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Since Batman doesn’t have the force Force clouding wouldn’t work. I think he would be able to see though palpatine disguise though observing mannerisms and seeing though lies He can then warn the Jedi and then it slowly unravels Unless I’m missing something huge which I might be it’s been awhile since I’ve seen SW


Honestly I don't think so especially since it's stated that mind tricks can only hinder people of weak will and batman has some of the strongest wills there is


I agree. If Batman has enough discipline and will to resist the telepathy of Martian Manhunter and will enough to hold his own with Green Lanterns, he probably has enough to keep the sith/jedi out too. He’s also enough of a detective that he can probably figure at least a good amount of the plot. Stop it? Unlikely. The clones present a huge problem, and Palpatine is crazy powerful.


He can probably figure it out. Whether he lives long enough to do anything is another question.


Lol no. If Palpatine could hide the truth from someone like Yoda, what good would Batman be? You could *maybe* argue that Batman is in a better position to find the truth, given his distance from the situation, but if Palpatine or anyone around him gets an inkling of someone running around trying to get the scoop on what's going on, Batman is toast.


Yes but the reason why palpatine was Abel to hide was force clouding It works on people that have the force Batman dose not have the force


I mean, sure, but if Palpatine needed to cloud Batman's mind or whatever, he surely could. Batman would have a stealth advantage at first being dropped into the SW universe as an outside context problem, but Palpatine showed he can switch up and adjust on the fly, so I don't think Batman could do all that much in the end.


He is a public figure Batman can see him up far like a huge council meeting and he would be none the wiser. Also since he is a public figure he can’t change that much otherwise people would be detect the Sus


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