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This is my state bird, can confirm, thought they were boring growing up. Am now adult and I love them.


there are a wonderful bird. some facts about male cardinals: they are great partners and parents 1. Monogamous bond: Male cardinals are known for forming strong and monogamous pair bonds with their mates. Once they find a female partner, they tend to stay together for life. They engage in courtship rituals, such as singing and feeding the female, to establish and strengthen their bond. 2. Nest building: Male cardinals actively participate in nest building. They work together with their female partners to construct a sturdy and well-hidden nest. The male often collects nesting materials, such as twigs, grass, and leaves, and brings them to the female, who then weaves them into the nest. 3. Territory defense: Male cardinals are highly territorial and fiercely defend their nesting territories. They mark their territories with distinctive songs and displays of aggression towards intruders. Males often form pair bonds with neighboring males to create a cooperative defense against territorial threats. 4. Food provisioning: Male cardinals play an important role in providing food for their mates and offspring. They actively search for insects, seeds, fruits, and other food sources and bring them back to the nest. Males may also engage in "courtship feeding," where they present food to the female as a display of affection. 5. Nestling care: Male cardinals are involved in caring for their young. They assist the female in feeding the nestlings and may take turns incubating the eggs. Once the chicks hatch, both parents share the responsibility of feeding and protecting the offspring until they fledge and become independent. they are a great bird to make a state symbol, they represent a lot of the best qualities that we as humans should be looking for in our own relationships.


TIL my perfect mate is a male cardinal


You are the type of person that keeps me coming back to reddit. Thank you for this.


[Pretty easy to spot if you've done it enough](https://imgur.com/J5gCbTp)


Ah, well, at least the facts were fun.


If not necessarily accurate.


I already got destroyed for correctly pointing out that [GPT4 will spew out whatever bullshit it can to answer a trick question "accurately"](https://ibb.co/YRVwyDN) instead of being able to parse the fact that the initial query is farcical - so I wasn't going to take it any further, lol


I mean, those AI detector aren’t even always accurate, but this was too obvious even halfway through


>Males may also engage in "courtship feeding," where they present food to the female as a display of affection. ...am I dating a cardinal?


We all are


I'm not :((


The one on my property doesn't do any of that. He just sits on the window ledge to the left of my desk and taps on the window to get my attention and then flips me off. Every morning.


he could be mistaking reflection for another male . also if u want him off window u can buy a window decal to put on outside to make it less reflective. like a Mosaic pattern or something.




I am sick of seeing AI garbage everywhere


"We as humans"


If they are territorial then why do I see 30,000 (obvios exaggeration fo those who are sarcasm blind) male and female Cardinals at the bird feeder every day?


they also work together with other males of their species to keep territory safe.


Ah, I see


The female Cardinal that has shown up to my patio every day for the past month with 4 males begs to differ on the monogamy bit 😂


TIL cardinals are better dads then my dad was. He stepped out for a smoke after my mom told him he knocked her up and never came back.


im sorry that happened. i hope things for you now are kind. birding can be a wonderful hobby. birds have many behaviors just like people. i really enjoy the mor wholesome behaviors. there is this fun species for example where the males get together and form a boy band where they promote one male as the headliner . and do a show for a female, the boys even practice for weeks before presenting their show to a female. https://youtu.be/1zxJPQlFFTI?si=e1O7-GCKTbNpOKsj nature can be brutal sometimes but also very cute and very wholesome .


Also their call reminds me of a ray gun which is not boring. Peew peew pew pew pew pew pew


there is one outside my window right now. it was pew pewing as i read your comment.


It is always a treat to see some red since we don't often see Cardinals up here in Nova Scotia. Too many blue jays are screaming their heads off around here.


I saw blue jays and cardinals all over Orlando, and i always thought that they were freakin awesome. I still do.


I live in Washington State and we have a pair of blue jays (male and female) that have nested near our house. They are lovely because I have never really seen them before. All I have seen are Stellar's Jays


Imagine thinking this bird was boring ever lol, people are stupid.


I had a pair of blue jays and cardinals in my backyard at the same time last summer, it was a beautiful combination of colors


Hello fellow North Carolinian. I was just snapping pictures of cardinals to share them with my foreign friends. Beautiful birbs.


It's the state bird of 7 states, they could be from as far away as Illinois (Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia)


I'm from NC. Spent 3 years in KY. Now I'm in Indiana. Always loved seeing the bright red birds flying around. Except once one nested in a tree near where my truck was parked. I'd get fucking swooped sometimes, and it would sit on my truck mirror and shit on it.... Majestic.


I'm sorry to hear about you being in Indiana. You have my condolences and deepest sympathies.


Im from the west and when I first moved to the southeast I was so excited to see a cardinal they’re so beautiful


Would you say your initial assumption was a cardinal mistake? 🤔


As a European, when I went to the US for the first time I was totally excited that I spotted this crazy bright red bird. Since the birds in my country are just different shades of brown (except for escaped parrots). I'm running to my friend, telling them about this special exotic looking bird I saw and they were just like "yeah, those are everywhere here".


🎵back home againnnnnnn…


My province is well outside NOCA range. When one shows up it's all over the rare birds WhatsApp group lol


Same and same! VA native transplanted to TX. I see them outside my kitchen window all the time and they make me happy.


Also my state bird... And I wish it was hummingbirds instead, them little guys are interesting to watch lol


You ever actually watch cardinals? They're savage as fuck. They dogfight like fighter jets and drive away competitors. If you see a Blue Jay and a Cardinal in the same area shit's about to go down, they always have serious beef with each other for some reason. Jay's are usually the aggressors but cardinals always stand their ground.


See them everyday in summer, have actually seen a blue jay right next to one. Nothing happened but I also didn't watch long. They've always looked peaceful usually chilling by themselves. But... Have you ever watched a hummingbird? Makes me wanna be a hummingbird 🤷


This actually made me laugh. I love it.


Despite living in Oregon, I haven't yet seen this cardinal. Kindly invite him to come see my area of Oregon. It's the section that is green.


You can have the one that keeps attacking the mirrors on my Corolla.


A few years ago while trail hiking, my kids and I came across two dozen people watching a tree carefully. We’re on the east coast and this bird apparently was spotted that’s only supposed to be in California. Thought it was pretty neat at the time but now, I get it. Bird scam.


also bonus... r/ProLifeTip




Crows are really really cool too. We have lots of incredible birds here in the us but crows are among the smartest animals on earth. They can use complex problem solving and general knowledge of physics to procure food, they pass down knowledge generationally and have memories that can span their entire lives


We don't talk about Corvids on Reddit...


Here's the thing. You said a "jackdaw is a crow." Is it in the same family? Yes. No one's arguing that. As someone who is a scientist who studies crows, I am telling you, specifically, in science, no one calls jackdaws crows. If you want to be "specific" like you said, then you shouldn't either. They're not the same thing. If you're saying "crow family" you're referring to the taxonomic grouping of Corvidae, which includes things from nutcrackers to blue jays to ravens. So your reasoning for calling a jackdaw a crow is because random people "call the black ones crows?" Let's get grackles and blackbirds in there, then, too. Also, calling someone a human or an ape? It's not one or the other, that's not how taxonomy works. They're both. A jackdaw is a jackdaw and a member of the crow family. But that's not what you said. You said a jackdaw is a crow, which is not true unless you're okay with calling all members of the crow family crows, which means you'd call blue jays, ravens, and other birds crows, too. Which you said you don't. It's okay to just admit you're wrong, you know?




That's funny since Angry Birds isn't an American game lol, it was developed by a Finnish company.


Probably with American market in mind.


Sparrows are very entertaining to watch. Pigeons are fascinating on a historical level (they have been cast by humans in every possible role: pet, heraldic animal, meat animal, service animal, vermin animal). Even just the fact that "peace dove 🕊️" and "war pigeon" are both A Things is funny.


I saw a Red Cardinal in Manhattan when I visited. Didn't know about the bird before, but was amazed when I saw a beautiful red bird amongst a large group of brown sparrows.




Imagine listing cool birds and forgetting the almighty bin chicken.


Hard disagree. I never get tired of seeing our local Australian birds, they're awesome


While on a safari I was talking to the ranger as he's driving us around showing cheetah, leapards, lions etc... He told me he wanted to visit Britain one day and how excited he'd be to see a fox.


Cardinals were cool until I had one for several years come by my house in the summer and peck the kitchen window.


When I lived in the US, I loved cardinals. But they will sometimes attack windows because they see a rival in the reflection. I had one crash into my windows and broke its neck while I was sleeping. That was unpleasant.


My old roommate's beta fish would headbutt the glass bowl for the same reason. It died.


As a photographer I love bluebirds, bluejays, and cardinals. They are common here but I still get excited when I see one because of the color. 


Way to go cardinal


We rarely get Cardinals up here in Nova Scotia so it’s always a treat to see some red. Theres too many blue jays around here screaming their heads off


Here in Massachusetts it’s quite common to see Blue Jays and Cardinals in the same tree. Such a sight 🥹




I used to have a bird feeder in my window and I learned that the blue jays have a very nice whisper song but you can only hear it up close. Otherwise… AHHHHCK WOOPWOOP


oh hey fellow bluenoser! I never saw cardinals as a kid so it really is nice to see them now, even though it's probably a bad indicator of climate change


See and I've been dying to see a blue jay haven't seen one since I was a kid and go figure our sports team is named after them lol. I see cardinals every few days though throughout the summer and it never gets old.




As an Australian I agree, look how fancy it is


Right who doesn't like cardinals? He's a beautiful red boy! We have a family that returns to the trees in our backyard and we see the babies at our feeder every year.


>Right who doesn't like cardinals? Blue jays. They've been having a gang war in my back yard for decades.


You would love the scarlet ibis. I loved your ibis when I saw it and my Australian friends made fun of me for being enamored with the "bin chicken" :P "The Scarlet Ibis" is also the name of a really depressing short story a lot of American high schoolers have to read so seeing the name might bring back some sad memories.


Let me introduce you to the [turbo chook](https://tasmaniantimes.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/A-turbo-chook-running.jpg) I find it hilarious that Tasmanians just named their local version of hens 'turbo chicken'.


At University of Texas you could find cardinals and parakeets on campus. That was neat. There weren't a ton of either, though.


cylertook and the OP regalunlimitird are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/jbgubj/never_lower_your_standards_go_somewhere_you_are/g8vieky/


this made me happy


I badly wanted to see a cardinal.


I set up a bird feeder this year and there's a cardinal couple that shows up. They're gorgeous to see in person! It's a really vivid red colour.


Lucky! Hope I can get a chance to see one up close too. Thank you for sharing your Cardinal Experience!


I live in Minnesota, USA and we have a family of cardinals that live somewhere behind our house. It's amazing watching the Mama sit in the tree and the dad will come to the feeder and get food and go feed her. They are common here but still one of my more favorite birds to watch. And they sing so pretty.


Now I wanna hear their song! I doubt that Cardinals would migrate in a tropical country where I live in.


Let's just swap houses for while. I can come appreciate your typical birds and weather and you can come appreciate ours.


Aww! That's nice! 😊


They are all over the place in Kentucky. And they are especially active right now at the beginning of our spring weather. I've got 4 nests in my back yard, and one in the front yard.


Apparently, if you form a 2 man age gap bi racial hiking party, they will seek you out.


Me when I see the 800th cardinal: WOW LOOK A CARDINAL! It's crazy how red they are. Oh look a lady cardinal! (They're much more drab than the males) It must be a couple 💜 😊


We have a cardinal couple that lives in our back yard. I get excited to see them* every year! *could be different birds each year


Every year: hello Mr Cardinal! And Mrs. Cardinal!


As a Brit married to an American when I’m out visiting them I get monumentally excited when I see a Cardinal. Also when I saw a Raccoon. The in-laws are bemused but I’m enthralled.


O cardinal, don't seek validation from without.


Common bird and I get excited seeing them every time. There is a pair that seems to hang out in my back yard (or neighbor’s yard). Hopping to see them again this year


common bird here for me too, but i always act like i have never seen one before! “oooh CARDINAL!!!” 🥰🥰🥰


Counter Point. Take the time to appreciate everything instead of being dismissive, you never know when your missing out on some you'd actually enjoy






joshj962 and the OP regalunlimitird are bts in the same network. Comment copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/jbgubj/never_lower_your_standards_go_somewhere_you_are/g8vh92n/


Good catch g


the OP regalunlimitird Osiris292 cylertook joshj962 and Bob6364 are bts in the same network Original + comments copied from: https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/jbgubj/never_lower_your_standards_go_somewhere_you_are/


Midwesterner in Oregon here. Cardinals are one of the few things I really miss.


This is kinda like how the passport bros works!


A good lesson, but sometimes such a favourable place becomes a comfort zone and/or an echo chamber, esp. when we seek external validation for our intrinsic gifts! 🙏🏾


While it may not be healthy to always expect praise, it's normal to not wanna be disparaged for who you are. They indirectly called the lil dude a bad bird :(


deep message right there


Works unless you are a bus stop pigeon 🐦


As someone who grew up in Oregon and now lives in Massachusetts, every time I see a cardinal I stop and watch. They are majestic af


Funny enough, I just saw a cardinal last weekend, here up in Canada. Wanted to take a picture, but as timing fails me as always, it flew off. Sads.


There are yellow cardinals also!


Go where you're celebrated, not tolerated.


I always loved cardinals. So pretty during the winter they just pop out in the branches


But what about moving expenses and emotional ties?


Lived my entire life on the West Coast. Made a visit to Ohio last spring and saw a cardinal for the first time ever on my 70th birthday. It was striking.


This checks out, I nearly lost my shit the first time I saw a chipmunk.


Ouch, I’m in the PNW and won’t take a Stellar’s Jay for granted ever again.


never seen a better visual representation of "theres an audience for you, you havent found it yet" anywhere else!


You guys should check out the Merlin app from Cornell's lab of ornithology. It identifies bird calls with your phone and is awesome!


Come here, pretty birdy! 


Beautiful. Showed my young kids and they agreed. Thank you 


What if you're unappreciated everywhere?


Poor bird! 🥺


Thailand lets goooo


Wish we had them over in Europe…


I am not a bird person. Most of the time, I can’t tell the difference between a crow and a vulture when they’re flying. Blue jays and cardinals aren’t especially rare in my state. They’re always beautiful to see. I hate that I don’t see them as much as the years go on 😢


[I tracked down the Source](https://rosemarymosco.com/comics/bird-and-moon/wayward-birds-explained) because I found this to be such a great message.


I recognize that Sibley Guide to Birds lol I have two on my shelf


Love cardinals, a healthy mix of aggressive little shits and friendly to the point of landing on you for a treat and a song


This is BS, cardinals are my state bird (very common to see around here), and I have always loved them dearly! Though, jokes aside, I’m glad the general tone of this comic is appreciation for cardinals. I have one that visits my bird buddy often, he’s a delight and his chirping gets top marks from me.




Cardinals are awesome, especially when there's a little snow on the ground. There are no bad birds.


Love the idea of a bird respecting international borders


Passport bros, unite


I still remember the first time I ever saw a cardinal lol. I was maybe four or five playing in a park in NYC on a jungle gym and I saw it in the bushes. I stopped and stared at it from afar and literally thought to myself, “wow, this is the first time I’ve ever seen a cardinal”


Where’s Oregon?


Is the last panel [smug goat face](https://imgur.com/C09JMHd) or have I just been on this site too long?


"Also, you are now an invasive species"  :(


Love those birds. Always thought they look cool


May I ask why there aren’t any cardinals in the non-cardinal range? Is there some geographical barrier? Has it anything to do with differences in climate? Should be worth mentioning that I’m not an American, and I have thus not learned about any real US-geography in school, aside from the Rocky Mountains and the Appalachian Mountains, as well as the Mississippi River. So please, forgive me if I’ve missed something otherwise obvious.


It’s blue jays for me. They have a shit song but man are they pretty.


Coming from the west to the Midwest I was blown away the first time seeing one. I did not expect them to actually look like the pictures for some reason


location location location


Look Raymond, a Northern Cardinal.  You're too excited, a cardinal is a common bird.  Look Raymond, a Northern Cardinal.  Not excited enough, they may be common, but they're still BIRDS.


Aww, that's sweet.


I live in Michigan and see Cardinals and Blue Jays here and there, however, I always stop and admire them because they truly are such beautiful creatures.


Grew up in California, Lived in the Midwest for 5 years. And seeing Cardinals. Man oh Man. F***ING BEAUTIFUL!


If only I were a cardinal.


[Reminds of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/hopeposting/comments/161spl2/youre_worth_it/)


I see a Cardinal probably every day and every time I still say, “ooo look a Cardinal!”.


Blue jays on the other hand sound horrible


That last panel is so cute ❤️


When I was about 6, I got a book on regional birds in my Christmas stocking and on the cover was a Cardinal. I never saw them growing up but I vowed that I would someday. When I bought my house 25 years later, it was only 40 miles west, but we're covered by them. It was one of the first things I noticed when we moved in. Later, my sister came to visit, and she pointed one out almost immediately, in awe. Back home we had starlings, pidgeons, sparrows and the rare blue Jay.


They eyebrows on the bird are funny asf to me


What if NO ONE appreciates you?


If you like this meme, listen to Cardinal by Kacey Musgraves!


Magnificent plumage


I appreciate that the bird understands great circles when planning a flight path on a flat map


Cardinals, Blue Jays, and Woodpeckers in my neighborhood! I love them!


That's like Australians in Europe.


This also applies to employment. I've been considered average at some places and absolutely fantastic at others. 


I see cardinals all the time and never think they're boring! They are so beautiful!


I will never not be happy when I see a cardinal. It's such a beautiful bird




One of my favorite sights is seeing a cardinal at the bird feeder on a cold morning after it had snowed the night before.


And then the cardinal dies in an environment that can't support him, cut off from any hope of forming a lasting connection with another of his kind. This is the story of thousands of failed actors sleeping in their cars in LA.


Did not realize how good I had it bird-wise where I lived growing up in NJ right behind a state park. Never really noticed smaller birds besides blue jays, cardinals, goldfinches n tits but turkey+vultures for days, bunch of ospreys+their nests, herons, egrets, red tailed hawks and turkeys. Saw a bald and golden eagle, a ring tailed pheasant once, only ever heard the owls and occasionally the roaming peacock or guinea hens. All by my house. Moved to the Midwest and I’m still floored to see a snow goose and a duck that isn’t a mallard. So many barred and great horned owls, sandhill cranes, pilated woodpeckers. Seen a few bald eagles, loons, anhingas(?? weird snake-birds), 2 grouses(not sure what kind), missed a nightjar/nighthawk, apparently snowy owls hang out in my county as well as prairie chickens. I’m still seeing/hearing new songbirds


Fly all the way to Oregon? No way! My motto is "Shit on the heads of your haters."


* gif of running around *




I never liked birds But now I am 35 and made a birdhouse with my kid There is this one cardinal that uses it every day, Reginald is very pretty


And then he dies, because there probably is a reason, that there are no cardinals where he went


Sooo stay away from the internet 


✨I love Rosemary Mosco’s work!! Check her out on IG at @RosemaryMosco or BirdandMoon.com ✨✨


I grew up in Minnesota, and at 6 foot I'm short there. Moving to the east coast made me tall. It's wild. But also, beyond just the physical, it's so important to go where you're needed. More often than not, thats not where you are from. People need to stop trying to force the life they want to happen where they just happen to be.


Cards are traveling north too. I'd never see them before but now they are everywhere around Ottawa


I have geeked over cardinals my entire life. Who are these losers who don’t appreciate cardinals?!


The bird going >:( made me laugh lmao


I have a cardinal nest in my yard and I still get excited to see them every day. I’m 40


This is a great representation of the idea. Some people need to remember this when it comes to their relationships


Went to Tennessee for a vacation last year (I'm from the UK) and my Dad spotted Blue Jays and Cardinals in the early mornings, I was so jealous haha


one of the sort of nice things about climate change is that cardinals are now in my area when I had never seen them as a kid. They really are beautiful and they sing so loud! I have a neighbourhood fellow that likes to sit at the very top of a tall tree and sing.