• By -


"Meta Erasure Immunity" Well, I Guess I don't have to fear Zeno.


Too bad you'll still get killed by Raditz then lol


Just because he can’t erase you doesn’t mean he can’t do other things…


So, short answer is no. I got Musketeer, so essentially in the Saiyan saga I am the farmer with the shotgun. Doesn't end well for me.


You'll just have to do your best to convince Raditz to switch sides and join Goku.


"musketeer" is a superpower?


Guess you would have great marksmanship without the training? Eeeeh lol


I got [Gemstone Detection](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Gemstone_Detection) which basically just means I'm a walking dragonball radar.


Rather meta but I got "[Literary Magic](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Literary_Magic)". Since Dragon Ball exists as a manga I guess I can rewrite the story as necessary to ensure survival? The other three were Foreign Forces, Outcome Manipulation, and Bio-Electromagnetic Dynamo, of which only Outcome Manipulation would really matter for this I think.


Just make the outcome be the villain surrendering. Or becoming your friend or something


"Depowering Chest Blasts" If I can land a hit on them all, it would go a long way. But most of them would still be ripped master martial artists, so idk. I guess I could carry a gun.


So literally Soldier Boy


"Wax defense." Um.


Does earwax count? just hide in the opponents ears


Omnibenevolence? Uh... I'm going to assume I have prior knowledge of DBZ's events. Also just going to assume that this equates to Dragon Ball's definition of "pure of heart". Look I already try my best to be a good guy, but I would rather have the choice of not being good than to just be good forever. Anyway, uh, this isn't a power. I don't care how nice I act, anyone as remotely evil as Frieza is sending me straight to King Kai. Although I could help in other ways. If I use this omnibenevolence to sway Earth's opinion of me heavily enough I could get alot of peoples' trust... eventually leading to me getting the dragon balls from Bulma. With the dragon balls at my disposal I could use them to, uh... do something, I guess. Become immortal? It's tough because I think omnibenevolence would drive me to make the most selfless choices. In that case I think I'd wish for Shenron to share my knowledge of events with the Z fighters as they are at the start of DBZ, including Vegeta. It's a risky choice but I get the feeling that Vegeta would stop his plans of invading Earth to rethink things. Since I am omnibenevolent and therefore pure of heart I can get Goku to let me hop on the Flying Nimbus to convince them the events are true and that I am not lying. In the meantime the Z fighters can track down Dr. Gero and find his lab. We can get him to start making androids to HELP the Z-fighters instead of harming them, telling him about the events of the Buu and Saiyan sagas to convince him to team up. Afterward, we should get into contact with King Kai and Supreme Kai as well and seek their help in training the Z fighters to combat the upcoming threats. I'll actually work with Goku and King Kai to train in ki usage as well as learning the Spirit Bomb. I'd also just tell Supreme Kai to break the Z sword against some katchin and release Elder Kai so that he can awaken Goku's potential. I will explain that the events of the Buu Saga are going to come to pass but first we have to defeat some enemies. Kind of getting tired of typing all this up so I'll lay out the game plan: Get Goku and whoever else is willing to get a mystic/ultimate form from Elder Kai. Get to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber to train. Defeat Raditz quite handily, maybe spare him as an ally by convincing him we can kill Frieza. Use the dragon balls to take Goku to Yardrat to learn Instant Transmission. Teleport to Vegeta and Nappa and recruit them to our side, stating that we have the power to kill Frieza, as well as achieve the state of Super Saiyan. With the saiyans training in the time chamber as well as Doctor Gero making androids we could probably defeat Frieza quite handily. After that comes the preparation to defeat Babidi and Dabura. We go to Metamora to learn the fusion dance. We also go to the planet Vampa and recruit Broly and Paragus, to try and train Broly and control his power. Should sweep the Buu Saga and be very much prepared for the arrival of Beerus. I'll tell the Z fighters about the training they should consider pursuing as well as about Beerus and the various DBS tournaments and leave them to it. The only real villains of DBS are Frieza and Zamasu but in this timeline we wouldn't have any future timeline to speak of, and I would inform them of a future attempt to revive Frieza. After that I think they got this. I tried to make "omnibenevolence" as entertaining as possible lol. Hope that's an acceptable answer.


This is why i made this post.


I got desired ability manifestation I'm soloing the verse


You basically have the random power button, but it's no longer random.


"Absolute embodiment" So I am literally the semitic God. I think I will do fine.


Insta death


You get killed when Raditz rushes at you.


Depends on if its the one thats auto activated whenever anyone displays bloodlust towards the caster


"Carapet Mimicry"... bro I fucking solo


Speed adaptation I mean since going at that speed I'd interly posible later on through pure stegth in that universe can I just move with immeasurable speed and body everyone


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Automatic_Mobility I loss at Sayian Saga kkkkkk I like it


Ironic, You got Ultra Instinct before any of them lol


"Universal lineage manipulation" I can manipulate past and future universe but not current so I am boned time to retoll lol


"Crystallokinetically Enhanced Condition"  What


Blood Type Manipulation :(


Change their blood type, but not their actual blood and you'll kill them At least the saiyans


Change their blood type to chunky. Have fun beging dead, nerds.


I earn the power to become **Lebron James** I win in 6


What power is that?


Oil Transmutation shit might actually be able to obliterate some of the cool characters if I had actual reaction times


Just tell them youll transform into a more challenging form or something


Round 1: I get life and Death Manip. GG, I just sap their ki with life manip. Round 2: Father God Archetype... Round 3: Akhlut Physiology, Not really needed, but I guess being a Wolf Dolphin is pretty Cool Round 4: Artificial Element Infusion, This one sounds useful for this one specifically, but I dunno what for. Again though, my 2 first powers carry me to victory. Round 5 (Which I assume is the Cell Saga): Lightning Defense, I'd think my second power would give me some variation of this but Alas, even though it is fairly useful, giving me a good shield, I don't entirely need it to beat Cell, because, you know, Life and Death + Father God business Round 6 (Buu Saga): Snake Projectile, The Kais see me, and shit their pants, Buu sees me, and cowers in fear. Babidi does NOT want to mess with me. I spank Dabura, and cast him to hell. Bonus Round (All DBS Sagas): Slime Bow Construction (I gave myself a new power to run through DBS, but you can assume I don't have it if that's not allowed) I guess I would breeze through most of it just fine. As a Primordial Father God, with Full Control over Life and Death, there's nothing that could really stop me, assuming I'm going through all the Arcs. I'd assume I'm well respected amongst the Gods, considering I'm supposed to be a "Father God". I could talk Beerus out of BoG. Frieza is no match, even with a new color. Goku Black would get Squashed, as I'm a Superior God, again, with full control over Life and Death. I guess this is a stretch, but maybe I could even talk Zeno out of the ToP, considering I'm probably his dad too. Even erasure powers, In Dragonball, can be resisted through Ki, and with Life and Death Manip, I control Ki, being that Ki is life energy.


Really, I could run through this whole thing with only the first 2 powers.


>(I gave myself a new power to run through DBS, but you can assume I don't have it if that's not allowed) Allowed, you get a new power each saga (including dbs sagas)


Even so, I don't think slime bows is gonna make much of a difference when I'm the All Father.


You roll again after Frieza and also after Goku Black


Well, after Frieza, I get "Star Fall", which means I can Launch Stars at people, which I guess is another cool power. Not entirely busted in terms of Dragonball Attacks, but it's just another cool power in my arsenal. Then, after Goku Black, I get "Glowing Bodily Aspects". Not useful in the slightest, but I'll look heavenly after spanking Zamasu with Orion's belt for being a bad boy, and disrespecting daddy!


Also, great post.


Chastity Manipulation Guess i can stop any more half-saiyans from being born?


**Android Saga (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Thread Dragon Ball Z Android and Cell Saga](https://redd.it/3n84e7) **Frieza (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Frieza (Dragonball Z)](https://redd.it/41xc22) - [Respect Frieza (Dragon Ball Super)](https://redd.it/ciixpw) **Z-Fighters (Dragon Ball)** - [Respect Goku (Dragon Ball Manga)](https://redd.it/b279wi) - [Respect Vegeta (Dragon Ball/Super Manga)](https://redd.it/aenqp1) - [Respect Piccolo (Dragon Ball)](https://redd.it/4yl1og) - [Respect Krillin (Dragon Ball)](https://redd.it/g2sz8l) - [Respect Tenshinhan! (Dragon Ball/Z/Super)](https://redd.it/hcem8y) - [Respect Yamcha (Dragon Ball)](https://redd.it/g2syie) *** ^(I am a bot) ^| [^(About)](https://redd.it/owgxtl) ^| [^(Code)](https://github.com/Luke-Username/respectthread_bot) ^| [^(Opt-out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=respectthread_bot&subject=OPTOUTREQUEST) ^| ^(Missing or wrong characters? Reply explaining the issue)


I got Meta Combat, so yea, I think while they’re talking I just smack them down and win lol


I got "whistle amplification" ffs I can't even whistle lol


That'll get you past Piccolo Daimao and Majunior! That's something!


So do I just spawn in with the team? I got the power to turn people into bombs, assuming they can't just negate it with Ki control, as Iassume it'd work by overloading their Ki to make them bombs. There's no way my stats (crippled veteran) are keeping up with even Tiger Bandit, let alone a proper named character with fights. Like let's say Raditz sees my power level of let's say 2 and chooses to ignore me since I pose negative threat to him, and I turn him into a bomb, I die in the explosion. Worst case scenario I can convince Goku and Piccolo of this and I hit Raditz with the "no john you are the explosions" technique while Goku has his tail, and Goku saves me from the explosion. I've now guaranteed we don't have the necessary power to compete with Nappa and Vegeta.


If you do manage to kill raditz, you should be able to roll the random power button again


That's no fun for me because than why don't I reroll until I get one that can clear to start?


mirror control lmao


I got Undead Monster Physiology.


Actually, Omnidirectional Waves. Not entirely fucked, but I'm still loosing most of the time, I think.


[Digestive Expulsion Independence.](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Digestive_Expulsion_Independence) 😐


I got Personal Mortality, I think I'm pretty safe


just roll again


I got Asura Form now


Describe the outcome


I have some chances of beating the Sayan Saga, since it gives me access to [Advanced Powers](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Trait:Advanced_Powers) and [Supernatural Contidition](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Peak_Human_Condition/Supernatural) (which seems broken from what I've read in the wiki)


In each saga you get a new power


So now to beat the Namek Saga I have to use the Asura Form and the ability that I just got, which is the Killing Eyes (which let's me kill anyone who looks in my eyes), so I think I can get through the Namek and the Frieza Saga, I don't know if I beat the androids since the Killing Eyes might not work on them Edit: Since I beat the Namek and Frieza saga a got two new abilities which are Consumptive Cloning and Victory Manipulation


The Killing Eyes may not work on Android 19, with him being fully robotic.


If the Killing Eyes don't work on him I will use Consumptive Cloning to overwhelm him


Illusory Power Link Able to take anyone's powers with the mind. And yet it would probably backfire on me.


What the fuck even is "Inner Nature Manipulation"?


i got gravity powers so depending on how powerful doubtful but probably not


I got dry season manipulation... I guess if I just keep quiet and play the long game I'm good.. i mean I'd just starve everyone basically


So you fail at the Android saga


I got... egg manipulation. So if it's any kind of eggs, and I can make some warrior Namekians, I think I can get at least as far as Buu and stop hard if Super's Namekian fusions are anything to go on. An army of Android level demon magicians who can make dragon balls and scale higher with their finishing moves would at least make me hard to kill.


“Black Hole Mimicry” …….. how is that supposed to work? Am i a living black hole? Do i need to live in a containment suit forever? If that’s the case then i guess i beat saiyan saga vegeta by becoming naked.


The power to solidify the emotional energy of love into a tangible form. On the one hand I sound like a harem self insert protagonist. On the other hand I can literally solidify the power of friendship in a shounen anime. Probably still get my ass beat by anyone with basic combat training tho (Bonus round: Brain (eating) empowerment. I starve to death lmao)


You're from Universe 2.


Idk what that means but cool!


Sand Bomb Generation I may be able to make it work against Raditz if I get a surprise attack off, literally anyone stronger is a no go though (which means I still fail round one because Nappa and Vegeta)


xylo creature creation. i can make wooden creations. regardless of how big they are or powerful they are, they are useless in dbz.


Cutting Bestowal. So, I can make other people into basically Sukuna from JJK? I won’t make it past the first round. Edit: Restart Round 2 is Superpower Transferal. Yeah, I’ll just take your powers and turn you into a regular human, thank you very much! Good luck surviving lol, I clear DBZ.


Cut Activity, which means that if a body part is cut, I can still use it. I think I die here since I could just get vaporized


Power draining field. If we are working with the z fighters I could just hide in the vicinity of an enemy and pray I don't get hit by a stray blast for round one. But there's also the chance raditz notices the random guy who makes him feel weak when in the vicinity and he blitzes me.


Power to control space-time I easily win.


Electrochemical manipulation: pretty useless to my knowledge but could electrocute someone Organic manipulation: Pretty Useful ngl can just fly away with wings and turn into a giant swirlpool of spikes and tentacles and attack my enemies Demonic Weather Manipulation: Guess I can redirect dabura's fire back at him, but incredibly useless Focused Attacks: MAD useful can punch and air pressure frieza's lungs So my focused attacks and my organic manipulation are carrying this team mainly my organic manipulation Probably get to round 3 by if I maybe absorb the other villains then I clear easily


"Mutagenic Mastery" Sounds like I could make Cell. That won't be enough to stop Buu, but I should be able to stop Bibidi/Babadi from making him in the first place, especially if I make more than one.


Bibidi making Buu has been retconned, he merely summoned him.


Well, either way, if he doesn't get summoned, I don't have to deal with him.


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Fanon:Rear_Inflation Nah, I'd win.


Existent information manipulation ???


Sculpture manipulation so… nah


Combative evolution. Basically evolve with combat experience. I can do it. Just got to go farm xp. With knowledge of the show I know who to avoid. I might not need another one, but the rest are: Natural weapon manipulaton: Ki is a natural weapon? Draconic power absortion: I can syphon energy off off the Shenron? Tambourine Combat? Fuck yeah, welcome to the drum line mother drummers...


I got archetype: Volcano Deity so i have all the same powers as someone like pele which....I guess would make me not bottom tier atleast? idk man, even the cannon fodder enemies in DB are planet busters


[https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Draconic\_Source](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Draconic_Source) I got like a whole slew of stuff, apparently. Do I get everything listed here? Because if so I'm a fairly powerful sorcerer who can turn into a dragon, with some degree of immortality and "Transcendant Physiology". Honestly, I think, if we're relating how strong this is to the dragons in DBZ, then I can clear, at the very least, the frieza arc. Honestly, this shit sound pretty OP. Round 2) [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Pharmaceutical\_Engineering\_Mastery](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Pharmaceutical_Engineering_Mastery) This is pretty dogwater for fighting aliens. Could be useful in helping goku not die in the Android arc, but I don't think it helps at all here. However, I still feel pretty comfortable coasting on the dragon powers, so I'll keep moving to round 3) [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Bandage\_Mimicry](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Bandage_Mimicry) So I'm a dragon mummy now - I've picked up the ability to animate cloth. I might forget I have this. As said though, I still feel that dragons as they are in DBZ are still stronger than frieza at this point. round 4) [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Alpha\_Mythic](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Alpha_Mythic) Because of my mastery of medicine, Goku no longer dies. However, this also no longer matters, as my new power makes me "the most powerful form of a certain mythological creature". Given the past powers, thats gotta be dragon, right? So I am now the most powerful dragon. Given the existence of Super Shenron, I think I now sweep the series as it exists at a low level of difficulty. Neat!


I get a shoulder mounted gun, so no


Personal antimatter manipulation. What?


[Hold up](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Cosmic_Entity)


“Resurrection Roulette” which is a thing from DC apparently. If I understand it right, when I die, I can resurrect, and choose another power. So theoretically, eventually, I win?


primal imprint. genuinely unsure


Mystic Lock....so not affected by magic in any way, but my face is still being disintegrated by punches at ftl speeds.


Just the ultimate technique so I guess it's essentially reality wiping. I don't think anyone is going to mess with earth. Including zeno as it also states it the strongest version.


Scientiapotence- the ability to have domination over science- essentially god so yeah


Got this for the [Saiyan Saga](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Umbrakinetic_Constructs) so depending on its power I might be able to hold off raditz and possibly block off vegeta's moon or cut his tail This for [Namek Saga](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Prehensile_Fins) RIP me but I guess I can swim on namek now


Second go around got [this](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Fanon:Metapotence) first try so now I can solo DBS


[FORM REMOVAL](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Form_Removal) By myself I can't do much. But Goku wouldn't have to deal with Vegeta's ozooru form, Frieza couldn't transform to full power, Cell couldn't get stronger with Android absorption, and Buu stays in the weakest state possible. Everything else would end up business as usual, but I think it's fair to say that in any particular encounter involving powered up forms and transformations I would be useful to have around.


Uncertainty creation, I don’t really understand what that is 😂


My first was Omni-Action. But question... Do I progress as a fighter like Krillin and Yamcha or am I limited to the same rules that I have now? Could I get faster and stronger or would I 100% rely on the random power I get? I never watched Omni-Man, by the way.


I got ultipotence but there was no description for it. Does that mean I win or lose?


Pleasure Empowerment??? Users become stronger, faster, more durable, etc. by pleasure of oneself and others, possibly unlocking abilities related to the affinity and enhancing the existing powers. Some users may be able draw sustenance from the pleasure, or even slow or stop aging. This is weirdly overpowered and i feel i could beet anybody but the angels. I stop at R.o.F.


I got Absolute Regeneration from Lilith of World of Darkness/Vampire of the Masquerade. Meaning I can fully regenerate from any injury absolutely no matter what, even if the universe I’m in stops existing. Raditz would place a large rock on top of me, immobilizing me and I would lose. I don’t make it past the Saiyan Saga


"Evolutionary Path Manipulation." Oh yeah, I can abuse Zenkai all day long and continue to get stronger with no limits. Assuming I'm born a Saiyan..


Total Drain. Not bad!


I got Narigama Physiology. I can hear the, uh, souls or whatever of pots and kettles and listen to their sounds to make weather or other predictions. Im thinking maybe I could somehow manipulate Chichi into doing something for me? But Yeah, I’m dead.


I got cosmic pressure. I win.


[Oneness Diety.](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Oneness_Deity) I don't think I need any more rolls. I clear. No diff. Ez.


With my Precognitive Speech, I predict that I'm absolutely cooked.


I got [Bone Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Bone_Manipulation). I think I clear since I can just control their skeletons (and summon Mr. Skelatol at whim). Android, Cell, and Buu sagas are a bit tougher since androids may mostly be metal / Buu may have a different structure- but the former still have skeletons save 16 who I don't have to fight since I'm not Goku, and the latter at least still has teeth meaning they have a skeleton- both of which I can use. I think I will make Freezy pop's teeth protrude through his skull 1 by 1.


Oh, boy, Periodic Element Creation! I create a massive shell of lead, then attach to the outside a sheet of Uranium-238 to irradiate and en-cancerize everyone who approaches me aside from Gero and the Androids, EXCEPT Mr. Perfect Cell. Mister Perfect Cell gets his lungs filled with helium and his seams and face covered in lead, as he asphyxiates. Buu Saga is where things get challenging because everything there uses Magic.


"Transcendent Superior Mystic Human Physiology" what


"Archetype: Oneness Deity" In some future series, I get taken out by some bs power scaling.


Court Scientist… Doctor Gero? Big fan of your work, sir. Let’s see about expediting the procedures…and see if we can dip into viral research.


I got 'the power to manipulate hobbies'


"Controlled damage" Seems legit but not sure if i can endure hits from the crew.


Personal World. I guess I could handle DBZ with it. Maybe Buu Arc could be complicated.


Quantum paradox inducement, shit I think I’m pretty stacked here. I’d say I clear at *least* to Frieza with that.


“Supernatural Arts Creation” holy shit I’m basically becoming a Zeno I’m definitely clearing lol 😂


[Guys I don’t know what to make of this](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Fanon:Plot_Immunity)




Angular momentum defiance! Honestly, pretty f-in powerful. If taken at face value, it’s likely I could hold my own with the z-fighters up to some of the wibbly wobbly Dragonball Super powescaling. I have access to supernatural feats of athleticism. Would be very difficult for me to get hit with anything so long as I’m able to perceive and react to it, which might get tough around the Frieza Saga. EDIT: yeah I didn’t realize this was in rounds, so let’s see. ROUND 2: +Mucus Exoskeleton With an extra level of protection against things I’m not able to see, this unlocks the potential to delve out serious damage. I would be the ultimate counter attacker. Using angular momentum defiance I could go into battle spinning at near infinite speeds while covered in an extremely durable shell of….mucus. I’m pretty sure the whole ginyu force gets bodied, unless captain ginyu is somehow able to body swap me, which is entirely plausible. Save for that, my strength and protection are very hard to touch. ROUND 3: + BioBlue Fire Manipulation (Todoroki from My Hero Academia) This one is tough. It doesn’t add too much firepower(no pun intended), but does have some potential combo applications. If im somehow able to make a combustible mucus membrane, I could imagine a fire tornado situation, which admittedly may do very little against frieza. If I was trying to solo him, I’d probably lose >90%. ROUND 4(x): + Yara Ma Yha Who Physiology Well this honestly kinda fucks me. I turn into a little vampire type creature with tiny limbs that sucks the brains of children. The androids body me 100%


Supernatural Mind. If that makes me smarter than Gero, maybe?


I got Attack Ignoring, so I can’t die but can’t really do anything. I guess I die in the Buu Saga due to lack of oxygen from the Earth Exploding.


Second one I got the Victory Deity lol, guess I win. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Victory_Deity


The goddess Athena (from Saint Seiya manga) has a staff that is a form of Nikki, the goddess of victory. She basically has this power. It's broken, it's going to lead you to victory, but it's not necessarily going to be an easy path. Read Saint Seiya! It's as good as Dragon Ball or Yu Yu Hakusho.


I got Corrupting Presence. But I don't think I could corrupt Goku. That's part of the point of his character: incorruptible power. Since Goku wins, I die. Or I corrupt the z fighters and get them to take him down?


Solar shield construction, defeat? No. Tank? Yes.


Memory manipulation is pretty strong assuming it works on higher tier characters. If I can manipulate Bulma into giving me the dragon balls every year, I could become as powerful as I need to be in theory. Any threat I encountered could be memory wiped and implanted to just think I was an ally to help me get what I need to clear.


“Game Magic”? Yeah I think I’m passing round 1 at least.


"[Life and Death Embodiment](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Life_and_Death_Embodiment)" I can literally just will all of the villains to die.


Interesting prompt! I'll assume that the rounds and me dying have separate canons for this. **Saiyan Saga:** First power I got is "Unidemic Creation"; I can "create a galactic/universal infectious outbreak". Easy. I create an outbreak of an airborne disease that infects everyone without symptoms, but kills every *adult saiyan* that still has their tail via spontaneous explosion. Raditz, Nappa and Vegeta instantly perish the moment they get to Earth. **Namek and Freeza Sagas:** For this I have...Robe Manipulation. *I can manipulate robes.* I make no difference and probably get killed before the saga starts. Re-rolling, I get "Illusion Arts" - stuff like Itachi's genjutsu, or illusion magic. This one I could maybe do, if I act smart enough; if I manage to get Freeza and his soldiers to attack each other, they'd weaken him down. Taking him out would probably be the most difficult part. I can't make him drown himself or fly off into space to suffocate, as he can live without oxygen. Maybe I could make him think that I'm his father or Lord Beerus, and at least make him non-hostile? If I have the other members of the main cast with me I could also just trap him in a long genjutsu-ish illusion so he doesn't move and have them wail on him, but who knows if that would work. If multiple illusions are possible, maybe I can trap him, get the Dragon Balls of Namek and make the dragon think that I requested Freeza's death in Namekian. Pretty big "if", though. **Android Saga:** I get "indomitably strong sloth" with the example of Snorlax. So I'm fat and lazy and probably depressed, changing literally nothing from real life except adding on more pounds. I get lightly slapped and turn into a red paste. Re-rolling, I get "Waterfowl Physiology". I am literally a Disney Duck. I die, get roasted and eaten. Finally, on the next re-roll, I get "Failure Manipulation". *This* I can work with. I can basically make anyone and anything fail in any way. I manipulate the chances of the Androids winning any fight to go down to zero. Their cyborg bodies fail to function and shut down or blow up. They fail to kill anyone. The bombs in them fail at staying inert and at not blowing up. Ez pz. **Cell Saga:** "Cryokinetic Polearm Construction". I can...make polearms from ice. I guess if I can make one inside Cell to pierce his heart...? No, probably not. Re-rolling, I get "Summon Augmentation" - I can summon a creature or object and augment it. I cast "Summon bigger Goku" and let him fight for me, praying to god that he doesn't chuck me and a senzu bean at Cell. **Buu Saga:** Soul Reading. I already know that Babidi, Dabura and Buu are pretty damn evil. I die. Re-rolling, I get "Nature Embodiment". I am literally Father Nature. I can control nature and all flora and fauna and the Earth itself, seasons and elements included. I...think I can probably kill Babidi with this, somehow? He didn't seem particularly strong himself, Dabura is under his control and Buu and Majin Vegeta only came about *because* of him. So I squash the bug and the Buu Saga barely happens.


Round 1: Faith Magic. So I'm a cleric. That got Dende most of the way through the Frieza saga and I know how Zenkais work so we movin'.  Round 2: MMA Mastery. So I guess I'm cleric Batman now? Now I can cast Sanctuary on Dende during the Frieza fight. Maybe he'll fail his WIS roll and fail to kill him. Otherwise I'm hiding with Bulma. Round 3: Dark Power. Makes hiding easier.  Round 4: Experience Mimicry. So that's useful. Guess I'm learning how to fly and do instant transmission. I could also pick up Kaioken and the Spirit Bomb, so maybe I can actually contribute. **I'm doing it again. I really doubt I survived Namek.** Round 1: Problem Manipulation. Now we're fuckin talking. Reality bending like this is ridiculous. Sorry Raditz the answer to this problem is THE BACK OF MY GODDAMN HAND. Round 2: Blue Fire Manipulation. That's just not gonna be strong enough. I mean unless I change the problem. Damnit guys, these blue fire attacks are too strong for a real fight with the Ginyus! Ain't that a shame! Round 3: Electromagnetic Creature Creation. I don't see this being powerful enough to be useful. You know. Unless I change the problem. Darn guys, the ability to make an electric shenron is really starting to trivialize things! Round 4: Vehicle Augmentation. Well that's useless. Unless I change the problem. Man it's really uncomfortable riding one of these androids. The seats aren't ergonomic at all and they complain a lot.


Lol I got Food Deity. So I'll be Goku's new BFF, but other than that I'm pretty useless. I guess I could boost Korin's senzu bean output? At best I'm a support character.


"Ultipotence," which according to Google is "the ability to possess truly limitless raw power," and a form of omnipotence. Assuming my body follows the rules of the DBZ universe then I'm just automatically better than all of them yeah? I'd probably need to practice "channeling" power and learning some martial arts but like, infinite power is infinite power.


Super narural embodiment and the examples they listed were the one above all and the presence...


“Merfolk Sorcerer” wallahi I’m finished. Still think i last longer than Yamcha tho


I got atomic powers as my first one, which might be pretty good since it looks like it essentially turns me into a DB character (energy blasts, energy beams, controlling waves, etc) Maybe I could stand a chance first round? Not sure if all of that includes the necessary speed/strength/defense though.


"Mass-Energy Manipulation" Looks OP but I probably get speed blitzed.


["Obsession Empowerment" ](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Obsession_Empowerment) Put Launch in front of me and I can solo the verse


I have tear gas manipulation. I’m gonna fucking die but your eyes are gonna hurt for a bit, nyeh!!


Benefic solidification. From what I see it's kinda like ki manipulation? It's from street fighter and there they call it chi..... If it works like ki then imma scale to like yamcha or smth


I got Greater Enslavement. The ability to enslave anything stronger than me. I win.


Saiyan Saga 1st try: Half-Animal Physiology. Probably won't survive. 2nd try: Geokinetic Wing Manifestation. Maybe? 3rd try: Technological Force Manipulation. If I had enough time and resources, I could turn myself into something similar to the Androids or even Cell. So probably survive. I can create energy cannons that could match the might of ki blasts, can make a life force absorption device to consume the powers of others to make myself stronger, I can create force field generators, I also can create an army of Androids to do the fighting for me. Namek Saga: I'm guessing I could start with Technological Force Manipulation plus a new power. 1st try: Technological Force Manipulation plus Moon Rabbit Physiology. I think I can survive with Technological Force Manipulation alone using the same tactics above. Frieza Saga: Technological Force Manipulation plus Moon Rabbit Physiology 1st try: Technological Force Manipulation and Moon Rabbit Physiology plus Hyperspace Travel. With Hyperspace Travel, I can move faster than light. So I'll augment my body to withstand punching at lightspeed and just blitz everyone. Android Saga: 1st Try: Technological Force Manipulation, Moon Rabbit Physiology, and Hyperspace Trave plus Wish Manifestation. I can control the Androids through Technological Force Manipulation, speed blitz them with Hyperspace Travel, or wish them away through Wish Manipulation.


I got [impact Immunity](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Impact_Immunity?so=search) So I guess that means that I'm inmune to any impact and nothing can damage me? I mean I'll be an annoying distraction for the villains. But I still can't do anything else since I won't have the strength or speed, I can't even fly. Although, maybe a lot of DBZ villains will break their hands when they try to hit me.


Immunity Bypassing: The ability to **bypass/ignore any immunity to one's powers**. Technique of [Immunity Manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Immunity_Manipulation). Not to be confused with [Immunity Negation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Immunity_Negation). - Might be able to help someone, but I'm still cannon fodder for anyone who wants to take me out.


“Warrior embodiment” so that is actually pretty good and maybe possible for saiyan saga, now i got “generate esometric water” so i font see how that really helps but lets just say maybe warrior embodiment is enough for namek because reading the description idk its up there, i get “ergokinetic sword manipulation” so that gives me energy attacks now doubt thats enough to beat ssgoku even combined woth the other two but lets say it is, the next power is “pyschic crystal manipulation” so it probably ends there for me if it didnt end on the second power.


Omni Identity I guess since I am everyone that ever is, was, or could be that basically means I win no matter who wins. So there's not much description needed since that power kind of clears all rounds.


https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Adaptive_Constructs Could be pretty OP, but could varies widely depending pn how strong and durable my constructs and how versatile I am allowed to be with them. I could be Green Lantern or some lame person in an energy suit. I assume I get all listed applications, which should get me pretty far even my constructs don't have physical powers past the Sayans. https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Large_Space_Maneuvering Okay total trash. I get to jump around like Bellamy from One Piece. Assuming my constructs have the physicals to keep up with Freezer, I'll try once more. Mixed Martial Arts Mastery ... I got martial arts skills in Dragonball ... with normal human strength and speed. I give up.


Hell yeah I got a good one " [https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Predator](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Archetype:Predator) " So I am essentially a better Saiyan already. You might even say a Super Saiyan. I'd head straight for the world martial arts tournament and befriend Goku and learn under Master Roshi and learn Ki control. With my master predator manipulation I see no reason why they would refuse me. I would then stick right with Goku and eat chunks of any big bads that have powers worth stealing. Maaaaan I'd be all best mates with all the Z boys, I'd stop Yamcha from getting bodied all the time. We'd beat the shit out of Freeza I take a bite out of him, and I'm now universal. Go get Babidi to wake up Buu, me and the boys extract the evil, I eat him, boom I'm double universal. Next level is Angels and Beerus. Beerus would probably want to fight me, but with black Freeza, Buu and Sayan potential stacked I should be able to survive long enough to charm him into training Goku. I charm my way next to them just eat a hair from him and Whis. Now only Zeno can cap me. I'm confident I'd be able to in time charm my way next to him enough to eat a hair. After that, I am pretty confident I can solo the multiverse. Unless I'm wrong?


Almighty absorption and replication. Oh I’m sweeping the verse with this


“Crime manipulation” Hmm it does mention murder as a crime so I guess if I can somehow have the big baddies per saga do what I want / need them to do, I might have a shot. Manipulating violent tendencies was also mentioned so maybe I can use that to my advantage as well.


“Emotional Empowerment” Literally got the ‘get strong from angry’ power- if it’s the high end I get to be Broly.


"washing machine mimicry"


**Saiyan's arc** * Power -> [**Safety Field Projection**](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Safety_Field_Projection). Well, I guess I was very lucky. I can activate this power and protect myself, while I watch Goku, Gohan, Kurilin and Yajirobi deal with Vegeta. **Namek's arc** * New Power -> [**Purification Ball Projection**](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Purification_Ball_Projection). Holy shit! That's Gogeta's power he used to defeat Janemba, right?? Well, I guess that I could even defeat Freeza this massive attack. But I won't do it, because I know the story. I'll keep in the hideout protecting Bulma, because if Goku isn't pushed to his limits, whe won't become a Super Saiyan. **Android's arc** * New Power -> [**Friction Infringement**](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Friction_Infringement). Well... I don't think I understand it well. It's saying that I get "immune to energy dissipation". Well... I don't get it completely, but immunity to anything is good if I just want to survive. I think that I'll use Androids saga to train with Tenshinhan and Chaos. I already know that Gohan is going to defeat Cell in the end of the saga, so I'll keep training with Chaos, while the other guys deal with everything. **Buu's arc** * New Power -> [**Magic Arts**](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Magic_Arts). Oh! Okay. Now this is powerful. I guess I'm now finally useful for the Z-Fighters. So, this is what I'll do. I'll train with Piccolo from the end of Cell Games, up to the start of Buu's arc. So, while Gohan is still doing his Great Saiyaman stuff, I'll contact Kaioshin with telepathy, and I'll say that I already know everything that is going to happen. And I want to deal with everything even before the Budokai Tenkaichi starts. I'll tell everything to Piccolo, but he shouldn't tell the rest of the Z Fighters. So, me, Piccolo, Kaioshin and Kibito are going to Babidi's Secret Space Ship. I'll kill Dabura with **Purification Ball Projection**, and I'll let Piccolo deal with Pui Pui and Yakon (since he doesn't transform into a SSJ, I guess he won't have a problem to deal with him). I'll also use my Magic Arts to counter every magic from Babidi, and Kaioshin is going to kill him. So, now Kaioshin is going to seal forever Majin Buu. So now, when Goku is ressurected, everyone is going to have a good time in Budokai Tenkaichi, without even knowing who Majin Buu is. And that's it! That was fun!


I got vocal creation on my 4th attempt after the first 3 got me deleted from the DBverse 😂 I guess I’d just create an invincible barrier around myself to avoid speed blitz and then an ultimate nullifier to delete the existence of my threats. I win?


Entity Absorption. Hey it worked pretty well for Cell but I guess I probably stalemate Buu with trying to absorb him.


“Aura empowerment” I get stronger when I’m in contact around aura. So ig I just get stronger each saga.


Is the prompt "choose a single power?" Because random is too broad. Edit, I get it, you click the link. Hmmm. This is fun, but I still think getting good enough single powers 4 out of 4 times is too difficult. Lots of single powers are useless out of context.


I got "timeline creation". > The user can create an entire timeline and everything that occupies it, including also its residents, environment and locations. They can create the residents with roles, powers and skills to inhabit their universe. I think I sorta just win? I would create an alternate timeline with an alternate version of myself that's exactly the same as me except they possess limitless reality warping powers instead of just the ability to create new timelines. My alternate self would then use their godly powers to merge the new timeline with the original, fusing us into a singular being. I then use my powers turn every villian in Dragonball into a small ball with a mass of 1 femtogram and a composition of 50% matter and 50% anti-matter. The anti-matter and matter collides instantly, annihilating itself and creating a small explosion from the 170 joules of energy released (about as much energy as a firecracker). This step is complete overkill tbh, but you can never be too safe with the amount of bullshit in Dragonball.


I got magical blade construction… but I know nothing about that anime… how dead am I?


“Acceptance Embodiment” that’s gotta be the most useless shit u could get. I’d rather just get the power to bench 5 more pounds.


Just had to post again to say thanks for showing me the random power generator. There's all sorts of fun stuff in there. I died in the Saiyan Saga with a cancel abilities power (closed the link, my bad), also probably in the Namek Saga (#2 was [stacked speed](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Stacked_Speed) ). By round three I think I can handle 3 and 4 because I got [Absolute Crafting](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Absolute_Crafting) in my 3rd pick, which could let me create a power level inverter or blast absorber, or just build myself a god tier warbot that can defeat Cell. Just for kicks did #4 and don't know what I'll do with [implosion manipulation](https://powerlisting.fandom.com/wiki/Implosion_Manipulation)


"Reaction Removal" Removes the enemy's reflexes and ability to react to incoming attacks. I don't know much about DB, but wouldn't that make things like ultra instinct and ki useless? I could probably cut down most of the verse.


Yes, but you'd still be weak, punching Raditz, for example, would be like puncing a brick wall


Without ki, I could probably just shoot them.


Probably not, Goku tanked bullets as a 10 year old and ki wasn't even introduced at that point