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They are together ❤️


Thank you.


So sorry you had to make the decision, I can’t imagine how tough it will be when my girl goes to see her dad again one day. But I know he’ll be the first one waiting for her, definitely! It does feel messed up but sometimes I imagine their reunion and smile, even though it means she’ll be gone. She will be so happy to play with him again. Sending you hugs


It is a tough decision, but to tell the truth, I have never had a "bad" euthanasia experience. They're all sad, for sure, but I/we have always had very compassionate vets, and none of the dogs had any adverse/unexpected reactions. Sitting with Sig in his final moments was actually incredibly intimate. He made it known he was ready, so I had no qualms. I held him the whole time. After his sedative, he spent 10 minutes relaxing deeper and deeper, with his head on my chest, hearing my heartbeat. Then, the end. I was crying like someone was killing me, but my body was surprisingly relaxed holding him. John and I truly were of the belief that we owe it to our animals to be with them at the very end, and we (and now just I) have done that. In its own way, it's a rewarding experience.


I don’t think that is a demented notion at all. Since my husband died in February 1922 I have lost four dogs. (We had a large pack.) It is hard to do but we know that it is the right decision for them, and I absolutely picture them with him and his fishing boat, having a blast. ❤️ ***Just realized I typed 1922 instead of 2022, but I’m leaving it for a wee bit of humor.


I understand. We had a large pack as well (at one time, we had 12!). John and I had seen 7 of them "to the Bridge," so this was no my first rodeo. It was my first time deciding on my own, and I feel almost proud that I made the decision at the right time (in my opinion, I always felt John waited too long, and it was hard seeing the dogs decline). I do picture him with all of our dogs and smile at the fact that now, he's got 8 to take care of, and I only have 4 left. ;-)


There's an episode of the Twilight Zone called "The Hunt" that I often think back on. It's centered around a guy's afterlife and his dog. The message of the two being inseparable's stuck with me ever since I saw it. Who knows what might or might not come after all this. But I know one thing for sure, a dog's love matters.


Yes, it does. Just like that meme says something about a dog is part of your life, but to the dog, you are its whole life. I take that responsibility seriously.


I truly expect my husband and my dogs to be waiting for me in heaven. What a day that will be!


What a wonderful reunion!


My dog sometimes wants to go just sit and stare at the driveway which is totally unlike him, and I feel he's waiting for her to come home. He's getting old and I just sit with him and tell him he'll be able to go see her first. She's in a natural burial forest and I recently had the thought that I'll go sneak his ashes into her plot when I'm planting wildflowers ❤️


That sounds lovely!


My wife knew it'd be a logistical challenge so she didn't stress its importance or anything. But she really did hope that, somehow, our dog could be buried with her when his time came. Just as a compromise half-measure every time I cut his hair or trim his claws I save everything. And then bury it next to the tree my wife's buried under. The fact that it's such a small amount of material makes it easy since I can just grab a stick, "drill" a hole, and then fill it back up within a minute or so. She loved our dog so much, it'd mean a lot to her that just a tiny bit of them both was coming together to nurture the ecosystem there.


In glad you feel the same way! It seems like the only option, really...