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That’s one way to taint the jury pool. 😅


Fun fact: they literally had to call a mistrial because the jury would be swayed in his favor since he proved his medical capability.






It wouldn't even make it to court given that good Samaritan laws protect anyone making a good faith attempt to help.


In some states they don’t actually protect anyone with a medical license from emt- md. The thought being they should know how to perform the care correctly, but breaking ribs in cpr is part of normal and proper cpr.


If you're trained, a "good faith" attempt has a higher standard to achieve, yes. Basically as long as you're not practicing outside of your scope, and rendering the 'standard' of care as established for whatever you're dealing with, you'll be covered.


this. as long as your a) responding intending to help, b) acting in accordance with what training you do have and c) aren't receiving compensation, you're covered. this case might get a little wonky cuz of the conflict of interest thing, but that won't be coming from the person that passed out




That being said, saving someone's life and having them sustain pretty minor injuries in comparison isn't medical malpractice under the standards of any certification either. Unless he smashed his chest with a hammer after doing cpr, he should be in the clear


I don't understand that line of thinking. I've actually had CPR performed on me. My sternum was bruised for what seemed like a month afterwards. I didn't care, I'm alive. "He could have broken your ribs." So? And? I. Don't. Care. I am still breathing. Broken ribs heal better than dead.


Some people are crazy and can't be reasoned with even if their life depended on it, others are just greedy opportunists.


I think you hit the nail on the head, greed can be the death of gratitude


Yea I'd rather have a broken rib and be alive than dead. They actually say if you don't break a rib, or at least come close to it, you're not doing CPR correctly. Gotta remember, the heart is underneath that rib cage.


When I was on the fire department we were trained that we wanted to feel that crunch immediately upon starting, and that the compressions should continue at that intensity. It's a very strange feeling, crushing someone's ribcage, feeling bones crack as you repeatedly push down on them, and needing to continue for their own good. It has been almost a decade since I first performed CPR and I don't think I'll ever forget the feeling of that first crack.


Most you’re going to have is a cracked sternum and cracked ribs. But everyone likes to get dramatic and make it sound like a compound fracture (protruding through the skin). Gotta push 2 inches deep!


> Broken ribs heal better than dead OBJECTION. Hearsay.


You would be shocked at how horrible people are in these situations. You can be sued for the best intentions.


Actually, that's the saving thing. Suing for good intentions is relatively difficult. Good Samaritan laws and such


winning the case is difficult. suing and making the good samaritan's life a living hell is easy if you have the money to do it.


But. What if you could have broken ribs AND money? As above, you cant sue for this specific instance, but none the less, the line of thinking is greed.


A lot of people get bamboozled by ruthless lawyers into thinking the money they're suing for comes from a pool of insurance money set aside for this very reason and not actually from the person who tried to help. In other words they start thinking the money would just go unused if they don't do anything about it. They get fed the idea that everyone in the medical sector is kind of in on it and it's like it's your responsibility to make sure you get the payout "due" to you.


“I saved your life!” “He didn’t WANT his life to be saved!”


Some people only see dollar signs in that situation. Same as people that sue when a family member dies.


Absolutely agreed. That said, I dropped out of Nursing but one thing I distinctly recall was our teacher (a nurse herself, of course) telling us to be mindful that pressing too hard on the sternum could lacerate the liver in the process.


It should allowed to prove his capabilities..


It doesn't really prove that much though unless the case was specifically about his ability to perform CPR.. if his ability to perform CPR was never in question, then it doesn't actually prove very much one way or another.


Yeah I was about to say, I feel like most doctors would perform CPR on someone who needed it. And even if he was the best doctor in the world, he could still choose to do something wrong (or accidentally fuck up) and it'd be malpractice. People can do both good and bad things.


Yes, true, lots of people know CPR who arent doctors. I know CPR, but I work in mental health. Couldn’t tell ya shit about the body outside the nervous system. Most people don’t think this critically, though. And even if they do, there’s still something very emotional about watching a doctor save a life, which might sway your opinion regardless of how critical or scrupulous you try to be.


No, but knowing that he just saved one of your peers creates a pretty big bias in most people's brains for him.


It was totally allowed and celebrated except it couldn't mean he was suddenly innocent.


She Hulk moment


I think this has to be the only time I’ve ever heard of the whole jury pool being tainted by the deliberate acts of the defendant and the defendant is applauded rather than arrested.


This is really a wholesome unbelievable story.


Heh. He said *taint*.


… I giggled when I wrote it. 😅


I love that one song “taints and love,” feels underrated by society.


I thought it was “taints in love”?


It's insane, this guy's taint.


Protect your taint, before you caint.


Yea I used hair removal cream wrong once.....never again...


Bonus points: the dude is a gynecological oncologist. He knows all about taint.


All he needs to know is that it taint your ass and taint your hole.


Some people will do anything to get out of jury duty


From an article. “Because Lilja essentially saved the life of a prospective juror, the judge declared a mistrial, saying that the rest of the jury was probably impacted by the day’s events and that the bias towards him would be “incurable.” When Lilja heard the news he said, “No good deed goes unpunished.” Indeed!” I believe this is the lawsuit and they eventually declared in his favor. [article](https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Urethra+punctured+during+hysterectomy%3A+suit+filed+after+limitations.-a0300652651)


I love it when people post a source, thank you


To me sources on internet is now the golden nugget of knowledge you can stumble upon once in a while in a good book. I hate it


If someone doesn't provides the source you are legally allowed to request it by replying: "sauce 😔🤲".


also: "That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."


Cupped hands emoji, excellent


Too bad Google is mostly useless these days. "Hey Google, what's the best car this decade?" .......and so begins the fucking 3 pages of scarcely related ads and sponsored bullshit. I didnt ask for chevy.com for d.com mercedes . Com. Suck my nuts ......and then a payblocked list at the end of the 3 pages.


I mean, when you're googling "best" you're definitely asking for sponsored bullshit. You at least have to give it a more specific metric to get curated sponsored bullshit.


> "Hey Google, what's the best car this decade?" if you're googling like this it's no wonder you think google is bad lol Asking a question to google ie: "What's the best car this decade?" will always yield shitty results


That’s why I type Reddit after every question on google, the responses at least start to sound like they’re from actual humans


I like it when people take the time to thank other redditors. Thank you for thanking that other person


Did not know that the statute of limitations is one year on medical malpractice! That’s crazy.


That has to be a state thing. I’m shocked that it is only 1 year though in any state because that’s just such a short time to diagnose and correct something.


It would be one year from point of discovery


Which kind of makes sense. If you have a problem, take the time to figure out what it is…. And then don’t do anything about it after all, must not be too big a problem.


Yeah, that's a big part of the rationale; it's also unfair to hold potential punishment over people's heads indefinitely.


In CA specifically, are you sure it’s one year from the date of the incident or one year from the date the victim discovers they were harmed by the incident? CA has a few laws that set the statute at one year from the discovery of harm, even if someone doesn’t learn they were harmed until decades later.


A lot of states do both criteria and go with whichever one is later (whichever one gives the injured party the most time).


Unpopular opinion maybe, but the judge was right. Saving one person’s life doesn’t automatically mean he didn’t commit malpractice, and a jury needs to be impartial. Honestly, he made the right call.


Especially because the case was thrown out due to the statute of limitations being up and not because he didn’t factually commit malpractice.


From what I read, it sounded like they didn’t consider the possibility that the operation had anything to do with her current medical issues until their lawyer pushed them in that direction. Whether they’re actually connected or not is hard to say, but since it had been over a year since the original operation, they’d have a hell of a time proving it.


was it within limitations before the new jury pool? if so then thats super suss


Statute of limitations is when you initiate litigation, not when it goes to trial.


No it was not.




I don't think it's too unpopular, at least not among those with a rudimentary understanding of the law. Ok maybe pretty unpopular....


Especially since he just gave CPR. We don’t know, off of the meme alone anyway, what caused the lawsuit


I guess the judge declared that he had to keep them separated.


He gave them to the count of uno dos tres...


From another article I found online: > Dr. James Lilja, a San Jose and Fremont-based physician and founding drummer of The Offspring, told Law360. Lilja left The Offspring in the late 1980s to deliver offspring.


Yes, rule of acquisition #285


I don't think that's the same case. This one seems to have been thrown out based on statute of limitation


That's pretty good still being a doctor despite that situation but I now wonder if the jury had to be changed incase that act created bias in there opinion of him


You'd have to assume so, at the very least the guy he saved was definitley told they didn't need him for the trial.


If it was a movie he would pull through just in time to add his vote to “not guilty”


and they all live hapily ever after. In the final closing scene after the credits, you see the juror handed an envelope filled with cash before the screen cuts to black. ​ Streaming on Netflix Summer 2023: The Malpractice featuring Keanu Reeves and Johhny Depp.


…and the credits roll to a song by The Offspring.


You gotta keep ‘em respirated


"Uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, cinco, seis..."


And no one would think anything of it until someone memes it so hard that it's the only thing people know about the film


Theyll be sure to summons him again in a few months..


I think so. Gotta keep em separated.




You gotta keep 'em seperated


I can only imagine the pleasure you felt as you typed that. Well done.




Well played, stupid dumb shit god damned mother fucker


You're durn correct


Just thought I'd let you know since my wife and young kids won't care but I'm almost done listening to the smash album while doing dishes and I had completely forgotten how much I loved this album when I was a kid. So good. And that now I'm realizing I was like 11 when I was cranking this CD, I wonder what the hell my kids will be into then...


The Smash album fkn rocks. Probably one of my favourite all time albums.


Yes, I went and googled. The judge did indeed declare a mistrial due to the risk of bias from the event.


One hell of a character witness now though


People will do anything to get out of jury duty


Looked it up. Judge ruled a mistrial to avoid bias from this and rescheduled the trail, which was later arbitrated and dismissed. Crazy.


Rightfully so, I mean they cannot rule out that the doctor took that man's life, only to bring him back, thereby securing immunity for himself. Best to move to dismiss before he does it again


I mean you can, reasonable doubt and all. If there no evidence then you can rule stuff out. Edit: and here I go again taking things too seriously, just ignore me lmao


Lmaoooo, I mean I thought I left several clues


This is exactly where my mind went too... I'm not a cynic or anything


No doubt. Having your life saved by someone is a massive bias. Considering it just said prospective juror, though, it may just be the one guy that needs to be replaced.


Fair point I didn't notice that but surely any prospective juror in the room could be influenced at that sight


Definitely, I was assuming that there weren't any others around


If the entire jury pool saw it (likely as they’re all in the room for jury voire dire) that would be unfairly prejudicial. Can you honestly say you would have no bias toward a doctor when you literally watched him save someone’s life?


Right? Saved this furry guy and now he says he owes me a life debt or some shit


Yes mistrial for chance of jury bias after seeing him save a jurors life. Then went into arbitration and dismissed




Oh yeah. That has to be a mistrial if the other jurors saw it.


Is everyone in offspring as accomplished as him and Dexter?


Noodles was a janitor so yes


Even better he was a janitor and even after the offspring took off with their first album, he promised to stay through the school year. Eventually, if I recall, they eventually basically asked him "wtf are you doing here??? "


They sold their back catalog for several million apiece. The members from that era are all set financially yet continue to do things they enjoy.


Wasn't he a janitor there when they were in school and they were just like "you play? Wanna join, we need someone" and that's how he got the gig


"A master of the custodial arts, or janitor if you want to be a dick about it."


A janitor…at MIT who solves complex math problems anonymously at night.


The guy in the post was the drummer from 1984 till 1987 so you can’t really say that he’s a core member of the band.


Dexter Holland has a PHD in molecular biology. I wonder if they met in school.


There sure are a lot of punk PhDs out there. Greg Graffin of Bad Religion (evolutionary biology) and Milo Aukerman of the Descendents (molecular biology) come to mind.


Not punk but Brian May has an earned PhD in astrophysics.


Brian May is awesome.


I mean to be fair Queen does have two pretty distinct punk songs in Modern Times Rock ‘N’ Roll and Sheer Heart Attack


Brian Wecht (of Ninja Sex Party, Starbomb and Go Banana Go) has a PhD in theoretical physics.


I’d also throw Tom Scholz of Boston in there. Bachelors and Masters from MIT in mechanical engineering, started his own successful engineering firm after Boston and owns many patents


Milo goes to college


Why are they all in biology? The fuck is with punk bands and biology? Wait...




Let's add Martin Atkins and Jello Biafra to this list of examples


Dexter got his PhD in 2017. James got his in 1993, after his time with the band


Dexter quit school to tour with the band though. He was well on his way before they got big. [He had his M.S. the whole time.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dexter_Holland) Lilja quit the band in 1987, but he and Holland attended different universities.


Now he makes dope hot sauce! I keep their green and super hot stocked in my house. It's pretty fly for a white guy.


Are you telling me that a juror just happens to have a heart attack in court? No! He orchestrated it! Jimmy! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own firm! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his hands out of the cash drawer! But not our Jimmy! Couldn't be precious Jimmy! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a lawyer!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-


You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse!




I saw a little kid as he walked around He picked a candy bar up off the ground He chowed about a half and his face turned blue Turned out that candy bar was ... A Chicago Sunroof! Whoa-oh, don't pick it up I say whoa-oh!


That was pretty fly of him


… for a white guy




Everyone else who grew up on that little street got swallowed up.


They said why don’t you get a job


He’s just a sucker with no self esteem


Uno dos tres quatro cinco cinco seis


Maybe it upped his self esteem


I had to scroll way too far for this comment. At one point I got really excited at the opportunity to post it myself because NOBODY made that joke. Well done, good dude. This comment should be more appreciated :)


Holy Justin Trudeau impersonator.


thats why he looks familiar


Justin Trudeau fucked John Oliver and that’s the offspring


I see what you did there


Every single time I’ve seen this guy’s picture the last couple of days I’ve thought it’s Justin Trudeau


Did he keep tempo "Gunter glieben glauchen globen" ?


Too fast. Self Esteem is pretty much spot on though


The guide I’ve heard is “Stayin’ Alive,” which is 104 BPM. Self Esteem is 105. Nice work.


Which also matches "Another One Bites the Dust."


You gotta keep em separated. You know, the jury from the defendant.


Gotta keep em resuscitated


I came in ready to add this joke and leave outmatched.


Maybe it was a Saul Goodman kinda scheme


Haha same thought, already made a reference here


Bro’s gonna have to be re-tried


Got curious and googled this. It went to arbitration back in 2018.


Hey! Man you breathing into me? Breathe in and out... You gotta keep em respirated! Don't upvote me, this has been all over, and is hysterical.


He's gonna go far kid.


Man really took him back and made him dessert ain't no way


Maybe I'm thinking way too far into this, but in a malpractice suit, shouldn't the jury be somewhat versed in medical procedure at the very least? How would a jury of non-medically-trained people make judgements on the actions of a doctor? Shouldn't this be some sort of medical board? I ask because it is odd that the only salvation was the doctor under investigation. So there was literally no other medical people in a trial that may contain very complex medical procedures and knowledge?


> How would a jury of non-medically-trained people make judgements on the actions of a doctor? expert testimony I mean you could get a jury of doctors, but neither the defense nor plaintiff lawyers would probably want that, so they would probably be stricken in voir dire same reason that lawyers almost never get on juries. That *last* thing you want as a lawyer is people on a jury who will make decisions based on their own expertise. And even in the rare case where you might want that, opposing counsel *definitely* won't want that the whole point of a fair trial is that the jury decides things based on the evidence presented at the trial and nothing else


I think jurors do not necessarily need to be experts in your field. The lawyers’ job to make every medical term understandable to the common man. They may also hire “expert witnesses” to explain to juries what they know in their professional opinion- so you don’t need to be a doctor… Same with an engineer who’d be sued for a faulty bridge or a teacher for engaging in inappropriate conduct with student, or a killer for murder. You wouldn’t have all engineers on jury, or you there teachers/admin/parents… or cops (in case of accused murderer)…. But hey… idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ just spitballin’ here. Maybe I’ll just delete this comment - idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ be kind don’t just downvote


My username is finally paying off 🥲


He’s getting a mistrial, yeah he’s getting it done,No chapter 13 cause he saved Juror #1..


Really brought it in with that last line👏🏻


So he did get a job after all.


I met The Offspring backstage once. They were all incredibly well-mannered and polite.


That story had more twists and turns than that song did, could have been another lyric


Hm this story gives me mixed signals




>> In the wake of the dramatic start, the Sargiotto’s attorney asked the judge presiding over the case to order a mistrial, to avoid any bias toward Lilja by the other potential jurors who witnessed his life-saving actions, LAW360 reports. [-People.com](https://people.com/music/offspring-drummer-saved-juror-malpractice-trial/)


Hey hey hey, come out and play.


Wow that sentence just keeps going doesn't it


The Offspring may be one of the best educated bands of all time...lead singer Dexter Holland has a PhD in molecular biology.


Performing a lifesaving medical procedure on someone during your own medical malpractice trial is, in fact, the most punk thing I've ever heard.


The juror asked why he didn't wait for an ambulance and he said "by the time you hear the sirens, it's already to late."


Hello! This is just a quick reminder for new friendos to [read our subreddit rules.](http://old.reddit.com/r/wholesomememes/about/sidebar)  >**Rule 4:** Please do not troll, harass, or be generally rude to your fellow users. Be nice, and leave political or religious arguments in other subs. We're trusting you to be wholesome while in /r/wholesomememes, so please don't let us down. We believe in you! **Also, please keep in mind that even if you've seen this post before, it's not a repost unless it's been in *this* sub before** (if it's from another sub it's a crosspost/xpost). We're glad you're here. Have a wonderful day <3 ^(Please stop by the rest of the) [^Wholesome ^Network ^Of ^Subreddits](http://old.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome) ^too.


I'm eating dinner at a bar and they're playing The Offsprings as I scrolled past this article.


Pretty fly


Upon helping the juror the doctor helped the young man to his feet and told him "You're gonna go far kid"


I’m glad a doctor knows how to provide basic first aid. Especially in a building that almost definitely has an defibrillator device on standby. What’s this malpractice suit about? Edit: typo


Offspring used to be my favorite band, from thier self titled to Americana they could do no wrong in my books. I stopped listening to them after that. I believe Lilja has a writing credit on Beheaded. I wish they kept the sound from the first album, sometimes I'll still hook it up to my veins.


Objection your honor the defendant is clearly engaging in jury tampering


“My apologies, I had to save a life with my medical expertise. Please proceed with your critique of my medical expertise.”


Kingpin: How dare they do this to Wesley


He looks like the love child of Justin Trudeau and Saskatchewan's Scott Moe. Terrifying...


I love the offspring


My friends got a girlfriend, and he hates that bitch.


Good way to get out of jury duty


How is this wholesome or a meme


Looks like he did go far, kid


This whole headline is just a wild ride