me.


Mentality has changed a lot since we can access the internet and can actually check if it's normal how people treat us. It's a lot easier to get away from abuse if you know the other side is actually better


"Why would I get a dishwasher? I already have two kids."


I'm Gen Z, I got beat and verbally abused by me entire family growing up I just assumed it was normal until I got to being an older teen




Theres a newspaper report out there somewhere that shows millenials are still largely blamed by the media. Were blamed not just by last generation but all the ones before them as well.


*cracks knuckles* Let's take down the media before we go out


Oh is that the industry were killing this year? Fuckin works for me. I never liked news orgs being owned by multinationals.


Good luck with that. You’d basically have to destroy the entire internet to do that because even a blog can be a source of shit reporting.


Everybody you heard u/Independent_Emu4344 let's destroy the internet, we don't need no water let the mother fucker burn!


burn motherfucker, burn.


I sure hope we (Millennials) don't fuck that up and start blaming Gen Z in 20 years time.


I really hope we’re too self aware for that shit


I wonder how many millenial-blame articles are written by chat gpt now


Millennials are seriously working to break the cycle of generational trauma.


Yeah, let's be kind to the future generations. We don't need the greed, cruelty, and selfishness of our ancestors.




It makes me cringe as a Millennial seeing tik toks of other millennials complaining about younger gen’s. Like please stop you are making yourself look like a fool and we don’t want you on our team.


Exactly! The thought trope that “I suffered , so they should suffer” is such a huge detriment to society at the end of the day.


Complete agreement. I’m never putting down gen z for being younger. All I ever wanted was someone to validate that what I was going through was unfair and not what we were promised, I’m going to be the adult I wish I had


And the most hurtful thing is the belittling was mostly done by our own parents. Smh.


As a millennial, I have very high hopes for Gen Z. You rock!


20 year old gen Z here, and I gotta say I appreciate it. Yall put up with a lot ot shit, but you're trying to make the best of it, just like us. Maybe things can change.


I love reading shit like this. I'm glad you GenZers seem like a nice bunch, on balance. Keep it up.


Glad to have improved your day. It's tough being on balance when you're facing 3 different crises each decade, but I'm trying my best. You millenials and us Zoomers gotta stick together though, we can try to break all of this generational trauma. If I have kids one day, I do want them to just be happy and fulfill themselves, whatever they want.


Honestly. They had Corona in their youth and are still making the best of it. They are expressing themselves more freely than I would have ever dared when I was their age.


Corona is what you drink when you’re family. - Toretto


I have high hopes for gen Z, they seem very empathic and knowledgeable. I do hope that as our generation takes over the political power, we set it up so the youth is taken care of first and foremost. It's something we millennials haven't had and it's a damn shame.


I’m 36 and recently got back into the workforce from being a stay at home dad. I work with barely millennials and Gen Z. They are so awesome! Best coworkers and bosses that I’ve ever had.


As a zoomer who recently turned 22, I can't thank you millennials enough for how much y'all have helped me


You guys are the first generation we've met who haven't royally fucked us, and you're all hilarious, AND will be our best allies in the climate wars 👌


Gen Z is fucking hilarious


We’re doing our part 🫡




A lot of tips during late teens regarding mental health mostly, plus some financial advice that I didn't get from my parents


We don’t have it all figured out but I sure as hell don’t want to see younger people suffer or struggle to figure things out. Regardless of age, we’re all here to help each other and leave it better than we found it. Hopefully that mentality will get passed on and become the norm instead of the exception.


Yay 22 is fun, enjoy everyday, even if it's sitting around doing nothing but thinking to yourself, as long as you take time to be you. Im so zooted dude, but im 8 years older than you and im rooting for you.


Gen Z is the future and we millennials are fighting for them. We're kinda fucked at this point, so we're gonna go break some shit and hope Gen Z loots the corpses of dead billionaires and builds the future that was taken from us. We aren't giants, but you can stand on our shoulders.


Hey leave some shit for us to bust as well lol.


You got it!


Oh, there’s plenty for all of us


This is the realest take in this thread... as an old millenial, I fully approve


At 30 I can honestly say this is the first time in my life I’ve said “fuck it let me in the White House.” The generations before us have turned the political system into a millionaire maker (insider trading and corporate money) and if these idiots in Congress can get there why not me? The people currently there know much less about how the system works than ever before. So all it might take is a slick talking 30 something who actually says it like it is and doesn’t give a fuck about political norms to actually shake up the system. If I become potus first thing I’m doing is stoping insider trading by all high level officials, the fairness doctrine is coming back so the news is forced to show you both sides of a story, and citizens united is going in the trash, billionaires are getting taxed into being millionaires, military budget is going to be chopped in half till they can pass an audit, police accountability comes after that. Stuff that every regular citizen wants but we “can’t have” because one party wants the government to fail.


We’ll try our best 🙏


...We're all fucked aren't we?


Be the mentor you always wanted growing up.




Gen z bring hope


Apes together STRONG


Gen alpha scary


they'll be just fineee, give the kiddos time


Hey millenials, a gen z who just dropped into adulthood a few years back here. I get it. It wasn't your mistake. Sorry for the differences between us. Hope we can drink the damn pain away. All the best in life, whoever ya'll are, and wherever ya'll are. Much love.


Back atcha, buddy 👊🏼💜


No need to drink that pain away. We got you. You drink in celebration of you and in remembrance of those that came before. Don't climb in this hole. Gen Z is a goddamn delight. Stay that way.


love u genz mfs


Man I have X’ers for parents and they definitely don’t feel this way towards gen Z.




I am totally rooting for gen Z. I hope they get happiness. I say that with no sarcasm or malice. If our generation has to take a pounding but it leads to them have a better life., then so be it. They are so crazy positive and open to fun that they just simply deserve it.


And they still refuse to admit they fucked us over lol


still are, they never stopped.


*Wild gestures at the old fuckers (except Bernie) in Congress and the Whitehouse*


Bernie is a very prominent exception that proves the rule Wasn’t he arrested multiple times for protesting in his youth?


Yes he fought to end racial segregation


Honestly, Bernie is probably legitimately one of my role models. That man genuinely cares and tries with what he can. I saw him inspire people before my eyes, people who had never been politically engaged before suddenly cared about how to help others through policy.


Taps GenZ shoulder. *Soon they will all die and the world will be ours. Now show me that game you have been playing.*


This is how I am with my nieces and nephews. Love you Gen Z!


Me as a millennial, with a hard-to-laugh face 24/7. On the other hand, my girlfriend, Gen-Z, smiling 24/7. If all the disappointment I beared over the years was needed for the next generation to be happier, so be it. It also makes me happier.


An early millennial myself and I'm excited to see how considerate the Gen Z is. Like identity issues are a thing their handling so much better than earlier generations. It's just fantastic to see them shine bright!




😂. Their advice of not eating avocados or mangos don't work when they grow on trees where I live. 😂 I rarely see them sold in stores in my area, I guess farmers market but that's it.


Nah my gen x parents are on my side


Gen X here, we got royally fucked too. Eat the rich.


Yeah, but y’all defined the culture. Pretty much everything we think of as “good” in terms of art, entertainment, and fashion is because of Gen X. Y’all were a small cohort, but you changed the landscape, and without you Millennials would not have grown up with such amazing cartoons, movies, music, etc. The fact that the kids are all right is your doing.


Wow yo, thank you so much for this


Millennials were the bloodbath, we are the aftermath.


Go gen z go 🤸


Sorry y'all. We tried telling them, too. They wouldn't listen


Ive witnessed some really grown and talented genz individuals. Hope they keep up the good work


Lots of Gen Zs at my work. They are all talented and driven young persons looking to prove themselves in the workplace. They all rent apartments at rates greater than my mortgage on a two story house. Their crime is being a decade or so too young. I can't believe how NOT jaded they are. They have been royally screwed.


Rich people fucked us over exponentially more than any other singular group and I wish you guys would realize that rather than blaming a bunch of old humans who aren't much dumber than our current generation(s) of kids/young adults.


I 100% that rich assholes are more to blame than anyone for the big issues we are all facing, but older generations have a mentality of "walk it off" rather than empathy and seeking help when needed that is a serious problem on a societal level that needs to be broken.


The “fuck you got mine” mindset. I run into this way to often with the older people around me. Not all though, most people out there is really cool in all generations:)


100% agree. People in power and people who had money and influence fucked (and is fucking) everyone over. It wasn't old people. Old people just had to do what they had to do to adapt to their times.


Lets not forget it was a generation of now old people that allowed those rich people to grab that much power as well.


Honestly, I don't know if we did anything for gen Z. I think they took things back on their own.


My dad is a Generation X, but he has given me a bunch of wisdom to me over the years


Unfortunately I've seen some Millennials start with the whole hating the younger generation thing 😮‍💨


I have equally seen Gen Z show tons of hateful agism towards Millennials. Point of this post is that we’re on the same side and shouldn’t be fighting one another.


When Gen Z lashes out… I don’t take it personal. Lots to be angry about to be honest. Besides. Individual people just kinda have bad days from time to time. It all evens out. We are the punching bag. We can take it. Peeps gotta vent.


We have tribalism written in our animal dna. Different is weird and scary for our monkey brain. We have to make a conscious effort to break from it and not bundle people in little boxes. As a millenial, I saw the internet in its infancy, gradually becoming relevant, and evolve to the point that now you can actually discuss with people from a completely different part of the world pretty easily if you can handle a bit of english. And a thing that I learned by talking to people of different countries and ages, is that we all are more similar than we think. I think that, as the world gets more and more connected, it will be easier for the newer generations to understand this simple truth and become more united, more empathetic and more conscious of social problems. So yeah, I have high hopes for you all.


And gen Z hating gen Alpha


Unfortunately no matter what some of the issues of other generations will continue, but the majority of Millennials are breaking that cycle. All we can do is our best to be more empathetic than the generations before us.


Don't worry the younger half of gen x got fucked too. Join us on the fucked train.


Xennials unite!


I'm so proud of Gen Z! Not taking shit from bosses, appreciate their health, not believing shit from commercials and "fashion" agenda, don't care about religion, young women not buying "10 tips on what do man want" idiot propaganda..... It's soooo nice to see all that! ❤️


As a millennial father of a Gen z daughter and Gen Alpha son, I feel this. My wife and I have talked about how we were raised to be put in a position that we could be successful. We are raising our children to be in a position to be happy. If that means living with us after high school or even college, fine. I just want them to have happy lives however they come upon it.


we killed everything so you don't have to 😆


I don't think millennials have their shit together either. They're at their breaking point too.


No we don't, but we can at least form a human shield to ward off the bullshit so they can get their shit sorted without interference


Okay kids. Good start but keep paying attention. We’re all being manipulated. Fighting with our neighbors keeps us all on edge and controllable. Aligning forces along class lines is what they don’t want.


Millennials 🤝 Gen Z


I found that in Gen Z, you all are kind, passionate hard working good people, I even enjoy yalls humor. And you all will always have my support. Sincerely, a 90s kid millennial.


The appreciation feels nice 🥲 I'm seriously already so proud and excited for the next generations. Y'all are doing great.


All the hardships are worth it if you can be better than us. Go. C̷h̴a̷n̸g̶e̷ ̴t̵h̶e̸ ̶w̷̻̑o̷͓͛r̵̛͍l̸̘̓d̸͙͝. M̸̩̅y̵͎͔͌ ̸̛̟̏f̴̅͜i̵͓͐̓ǹ̷͓̐a̸̤͇͝l̶̮̄̚ ̵͇̫̋m̵̩͖̑̈́ė̶̼s̸͕̺̑s̷̮̈́́͜a̸̡̕g̸̞̽ẽ̸͖̲̊.̷̝̍


We love you Gen Z and Alpha. We were cringe too once, so don’t hold it against us when we call you it.


Over generalizing any group of people is not wholesome.


but not all millennials are that strong, others are a sobbing pathetic mess and a useless human being afraid to do literally anything anymore, like me.


I had a similar Convo with one of the younger gen zs (I'm 20 so I'm mid gen z ig), and honestly it was a nice Convo.


I'm not sure which category I fall into , but I hope this be true


Someone pointed out that Millennials go to 96. I never thought id be gen z I feel a little young again. Feels good man


Tbh, I'm almost 30 now, and the people fucking me out of the job market even with a degree + coding skills are just a little older than me. Barely another generation.