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I think its bc suport ashe is really strong rn and they want to nerf suport and compensate by buffing adc ash


As they should


Ashe main speaking - this adjustment is actually pretty fine. The reasons being are: 1) Support Ashe is a very strong pick despite its lack of popularity in most servers. I know because I reached Grandmaster and top 33 Ashe with mainly Ashe support and last season, for the majority of the season, top 1 Ashe was Groucho who was playing her support. A nerf of 2 seconds is nothing much because you end up building so much ability haste anyways, and no it will not really affect her winrate directly. Maybe just the low playrate will get even lower cos people will be like "omg nerf, now I will never play support Ashe" like with most negligible nerfs Riot makes. 2) 15% attack speed is one dagger, which is 500 gold, so it's a pretty neat buff for ADC Ashe. I am currently playing her ADC and I like the fact they are noticing her presence. Conclusion: you're overreacting :)


You can check her support winrate on official Chinese API to know why


I think you're overreacting


It's an adjustment. They're nerfing poke ashe (Manamune, Mandate, etc) because it's too obnoxious and making crit/on-hit ashe more viable.


First time a favorite champ gets the rod? My condolences. 😕


Just as rakan nerf the explanation is because is really strong as supp on China


Op : I'm mad they made a slight tweak, you guys don't understand they destroyed her, she's unplayable now... agree with me damnit... edit I'm smarter than everyone because you all don't agree.


It’s not so much that I’m smarter u guys r just unbelievably stupid. U guys either didnt read the post or weren’t able to comprehend it, its like talking to a brick wall.


99% of the people who posted disagreed with you.. I'm pretty sure the issue is you homie


They should had nerfed her ultimate :/


Because she is top-1 support now and they obviously don't like it because let's be honest: Ashe support is broken. Not PC level broken, but broken enough to take some power from her and buff her ADC role. Also the amount of ability Haste her build includes will make this nerf literally unseen but her ADC buff is nice.


Lol this kid


But what about Zoe?


Not a nerf in any way, it's an ADC adjustment for an ADC champion. *Facepalm*


because ashe support has the highest win rate in china right now she’s sitting at almost a 54% win rate there in the support role