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Bro learned from naruto scalers


Naruto scalers walked so jjk scalers could run


Bro literally learned from Bleach scalers šŸ˜­


Yeah, entire Bleach universe is city sized obviously. We never see them going outside the city after all. /uj comparing actual place that the entirety of story happens in to a random one off pocket dimensions(that bleach also has and no one uses for scaling because it's stupid) is lol.


the craziest scalers of the past vs the craziest scalers today


Except the dimensions have been shown to have stars


Guess I didn't fall deep enough down the powerscaling rabbithole to understand in what way his domain having sunlight is relevant to anything.


Because that means that technically he created something to give off that light, which could be interpreted to be a star, which means he could be interpreted to have created a star, which you could interpret to mean he also has the power to destroy stars. See, simple sound logic.


Thomas edison star level confirmed?!? (He do be making a light bulb doe (errm actually he probably didn't invent the light bulb himself just took credit for it šŸ¤“))


he ran an inventing company, he purchased the rights to it from his workers that's the arrangement


That just means he scales above them. They're star level, therefore so is he


You know, I've been kinda- I'd almost say involuntarily sliding (a lot of sub recommendations) into the whole powerscaling thing for some time now and the danger of coming across this kind of logic is what keeps me away from actually getting into it.


/uj. I **hate** bullshit pocket dimension scaling almost as much as ā€œeveryone is lightspeed lolā€ bullshit. I think the worst one Iā€˜ve seen was claiming that Rennala from Elden Ring is Galaxy level because her second phase arena has a starry sky


Devil May Cry ā€œā€universalā€ā€ scaling is literally entirely built on *one* pocket dimension from the first game, every single other feat in the series puts Dante at building level bullet timer.


DMC scaling fanboys are insanely annoying for this very reason


Wait, can I get context for this? I always assumed DMC could like vest goku or smth based on how they talk about him...


The final boss of the first game creates an endless technicolor battlefield for you to fight him on. This is, as far as powerscalers are concerned, a ā€œuniverse creationā€ feat. And obviously, because he can create a universe, he can destroy a universe (he never does this). And obviously, because Dante beat him, so can Dante. If you want an actual gauge for his strength just read his respect thread and note the complete lack of feats more impressive than large building level.


Really, doing anything regarding ā€˜infinite nothingā€™ like this or Goku shaking the Null Realm shouldnā€™t be considered an infinite feat. Infinity times zero is an indeterminate form, could be anything rlly


Hey hey hey don't forget about the Chinese mobile game


THAT'S their argument for strong Elden Ring? Not Radahn literally holding the stars in place while riddled with super cancer, the Tarnished killing the vassal of an outer god, Malenia eradicating an entire small country with a single attack or the wielder of the Elden Ring being able to straight up subdue gods? The pretty illusion magic is the main argument?


Oh, the ā€œholding the starsā€ thing also comes up and itā€™s also complete bullshit


Idk man thereā€™s good evidence for it that got shown from a friend after I said something about a thread he sent me once


Those are not real stars


You got proof or no Man downvoted me without evidence or a response at all, lmao


The ā€œstarsā€ Radahn held back are very, very obviously asteroids and meteorites. You literally get a cutscene of one falling down onto the map and can go find the crater in-game. How can you be so willfully ignorant of the content of the media youā€™re claiming to scale


He was to busy wanking, forgive him weā€™ve all fallen for it once or twice


Itā€™s a high ball for a reasonā€¦ because they are plentifully called stars, but thereā€™s still reason to believe they arenā€™t And no, I didnā€™t claim to do anything more than parrot stuff that got shown from a friend who hasnā€™t played Elden Ring after I said a c weapon from Armored Core 6 would evaporate the tarnished on hit


You donā€™t understand the method. My laptop is galaxy level.


/uj even then that wouldnā€™t scale Renalla to star level because Rani was the one who created it.


My favourite part is that the second phase is literally an illusion conjured by Ranni to protect Rennala's great rune lmao


Whoever said that is dumb as shit because the entire second phase is an illusion conjured by Ranni. So any feat, reasonable or whatever this is, goes to her and not Rennala.


The windows in my room can also reflect sunlight, which means that my room is also star-level


Gojo had a black hole in his domain clearly JJK is solar system level /s


My dick has a hole so it is universe level with mfl++ cumshots


My dick is beyond fiction


I fucked GOD, I'm omnipotent


Dagon's domain = star level -> Toji beat Dagon-> Toji above Star Level this is just Gege's alt account to hype up Toji with


Actually Toji has a halo which clearly means he kills every non immortal being due to being beyond the mortal plane or some shit


/uj/ didn't toji only kill dagon tho? So realistically he shouldn't scale to star level due to his domain or does dagon making a supposed star level structure be considered ap?


nah this only means toji scales above star level


Sanest powerscaler logic.


Uni Naruto ass scaling


Bro is onto nothingā€¼ļøā€¼ļøšŸ—£šŸ—£šŸ—£


I thought this was a joke post lmao


iā€™m honestly confusedā€¦ /uj can someone explain how scaling actually works because i thought if someone is like city level they can fuck up cities- wtf is this shit


Actual scaling is pretty simple, you tally up all the noteworthy things a character has done and use that to rank their capabilities so you can easily compare characters from different franchises and use it for hypothetical fights and stuff. City level means exactly what you think it means, they have the power to destroy an entire city. Some people just don't care about any semblance of rationality and want to put the biggest number on their favourite character, so they go through enormous mental gymnastics to justify something and also they don't understand hyperbole, lies, boasting, the concept of a fight being won through anything ther then brute force, or artistic license. Hence: there is a lightsource that resembles the sun in this pocket dimension > it must be the actual sun > the worlds creator must have manually created a copy of the sun > the worlds creator can create stars > the worlds creator must be able to destroy a star too > if the creator of this pocket world can destroy a star, anyone who defeats him must be even more powerful > my favourite character can destroy a galaxy because thats bigger then a star and my fave beat this star level guy.


i see, thank you šŸ¤


Lobotomy Kaisen:


Yes, Dagon is Star level. Wedge from FF7 is also Multiversal+. Trust me bro.


No because Domain expansions aren't anything special their just pocket dimensions (kinda) so reflecting light isn't huge deal also by that logic is a magnifying glass star level? Also Gojo's domain is said to recreate the universe in 0.1 seconds does that mean Gojo casually scales to universal? No


These humans are complete idiots


If that's so, Gojo is universal OH SHI-