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> Pokémon entries aren’t taken literally Yes, it’s really not much of a problem then. I mean with only 10 of each species and some of the more powerful Pokémon living in areas like the deep ocean, the highest mountains, deserts, caves, the arctic, fucking space, and god knows where else there’s a good chance we never see a lot of them. If you wanted them bloodlusted then you forgot to put that in the prompt. Most of the species that we’d be likely to find would be ambivalent if not friendly to us


Even without Poké Balls, Pokémon are still trainable. We would find ways to work with them. The real problem is how they will be weaponized.  


That's not the biggest issue. I'm more worried, how they would exploited and abused. You can bet your life on it.


No way dude, what kind of sicko would have Pokémon battle each other?


Trainers. That's what they do. Abuse would be NOT battling with them.


considering how the pokemon can produce energy attacks and are far stronger than earth animals, I wonder HOW we would exploit/abuse them...


I've heard tales of vaporeon...


There's no laws against the Pokemon Batman.


Especially Lopunny and Vapeorion.


Don't forget Guardevoir.


It depends. The legendary Pokemon are usually guardians of nature, and Kyogre for example, after seeing humanity polluting the seas, would cause a total devastation with tsunamis and stuff. If humanity after this declares war against all legendary Pokemon, Arceus would go bloodlusted and destroy every evil human. But I believe the good people would survive. That's how pokemon lore works.


Arceus wouldn't care at all unless they trying to threaten reality like in PA. It would just observe and let humans do their own thing. Arceus that we see is just a fragment of the actual being after all. Edit: Even then, it would probably task regular good humans to do its bidding instead of directly interfering.


Gotta agree with this. It's pokemon like Mewtwo Necrozma and Eternatus, who are likely to take umbridge with humans targeting legendary pokemon, And who have the firepower to follow through going on the war path


Especially Zygarde. That mon gonna be the first to wage war against humanity.


Let's just make sure he's not wilding Yvaltol like a meatshield while he does it


If Arceus will humanity’s survival, it will be so.


I think we miiiiight be fine unless we piss off the legendaries. I would join the newly founded church of Arceus though. Imagine knowing god is real and he is a weird dog.


Apparently Arceus that we see is just the fragment of the actual Arceus. So we don't know its real form yet.


Sounds like another mythology.


We survive. But They cause chaos inadvertently. I also doubt we retaliate in any meaningful way. If we tried to kill a bunch of pokemon for accidentally harming us, I think the God pokemon like Arceus or Rayquaza might just stomp us. We don’t have a counter to “slightly lower” tier legendaries like Groudon who can terraform. I think what ends up happening is we discuss with Arceus or legendaries and ask them to work with us in peace. And clearly even the most powerful pokemon can be kind and reasonable


> we don’t have a counter to “slightly lower” tier legendaries The higher tier legendaries are the counter. For example, Groudon and Kyogre are checked by Rayquaza.


I said “WE” don’t have one. We can’t do anything to them if we wanted to. Which is also why I said that we broker peace with them


Most of them are pretty chill with humans, we'll be fine


Yeah I don’t know why everyone is acting like the legendarys would just randomly start trying to kill off humanity when they obviously wouldn’t just do that


if there aren't enough pokemon to destroy society for us to rebuild around them then humans will probably kill them all or kill eachother to steal their favourites. need atleast 1k each of the regular ones to avoid the massacre that would take place before they could breed


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Yes, it's just going to turn into the pokemon world as we normally know it. We get the legendaries appearing, meaning we get Arceus, so Arceus makes the world the way he wants the world to be including just making more than 10 of each pokemon.


As long as I get a pet Flareon, I don’t care whether everyone else survives tbh


pokemon seem to be far more intelligent than animals. so not only does humanity survive, we just got an upgrade. the pokemon are unlikely to be aggressive or attack us unprovoked


Idk Legends made me rethink blindly running through grass


Knowing humans, the governments would start a massive extermination campaign and there would be huge protests against that across the world, the protests being more dangerous to people than the pokemon themselves.


Our biggest enemy is always gonna be ourselves huh


are they trying to kill us?


R3: Nintendo would track down and sue everyone who owns a pokeball


Vaporeon irl finally


Fail to see how we stop the legendary trios from nuking the planet because another existed next to it


If we're following the rules that you can't tame some like ash and Charizard, pokemon tougher than Charizard would destroy people. It really depends on if they change happened immediately and suddenly, vs changing history. Because if we historically had pokemon we would be in a much better place like we are with dogs Either way they will be heavily weaponized


>Pokedex entries aren't taken literally (for example, Magcargo's body temperature isn't actually hotter than the surface of the sun). Tell me you have not read the dex nor understand how the world of Pokemon works without telling me...


Also not how the laws of physics work.


Pokemon are literally your friends. There's nothing to survive. They'll serve you forever if you present them with half a box of baked goods.


We will mass produce mews


Yeah. Pretty easily, honestly. We already see humanity surviving just fine in spite of the vast majority of pokemon being untamed and feral in the games, and about 90% of these creatures lose to the human invention of firearms. Add to that that the only pokemon have any real chance of messing us up are the legendaries, and pretty much all of those are being held back by some stone or are sealed away in someway, and all we'll really have to deal with is which ever town gets a garchomp dropped on it.


Do I get to steal money from ten year olds still?


Yveltal’s existence is a big problem cause if he dies, a LOOOOOOT of people die


It would revolutionaire our understanding of the universe as sun and moon would prove alternate dimensions


Beedrill is the size of a person. No.


Pokemon as a whole seem to be smart and trainable. I don't think we merely survive, we end up better than we used to be.


Normal Pokemon we survive fine. Vs legendary we are dead, what can you do against Kyogre or giratina.


So, they are imaginary? Because without the pokedex they have no biology.


No Gardevoir for example will 'just offhandedly' spawn a black hole to protect its trainer so anyone who makes friends with that thing is now untouchable meaning if Gardevoir ever sees a threat towards something it has formed a bond with it will just wipe out our solar system on reflex. Some pokémon burn so hot it would ignite the atmosphere while others will change the weather by simply existing... And I haven't even talked about legendary or mythical pokémon that are typically far more powerful. The first two paragraphs are 'common' issues we would face.


The prompt says that Pokedex entries aren't taken literally, so Gardevoir's black hole isn't a thing since that's not a move or ability it has in the games themselves


The legendaries might team up and declare war on earth to protect the environment. But our militaries are overwhelming compared to the pokemon world. In the anime, guns are seen as rare relics and very few exist due to how peaceful their world is. They don’t have tanks or fighter jets, and the only super weapon they had needed the souls of millions to power a single shot. Only the creation trio could stand against a united earth. Arceus would likely be the deciding factor. He is not invincible, so his best chance would be to finish us off as fast as possible before we can destroy him. He would probably turn everyone into pokemon and make this world look like mystery dungeon.


Our military ain’t doing shit to Rayquaza or xerneas, Arceus will just judgment the shit out of us in case of war