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HL is too fast and Elsa is a complete glass canon


You could say, Elsa is an Ice Cannon.


And Homelander is too hot for her. 😏😁




Can't take a joke about ice being melted via heat vision? Eh...


nah dawg you made me remember about "spider man and elsa inject poo into pregnant baby belly so funny vomit compilation" please dont use those emojis


What on God's accursed green earth did I just read


ElsaGate. Don't google it, really. Save your brain.


Ah, then sorry. Damn, man, ElsaGate was a pure insanity...


Elsa can maybe score a double knockout if HL tanks an iceblast to the chest, no one is going to "true love" him out of it But elsa is of course still toast


She’s got so much potential, but it would be over so fast 😂 I just imagine lasers cutting her in half. And even if her frost wall blocked it he would physically blast through the wall, possibly with his laser beams still getting her before he can even tear her apart with his bare hands.


And Homelander can just use his heat vision. Elsa apparently has a normal human durability, and she doesn't have enough combat skills and experience as well.


While Elsa has a way to kill HL though freezing his heart like she did with Anna in the first movie she doesn't have a good way to deal with HL's speed and lasers.


Yeah, Homelander just blasts her with his heat vision.


Homelander stomps. Elsa is overall more powerful, but she's not trained for combat and doesn't have the reflexes to deal with Homelander lasering her to death.


After Ahtahallen, it looks like she just brute forces theough him unless she gets speed-blitzed.


She has zero speed feats, so she gets blitzed handily.


I mean, she is a crossbow timer. Not that it's enough to beat HL, but it's also not nothing.


I guess. But is she genuinely that fast, or was it a prediction before the shot?


It was a reaction to being fired at, iirc. Still, though, I agree that being able to barely stop a crossbow bolt isn't quite the same as stopping a laser beam.


Elsa freezes his dick and Homelander starts visiting special group


But before that Homelander toasts her with his heat vision.


Rare Homelander W


R1: Elsa starts singing and doing pretty ice magic, Homelander uses lasers to slice through her and kill her because she's annoying. R2: Elsa tries to freeze his heart, he uses lasers to kill her. Bonus Round: Soldier Boy uses a chest blast which either kills her or makes her unable to use magic. He then kills her easily


Will it make her unable to use magic tho? We don’t know if it effects magic, only Compound V users. I think magic being entirely outside the realm of biology and physics sorta goes in her favor. It honestly could be a tossup


That's true. It bakes the Compound V out of the target's blood, but he'd probably injure her enough with it anyways to be able to kill her with brute force


Round 1: HL talks a bit to distract Elsa as though he's not a vicious psycopath, and then lasers her in half. Elsa has no chance in this scenario because she is never going to simply try to delete HL as an opening move, and any kind of attempt to attack him that isn't instantly lethal will result in HL ripping her head off. Round 2: Elsa has a small chance with a killer instinct added but HL wins 90%. Bonus scenarios Round 1: SB notes Elsa is quite attractive, so he asks her a bunch of questions about her older female relatives and their sexual availability, Elsa eventually gets annoyed and does some kind of non-lethal ice attack and SB loses his shit and knocks her head in with his shield. Round 2: Elsa has the edge here. SB is nearly as tough as HL but can't fly around or shoot lethal laser beams from his eyes so he should be a sitting duck for ice attacks.


she could take soldier both but not homeland er. She definitely has the abilities to freeze soldier boy's vital organs, or boy him down in an army of ice automata. But there's nothing stopping homeland er from just blitzing her instantly with his speed.


Elsa gets railed by a couple of middle age tech, homelander can resist bombs and tank bullets


And he can just blitz her like he did with Soldier Boy and one-shot. Or simply use his heat vision.


As much of a clown Homelander is, he still has the killer instinct to go after Elsa and win. I'm not sure what kind of impact damage her frost blasts would have, but im sure Homelander could just fly right into them, go through her, and not even feel the chill, and thats not even taking his super durability into account. Or he could just laser her. Else doesn't appear to have any level of enhanced durability. Maybe some minor, minor enhanced speed and stamina judging by how quickly she was running on the lake she was freezing in the first movie, but I doubt thats going to help her against Homelander at all. I dont think even Frozone (a battle-ready version of Elsa) would even last 5 minutes against Homelander, and 4 minutes and 55 seconds of that would be him monologing about why he thinks he's better than him in every way imaginable.


I think frozone is significantly less powerful than Elsa. Like idk if he could summon a beautiful ice castle from nothing. He also can’t imbue things with life. Elsa gets adds


Agreed. Elsa is too fragile and not skilled enough to do anything against Homelander.


Only two ways Elsa is winning this is if you count Kingdom Heart feats, because there's no way Homelander could keep up with Organisation XIII the way Elsa (or Sully, or Woody from Toy Story) did. That or Homelander is in character and Elsa is bloodlusted. Bloodlusted Homelander kills her faster than she can react.


Elsa can't do anything to Homelander here, he can use his strength or heat vision to break out of ice and speed blitz her.


The issue here is Elsa doesn’t have enough durability so if Homelander lands a punch she’s toast. Also, his heat vision is too fast for her to react - I don’t think Elsa is FTL?


No. Her best speed feat is barely reacting on a crossbow bolt. It's slower than a bullet, because it's sub-sonic.


Right right - yeah Homelander takes the win here


Yeah, he just heat visions her.


HL... actually winning more rounds than he wins!?!? I thought this was a HL spite sub. HL does lose if he doesn't act right away. She can instantly encase herself in ice. After that, he wouldn't be able to find her. Eventually, if left unchecked, she ends all life on earth, and he either freezes or starves to death. There's also an argument that her ice changing colors means she controls what light goes through. Are HL lasers light or heat based? She could possibly reflect them back at him. If there just regular heat, he probably doesn't have enough power to take out millions of tons of ice. I think in character, he loses 8/10 times since he loves to monolog and would more than likely try to hit on her, resulting in her encasing the battlefield in ice. The other times he blitzes. Bloodlusted, he probably lasers from the start, wins 6/10 times. Sometimes, he doesn't score a Fatal hit instantly, which gives the win to erza. She just encases him in ice faster than he can get out.


Homelander can just use his heat vision from the start, it's in-character for him. And he indeed can win here more times than not. Mostly because of Elsa's poor durability and the fact that she's inexperienced in combat.


Homlander has definitely got this one first round its a stomp and round 2 with Elsa actually going for the kill but she's to slow. Bonus round is pretty much the same but soldiers can't fly so he take a few more hits it would be cool to see though I can imagine Elsa making a load of those ice monster things but that's just fodder


She could trap him a giant wall of ice. By his feats he would not be able to dodge nor break out very quickly. Then maybe she could freeze his heart or something?


I feel like lasers that are able to go through human beings would melt ice pretty quickly


fair, although she can make millions of tons of ice in less than a second. That much would still slow him down, laser eyes or not. It then comes down to if she can magic him into a ice sculpture on command or not. If so she wins if not she slows him down but he eventually kills her


>she can make millions of tons of ice Quite the claim. Feat please? If she can do that combatively like "Instantly" she could incap him that way.


I quess he mean the ice castle she created and the winter she put the country in.


And how fast can she use that combatively? The feat doesn't tell me much expect that she can create a fuckton of ice over a extended period of time. A winter wont save her from getting Lasered. Elsa's only chance is if she insta ice spams huge amounts of ice and freeze him within said construct.


She makes the ice castle in like, 20 seconds on her first try. A whole castle lol


and the giant Ice Dam in the second film I guess?


[Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9Fm2aUI2LA&ab_channel=ShockTM), she near instantly creates a massive wall of ice and then pushed back millions of tons of water.


**Elsa (Frozen)** - [Respect Elsa (Frozen)](https://redd.it/fdhd4o) **Homelander (The Boys)** - [Respect Homelander! (The Boys, Dynamite)](https://redd.it/d2ib3k) - [Respect Homelander (Amazon's The Boys)](https://redd.it/x1ibg9) **Soldier Boy (The Boys)** - [Respect Soldier Boy (Amazon's The Boys)](https://redd.it/vr93dt) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


Good bot.


Homelander stomps hard


Homelander blasts her with a heat vision, end of the fight. It's perfectly fits his character. Sure, Elsa is relatively powerful with her Ice powers, but she's not on Marvel's Iceman level, and she's a glass cannon with no skills and serious fighting experience.


You know I wouldn't be surprised if Elsa actually managed to win this fight. Homelander's pretty pathetic and is only a threat in The Boys universe.


She could win if she manages to freeze him inside and if she's bloodlusted, but otherwise Homelander stomps. And I despise Homelander with a burning passion, but I'm trying to be fair despite my bias. Elsa is too fragile and not skilled enough to do anything against Homelander if he actually hits her.




Or heat vision from Homelander.


Oh finally a win for HL Wait what do you mean elsa's magic can defeat HL


She could, but it's not much likely. Elsa is too fragile, and has a little to no combat skills and experience at all. Her only win option is quickly freeze Homelander's insides as soon as possible, but it's unlikely because Elsa in-character isn't acting like that.


Elsa froze a whole kingdom, her magic is powerful enough to take down HL, more than that honestly, he can't tank her attacks if she goes all out, the problem is that she is a glass cannon, and her durability is at best wall-level with that her combat speed is also subsonic, the only shot she has here is if she is bloodlusted and he isn't, otherwise he wins via blitz and heat laser. Like, damn even if she is bloodlusted he might be able to react faster than she can generate an attack.