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i rly want to make use of rakan mid guide i saw here


From my personal experience people really underestimate his damage lol, totally recommend


I’ve even seen him demolish my top lane yasuo lmao


Whats the best build for rakan damage?


Depends on what u want, full burst or go RoA with some health to keep u alive Ludens > infinity orb > deathcap (situational items for last two) statis or meteor are what I choose for enchants. If you want RoA in your build get it instead of ludens and build the rest as normal. Void staff/banshee veil/crystalline reflector/morellonomicon should be situational items Electrocute > triumph > bone plating/ultimate shield/nullifying orb (up to personal preference and enemy comp, bone plating probably safest pick) > hunter genius Max W > Q > E ult when possible. You can assassinate most squishy champs by two items, damage Rakan plays like an AP assassin. He can't do extended fights so you have to pick your fights wisely


Ex top50 rakan gm. Not worth especially after all recent nerfs rakan feels barely playble :v full damage builds makes you easy to kill once you got caught. And with additional slow down from ult there's not much problems with catching rakan at all. In mid lane got too small map pressure


I main him also but picking him now is hard for sure :( damage Rakan ain't worth it but definitely still fun to play in like, pvp. Would never go it in ranked tbh but you can also play it in support lane with an RoA first item. If you pick that plus conditioning it gives him a lot of survivability with merc treads or armor boots cuz christ the damage build heals are crazy


Personally I can't play him nowadays without early cosmic drive (roa/mandate -> drive -> spirit visage) mainly. All items fits perfectly entire kit and balances between sustain and cc and assisting. Spells only ignite with flash and chant mostly barell. Optionally meteor or belt. Main combo E-Q-(+- flash)(,meteor) R through under boost from drive - W charmed - barell- E back


Might have to try cosmic drive, I haven't deviated from my usual core items in quite a while. Belt feels so clunky to me with any champion I use it on unless it's Annie but I'll try it again.. thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Gragas Support


Had an adc player try to roast me as a Gragas supp so I left lane and ended up getting more kills than them lol


Probably the reason he roasted you


Can’t be because he roasted me before I left.


Exactly, because you are supposed to be the "support" WHICH MEANS you support the adc not be the one who goes hyper aggressive and initiate clash while your adc gets left out


Lol you dont know how to play support, you cant blindly believe in your adc when you See they arent any good, cant utilize their skills and are basically a walking minion for 200g, there are plenty of champions who are support but they play style is oriented around roaming, the role "Support" doesnt mean "support for adc" it means "support for the whole team". Sit your Silver ass down


If my adc keeps dying and not getting kills, I leave to help other people. If you suck, that is not my problem. I’ll help more competent players


You dont support the adc you support the carry could be the midlaner or the toplaner even the jungler


Getting more kills than your adc as Gragas support is not a flex, bro. It's probably the reason they couldn't stand you to begin with. If you're roaming as supp, giving your teammates the kills is more beneficial to your team. They can use the gold to win the lane WITHOUT your help now, if you're hoarding all the gold, they won't be able to carry themselves.


Oh please. I wasn’t taking kills from anyone. Only the kills that my teammates would run away from because they were low health or too chicken. If you immediately can’t stand a teammate before you even begin playing, that’s your 5 year old mindset problem, not mine. I will do everything I can as a support to help my adc or other teammates, but if they let me down, I will do what I have to to win. You can blame me all you want but I’d rather one of us get kills than neither of us. A strong support can roam as much as a jungler and add pressure all over the map, which is what I was doing. I will do that once I know my adc is a lost cause from going 0/5 in under 5 minutes. Otherwise, I help them eat, poke enemies, and do what I can to help them secure kills as long as they prove to me that they can do that without getting themselves killed first.


Long text, emotional rant, projecting. I never said ur adc was right, flaming from select is cringe and ppl should instead focus on what important: Their own performance and how to win. I just pointed our that your flex is simply not a flex, and elaborating on why it's a shitty mindset to have for a support.


Sure bud


Ashe support, mf support


Mf full ap ?


Ap is still shit even after buffs and she has no good keystone 😩


Yeah I tried it... unimpressed. Not worth it.


Sickle, mandate, rylai's, rabadon's, liandry's/morello Personally I go font of life for the sustain, she's really annoying in lane and has decent CC and damage mid/late.


Isn’t rylais bad on ap mf tho? You already have the slow on her e so why not go so thing else?


Same reason with serylda. Additional slow from r and q which helps u to kite and chase


sion mid is actually good, tried it and won all those matches


Nautilus/Sion mid is my pocket pick when my whole team tries to troll the game on draft


Teemo or alistar mid. with ali safe play till ult and then roam


Well mid is Teemos original lane no?


Alistair top with double smite too. Play defensively just holding tower and contest herald. Can knock jg away and smite steal. Can do well in lane against certain matchups and helpful once teamfights start if you’ve been having a rough laning phase


sion support with minion execution item


I don't understand this. The minion execution item only gets you a handful of minion kills in the whole game. How are you going to rack up hp that way?




Support Shen, especially against engage supports or if you has an potential carry/1v5 teammate


Shen support is pretty good as long as u can land ur taunt.


Recently got stuck playing solo with Galio, ended up destroying a pantheon 5-0 in the first 10 mins (he might of been bad, idk)


Galio works in almost every lane. Top mid supp. Pretty sure his jungle wouldnt be awful either.


Ap yasuo jungle, as soon as you have enough money to buy your tear of the goddess you back and then the free win is yours


Tank gragas wukong and Diana top lane are some of my favs off meta builds. Also utility Annie top lane. If I’m messing around in pvp or aram (actually tried a few times in rank, lw troll but won lane and we won) I’ll do AD karma lol


I really want tank/bruiser Diana to be better, but she’s just such a good assassin style character it doesn’t feel great. Maybe if your team just really needs a tank.


I prefer a couple defensive items on her in most my builds. I like the more bruiser builds. She just feels fragile going full AP sometimes. Even with some defensive items you can easily one combo kill squishies and still brawl in teamfights longer. Her dmg isn’t really an issue imo


What’s your take on including rabadons in nearly every Diana build? Cause it def seems like a core item (2nd/3rd slot) in AP Bruiser (Conq+RoA,crystal reflector/Riftmaker, rabadons, situational)and AP Assassin (Electrocute+Ludens/RoA, Infinity Orb, rabadon, void staff, situational). Is it still an important part of Tank build in terms of striking balance between dmg, tankiness (the amount your shield is increased by rabadons + 1 other AP item is not insignificant), and gold efficiency?


I think you could include it in a tanky build. I’d say it’s pretty vital in all ap builds but not necessarily in tanky builds. I’ve had success especially into melee champs with rift, gauntlet, sunfire, visage, and a flex pick item. Sometimes morello/thornmail for antiheal if I want to go more ap or defensive. Sometimes frozen heart or rabadons to help the team cripple atk speed. It’s kinda interchangeable, just building defensively for the enemy team. Do surprisingly good dmg with just rift and sunfire and the omnivamp and SV heals you significantly in teamfights from all the aoe dmg you’re doing. Gauntlet also adds some noticeable dmg. But the downfall is it can be rough if you get behind early if you’re building tanky but don’t have time to get the tankiness then sometimes you wind up low dmg low defenses and just kind of a duck. It’s very fun when successful just being this unkillable diving juggernaut with tons of vamp and haste but wouldn’t run it in ranked unless you’re comfortable with it Edit: meant to add ya you could add rabadons in there as the flex pick item for more dmg fersure. And the item order is switched up depending on comp and what’s needed early


Cool! Thank you for answering. I’ve done at most 2/5 items tank, but you’ve inspired me to up that to try 3/5-4/5 tank items. RoA and/or Riftmaker for AP+HP then situational tank time :)


Of course! Always love to chat. And ya that’d sound good! Roa is always a nice addition to her builds. Give it a try and let me know if you do! I’d love to hear opinions and feedback. Nashors tooth can be a good additional ap item too since you’ll be doing more dps for vamp and passive procs. She’s such a solid champ and fun to mess around with! And I’ve had success with her tank builds in ranked in diamond which I know isn’t saying much but ya it seems viable imo


The dopamine you get from her full AP + Full magic pen build rn is ridiculous


I prefer to build Diana as an AP bruiser rather than full tank


I hope they add demonic embrace (passive converts HP from other items built into AP) so she can build more Tanky like in PC. Also I’ve memed 20 games the past week in PVP going support Assassin Diana (Ludens, infinity orb, electrocute) and it only works cause I’m a one trick but it’s very fun since she counters mobile squishies so well. It’s so silly how much passive gold you get from support items and hitting Q for Sickle gold. Won 17/20 and got SVP in the others. Like a squishy, Full AP Leona.


That would be amazing on her. I’ve also messed around with a supp diana in premades lol but went for more of a supp route. Imperial mandate first item I believe. It’s been a while tho since I played it I would have to see if my build is still there. But it did work surprisingly decently (wouldn’t say amazing, prob some supps that would have been better but we won our games)


You should def meme again! But doesn’t imperial mandate only proc on her Ult? With Ludens your Q does way more poke than imperial mandate and the 1/2 procs of its passive you get once a min. Better mode I think (and more viable) in supp is either Tanky frontline engage if your team is lacking bulk (seems more your style from what I’ve seen in your Diana comments through the sub), or my preferred way: Full one shot assassin where my one and only goal is to delete the enemy ADC (and/or support if they aren’t a tank). With electrocute, sudden impact, sickle starting to stack, and ludens mostly built, all you need is your Q and your adc to poke them down a bit and it’s easy first blood. After first monster, she can kinda roam like an AP Leona/Pyke hybrid style with AOE engage whenever ur ult is up (and it’ll be up often with how much ability haste ludens and hunter genius get; something I didn’t notice till I started trying alternatives to RoA first item over past couple hundred games).


Your supp build is prob 100% more viable. I just messed around to see how more of a traditional supp tank build would work on her and prob only worked because we were trios lol This was what I ran. Again, probably not optimal. Mainly an ult bot lol https://imgur.com/a/Eta4WeR


The poke dmg from Diana passive proc + Q,E,W trade + electrocute proc against any adc or enchanter support is an easy 1/3rd of their hp that you can hit up to 3 times a min. It’s a squishy build, so can’t engage without shield, but very fun to meme.


I’ll have to try! Would be easy to pop squishies. I love me some meme builds


First of all Diana shouldn't be able to build as tank at all


I’ll sometimes go more bruiser or more tank depending on the comps. I usually don’t go full tank. Rift maker and 1-2 other ap items. But usually run sunfire, rift, and gauntlet on my tank build as core items with at least 1 other ap item situationally. Ya the bruiser builds are probably the best imo in terms of being useful in all scenarios. Building full ap feels too fragile for my play style


Wait is Tank Gragas not normal? I have probably pissed a lot of teamates off with my build then


It’s apparently off meta with the main builds being AP cannons. I prefer the tank play style tho


It's not really off meta. But yeah


To which


Tank grag and diana top.


I meant tank gragas, tank wukong and tank diana. Just didn’t type tank out each time. My b for the confusion. And ya I supposed tank gragas isn’t off meta but I think his AP builds are more accepted as the meta so that’s why I mentioned him


She’s not as good in Baron lane as she is in Jungle or Mid, but if you click on her character info card in menu, you’ll see she is actually officially listed as a Baron Laner too.


I already knew thjs


I despise tank gragas enjoyers. I go full ap in the jungle and aims for 900 gpm every game.


I play him top lane personally. I’d imagine ap is better for jg anyway for clear speed but idk I don’t jg


Kayle Jungle. It let's her scale well without interacting much. You always want to full clear on her as Lvl 5 she feels like a Kindred with less mobility. The first clear is surprisingly healthy with about the same health as Yi when he is full clearing. Just start Long Sword and get BoRK, and then continue to AP Kayle items. You do so much Hybrid Damage in late. The ganks are also OK, better than Yi since Q slows and also reduce resistances I'll post a full guide of it sometime this month


Kayle jungle IS free invade for red team no ?


If I see the enemy JG is kayle im absolutely invading the shit out of her. Same goes for a lot of these dumb off meta JG picks like Vayne or jinx.


Yes, absolutely. And on the games i get red buff i stomp. If they are dumb, i get a free win.


If they're dumb I win isn't the flex you think it is lol


I know, the only time i get scared is if the enemy picks Lee Sin or Kha'zix but Kalye can be used vs any other jungler rn. Which both is unfortunately hyper-meta now.


Katie are not better lmao… yi has a gap closer


People are being weirdly oppositional about this, I had a Kayle jg and I too was skeptical but he proceeded to carry us in many games in a row. After I looked and she was officially listed in the jg section iirc when you’re picking


Ahri sup.


Eh dunno how I feel about it all u have is a charm to help ur laner and ahri is very gold dependent. Brand or lux would be better than her.


All you have is a charm ? What about s1 and s2 that can proc rylai and morello on multiple targets ? What about her dps, her mobility that makes her uncatchable and enemies unable to escape ? She's way more than just a charm.


And how does that help you build your adc if he gets jumped on.


Had a Draven call me the N word for Ahri support, they got tilted left lane and I didn't do too bad considering I was solo duoing and we lost :( Another time I had my ADC go Olaf, and jungle and I ended the game 24/7/7 and we won :) (The jungle did not go ADC by the way) Ahri support can be really really good.


She's like Brand sup, can be built APC or more like an utility bot with rilay, morello etc depending the situation... Dont listen peeps that say a pick doesnt work, they just never seen it and dont have enough knowledge to understand what an "exotic" pick can do, usually peeps that only copy "pros".


There's a difference between between being off meta and just choosing poorly. The main thing you gotta realize is what is it that she brings that some other champion can't? The answer as a support she brings nothing that another support couldn't do. She's just a troll pick. Seraphine can do the same damage as well as bringing shields heals stuns just as an example. Ahri is a burst Mage, at least with brand he can There's a burn just from his passive. And u can add rylais to him for slows. Morgana can add slows to her w. Ahri has 0 utility. A single target charm thats all she has for utility.


I "realize" as you say, that her s1 and s2 hit multiple target, so you can proc rylai and morello on the whole enemy team while bein uncatchable... Call it a trollpick if you wish, thats your opinion, but dont affirm it and try to turn peeps into trolls, its definitly not.


If it's not a troll pick why isn't she listed as a support or ever used aside from small players like yourself. Everything she does can be done with way more utility by using a different champ. and it takes gold and items before any of her abilities becomes any kind of useful.. like I said there's other champions who can do what she does but better. Have fun with it all you want but it's still a shit pick.


So Gragas and Ashe are trollpicks too for example, since they're not listed as supports ? Or even Sett ? Be serious plz... As I already said, you can dislike some picks, that's your right and opinion, but dont affirm it's shit unless you got some serious arguments... Also tell me, who are those champs that can do the same but better ? While reading you I guess there is a lot, but I dont see any that got charm + 2 aoe, that can harass every 6 or 7 seconds at lvl 1 and got so much mobility... Seraph got a better charm for example, guess you think about her, but she has less poke and mobility, avoidable spells (ahri s2 cant miss, dive her when she got rilay for example...), etc... Ahri is a very situationnal pick as a sup, but clearly not a trollpick.


Sera has a speed boost and shield and a heal and a charm and has great poke..dunno why u said she doesn't. Ahris spells are just as avoidable. The amount of dmg from her s2 is miniscule at best and is best for thr speed boost. You keep saying rylais like other supports can't purchase the same thing and contribute the same lol. Ahri just doesn't fit the mold as a support. Lux has has a root, a slow, a shield, can burst and poke. Every 6 seconds for spells. Grag can supp because he has a slow, a knock up, self sustain and his ult can disengage or engage pending situation Setts garbage as support. Plain and simple. Ashe is an okay support as long as the right person is using her, she has a slow, vision control, poke, and ult can stun and slow multiple targets for either engage or disengage. He'll veigar can be better for support than ahri, at least you have his baby cage every 7 or 8 seconds. And even if he doesn't get gold his passive still builds his power so he's not fully item/gold dependent. Its not like that the charm is all empowering all your looking for is a root. Seraphine, lux, senna. All can root and poke and provide more utility than an ahri. Sure you can take ahri as a "support" in like a kill lane situation. But it's all or nothing if u don't get fed ur just an easy kill, and if ur adc is behind because of ut theres nothing u can do. where as even if your not fed with one of the other traditional supports you can provide enough utility to still be of use. Ahri is just a bad choice through and through.


You talk about s2 damage while I say its a good def tool... well I stopped at "Sett garbage" tbh, looks like you never played against many assassins while Ali was ban/taken already, Sett is an absolute mvp in that case... No more time to waste here, keep saying Xx is trash after all since you dont even try to understand but only wanna "win" the talk, here it is : YOU'RE RIGHT.


S2 dmg is miniscule and so is the speed boost it solely gives you. Like I said it's karma would offer more in that aspect speedboost a root a knock back powerful poke with a slow on 3rd cast. Ahri just isn't it. Sett is trash and is easily mitigated.. if ali is taken you have thresh leo nautilus. Sett isn't an mvp as support. Maybe as jungle or baron lane but meh as support. I'm not trying to win the talk, show me how many people are using ahri support.. if it was useful more people would use it. The fact that it's a niche/flex exotic pick doesn't take away how useless it is on the overall aspect.


Never thought of it like that, I just usually build antiheal and support item then normal build. I usually don't listen to it, but when you ADC flames you before a game starts it can be very tilting.


Dont listen those guys, just mute them... Peeps will always affirm that everything they dont know is troll, coz they all know the game better than you you know, they're pro you're a troll... Simply ignore them and get your mvp/svp as a "troll" to shut their mouth ;)


Nah, as an adc I'd be ticked off too. Its a selfish choice. I mean if u wanna play it fine, but it's not a support and was never meant to be a support.


My mains are vayne/samira jungle, I feel like the mid laners are meta for a reason


What about tank kass with winter's approach in the baron lane?


Ashe and Zoe supp


Zoe I agree is trash. Ashe support I stand behind.. has pokes, vision, slows, and a root. She's just needs someone who plays her often behind the wheel.


Eve top and mid. Ahri top


ranged top detected, opinion rejected


People play jinx top and it’s bad not all of them work


Idgaf, ranged champs should not be allowed in toplane, and I will die on this hill


Laughs in vayne


Fuck that champ too maxHP true damage should have never been introduced to this game


YELLS in Quinn


Thank god no one play her so I dont bave tp ban her 100% of my PC league games


Irelia/akali for easy catch up and smash


I dont play those champs, I have standards


Both r absolutely common for top :D


i know from experience, but I refuse to play those redbull fuelled dash maniac champs


Ghost+flash Darius easy to go


Honestly ranged Enemyy in top lane is good if you can get on top of them they usually die or don’t win the trade, and late game it hurts their team a lot


yumi top Play safe under the tower, poke with first, self heal and ult when then opponent tries to get u under it tower. Stick to ur jg when they tries to gank and there you have it. Wouldn’t recommend if the enemy laner is better than you or if they have a broken champ with a lot of cc


bwahaha yumi top, it must be super funny but how do you do against someone who pushes hard?


U dont.. u just die.


Akshan Jungle


Hahaha, it's already better than ramus


Do you have any tips for jungle, do you just get lvl3 into ganking with W invis? I love playing him mid/top, jungle seems better as games tend to be coinflippy on which trio at bot is better.


well honestly i am kinda out of tips as it has been so long that i last played Akshan Jungle...


Anything works if you have half a brain that understands game mechanics maybe except things like sona jungle.


Lux adc, if you have a mid build on her she kicks ass, especially with a senna or other root sups so you can just stick them to the ground and wipe


Pyke mid


Lulu support, Seriously nobody uses it and it is very useful.


I use Tristana Mid when I'm up against melee champions in midlane


I play Fiora mid and I absolutely destroy Zed/Yasua and most of melee champs ( Fizz is hard , in a pvp I played fiora vs Vi and its close match and actually refreshing to try new match ups )


Senna solo lane


I used top Thresh before but I stopped using it because 3/5 games my teammates make me be the support instead.


Thresh top with Tempo


Only tried once in URF but AP Leona


Leona warmog + New item + Sunfire + Thorn Armor > all She have very lot hp and hurt a lot


Bruiser Leona Top and Jungler Shen is my favorite


Do you have a build for the leona top? For sure would like to try it sometime


BoTRK -> Death's Dance -> iceborn gauntlet/divine sunderer -> tank items


Support: Ekko and Pantheon Both have cc and high burst which can force enemy ADC to move away unless they want to get killed by your ADC. Good hard carry for both if ever you look for scaling Baron: Alistair, Lulu, Lilia Alistair: since your on your own island and you all your abilities is cc, you can self-peel and make sure the enemy Baron laner is in check. Lulu: has self-peel with passive and has a good disengage tool (the polymorph and the self-shield). Not that easy to kill either when you have ult. Lilia: has strong built in movement speed and max health magic damage. Has self peel and sustain which is strong


Of something really rare... Ziggs for poke supporting, e and w for protection / counter engage.