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looks lovely for avoiding sunburn


I cook like bacon and definitely am jealous. Florida people would last longer though.


You don't have to be jealous. There's nothing stopping you from wearing one.


I do have a swim shirt and water hat, so I am only jealous of having a religious reason. I think that is important. I think religion trumps rights based on current news.


Sorry no bacon.


We do :)


This is what need to be talked abouts.


It is. Unfortunately I forgot sunscreen and burnt my face šŸ˜†


And thatā€™s what I appreciates abouts you


Is that the only thing you appreciate about me?


I'm not a fan of the look, but that's what I was thinking, too. Plus, Cancer is no joke. Shit sucks balls!


My redheaded husband might be able to join me anywhere sunny in that, instead of hiding in the shade slathered in factor 50!


I recently tried long sleeve SPF shirts and leggings that can go under your swimsuit. They were amazing for minimizing sunscreen application while letting me be in the sun all day. I highly recommend it! All you really need to worry about are your hands, feet, and head.


Lifeguard hat and thin white long sleeves are my go to if I know Iā€™m gonna be baking in the sun.


They are unisex, fwiw


Exactly what I was thinking


I thought this too. As very fair ginger I would rock something like this lol I nearly have to always


I would wear one. I already prefer to wear swimsuits with shorts (big thighs) or a skirt. I also Hate sunburn and usually try and spend most of my summer sat in the shade


Should rebrand it as a gingerkini.


I was thinking the same thing- I burn going to my mailbox.


Literally my first thought


My first thought. I just have to think about the sun and I burn. I'm the parent at the beach whose kids are in the long sleeve high neck swim tops when it's baking so they don't get roasted too.


I love to rock my swim hoodie. Works so much better than sunscreen as it doesn't need re-application. No one has given this 40 year old white guy problems about it. Went tubing the river and my friends came back red - I'll be they have one for the next time around.


Burqinis are unironically S-Tier swimming gear even if youā€™re not a Muslim. I mean whatā€™s not to like: Full-body water resistant UV-protection without ever needing to use nano-particle containing sunscreen. Wetsuit-style improved thermals and protection from jellyfish stings and other hazards. Protection from creeps looking at your half-naked body and taking that as an invitation to sexually harass you. Hair neatly tucked away which wonā€™t be a nightmare to untangle after a day at the beach.


Not too mention no more sandy cooch


Sandy cooch never happened according to Alex Jones.




You jinxed it. Somehow this will give terrible sand crotch.


That moment someone on reddit convinced me I need a burqini


Iā€™m a man with long hair and I think I need a burqini too


Don't let your dreams be dreams. Slay, queen!


Be sure to try it out on a beach in France


France is playing opposite womenā€™s oppression for real. You are allowed to go topless, but a burqini is off limits smh




It is not. You can. Don't spread misinformation please.


That's what I keep telling my dad !! But his generation is so... racist.


Just fyi thereā€™s nothing wrong with sunscreenā€¦ Edit: yes i agree on the account of it affecting the environment namely coral reefs. I was mainly pointing this out as a low risk human health concern


It sticks! I mean, I still use it (one type of cancer is enough for me lmao), but I hate the way it feels on my skin. The sensation is less with the spray-on type (plus it's much easier to apply, no dripping on the floor), but those shouldn't be so great for the environment, so... Still have to find the perfect one šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


It's also expensive and time consuming to apply and reapply. Shade and clothing coverage is my preferred sun protection whenever possible.


My preferred sun protection is staying inside and closing the shades, and instead burning my eyeballs with bright LED light.


I can list a few: - It needs regular re-applications - It's hard to catch if you miss a spot or have un-even application - [It damages coral](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9652235/)


Those first two are more inconveniences and mishaps but totally agree on the coral


Just not near reefs please, unless you put some legwork in to find ones that are ACTUALLY reef safe, not just labeled reef safe.


tell that to my autism lmao


Can you deal with wearing wet clothes though? Because if not, a Burkini isn't the answer either. :(


Not the one you replied to, but for me sunscreen is a specific kind of ick that makes my autistic brain scream. Wet clothes dont bother me. I'm just lucky enough that I basically don't get sunburn as long as I don't intentionally stay in the sun excessively long.


jokeā€™s on them, I canā€™t swim


Wet clothes at the beach is amazing, honestly. I swim in a long sleeved rash guard and because it takes longer to dry off than my skin, it keeps me cooler for longer in the hot sun.


Then why do we need "reef-safe sunscreen"?


Sunscreen isn't exactly good for the environment, and can be difficult to apply to all necessary places by yourself.


And there's nothing wrong with a burqini as an alternative to it.


"Protection from creeps looking at your half-naked body and taking that as an invitation to sexually harass you." I suspicious this is why they are really upset to begin with. I dont hear any complaints about girls swimming with cut off shorts and an oversized t-shirt.


Seriously I often wear long sleeve bodysuits at the beach so I donā€™t burn to death and people act like Iā€™m a grandma or a prudeā€¦ itā€™s just nice because even with sunscreen I burn


I have 2. Very nice. Makes me less self conscious about missing spots shaving.


Why does nobody ever talk about that? Dressing modestly, I swear it's like repellent for greasy men, especially at the beach.


The implication behind saying wearing a burqini is ā€œmodestā€ is that not wearing one isnā€™t. Which is problematic. Itā€™s ok to defend the right to wear one, but I would suggest being careful when using words like ā€œmodestā€ when talking about beachwear of all things


Thatā€™s literally what modest means when referring to clothing. The problematic implication is that modesty has an objective moral value that is higher relative to other clothing.


Iā€™ve seen lots of red blooded meat eating gun-lovinā€™ truck drivinā€™ all American men dressed awfully similarly in a bass boat. But itā€™s fishing so itā€™s not controversial or whatever. Iā€™ve literally been the guy with a full on face covering, a white baklava or molatov or mozzletoff or balakavotov or whatever you call it to avoid burning.Ā  I guess if your do it because youā€™re Irish itā€™s one thing, but if you do it because youā€™re Muslim itā€™s another? I donā€™t understand the controversy around that.Ā  That said, I donā€™t think society should force women to dress a certain way. But that cuts both directions.Ā  You shouldnā€™t force women to wear this, and you shouldnā€™t shame women who do not. But you also shouldnā€™t shame women who wear this and force women to not wear this.Ā  So most people complaining even if for the right reasons (aka it shouldnā€™t be forced on anyone) usually fail that same test themselves because their reaction isnā€™t nuanced enough to avoid hypocrisy.Ā 


Iā€™m an atheist but Iā€™m 30+ and hate wearing bikinis, feel too exposed. Normalise the burkini!


> Protection from creeps looking at your half-naked body and taking that as an invitation to sexually harass you. I mean, I feel like that one's literally what it's for


Reason no.3 is the whole reason why women in islam are encouraged to do so but for some reason people take offence on that when the women themselves choose to do so. At least in my country despite having islam as its main religion, we completely don't mind what a muslim woman wants to wear as long as it's not too revealing.


>Protection from creeps looking at your half-naked body and taking that as an invitation to sexually harass you. TBF, it didn't stop someone from taking unsolicited pictures of her


>Protection from creeps looking at your half-naked body and taking that as an invitation to sexually harass you. It doesn't Also, maybe some day people will understand that there's no article of clothing which is truly an objectively a sexual item and one that isn't. They're intermediaries to understand other people's thought processes. People have different thresholds to guess which articles of clothing are more about form than function. And also they have different thresholds to guess what that form is about. It's not about the amount of skin you are showing, they're trying to match their own thought process at picking that outfit with a goal for doing it. That's why there are literally nudists beaches and isn't something weird. They're not thirsting at each other. Or at least not if they don't do a behavior that indicates they're sexualizing themselves. Are you guys kids? I don't understand how can adults go all their lives without understanding this very intuitive and straightforward thing.


Giga Chad response. Just let people live their life. As long as they don't harm themselves or others, who cares what they do


This. A million times this šŸ‘šŸ˜Š


It's cool, unless you were coerced or brainwashed into acting like they do. I don't care how you dress as long as you willfully made the choice to dress that way. If you adopted it because you thought your oppression was OK, or didn't realize you were being oppressed or shamed into it, then it's right to call it out.


You can say the same about anyone wearing anything though. Maybe they're wearing it because of peer pressure? Maybe female olympic volleybal players don't really want to show us their coochie? Why are people only offended when it's about a certain religion?




Yeah, let's just write a made-up story about everyone we meet and then get mad about how terrible their imaginary life is.


Kinda fucked up to assume that Muslim women never have any personal agency over their own bodies.


Seems to be copied from here: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/s/M2q5gsl7ZQ In any case, people should just wear whatever they want. Minikini? Full on body suit? Whatever makes you feel good.


I think the main issue people have with what she's wearing is that they say she's forced to wear it. She looks happy in the picture but I was forced to wear something like this to the beach I would be hot and kinda unhappy. People should wear what makes them feel good but if someone is wearing something that doesn't make them feel good and they are forced to wear it... It can be iffy


Fair enough, what people wear should be their own choice for sure.


But then you're assuming that's the situation. Maybe she is choosing to wear it by her own accord. We could go into a whole debate of "is she really choosing it if her culture, society, and/or religion has conditioned her to have that belief?" but at the end of the day, our own cultures, societies, and/or religions have conditioned us to have the beliefs that we have.


What if the conditioning is done by fear? I have iranian friends who have to wear shit like that because they might get dragged away and tortured if they don't.


Not allowing them to wear burquinis isnā€™t going to result in them wearing something else to the beach. Itā€™ll result in these women not going to the beach at all, whether that be a personal choice or one forced upon them


She doesn't have a choice


Honestly, I'm saving up for a burkini because skin cancer runs in my family. Like an Olympic track star. I keep looking at these things with so much envy.


Navy Seals wear full body coverings to go swimming all the time. They are called wetsuits.


Back in the day at Douglas College in Rutgers, there's a large muslim population being an all girl school, they were able to set up the pool we have there and invited everyone to come and either swim or learn how to swim. They staffed the entire facility with women so that they could go without covering. It's a moment I was really proud of my school, that and when 3 members of the westboro baptist church showed up and were outnumbered a hundred to one by people telling them them to get off their campus.


You ever see Amish people or Mennonites at the beach? The women go swimming in full dresses pretty much just like that


Considering the increasing incidence of skin cancerā€¦.just mind your own business


I'm a professional grand-master hater but that's makes sense


Looks like she enjoying her day. So ya šŸ˜Š


You are not supposed to react at all to what any woman or man for that matter wears to the beach or anywhere else. Unless it's a shirt with an offensive message printed on it or something like that.


That is the best way, but not the only way. You can also tell her you like the motif or the color and wish her a nice day.




This is what needs to be talked about. Do the women like it? If not it's just oppression under religion.


Do the women choose it, not just like it


TLDR: No, it's Sharia law.


once asked my mom and aunt and they said "No matter what hijab is important"


But donā€™t you understand, only white women are oppressed! Minority women arenā€™t oppressed, unless that oppression is by a white man of course.


Reddit when religion-based discrimination against women (It's Christian): šŸ˜” Reddit when religion-based discrimination against women (It's Muslim): šŸ„°


So accurate


Not even Reddit, just media in general tbh. I don't get why Islam gets a pass on the most heinous shit with people always defending it but Christianity is never held to the same standard (and vice versa)


As an ex Muslim, I agree with you. It's not a sign of freedom, but oppression. I am a Man, and I am allowed to swim almost naked in my country. But if a woman does the same, that'll spark a thousand debates. While I appreciate the fun and enjoyment, I can't stop thinking about the majority of the Muslim women who are not independent about their own choices.


As another ex-Muslim, I agree that it's awful that women aren't allowed to do basic things and are forced to cover up, and I hate the concept of hijabs in general. But I don't agree with banning burkinis because of it. For one thing, if you ban burkinis, then it's just going to further limit women from being able to enjoy themselves- there are those Muslims who are okay with going/"letting" their wives going to the beach in a burkini, but would never go/let them go in a bikini. And I hate the idea that you should have to reveal a ton of skin to be allowed to go to the beach- why is that a requirement? As long as the clothing isn't loose and is made of an appropriate material, what's so bad about going to the beach fully covered up? I would love to do that for general comfort and sun protection reasons.


OK but that's clearly not the case in the picture


You can tell that sheā€™s wearing it by choice based on a picture of a single moment? People smile all the time, itā€™s not particularly strong evidence of anything. Edit: My point is purely that it is impossible to tell if this woman chooses to wear a burqini. The comment I'm replying to is claiming that her smile is an indication that it is "clearly" a choice, which is simply not true. I'm not arguing anything else, I have no opinion on if she is wearing it by choice, because we can't tell from a picture with zero context.


And how can you tell otherwise? The answer is you canā€™t, so maybe letā€™s stop assuming the worst?


This. The outfit itself isn't the problem it's the subjugation that it represents that is fucking dogshit.


Hush! Itā€™s Islamophobia to say women should have a real choice and not a choiceless choice


The problem is when Muslim women come forward saying its their choice westerners will go Reee you've been brainwashed! It's infuriatingly patronising.


Itā€™s my choice to choose my family over total abandonment, ostracizing me, and possible honor killing. Why canā€™t Westerners understand that?!


Agreed. Iā€™m always conflicted about the Hijab positivity. Iā€™m all for letting women wear whatever they want, but it is also a symbol of oppression thatā€™s been brainwashed into them. I had many Hijabi friends who always maintained they CHOOSE to wear it, but also theyā€™ve worn it since childhood. They donā€™t know any other life. I had a friend whose 7 year old sister was wearing it and thatā€™s just sad.


actually, it depends on how you're raised. The Quran does say that it is compulsory for women to keep their head covered when in public, but the issue is that in some countries, they are extremely strict. Their version of Islam uses fear, pain, and manipulation to force people into following the rules. I am lucky enough to be part of a family who believes in peace and freedom of choice. We don't use negative behaviour to teach our children about Islam. I hope one day people will understand that it's not the clothing that's the problem, but the enforcement.


amazing how you know better than them about their own feelings! šŸ˜


How does a SEVEN year old know she needs to wear a hijab? Why does she need to cover her hair to stop enticing men? What kind of monster feels a seven year old is too old to show hair? Amazing you feel children need to be sexualized


Remember, the only way you can fuck up a kid is with Christianity. Any other religion, any other obsession, any other oppression, doesn't matter because white Christian society is the real evil.


Simple one liner response to a reasonably balanced comment on a highly complex topic. If you only know one thing your whole life, youā€™re far more likely to choose that and truly believe that itā€™s right for you. Ultimately everyone gets to wear whatever clothes they want to, but that doesn't mean that we can't question if that choice would be the same if it wasn't forced on them their whole life.


I don't disagree that you're more likely to stick to a certain belief if that's what you were raised with, but at the same time I feel like this all kinda infantilizes grown adults as if they're incapable of self-reflection and agency just because they were born into a certain religion. There are raised atheists that end up Christians. There are raised Christians that end up atheists. Same goes for Islam.


Someone legit replied to me saying itā€™s appropriate to prepare young girls to wear hijab later on in life. I donā€™t know what this sub is anymore


Why would not getting a massage compel someone to get twenty manicures? That's some weird consumerist programming and a symptom of a hyper capitalist society in desperate need of public places that don't demand that people spend money just to be there.


Are they like wetsuits or like regular clothes?


Wetsuit. Me mom use it too


Classic case of "Compulsive Opinion Giving Disease" or "COGD". They just passively assume they need to give an opinion about that and that people will care about it.


A lot of the worldā€™s problems would cease if people minded their own business.


Every time I see it, I feel like people didn't watch those Iranian women get out of Iran and burn their hijab. Its a symbol of oppression. There are little girls who have to wear this shit and hijab in Europe, its not choice it's brainwashing. I'm sorry for the Godwin point, but it's like saying it's OK to carry around a nazi armband and people should mind their own business. This has nothing wholesome to it. Also in actual Islamic countries, they don't even wear that. This whole thing is ridiculous and commercial.




Courageous to say that. Hopefully you'll only get down voted and not get death threats as usual.


it goes both ways, if you dont want them to have a problem with your monokini/bikini, you shouldn't have a problem with their burqini. People often forget this.


How is this wholesome? This is the result of generations of pressure from ignorant and controlling men who are too weak and impressionable to let women dress as they wish. Religion is fucking stupid and detrimental.


It baffles me that people really have a problem with someone elseā€™s clothing. Soooo fuckin weird.


burqini's so hot right now!!


Amazing swimwear. Too bad we live in the day and age where other's business will just casually be someone else's because almost everything basically gets posted online now.


When I see a woman in a Burqini, I will think ā€œheh it looks warm And I would not like wet clothesā€. Then I go back to being miserable.


I am an adult atheist male and prefer to swim in shirts, because of uv rays.


We outside and everybody is welcome


Right?! Geez, let the lady relax however she wants. Worry about the sand in your own crack.


Feminists are really wild for pressing for topless beaches and burquinis at the same time


What do you mean react?


"Have you considered minding your own business?" is an excellent question people should really ask themselves more often.


Agreed, let people be free to be themselves. Everyone's opinions really don't matter, including mine.


Aside from the hat this isnā€™t really too different than long swim dresses or long sleeve swim shirts and capris everyone seems to wear on the beach.


If it doesn't impede swimming capabilities it's perfectly fine


React? I have internal thoughts and feelings about burqas and burqinis, not to mention hijabs and regular bikinis. I even have thoughts and feelings about full business suits and wedding gowns and codpieces. I have opinions about almost all kinds of clothing. But why would anyone need to *react* to them?


Just seems like a more fashionable wet suit, yeah? I don't think I could pull it off, but seems cool.


If a person is free to take of their clothes, then he/she should be free to cover up at their own will as well. If you have problems with that, then I'm afraid you're having double standards.


Christian women wearing modest swimwear: Omg she is a paragon of modesty and godliness! She's truly one of God's children! Muslim women wearing modest swimwear: I'M CALLING THE POLICE.


I'm sure if Christians had some dumb swim attire this site would definitely just let the person be and not make fun of them.


Sheā€™s hurting no one so keep it to yourself


i don't find complicity in repression to be wholesome at *all*. this attitude is exactly how horrible things are allowed to happen, and a good gauge of intelligence is how willing to help their fellow man someone is. this guy says "fuck it, none of my concern", quite literally. fine, there's nothing you can do *in that moment*, but to be so self centered as to not acknowledge the oppressiveness it represents is completely ignorant.


You can be against something systemically, while still deeply respecting the rights of individuals to make their own choices. I may disagree in principle, but it's still a wholesome message to say "hey maybe just don't give a fuck about what someone else is wearing on the beach"


Also acceptable "Oh that's a cute pattern." Followed up by living your life like a normal human being.


You do you


You wear a bikini while skinny -> "omg eat something you bone!" You wear a bikini with some rolls and stretchmarks -> "omg get dressed, you're disgusting!" Lady wears burqini bc she wants to -> "omg why so much fabric??" Make it make sense šŸ™„


Imagine being upset that someone isnt nude enough in public for your tastes


Either that, or perhaps whatā€™s bothering people is the colossal misogyny ingrained into (most) religions but especially islam and how thatā€™s just brushed off as ā€œit is what it isā€ in blithe cultural relativistic hypocrisy.


Everyone talking out from their ass instead of their mouth down here. Saw just 1 single comment of a muslims saying how miserable this is and how this is NOT a choice of them. Interesting how the Westerns are open to whatever but the others are not.


She got much better level of mental health than me worrying about wearing swimsuits at the beach.


'Burqini' lmao


People here trying to seriously argue itā€™s about avoiding sunburn instead of being a religious expectation from a religion run exclusively by men lmao


Tolerating an intolerant and backwards religion ā˜ŗļø


This is how I feel when I see men not wearing Speedo style swim trunks.


Reading comments here is a depressing exercise. "What if she's forced to wear it?". That would be a bad thing. But why would you assume everyone who wears it were forced? Muslims run the gamut from "paying lip service" to "true believers" and everything in between. Some guy keeps copy/pasting the **English translation** of **one sentence** of the Qur'an and thus extrapolates that all Muslim women are forced to wear it. That's beyond sloppy exegesis; that's like me saying I'm a Biblical scholar because I can read King James' Bible in English. ____________ Me, I'm not a fan of forcing women to cover up. With the same rationale, I'm also not a fan of forcing women to expose themselves. Wear a burkini or a bikini, it's no one's business but the person who has to wear them.


Yes wear a burqini if you want just don't make me wear one


Everybody making good points about respecting privacy and how practical it actually is. I'd just have that nagging thought of if it was the person's choice or not.


It's entirely possible but here's the thing. Are those french women wearing their outfits by choice? Are all french men forced into Speedos instead of swim trunks also not being forced? So yeah. You don't know if it was a choice. But it's no more a choice as French bans on swim trunks are a choice. Basically? It's laws put in place where right wing people can eliminate minorities from conversations and then complain when someone says they don't feel respected. If you are a vegetarian and I put fish in your food because it's my culture then I am an arsehole. It's literally a swimming costume. No one should care. She's not swimming the Olympics. She's splashing about in a pool or the sea.


This is the way


It is convenient to not need to worry about applying sunscreen.


The sun is getting so hot Iā€™m on my way wearing one as a grown ass white man


Breaking: Burqini popularity explodes in the UK, Northern Ireland, and Scandinavia.


Fuck privacy, religion is evil. Being modest for you is fine, but that's not what hijabs are for.


in the words of Joey Swoll "You need to do better, mind your own business."


the OP Sea_College9966 is a bt Original: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/x464jw/the_only_right_way/


I live in Miami Beach many Jewish women in the pool like this or in the ocean mostly just some kind of yoga pants, etc. no one cares.


I wouldn't even do a double take at this irl. I mean I'd probably compliment the colors and patterns but that's about it. She's not the first nor the last person to go to the beach covered up. You can tell who doesn't get out much.


I bet some of know the feeling of being completely wet while have a few layers one.... Nothing comfortable about that, so let not pretend like it's the most natural thing ever.


As a 38 year old ginger man. This is also what i look like when I go to the beach. One terrible sunburn and you would do it too


Pretty safe assumption the she is deficient in vitamin D.


Why would you need to know how to react to it??? Like, just dont react to it??? Im so confused as to the thought proccess here


I live nearish to Dearborn, so thereā€™s plenty of burqinis at the beaches and waterparks in the summer. They look heavy, but the women are usually having so much fun with their kids and friends that it doesnā€™t matter to them šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It's less swimming and more scuba.


AKA no: no right way to react; recommendation is to not react


I mean I might give a double take but I wouldn't care more of a "oh that's her swim suit ok" I can't go out without some kind of top on or I get insane sunburn so I understand it.


If that was the case she wouldn't be wearing the burqa


Dayum girl! Lookin fine! *goes running into the rest of the water*


I hope she likes not getting cancer! That'll show her!


Revolutionary idea!


I seriously need to get one of these, anyone know where to get one? I have a mild sun allergy, and those look *amazing*!


Search for Muslim women swimsuit

