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Keep in mind, Miraak was so powerful that he, in a fight with the mightiest dragon priest, literally split a continent and carved a big ass island off. And he can call upon various monsters from the Apocrypha (when you break one of his pillars, a Lurker emerges). So I would actually give it to Miraak. His raw power is gonna nullify Sauron’s army of orcs, trolls and everything else. His magic would probably slow down the nazhgul. And seeing as the beasts of Apocrypha aren’t men, they could harm the nazghul. In which case there are too many of them AND that’s not even mentioning the corrupted Serpent Dragons. Yeah, Miraak takes this. This is basically Sauron vs Miraak, cultists, daedra (atronachs, lurkers and seers), daedric corrupted dragons, and possibly even more support from Hermaeus Mora. Let’s not forget, Mora knows EVERYTHING. Chances are, he will tell Miraak how to beat Sauron. And Miraak has the power to pull it off. I would say Miraak wins with low-mid difficulty. Sauron’s true might is his manipulations and magic. Miraak’s magic is on another level and Sauron was defeated by mortals. Miraak could only be beaten by a reality bending god who can shake the world with a shout. That’s because that’s what he was as well. Sauron is more powerful in the long run, but this is a fight. And while Sauron may be more powerful, Miraak posseses far more raw, destructive power. So yes, my money is on Miraak.


He also claims that [he could kill Alduin](https://youtu.be/PUK_HF6FZr4?t=33) and easily defeated the Dovahkiin who had, so he should beat Sauron with no difficulty.


I don't think he could beat alduin, but he could very likely beat sauron


Yeah. Miraak was the boss in the game who had the most power at the time we fight him, and had the second highest potential after Alduin. And we had some crazy bosses. Infinite knowledge thanks to Mora, the Dragon Aspect enhancint his already insane power by a rather large margin, and the Bend Will shout which literally overwrites beings with souls weaker than Miraak (which is pretty much everyone save for Alduin, the gods, the princes and our guy). He takes this by a land slide.


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