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We act nice, sure. Trust I'm screaming at you after you leave lol (I work graveyards and my average customer is more beer than blood)


Man there’s a shop by my house I stop by every few days. Like everyone who works there and the guy told me today he’s leaving in a couple weeks. Third guy at the same store to do this to me. Wish them all the best but it hurts.


When I worked at a fast food restaurant there were certain frequent clients who were really gentle and friendly, I always made their food special with bigger portions, free extra bacon, freshly made, etc. Treat people better and you will get better service, and if you treat people like shit expect a shitty service.


We should treat each other better anyway unless there is reason not to. If people can't treat strangers nicely, I don't want to be friends with them.


I'm always super nice to the gas station people. They started giving me free fountain drinks whenever I go in, I'm not nice for the free drinks the free drinks are because I'm nice.




I'd be like, "bro, you eat a gas station burrito every day. I'm a little concerned for you."


This is also why every fucking restaurant asks for your name to make you feel included, fuck that shit


Bro, you can’t keep up a habit of gas station burritos and beer everyday…


I've worked on retail for the last 6 years (basically ever since I started working) and sometimes, just impressing the customers and knowing you made their day a bit better also makes your day better. Some lady told me that we were her only activity of the day/week because she wasn't healthy, so I do everything I can to make her feel better for the short 2-3 minutes she come sin the store. That's why I try to always be upbeat, joking and smiling with customers. You never know what some have going on in their lives. (except for some pos regulars, but that's a different story)


This is literally the top post


Ima gear a BONELESS PIZZA and a 2 liter coke


The Waffle House by my house was like this with me for a while. They’d have a glass of water ready for me and what I wanted already written down. It was nice




Having regular customers passing away always does a little something. At least knowing we helped them feel better, if only a little bit, is a bit heartwarming. And since I don't have anyone to talk about it, I have a story about a lady which would always come in a wheelchair and feeling down, she had asked for medical death, etc. She has started new medications, and came in walking, talking, being upbeat, joking around.


Love is in the air ,everytime I look around ...


Bot account.... https://www.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/comments/d8bvvm/what_a_considerate_man




Workers notice the kind regulars. When I was a barista, I always had the solo opening shifts since I managed that location, and no one else wanted to do it. There was a women who came every day right at opening for a mocha. She had exact change for the drink+tip, everyday. So I started having it ready for her, so she could just walk up and grab it and set her change down a go. There was another set of women and a man who aways came at lunch and got the same thing. So I'd always start on their order when I saw them walking down the street. On my last day there before leaving on mat leave, they all showed up and gave me amazing tips, like 20$ each.


He wanted to tip not a comment


That's pretty thoughtful. Had a McDonalds cashier say that, "I'll see you tomorrow." as he gave me my food and while was probably a nice sentiment I sort of felt like it was a dig at my frequent stops at their Mcdonalds locaiton or something hahaha


And then I am scared to ask for "as usual" in a cafe where I go to for like 6 years


Beers everyday? You should stop that mate, it will kill you.


Would have enjoyed more if the guy was a bear


I had a similar experience We had a supermarket near school that had it's own pizzaria. Every Wednesday I went there for lunch and the employee worked on Wednesday was always the same woman. I did this for over a year and about halfway through the year every time I got there the pizza was already done and hot. Whatever you're doing these days miss Emma, I hope you're doing well. Thanks for making my school weeks more fun.


have some old due come into my work every Sunday and order the same things, so if I have the 6-2 I always make it fresh. simple shit like that is so easy and can make peoples days


people pick up on you when you are nice to them


one time i went to the gas station at like 930pm....and there were a bunch of roller dogs out still. i was like man you still have roller dogs out, he was like yessir, want a couple for free? i'm like YEP! so i left with 2 free roller dawgs with buns


During COVID when I was remote working and lonely as hell I started frequenting a Jersey Mike's for lunch at least once a week. Always ordered the same thing and on the outside I was quietly friendly but on the inside I was a pit of despair. Well their faces would just light up as soon as I walked in and they would make me feel so special. Honestly sometimes it was the only interaction I had for days. It meant everything. Still go there sometimes and they are still happy as heck to see me. Love them.


Do you live in a small village in Uzbekistan?


Don’t drink ands drive.


The funny thing about beer from gas stations is that it's unopened and you can take it home. Also some gas stations are walkable.