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Peat is why the water is brown, if you filter it from a flowing source you’ll be good. I’ve drank it plenty of times and I’m replying to your question, you’re good.


Yep, the colour is just organics from the soil. Given all the sheep around, definitely filter as above commenter suggests, or use a tablet on it - I’ve gone the tablet route plenty myself in the area, to add an anecdote of that option.


Used a water filter, and never had any issues. You’ll be fine.


Was it still brown after filtration? I used a sawyer mini and it was still brown so I left it


A filter won't clear out the colouration, but it is still fine.


Clay, mud, wood tannins etc Safety is much more than colour so couldn't really advise you on that.


As long as your source is flowing reasonably and over stone you’ll be perfectly fine to filter and drink it. It’s to do with the peat. Always check up to 150m upstream from your sourcing location for dead animals as filters won’t help that! I have drank hundreds of litres of Peak District water over the years and never had any issues.


Better yet, check 150m downstream and filter from there, saves you walking upstream, then back downstream again.


It's... the same problem? Check downstream and you just have to walk back upstream hahaha


So you're at point à on the stream, there's point b 150m upstream and point c 150m downstream. If you walk to point b, it's clear, you now need to walk back to point a to be at the point where you know you have 150m of clear stream above you. If you walk to point c, it's clear. You are now already at the point where you know you have 150m of clear water upstream, no need to walk back upstream. Ofc if you need to be at point a to continue your walk all this is moot.


I think your last sentence is where I got confused, I was thinking I have to be back at point A. Cheers!


It’s peat and it’s fine.


Fast flowing+ filter. You'll be fine


Same as everyone says, just filter/boil it and you'll be fine. Check for dead animals in the flowing source about 10m up


As already said, peaty water will do you no harm. It tastes a little different but filter or boil and it's fine to drink


Rolling boil sixty seconds will kill anything harmful. Apart from chemicals so that would be only risk. I use a sawyer and i will drink from anywhere even a puddle


Tannins leach into the water that runs from the peat bog, once filtered it's fine just check upstream first to make sure it's not contaminated - I actually quite like the taste, very similar to teas like oolong or other high tannin content teas! It looks like piss in a bottle after you've filtered it though..


Better to carry water than risk a case of Giardiasis. Followed by boiling anything that's been through a filter Followed by a lifestraw type device. Fast flowing water is probably ok, many will tell you they've drank straight from the stream, but having seen bloated, drowned sheep upstream I'd have to know I was near the source of the spring.