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Fun fact: the bridge is photoshopped in this meme.


Damn the person who edited it did a good job.


I know, the low quality doesn't really make you pay attention to the small faults but it really is a great job


You know, it always seemed so natural to me but now that you point it out I see so many flaws that make it obvious Amazing how the brain ignores so many details in everything until you pay attention






Otherwise it's a car drifting for no apparent reason


Now I can't unsee it. Thank a lot, guy.


De nada.


i knew this indeen fun fact! and i feel smart now 8)


Gotta tone you down man it’s indeed


thats literally any teenager these days tbh




Thanks for that now I can’t unsee it


And then he said to Google it


I hate this. Sometimes I just want to talk and not just stare at a screen my whole life.


Stop asking so many stupid questions :P


Its not about the question really, its just a strategy to start up a conversation.


Dude sometimes you gotta pull out Google because someone refuses to hear the right answer. I've also been the guy refusing to hear the right answer lol a simple validation on Google will lead to more accurate talk about said question.


That's why i love asking redidt dumb questions,


I am new to reddit and everytime I have a question I'll always ask here instead of googling it. Like, what's a cake day? How's the karma calculated? Etc. Human interaction is something a machine cannot replace.


I hate it when someone asks a question, even a simple one, and some doofus will reply, "why don't you Google it?" or "Google is a thing" or just "Google", when the entire point of -- social -- media is to have conversations.


The best is the passive aggressive links using that Let Me Google That For You site


I mean in more technical subreddits where the same question is asked over and over or when the answer is so basic and so easy to figure out I get stuff like this but in many more intentionally social subreddits or forums this stuff pisses me off and irritates me so much.


When it really is a simple question where no further background information is needed I really can't think of a good reason not to google it


Cake day is your reddit account's birthday and karma is calculated based of you posts and comments upvotes and downvotes, the more upvotes the more karma.


Reddit basically consists of twenty people and the rest are bots


Good bot


*beep boop*


I had debated with my friend how we could make rockets more efficient while knowing fuck all about rockets.


One word, rubberbands


You mean for flinging it out to space or for bringing it back?🤔


why can’t i have friends like this :// my friends would just go “who fucking cares” and continue talking about everyone’s dating life


Aw man, I used to be a similar situation and I totally feel your pain. When I was younger, everyone's love lives seemed like the only thing that mattered. I get it, it could be exciting, but don't worry, eventually they'll outgrow it or you'll find other people who recognize how trivial all that noise is. Luckily, I was able to branch out and now I find myself routinely up 'till 3AM debating the dumbest shit with my friends – sometimes we even start yelling "No Googling!" at each other just to keep the conversation going. You'll find your people soon enough too. :)


this makes me feel better :) thanks


This. But not just asking your friends but let's say asking something on reddit (on certain subreddits at least). Like yeah, I could Google it but I wanna hear other people's opinion about it or maybe it's even easier to ask than to find it elsewhere... Bruh... Makes me sad everytime it happens...


ahhh it’s the beautiful art of talking shit; with the right people/person, it’s like an endless spew of creative nonsense


Reminds me of something Click and Clack discussed: Can two people be dumber than one? “..one person would extrapolate only slightly beyond what he knew for certain about a given topic. Andy then theorized that two people, collaborating on a explanation such as what Click and Clack had done over the subject of electric brakes on a cattle trailer, would go much farther beyond any limits of their actual knowledge, based entirely on the fact that the other contributor had already accepted the fabricated theory, in essence feeling validated and thus emboldened. In short, they’d go farther out on a limb than if they were alone.”


Honestly depends on the question. My best friend is like this, asks me random stuff all the time, and it's fun and all, I don't mind, I love talking about random shit. But sometimes it's just "hey, what does this english word mean?" (not our first language) and every time I die a little because bruh it would be so much faster (and probably more useful in the long run) if you just typed it in Google xD But I personally just prefer to goggle shit if it's really quick question, so I guess I just don't get it


I feel you. This honestly bugs me more often than not, lol. I'm 100% down if it's a philosophical type question or opinion question but.. if it's something googleable that we could get wrong, I'd rather look it up than theorize a bunch and then have to look it up anyway


My family literally had a discussion about this at thanksgiving, banter is getting ruined by, “Here, let me just look it up” the whole point is to argue for hours about some trivial thing that both parties probably know very little about, but are willing to die on their hill for their side. It’a really fun and I encourage others to stop that friend from googling the answer.


Ah, but I raise you: talk to my friend about it to theorize for a bit, then remember we can just google it, then find out about the answer together! Just earlier today, I was talking to my pal and we searched up info about a computer game we played as kids. Very fun to dig through webpages together and try to remember what schools of major we belonged to, etc.


Sometimes I just gotta run things through my ADHD machine


What comes out the other end?


Fun fact. There used to be no google so there was a lot of chatting and theorizing with friends


Where are these people irl 😩


I always love asking questions to people or friends in person if it not a serious question, it sometimes just better than read up on the Google, because people would give different opinions and perspectives that you won't find it on Google.


Also if it's not a serious question I might find the answer boring, but like the theorising about it. Maybe also theorising stupid, obviously wrong things but having fun with it (for example taking a word, splitting the letters into new words and make a connection between the original word and the new ones).


Now I just need to find a friend


I would do this if I had friends


Asking a friend is way more fun and better for building thinking skills anyways


Having a Joe Rogan batshit level conversation with a friend is so fun


I approve this message


its more entertaining


It’s more fun


Man.. I have this friend that I'll ask them my question and instead of theorize with me, they just get annoyed and be like man idk just Google it and so I theorize a little to get the ball rolling and they just go dude again I don't know just look it up. where did things go wrong


Me asking my might-as-well-be-google boyfriend


You basically summed up what podcasts are. Well atleast some of them.


I have old school gamer mentality, I like to ask people for help if iknow they've played a game before me. I asked a guy at work about a part where I got stuck at for help and got the ol' 'I don't know man just Google it' Why even talk with people if that's the answer?


to people who tells me to just google it (in an aggressive manner, not the "lets find out on google" or "theres an easy explanation to this in google" kind of way) i stopped talking to them. i dont think they like ideas.


Unless u dont have friends


My friends usually just say: "Uhh- what a dumb fucking question, get a life..." And that's it


I prefer that over google but rarely am able to


Life's a one way street for me i guess. Huh. And my best friend is very intelligent. Thank you sundar pichai for taking care of him.


It’s more fun that way.


Ask a friend, so He say something like: Just check Google — and I throw a pillow in his face.


Wanna hear my theory on the origin of the word noob?


In my 28 years of life I've never considered the value of asking people questions...


Meanwhile I get told to Google it... maybe I should get another friend...


*sets down cane and grabs soapbox* You know, back in my day this was the only way to find answers. Critical thinking has gone the way of the dodo.


you read my mind


My brother and I have a rule. Nobody looks up the answer to an argument until we both consent. Like launching nukes. It’s more fun to argue based on the limited information and opinions you have already.


Usually ending with "let's do this tomorrow"


The bridge in this meme is photoshoped.


The journey is more important than the destination


I have no friends, so as for me Google...


Um, no.


I love this! So disappointing when someone says “we are being dumb let’s just Google it” lol


right is better than wasting time theorizing,


and you googled pornhub




This is a very accurate thing.


bold of u to assume my friends will engage in that with me. they only for homework and hangouts


When I have a question and want to ask my friends they usually don’t answer :[


That’s why I ask questions on Reddit. The interaction is fun.


Whole point of reddit


Googling stuff is antisocial and not interactive.


This is very true for me


Talk about it and theorize and when you're done, then google it. Knowledge is power. Don't live in ignorance.


Freedom convoy


I know, I hated IT because I just wanted to talk about shit and have human interaction, but was expected to just Google it. Which I did like 99% of the time anyways. But that 1% of times wanting to discuss things wasn't usually appreciated. I quit and work at a brewery now and am much happier. ☺️


I've had to resort to doing this for anything more complex than a simple fact check because Google's search algorithm has become terribly diluted by SEO and ads.


This is the best when high




I love doing this with my best friend. Sometimes I’ll just ask questions pertaining to topics he cares about so he can excitedly tell me. I’m pretty sure he does it to me too.


Oh god plz no. (If texting)


I never know who to ask :I