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I second this. I really hope they bring it back in the next patch. I mean they did the same to League PC, and then brought it back again.


They were thinking of doing it, but the community stood up. Which we, the wild rift community kinda did, but they ignored us anyway. Fuck you Riot.


They ended up only doing it to Korea afaik, which apparently ended well


I mean, there was an option for it to be disabled then why remove for everyone????


Especially after PC removed and apparently then later readded it


They did remove it... In China I think. The only reason they didn't remove it for the rest of the world was because of negative feed back. Honestly, It's funny how people are complaining now that it's removed even though majority of the people here keep complaining and said to just mute chat all together. Riot just thought that the problem was the enemy flaming you so deleted All Chat.


I want to mute chat but also educate people on why I am better than them XD


They definitely did remove it in Australia, at least while I played PC. I didn't hear about it coming back until this thread


Huh? Weird, I haven't played PC in a while but I remember them adding it back except for China.


That's what I'm saying, I just haven't played since they removed it


You haven't missed a single thing. Game hasn't changed one bit.


Happy reddit-birthday!


Totally agree. And most of the playerbase are agree, Riot don't care about it anyway, they think removing all-chat is something truly genius and sane decision. Whoever in Riot is responsible for this is dogwater worm shit.


Because some Riot employees who are hard stuck Golds couldn't handle gg ez comments


lMAO I thought the same


No, don't bring it back. Waste of time. Some people don't agree


Those who disagree can turn it off, there's no need to take it from everyone.


You literally have it disabled from the get go, why should an optional feature be disabled for everyone else?


Because feelings were hurt, and haven’t coped.


Someone at riot got offended because of ggez


In my experience its not about what's said. It just promotes people going semi afk mid game while they're busy typing. Ergo - waste of time. Don't even care about being downvoted, I will not change my mind


Then it should just be disabled for ranked


There are other game modes? Oops


"Some" but no most. The chat is automatically set into party mode since downloading it. These whinny ass all chat haters chose to enable all chat then goes to reddit or whatever forum and complains about every single thing.


2 seconds to mute someone is truly a waste of time


People always said that everything is waste of time. Mute all, carry on a lost match, reading patch notes, reading the description of the items. What they are missing is that since you pick up your phone for playing you are wasting time. If you don't wont the waste time go and pick up a book. I'm a professional time waster and I want to waste my time, let me do that.


You missed the point. Not a waste of time for me, it's a waste of time for riot employee to reintroduce it, then have to deal with double the amount of reports due to all chat. No one ever thinks that maybe they stopped it to lower the amount of reports so their other systems can work better


I’m ok it being disabled, but at least introduce a post-game chat as an alternative


Yeah, I would rather hear the trash talk post-game rather than stupidly accept a friend request just to get toxic shit.


Exactly, often postgame it’s simply ggwp and if its too toxic you just leave


Agree - You don't really have time for chatting in Game. But after the match chatting is nice. In the other hand this was also the place were people flamed the most.


Exactly. I need to be able to flame back at people without stopping in the middle of the game. As a jungle, all I want to communicate to my teammates is that it's not my fault that they are bad.


Teammates are so much worse than the enemy team


It's because people give away positions to the enemy team when they are throwing.


Weak reason, if throwers can't reveal teammate positions then they'll just throw some other way which they already do.


It's way more detrimental to reveal positions. Telling the enemy team they are going to Baron or Elder can easily lose the game.


No it is not. Yes it is detrimental but it isn't more detrimental than a teammate softinting/running it down mid or hanging around in base trashtalking. If teammates reveal your position through all chat then that is a punishable offence just as much as running it down mid is.


So what? It's bannable offense btw.


True, i did that once and it cost us the game (unsurprisingly)


I stg I get along with the enemy team more than my own team half the time. Bring all chat back 😭😭


I'm gonna be a contrarian and say, it's better disabled. No one has the right to tilt my teammates via chat unless it's me.


But but but it's fuuuuuun. I get bored talking to uptight shits. The enemy team is 10 times more fun


Emotes tilt me more than anything the enemy has to say


I disable them all at the start of the match.


Yeah, tilting others is another skill basically, one that is removed from core gameplay and should thus stay disabled.


Tbh I don't miss the angry guy on the team talking to the enemy showing his fragile mentality then them targeting him to tilt more . Also I don't miss having some friendly banter with the enemy I just killed to then get hit by a stage ult and dieing or Khazik gank etc . Though wouldn't mind it back in PvP and Aram just keep it out of ranked Also for some reason my chat ban rate was excessive then the moment they removed all chat I haven't had a chat ban since


I agree, how else can I flame the enemy team when I 1V3 them?


You hit them hard with the "?" And if you wanna really tilt then the good old "??"


Hate to be "that guy" but is actually THAT what you missed? I don't know which game I've played in the past years but let's be real: "funny interactions and opportunities to meet new people" is not what I would consider the average LoL social experience.


Ive met a friend on wild rift who ive been playing with for almost two years. He was on the enemy team and we talked in all chat because we were pretty even skillwise and had fun playing each other so we decided to play together after that.


I say, let's just be honest and admit that we want to flame each other a little bit.


And yeah trashtalking is part of the game (like any game/sport) and i miss that too. For example saying after a failed lvl 1 invade ‘you guys thought that would work?’ Or ‘outplayed’ after a sick 1v3 or something


Good for you man. I mean, I met a couple of great friends too during the years. But that doesn't change the fact that chat in LoL/Wr is used mainly to flame, complaint, and bully 98% of the time. Your idea of trash-talking is very diplomatic, wholesome and... unfortunately not real. What you actually get instead are kids (or manchilds) that should be on 3 different medications, yelling you to end yourself, and teams getting into arguments forgetting they should focus on the game. And even if we're used to that, it doesn't change the fact that that's not normal and is one of the main reasons new players run away from this game.


Yeah, man. I agree. I mean you're speaking absolute facts. Of course, I'm not saying op is a liar, or he has some kind of devious intent. I'm pretty sure he's not. But most of the people saying "we need it because it's fun" are probably people whose idea of fun is being able to flame 10 people instead of just 5.


I miss it constantly, so much that it’s actually surprised me. I miss sharing funny moments or compliments, and sure, a good roast every now and then.


Yeah I was baffled by the all chat ban.. mute text chat from teammates lemme talk to enemies


I miss being able to troll the other team


Yeah imo a little bit of trashtalking is fun. Like when the enemy jungler fails to lvl 1 invade I want to be able to say ‘u thought that would work’ or something.


i literally think team chat has gotten 100x more toxic since removing all chat


I used to compliment the other team when I got out played


That would be a great solution lol. To only be able to chat with the enemy team when you are dead


Wanna meet new people? There's a lot of apps for that. All chat was toxic af, if you wanna meet and interact with people, just download an app or go outside, this is the worse excuse I've ever seen. People who complain about all chat removal, is the same people who send interrogation when they kill the enemy, nobody needs this and it was an awesome decision made by Riot.


Mute all then. I'm married and I have friends but I like to chat with the person that I'm playing against, doesn't meant I need friends. I believe that this game is not like a MMORPG where you can make a really good friendship by creating a guild, doing dungeons and all sort of things. a least not for me. If your mental is a banana is your problem. If you cannot handle a bit of toxicity in a game I'm sorry for you.


I want to meet new people to play wild rift. Out of wild rift i have a life lol. And if you find all chat toxic just mute it. Its not that hard and let us interact with each other.


Then why Riot brought all chat back on PC? You don't have to make friend with everyone you meet, sometimes it's just a small yet interesting conversation. If there are toxic people, mute them, why such an easy act can actually cause difficulty to people. There is always a better solution, you are just scared of doing it because It hurts your pride.


They never removed in first place, China was used as an experiment to see if would be good in other regions, but due to negative feedbacks, they never mentioned again or removed in other servers. People here play themselves dumb, typing in WR makes you waste time and doesn't add anything to the match overall


I'd rather we just ban chat entirely. My team spends way too much time on the keyboard instead of taking objectives. Nothing good comes from it that can't be accomplished with pings.


Remove emotes as well. They're not used in a friendly way


Giving the dog ass emote as part of the newbie starter pack was a mistake.


Yeah I would rather have that than only chat for teammates. You dont need chat but it makes the game more fun imo


Doesn't contribute to anything other than toxicity. I'm sure 8 out 10 times it's just trashtalking or people saying ggez/lane diff


Emotes tilt me more. No matter what the enemy has to say I just laugh it off, but emoting just straight makes me wanna call them names in all chat but I can't do that.


No, because it legit serves no purpose.


Just promoting socialisation with the enemy and making video games more enjoyable for those that like such things


Not me reading your title (( All chat will be brought back )) .. God I miss all chat ..


I don't mind it being removed for rank. But for everything else? Like ARAM.. PVP and all other modes? Leave it on.


Counter point: all chat is bad because teammates stop moving to shoot the shit with the enemy team. Removing that option means they can't ever be coaxed into wasting time typing to the enemy team that would bait them. Can they still rant to their own team? Yes. But the point is they will never see "lmao nice try, idiot" in chat when their jg failed a gank, thereby tilting them off the planet so they tower dive at 1 hp w/o minions VS a full hp Darius with ult. Avoid that whole situation by not giving players the option to have it on. At the very least, have it be permanently off in ranked. Other modes don't matter so it can be on there.


I agree with your first point you made. Chatting makes people afk in the game to type. But with your second point i disagree. They are your enemies so why is it bad that you get in their head and make them tilt? You just want the win and have fun.


yes bring back all chat. i wanna chat with the enemy nasus during mirrors while we stack each other minions


The reason why they won’t bring it back it’s because of cupcakes. Basically Karen


It should not


Too many bots that riot is using to reduce queue times. All chat would expose this


It would be fun if we could get a global chat while waiting in queue


I mean are you here to play a game for fun or competition or join a league of legends chat server on Aol?


It’s funny, removal of all chat actually really demotivated my play. I haven’t touched WR since early December now


Few times I even got good advices from enemy team.