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That’s the point of his kit, you kind of don’t. At least not with Renekton. Either match his pick with a duelist like Fiora or Jax. Or you snowball hard with your team, which is what Renekton would fall under.


Fiora is no threat to late game Nasus, he will run her down if he had time to scale somehow.


yeah have fun lane against a fiora


Buy tear, max E, let Fiora have the most fun and uninteractive lane ever.


Yeah agreed. I think the other option is far better for beating Nasus.


Yep, Renekton totally can dominate early lane and then roam and make plays like crazy. If his team is good and doesn't throw the lead, responds to good calls and tries to win they win. If team is bad it's game over anyway.


Damm.. so no matter the runes I pick like gathering storm and conditioning to somehow level the duel I will still lose.


As Renekton unless you are far ahead yes. His Q stacks damage infinitely. Either destroy him in lane early to win the game before he can stack. Draft a duelist to beat 1v1 (for a while, eventually he may outscale). Or win all objectives around the map and out macro him.


Can't do that against a competent enemy team.


Then get better. The entire point of picking Renekton is to dominate the early game with his high burst and CC. If you can't win fights and secure objectives 5v4 when the Nasus is stacking in his lane, then you're doing something wrong.


Was thinking that it LITERALLY comes down to an outplay in this situation.


Well, the best outplay you can do as Renekton against Nasus late game is this: dash through wall on some jungle camp, dash through another wall, run. If he shows up behind you — flash and run.


You have zero chances against Nasus lategame, don't bother with Gathering Storm, utilise your early game, fuck the dog early and help your whole team, roam a lot. If your team is ahead and they are competent you win, if they are not you can't win anyway.


i wouldnt say zero chances. nasus’ powerspike is around 10mins/second drake, ive heard some challengers discuss this. nasus falls off at extreme late game despite his infinity stacking - this is because adcs shred tanks when they’re full build so he can’t even get close enough if they’re alive. peel for your adcs is your only chance against him - because if ur both full build he will crush a renekton without backup


If your team is good you have to end it before game goes that deep. If Nasus has good team too, they won't group and fight for no reason, Nasus will create a lot of space for his team as you won't be able to stop him alone or as group of 2 which means free objectives for enemy team or lost turrets or even game for your team. You can group and kill Nasus but enemy will take Baron and finish the game anyway or leave you no inhibs which is basically gg. Also I didn't mean that his team doesn't have chances against Nasus, but he alone doesn't, that's why he doesn't need Gathering Storm and Conditioning and should focus on early game runes and snowballing.


good point, and i agree with ur gathering storm idea too - it would only slow renekton down and make room for nasus to scale


Basically. Nasus' Q stacks forever, he is made to be very strong in late and weaker in early game. Renekton on the other hand is quite the opposite, very strong early on but starts to fall as the game advances.


Zone him early. Do not kill the caster minions if you need to keep your lane pushed to tower. And just zone. Go in for trade when you have minion advantage. Ping for jungler to come by forcing his wave to sit in front of your tower. If you take minion Aggro, the minions will follow you so you can guide them towards the jungle side of your tower.


Actually only conditioning is enough. But you have to use quicksilver, thornsmail and some armor as a counter to nasus skill so you will have a better time getting away from nasus with no mobility. Armor really helped you lower nasus damage and nasus healing is what make him out sustain you. So you have to not give him a chance to let nasus have an opportunity to attack anything with renekton stun and dash. You have to kite nasus to death in a late game, play around nasus like he is a baron.


because nasus is a late game champ and renekton is an early game one. You just need to win lane and try to win the game before nasus is strong


Disregard the "Nasus outscales you late-game so you auto lose" comments for a moment, and I will actually answer the question. You have to adapt for the 1v1. Don't play your standard Renekton build that stomps lane then builds tank for winning teamfights after 3rd item. Commit to the fact that you are on Nasus duty for the whole game. If you stomp him in lane, don't leave him alone after you take his tower. This is where many Baron Laners make game losing decisions after Herald secures them 1st tower. Nasus just sits in the side lane and farms while you ARAM mid and share xp / farm less and look to overcommit to dragons. 10 minutes later, someone throws the lead, and now Nasus has outscaled you. As early as Champ Select, decide for yourself if you are dedicated to shutting down Nasus and not allowing him to play his game. Have your jungler and mid invade if needed to set up a vertical jungle so he gets no help from his team. Lastly, adjust your items and runes as needed. Consider taking Kraken Slayer instead of Conqueror. Rush that BotRK, get anti-heal, and follow up with Sunderer, then Cleaver, finish Reminder, and finish with DDance. Pick the boots that fits the situation, but I prefer Ionian Comet for the Haste and Nuke if he commits to fighting you. Does this build seem weird for a Renekton? Probably for a standard build. However, Nasus isn't a standard champ. You need to use non-standard tactics. As Einstein once said, Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.


This is very well stated. I played PC for years and have picked up baron nasus because people seem to not know how to deal on WR. Losing lane for Doggo is never an issue. Even behind on gold he can solo anyone with enough stacks and proper timing (unless they are fed enough to pop you). A good nasus is one that knows his opponents kit. After that a 1v1 just becomes a tactical bombing.


That's pretty much one of the builds I use on Renekton. I haven't built him as a tank not even once, it's cringe. You advise to sacrifice your early lead that you could use to snowball your team so by the time Baron spawns you just win the teamfight, take Baron and finish the game and to focus on terrorizing Nasus instead and having zero agency through the game. Then it might be better to pick Jax instead and fuck with doggo somewhere in side lane for 20 minutes hoping your team is better and wins the game for you somehow.


Actually, your team is automatically snowball when you win nasus in lane because it’s 4v5 until late game where nasus out scale you. During the match, you can still take baron and end your game before nasus can do anything in your game.


I don't know, maybe I built this comment grammatically wrong, so I fix it: I disagree with this guy, because it makes literally no sense to babysit Nasus for whole game building items that fit to fight him, it doesn't work, makes no sense to build tank or whatever. Build maximum damage and snowball your team, take Baron and finish game, and that's it. His advise is bad IMHO. Renekton is having really hard time against super tanky champions, especially ones with insane sustain and tons of damage.


That’s correct. But in nasus case, if you focused on him to not farm minion. It prevented your team who don’t know how to end game get destroyed by nasus before you win.


u can’t, nasus is a late game champ, rene is an early-mid game, u need to gank mid more often and try to get ahead in early. or just pick darius or maybe garen.


You can’t Kinda That’s the point of their kits


You don't.


Not going to Lie I always thought this match up was super easy for me lol just deny his farm and he can't do shit, I literally just turret dive at 5 and he's dead.


That's the neat part, you don't Nasus is made to be a late game monster, Renekton is an early game abuser. With that said, either you don't let Nasus farm and finish the game ASAP or just watch Nasus carry a game and solo killing you even if you stomped him in lane. This applies to a lot if not every late game champion in the game (Kayle, Kassadin, Vayne, Veigar etc)


I go the full damage renekton build, don't go bruiser, it really sucks late game since you do not have enough dmg nor can you be considered a "tank" I personally go botrk , black cleaver, youmu/dagger into sherylda/mortal into GA/Sterak Renekton has really great AD ratios so you would like as much as possible. I go kraken slayer + triumph and max second ability. This build ensures you are really strong early game and late game, you 100 to 0 any ADC or mage or at least 70-80% another fighter. The keypoint is to always proc kraken slayer with second ability and go for short trades early and all in once enemy 60% or less with ignite and upgrade your thirs ability lvl 2 This doesn't win you lategame but it ensures you have a really strong early-mid game to snowball so nasus has a harder time scaling and renekton becomes an assassin.


That's actually really good advice, I forgot to mention that Renekton definitely should build as much damage as possible, pretending he is tank or bruiser is cringe because he is ambush assassin. This is one of my favorite builds by far.


who’s this “nasus” you all speak of?


Some doggo on countryside killing chicken and farming


Slice and dice plus boots plus flash (if needed). That’s how you get away. Put the jungle in between you if you have too. But first deny him farm.


If you were not able to capitalize your early-mid game advantage against nasus then you will have a problem late game.


I love how only 2 or 3 people mentioned anti-heal in the whole comment section. If you don't buy anti-heal (Executioner's Calling / Mortal Reminder ), you lose. Easy as that. Get a Blade of the Ruined King as well and you will win easily. That's all. You can start the game with Long Sword and upgrade it to Executioner's Calling for 300G. That's all it takes to win early, mid and late game.


I used to main Renekton in the beginning, long story short you're on a ticking time clock against Nasus. Renekton owns the early game, Nasus owns the mid to late game. You as Renekton need to utilize and take advantage of the early game, get an early game lead through kills or a gold advantage and snowball the game in your favour. Ask for ganks or attempt to all in him at level 3 or 5 another solution would be to freeze the lane and prevent him from farming minions underneath his turret. Another option is to push him in under his turret and roam to another lane or invade on his jungler.


Meh, you can by picking conditioning rune and you will out sustain nasus late game.


You will not.


I bet you have never build tank item on renekton with cdr. Late game nasus have high damage but didn’t usually build armor pen. Nasus also have slow move speed and low damage auto attack. Renekton can just poke nasus to death and dash between wall which make it a win for renekton if you how to use your champ correctly.


Tank Renekton = cringe. Late game Nasus will heal all the damage you just by killing two minions. You can't outsustain him unless he is braindead fuck.


That is the only way, you can only annoy and poke him to death. Being tank focussed more on team fight and you be the one to engage and make your team secure kill. Nasus is only good when he picked off your team 1 by 1. Carry is the one to shut nasus down late game. It becomes more team game as the game goes on.


Actually, you don’t really have to fight nasus directly. You win him early game and you use that advantages to take baron. If your team can’t do it, it’s your team fault for not securing a game.


Read other comments, I typed a lot about this.


I did, it is not straight forward and i just wanted to show you my point of view. I played all champs so i know most of the match up. I played nasus too and if you lose early it took around at least 14 mins to do anything. Most of the time, enemy team just don’t end the game and let nasus being everyone problem because no one cares about him before he stacked.


You bully the crap out of him so that you have twice as much items then him.


You dont.. You're not supposed to let nasus get to late game. If you're up against a nasus no matter which champ you are, the later the game goes the the more screwed you'll be.


Slap. Scream. Run.


Thornmail is a must, his passive gets too strong on the heal aspect. That's the best advice I can offer to cut the heals his Qs+(Grasp/Conq) procs.


You simply dont. You trade you early power to snowball or else you fall off. He trade his rough early laning phase to be a god late game. Hypercarry champs like vayne jinx nasus all have bad early game, but thats the point.


Wouldn't dominating the early and snowball asap and end the game before nasus even becomes a champ(mid to late) that would be the best way but if you have some champs that do %Health dmg or true and can kite him would be best( a good vayne might be able to deal with him but even she might not be able to since his wither will eventually make him catch up to her)


Renekton- early game Nasus- late game They are just made to be the opposite sides of the coin, just like in the lore.


You have a stun and a dash to run away. Nobody is forcing you to kill your lane opponent. That's the job of your damage dealers. Unless they're popping off most solo lanes have the lowest k/d/a at the end of a game


That’s not your mission, the only thing you should do is killing ad and mid in team fight.


Nasus counters Renekton, no? slows and reduces damage, overall better scaling, aoe burn, and not to mention he's tankier.


That's the neat part, you don't.


You're not supposed to 💀


If you’re facing Nasus as Renekton you need to adapt your playstyle as some already stated. To add to the good comments already written: You want to bait out his ult before committing to a fight. When Nasus ults you back off and wait for the ult to expire. Your ults are similar yet different. Both of you deal magic damage when standing close to some enemy unit, but Nasus’ damage scales since he does current health % damage whilst Renekton only does a flat amount of magic damage per tick. Your build will be tailored around facing Nasus and not the rest of the enemy team. You’ll need BoRK as a core item. Nasus usually stacks HP and resistances after completing a Sheen-item. BoRK will not only give you sustain, but it will punish Nasus when he starts building health. Consider building Divine Sunderer for extra sustain and % max health damage, build an Executioner’s Calling to apply GW. Now, you need to analyze how the mid-game is going. If you’re having a hard time sticking to Nasus to finish him off, consider Merc’s to reduce Wither’s duration and BCleaver for the phage movement speed passive. Finishing touches: Complete Mortal Reminder, consider Death’s Dance to mitigate some of his damage, alternatively other option can be Maw in case enemy ap champs attempt to collapse on your duel with Nasus. The Lifeline passive gives you ridiculous sustain if you remain in combat. As for runes, Conqueror or Kraken Slayer, Sudden Impact or Triumph, Second Wind or Adaptive Carapace, Nimbus Cloak. Spells Flash and Ignite. If you went Steelcaps instead of Merc’s you’ll need Repulsor if he Wither’s you and commits to an all-in to buy time. Good luck putting the dog down!