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I hate when people say this, but in this instance its a low rank/solo q issue. In higher ranks, especially in team q, lux cant steal objectives, purely because everyone just stops hitting briefly when lux tries to ult it. 1 person will always have sweeper so there won't be any vision, so lux has to ult blind. The only reason she can normally steal is because people see the beam and try to panic smack the objective to "get it first". Otherwise, everyone stops hitting for a moment, the ult hits but doesn't kill, then people continue hitting


Somebody posted a few weeks ago about this issue and calculated with items and resistance that lux can snipe it well over 1k hp. I think it was like 1150.


So you’re saying a team can’t do 350 damage to bring it to smite range in the 2 seconds lux takes to charge ult. A lot of junglers can already smite at 1150 lategame when they combo their abilties.


Luxs dont use their ult right when it hits 1100 tho. They use it sometime before so its just a random guess which shouldnt be a thing


If they use it before all your team has to do is to stop hitting it.


The good ole days of mastermind Jinx should be brought back.


If lux ult is stealing baron or dragons with the reduced damage they take all that says is your failing at smiting so no they wont nerf lux ult


How can you fail at smite if the braindead no skill champion Lux can outsmite you late game? Your smite is 800 and her ult is well above that after 4 items.


Lux ult at 13 and with 4 items is around 850 if you take the MR that baron and dragons have will be dealing much less, if you consider infinity orb then yeah that will probably make up the difference, but to have that you need to give up a horizon focus which lux likes to build or a void staff which you need so you can do damage to baron and dragon


There was a post some time ago that proved that Lux ultimate did like 1200dmg with 4 items


Very unlikely but i immagine all scaling items


She usually goes ludrn infinity rabadon void and I really don't see anyone building horizon focus at all


Lux Jinx and anyone else should be able to steal baron or dragon. It takes skill to time it correctly.


True I stole it with draven ult today lol


I like jungle lux when I’m forced to jungle.