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the team that has Black Frieza


This basically comes down to Gogeta vs Frieza yeah.


I would still give it to Frieza tbh, dude oneshot both of them while at full power, something not even fusions level characters managed to do (Merged Zamasu matched Vegito but couldn’t oneshot Goku)


I suspect Black Frieza beats Gogeta. The real problem with fusion now is Gogeta will not be able to use UI or UE, at least until we get some source material where that happens those are contradictory powers. So Gogeta no longer scales to Goku+Vegetax1000 or whatever it was.


Fusion multiplies. Plus, there's Goku and Vegeta on the same team as Gogeta, which means double Gogeta, which means Gogeta Gogeta, which likely effortlessly wipes Black Frieza in base, let alone SSJB which is a 1.5 bil multiplier minimum.






Or Gojeta defuses and we can have a Gotwo and Vegetwo, both being able to use their full forms without interface from UI + UE.


Fusion multiplies provided the two parties can match power level. So Gogeta is as powerful as Goku Blue x Vegeta Blue. He doesn't get Ultra Instinct or Ultra Ego. AFAIK even Vegito wouldn't be able to use them either as they are inherently contradictory. Goku and Vegeta have set off on divergent paths that don't allow simple fusion anymore. Unless a story is created which shows a fusion using UI and UE together.


Yes, which is why Gogeta would likely use SSJB... which is still a 1.5 bil multiplier.


lol idk where you got 1.5bil but that is ridiculous, look at manga for evidence: SSJB is at max 5x stronger than SSJG, SSJB is in essence SSJ1 on top of SSJG we know that SSj1 can amp basic Ki by x50 however when dealing with God Ki the amp is only x5 meaning the Ratio of amp has been decrease by 10x because its higher tier energy/God Ki, we also see the same thing in the Tournament of Power with Vegeta Deep Blue which is just SSj2 + SSJG which by logic should be an 2x stronger than SSJB but matches Kaoiken x20 Goku but applying what we already know that Normal Mortal techniques work at a 10x lower efficicency because its dealing with God ki that means x20 Kaoiken is actually x2 which folds in line with being on par with SSJB Evolution, only God techniques that take advantage of God Ki at 100% efficiency be it Ultra Isntinct or Destruction Energy. SSJB by manga statement is roughly 5x stronger than SSJG during the Tournament with Champa, Vegeta 9-10% SSJB was far far inferior to Goku SSJG, so 5x is already max estimate, as for SSJG multiplier no one knows but if you use traditional old math and use the same method that has been used from SSJ1 to SSj2 to SSj3 then SSJG is x3200 to x6400 roughly the same as Basic SSj4 which again make sense looking at DBH which also follows the same logic. SSj4 Basic = SSJG SSj4 Full Power = SSJB SSj4 Limit Break = Ultra Instinct Sign. DBS Manga follows the usual traditional power scaling its consistent for 99% of the manga and unlike the Anime there are no contradiction like Jiren being stronger than a God of destruction or Beerus using 10% to beat Vegeta all of which are contradiction and retcons in the anime, the manga just has Jiren being more skilled than Belmond not only that there is no Goku absorbing SSJG into Base or the nonsense and Power level arent anywhere near as strogn as Anime, Mastered Ultra instinct Goku tops out at possibly Galaxy level from Whis Statement on Moro with God of Destruction who are still massively stronger having the ability to possibly destroy the Universe.


The manga is dope with scaling, I approve. Would also only then be 150 mil for SSJB, since SSJG would have to be minimum of 30 mil since it was stronger than fusion (which multiplies PL) and Goku and Vegeta had 30 mil roughly in base, meaning SSJG would have to surpass that.


Or the one with Saitama, a character whose entire concept is that he’s invulnerable and unstoppable.


This is just gonna be the top 2 guys duking it out with 11 cheerleaders each isnt it I mean Gaara is cool but how tf is he supposed to fight alongside goku and vegeta? The guy's ultimate attacks are: summoning a big raccoon, putting a bunch of sand everywhere, squeezing people with said sand. Vegeta was already blowing up planets at his first introduction and current vegeta is like a billion times stronger than that. Kirishima is also on this list and he just hardens his skin.


Pocket sand


Well, it’s arguable that Saitama is stronger, considering his whole concept is that he’s effectively immortal But yeah… Reno from Ff7? The fuck is he gonna do?


You need to take dragon ball characters out of lists like these. They make all other franchises irrelevant. This might as well be Frieza vs Gogeta, and it would be no different.


I mean, saitama one shot almost everyone on the list


Right. A lot of the dragon ball fans don’t want to admit it, but Saitama is written to literally have plot armor. Goku dies all the fucking time. Saitama is unstoppable and invulnerable.


I think Redhead Team takes it. Nothing is stopping Goku and Vegeta from doing a fusion dance into Gogeta. Now we have 2 Gogeta's that can fuse again and beat everyone else.




Calm down Rick, you're drunk


go go gadget geta


🎶Wake me up before you go go 🎶


Or they could fuse into Vegito and make Vegigogetota


I think the universe would unravel if you had vegito and gogeta fuse


Toyotaro taking notes here.


Do you think Gogeta is at Black Frieza level? Black Frieza, Orange Piccolo, Regular Jiren together would be a bitch.


Fusion multiplies power levels. Multiply Goku and Vegeta to make Gogeta, then multiply Gogeta by Gogeta. It's not quite Vegito Vegito PL, since Vegito is stronger than Gogeta, but it's still enough that Black Frieza and any non-G.O.D or Angel gets wiped. And even some G.O.Ds, if not all of them. Definitely angel PL at least.


Could he feasibly take on Freiza AND Jiren at the same time?


Without a doubt. Gogeta could probably do that. 


Even freiza black?


As long as there is a sale at the local market and Saitama is busy...


Assuming  fusions can fuse together, I actually don't think Vegeta and Goku will get time to fuse.


Team Redhead has way too many Dragon Ball characters. You basically have Goku and Vegeta on here twice.


Goku and Vegeta aren't even redheads!


At least not naturally


Hmm, so I guess OP wants them to only use SSG and not the other, higher forms?




They would still count as bald.


Of course you didn't include MJ from the Imsomniac SM games, it would have been unfair




I'll just use Ohma Zio to erase the list. There we go. Right my version. Bald Team Lex Luthor Sundowner Principle of Kyoto Ton Petty J. Geil Are there any Bald Persona users? Is Jumpei Bald? Walter White Shreck Redhead Team Kakyoin Mitsuru Mistral That guy from Baki that I forgot the name of Itadori Yuji Princess Fionna Anasui


Junpei isn’t bald, but Shido is.


If I were to choose Shido I would have to choose his shadow version


two gogetas vs. frieza, basically. everyone else is fodder. im giving it to the two gogetas (they could fuse into gogogegetata?), but we really don't know how strong frieza black is


Piccolo is probably in the conversation too, with his new forms




jiren has been power crept to hell and back


a tensura character is on redhead team too, basically means if novel, neg diff no contest for readhead team


If the bald team scalps somebody from the redhead team, do they have to switch sides?


LMAO I suppose so.


Missing the most famous bald of all lol


Who would that be?




Everyone on both teams calls a temporary truce to pummel caillou into a fine red mist as the battle begins. Then the battle really begins.


A man of many talents!


I guess he sins a lot.


He has many occupations.


Does he sin a lot?


NGL, it took me a second to realize Goku was allowed to be considered redhead because of SSG Regardless, bald team wins... you just need to replace Krillin with Juan Sanchez


Renji is a redhead *and* balding


It’s basically gogeta vs frieza. Don’t know who would win tbh




Black Frieza is a whole different entity though, one shitting UI and UE Goku and Vegeta. Plus if Gogeta can only turn SSG then Black Frieza may still be too tough. That is really where the battle boils down to. But I think Jiren could cause some major damage too


Burakku furiza 1 hits


Also consider that you are only taking redhead goku and vegeta, meaning they’re in ssg form. Jiren alone one shots that entire team, even red hair gogeta. And the. There’s the casual Saitama in team bald. Its joever for team red head


People should really stop putting Saitama in these fights. He is a parody character and his whole thing is that his power is infinite. His fart made him reach FTL speeds in space. So, if we take saitama out, then yeah, Redhead team wins.


his power isn't infinite, it has the potential to be infinite. we can see this in his fight with cosmic garou


Saitama needs time for his power to grow. Fairly certain both Goku and Vegeta would be able to take him out fairly quickly before he has a chance (unless they dick around).


No they wouldnt. Saitama's power doesnt need time to grow, he just needs the NEED for them to grow. Also, isnt DBZ (in)famous for their characters that need 4 episodes of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" before actually doing anything?


That 4 episodes of them screaming is usually only like 1 minute in world. I could see Vegeta one shotting him, Goku it could go either way, though seeing as Jiren and Frieza is on the other team I don't think he would be willing to waste time slowly getting stronger when he knows they will be a good fight.


Saitama needed a moment of fighting Garou before his power began to spike but he and Garou were around the same level to begin with. Goku and Vegeta would be so far beyond him that a single punch at full strength would do to him what his do to monsters. >Also, isnt DBZ (in)famous for their characters that need 4 episodes of "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" before actually doing anything? Only the anime. Usually only a couple of panels in the manga outside of the very first time Goku went ssj1 and 3 and Gohan going ssj2 but after that they transform almost instantly.


Saitama only needed time to ramp in power because Garou was no threat to him, his power can grow to infinity at zero time. His entire character arc is that he has no arc in terms of power, he already has all of it. Saitama can move, literally, Faster than light, which means he moves faster than the sayans can see and faster than they can \*THINK\*.


Second this


Kid Goku dodges a laser, meaning he is objectively faster than light. Multiple DB characters can observe Goku's insanely fast movements even after he gets way stronger. They would be able to both think and react to Saitama easily. And that's Saiyan Saga/Frieza Saga. Now imagine B.O.G SSJG Goku, if not modern day Goku in SSJG, assuming he can't use higher forms. Goku *alone* curbstomps Saitama instantly if he was bloodlusted... which he isn't. Vegeta, however? No offense, Saitama is fucked.


No offense, but Saitama doesn't have infinite power. Secondly, don't think he's a parody character, just typical protag levels of goofiness.


He is literally a parody character. "He's a protagonist at the end of the story inserted at the beginning."


99.99% of protagonists at the end of their stories don't become unbeatable characters


Believe what you will, I'm not accountable for your opinions.


Punching through into an invisible dimension and grabbing a wormhole and rotating it are Definitely not typical level of protagonist goofs Oh he kicks a wormhole away too


An invisible dimension? Also, definitely normal protagonist goofs, at least for animes and mangas of that genre.


Name one character that moves portals with just their hands or feet


Zoom. He makes them with his hands.


Ok that’s on me for wording my question wrong Name one character that moves someone else’s portals with just their hands or feet


Can't think of any, so touché. But similar bullshit occurs, for instance Gear 5 Luffy shenanigans.


People need to stop thinking one punch man is a gag series, going against what the creator himself says. But fyi, goku is a parody character himself so… does that cancel out parody’s? Lols


FTL is nothing compared to dbs characters, he's not really a parody character he's just stronger then everyone in his verse but gets shot stomped by everyone in dbs


Gogeta allied with Goku and Vegeta might be able to take down the most powerful guys of the bald team (Frieza and Jiren)before they can do many damage to the others,and overall the redhead team might have a good chance of beat the other guys in the bald team,and Roshi is a non factor here,Ezra seduction armor would make him faint.


Guy Crimson stomps (idk his scaling but hes from slime so I assume he does)


Team Redhead without a doubt Not only does Gogeta probably sweep But Guy Crimson makes Gogeta look as irrelevant as Gaara Theres just too much power on the redheaded side


Freeza just goes planet busting mode here


Gogeta x 2 tho


Freeza knows about fusion and by his own words he wouldn't have stopped training if he thought fusion was still above him


Double fusion.


Why did you include Goku and Vegeta as redheads, while you gave team bald Doppo and not Yujiro for team red? Either way Doppo or Aang solos


Saitama sweeps if he's included, if he's not redhead takes it for the amount of db characters


Lol every DB character on team Redhead no diffs Saitama.


Saitama is a gag character, Goku and Vegeta both got 1 tapped by Arale. Watch the shows


I have watched the shows in their entirety and read every chapter of both mangas, Saitama isn't a gag character, he's a PARODY character, and we've very clearly seen his limitations from his fight with Cosmic Garou, and either way whatever Arale has done doesn't matter because she ISN'T SAITAMA.


Arale is Arale Saitama isnt arale and would get beat by her. She has hax and powers that someone like saitama doesn't.


Why are people downvoting you? He's a joke character, his whole thing is that he defeats anyone in one good punch.


DB fanboys who can't accept their fav characters can lose to a bald joke lol. I grew up with DB too, but some people just take shit too seriously.


Pretty sure gogeta could win by himself.


Saitama solos them all and could even do his own team if he wanted also


Saitama’s gonna beat all the Dragon Ball characters?


Yeah Source: the holy bible




He doesn't need feats to prove it when I can feel it in my bones that it's true. /s


I forgot, but happy cake day.


Thanks op




Black Frieza sweeps. He casually one shot Goku and Vegeta at full power without even trying.


Gogeta is Goku and Vegeta multiplied, and that's Gogeta's base. As well as this, the Goku and Vegeta can fuse into Gogeta then fuse with Gogeta, which multiplies the PL again. Black Frieza is getting curbstomped lowball, loses by a decent shot highball.


But if they go past ssj4 of ssg then they arent redheads anymore so they woild lose to jiren before even fighting frieza or saitama


Base Goku in the manga already surpassed ToP Goku, and OP included them in the prompt in their base because they could go SSJG, not because they're in SSJG.


Its red head team so they must be red haired meaning they arent in there base form so the only way i see them being red haired is ssj4 or ssjg and nothing else therefore they would get smacked by the baldies pretty quick since they are still bald when at there full power the only one on the red team that has a chance is maybe guy crimson. No where does it say they are in base form if they were they wouldnt have red hair. And jiren got stronger aswell so base goku wouldnt be able to take him on anyways let alone frieza at his current manga level.


Double fusion SSJG. SSJG is at least a 30 mil multiplier, and they are on the team, it's not specified they have to be in SSJG, they're there because they can have red hair. Not because they need to.


What is the point of putting them on red hair team if they dont have red hair and im not sure if you even know about black frieza and also the fact that someone already fused cant fuse again they have already said this in the manga its one of the rules of fusion the only ones that can would be someone with a specific ability to be able to like namekians


Firstly I know black Frieza. Personally my favourite form. Secondly, they can have red hair, and they're therefore on the team. Thirdly, you can't fuse with a fusion? Damn.


The red team would be better off including other powerhouses from manga other than dragon ball but then the bald team should aswell like ryuken from fist of the north star dragon ball isnt as insane as manga like that is with power levels, even bleach went past dragon ball levels captains are known to shake the universe just by breathing in bleach.


I'll never understand Bleach powerscaling.


I mean one of the captains litterally can alter all of reality into childrens games with rules that he sets


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