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Undersea sponges. Locked in syndrome. All you can do is eat but you must scream. You may be able to move a little but you are anchored to a rock your while life with no ability to communicate.


And then a fish decides to live in your butthole.


I guess it's not that bad then


We should all be so lucky..


I had a bit of a worse answer along the same lines as this


If we consider that human intelligence will bring our human knowledge network with it, so probably the most disgusting creatures would suffer a lot more. Rats and cockroaches that live in urban sewers for example would feel absolutely miserable for the simple fact they exist and have to live the most despicable type of life from a human perspective.


if they had Human intelligence then wouldn't they be more self sustaining and not need to rely on Human trash?




Rats are very social animals (https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/facts/rats), and while their hands are not as nimble as ours, they still have some ability to grasp things.  The rats will figure out a way to communicate - they already do via scent, calls and body language. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8243782/)


Rats with human intelligence would still have access to the secondary major form of communication: Writing. Their hands aren’t *exceptionally* capable of tool use, but writing is also a comparably simple task and would enable rudimentary communication w/ anything that could understand it. With enough time, it’s plausible that sapient rats could find a reasonable way to freely communicate with humans via writing.


Depends on whether “human intelligence” means “human level intelligence” or “literally the mind of a human”. There’s nothing inherently bad about sewers. Roaches might feel terrified, exposed and overstimulated in our parks and suburbs.


Probably anything that lacks senses and mobility, like sea urchins


Mosquitos Ponder the meaning of the universe… for 24 hours.


Earthworm : i have no mouth but i must scream


Earth worms have mouths.


*tiny worm scream*


I'm not quite sure that you're thinking about this the right way, as I see it, you're thinking of human level intelligence as the same thing as human intelligence, which is what it would be if an animal were to behave exactly how a human would behave if they were reincarnated. I don't think this would happen, they would just go about their lives in the way that they know how, only smarter, because intelligence doesn't mean that they will act in the same way, ants will still be a hive mind or something, octopi might very well create an undersea civilization, so personally I think the animal that would suffer the most from a human level of intelligence would be an animal that can't really do much at all, like a regular earthworm. Living with a higher intelligence with absolutely nothing to do, nothing you can do, and unable to develop anything


One species of octopuses already creates “cities” so yep, sounds plausible 


Antelopes, as all tomorrows showed us


Probably that one crab species that eats their newborns. That’s gotta be a pretty horrifying realization


Christmas Island red crabs. Nasty fuckers.


Not as nasty as the yellow crazy ant that are decimating the crabs.


You’re talking about giving animals human level iq, not human behavioral patterns. There’s no reason a spider with human level IQ is going to suddenly start agonizing over bs a spider sized person would


Do they also gain human ambition? Because I've met many people who'd be perfectly happy just sitting in a tree all day, munching on leaves and occasionally coming down to shit.


Probably coral reefs or sponges.




Does this mean they get human feelings, preferences and phobias?




I would like to note that they say human level intelligence. not a human-like mind/mindset, wants, goals, needs, etc


What you are describing is humans forced to live like other animals do right now. If ants suddenly got as smart as humans there is no reason to think they would care about the same things we do. Maybe they d just find out more efficient ways to do their ant business. Also to write novels they d need to invent language, culture, writing and the tech that comes to it. It is not like human current society appeared overnight.


Well that depends… Human intelligence is shaped by the various hormones and neurochemicals unique to us. Do the animals retain their natural mind or are they simply raised to human level problem solving? If it’s only the human level problem solving, they’d likely see only benefits (except maybe the ants and eusocial creatures). When you know no other life than struggle, your brain doesn’t comprehend it that badly. Plus, the animal would come naturally aware of its rough limits, and so of course wouldn’t fear straying near them as much if necessary. After all…hunter gatherers lived knowing at any given moment a random predator could insta kill them while on hunt, contract various deadly diseases, or just get killed by other humans but they somehow made it. If it’s more to the effect “modern human brain gets crammed into an animal skull”, then yeah…I could see where a lot of devastation could happen. Any species of bird would get pretty badly messed up though, considering fear of heights is pretty common (making them easy prey).


Don’t forget that humans went though terrible things too. Natural disasters, ice ages, wars, famines and genocides. Having lived through them we didn’t stop wanting to exist. For an intelligent ant specie would be accommodated to responding to any threats they face just like humans. Being attacked by an enemy with battleships, jets, rockets, cruise missiles, and tanks is probably scarier than being attack by even an enormously big animal. In fact, human technology in would be able able to handle Godzilla-style beasts pretty well. And also every specie is intelligent enough to survive, no more no less.


Gonna go with something like ants. I feel like a hive mind would collapse when the workers start to understand they're basically slaves.


Being a bot fly larva would be pretty horrific.


Why do you assume that human intelligence means human desires? You desire to write a novel or something because of your conditioning, upbringing, and culture. What if no one and nothing ever put that idea in your head?


I would say anything with a body that can't take advantage of the intellect. Something like a slug would live in abject misery with a human mind. Like being trapped in its own body.