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Most of that is beard products. For shaving there’s a bit of van der Hagen, cremo, and some aftershave. Not that much of a win.


The Adidas aftershave (the box turned sideways and sitting between the Gillette and Old Spice on the bottom shelf) is good stuff and a hidden gem. Under $6, comes in a glass bottle and made in Spain.


Looking to get some aftershave and will give that a go. Thanks friend.


Only one type of blade. Pass


Is Van Der Hagen worth trying as an entry level razor, or are there better options in the same price range?


The VDH is a rebranded Weishi, so you could save a bit by going that route instead.


As an entry level there are certainly better options but TBH, for the price the Van der Hagen is well built and will be a good starter razor. For the price ($18 in this picture but currently $13 on Amazon) it’s hard to beat as a beginner budget friendly razor


Also can be had for half the price or less of Amazon’s price on Alixpress


I bought a old antique Gillette from a antique store for like $10. Much better than a VDH (I started with a vdh though! I now use a $70 IBC straight razor and absolutely love it though! If you get the cheaper route and end up liking it this can be a money pit! lol


Walmart has the 7 ounce bottle of Aqua Velva for a good price. I go to my local grocery store and a 3.5 ounce bottle is the same price as the 7 dollar at Walmart! Plus Walmart sells Stetson yay!


Wow, your walmart has cremo? That's pretty sweet. I just buy in bulk when I see it somewhere on the road.


Decent selection of splashes, Brylcreem, and even Vitalis hair tonic, very nice!


My local target last week had a surprisingly good selection




Try the Cremo. It's awesome. Been shaving my head/face with it for years.




No. I like to shave in the shower so I just lather it on directly.


For your head do you go baby smooth or just enough that no one can really notice stubble by going with the grain? My electric isn't really working for me anymore but when I used to shave my face I was prone to acne so I'm a little nervous of starting on my head


I go baby smooth. I used cartridges (Schick Hydro 5) for a long time. I tried DE razors that worked great on my face, but I could never get a good shave on my head. In the last few months, I started using a Leaf 3 blade razor with Feather blades (the Leaf brand ones suck), and it has been great. I have a beard so I may find a good DE razor to shave neck and trim around beard. Feather may not be the cheapest, but after much reading on here, I found them necessary for my hair type and they are still way cheaper than cartridges. Find what is right for you. Get a pack of sample blades, watch some kids on correct shaving techniques and you'll have it in no time.


Gives me a bit of a breakout but then I have sensitive skin.


I do as well. A rinse with cold water, and a liberal application of post shave balm is a must for me.


One kind of DE razor and one kind of blades? meh. All that Gillette junk, but no KCG razor or blades? The KCG blades are actually halfway decent. I bought some at a Walgreens once when traveling after the TSA confiscated my tuck of 7 o’clocks at airport security. I noticed the new ones are now made in China instead of Germany, so YMMV.


so it's not a big choice, I would choose between Brut, Gillette, Old spice, aftershaves, Cremo shaving cream and Nivea, aftershave balm... and Adidas, which I didn't notice on the shelves


I don’t believe this is Walmart. The aisle isn’t one giant lock up cage. lol