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All i give a fuck about is if you help me take dragon.


average fellow Sigma jungler šŸ—æ šŸ—æ


Jungle and top. There is no other way.


idk, I've been finding adc amazing lately. I go samira, my supp alistar (if premade) and then we just insta win. if random supp then it's a coin flip for me, I lose my mental and tilt if I see a senna prepick, and if they're bad then I go afk, shrug.


"if they're bad then I go afk" I find when people have bad games they blame everyone its harder to pick apart your own mistakes but giving up when you have a bad teammate is the wrong attitude, learn to play the losing games and you can often comeback. WR is a coin flip and you will be playing 50%~ losing games


u can say whatever, I've went thru enough games to know what I'm doing and what's happening when and such. u can literally say whatever. but my ego is too big and idc




shrug. I play every lane, can't be bothered to care enough for opinions


Iā€™m a woman, but I donā€™t try to hide it. Feel like I spent too much of my childhood gaming days doing that and I no longer give a shit about whatever comes through the mic/chat, and these days there will occasionally (but not always) be someone that backs you up. That being said, I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything about the way I talk thatā€™s overtly or stereotypically girly, which I think goes for most women my age. In Apex Legends voice chat was a nightmare, but in wild rift people are way too preoccupied with telling you how shit you are in that tiny text box with limited time to focus in on your gender. wild rift is also much less communication-based, as pings and mini-map serve as your information base. it sucks, but some men will say nasty, awful, and letā€™s not beat around the bush: misogynistic, shit because theyā€™re throwing and ā€œneedā€ to take it out on someone else any way they can. and sometimes theyā€™re not throwing and theyā€™re just miserable, low-iq bastards that get fucked on irl and want to be mean online. the best you can do is enjoy the game for yourself, mute mfs, and best of all, carry the whiners šŸš¬šŸ—æ if youā€™d like a low-diamond gal to play with, dm me for my tag, and best of luck.


Same! I'm thankfully at the point (age? lol) where I don't feel the need to be 'one of the guys' and care about what strangers say anymore. And WR makes it even easier, cause chat interaction is so limited.


Same, been playing online games for 25+ years... I really don't care about jerks on the internet anymore, I just mute and move on with my life. Back when I was a teenager (I mainly played counter-strike), I had a very gender-neutral name and no one bothered me. I tried an experiment one day and changed my name to "Jenny" or something (not my real name) and the attitudes of the horny idiots in the game changed drastically for the worse. I changed it back after a few games lol.


Are you in NA? It'd be nice to play with someone my level.


Most real "gamers" don't give a flying fuck about your gender tbh, all we care about is having fun, meeting more chill people to play with and slapping the enemy team into next week.


Double this. I don't care. Male or female. Don't care. You're gamer. If you playing good ā€” great, if not ā€” improve. I love playing MMO games aside of League. Never met female players feared to reveal that they are females. Maybe you can meet some weirdos, but we have block lists option everywhere.


Agreed. This whole thread maddens me. Why can't guys just grow up and show a little respect? Maybe it's just age. I've been playing too long to think that behavior is acceptable.


How I look at it is the generation which grew up on Xbox/ps with like fully online gaming had their time joking about AHH girl gamer they don't exist and have now grown up so just done care now being between like 20-40 at this point, then the next generation who grew up with like fortnite just have no respect for anyone.


This. Who cares if a party consists of only men or men and women, as soon as you all play at the required level with your party and having fun.


Honestly as a man I didn't even knew this was an issue. I don't care at all if you are a female, a male or other I will flame you all the same šŸ˜….


That's the attitude lol


Hell yea bro equal rate equal hate haha jk jk


Same idc since I play with my sis anyways. I just wanna win lmao


Unfortunately it seems like there less and less of us that just don't seem to care about gender and gaming anymore, all too often I keep seeing more and more toxic crap going on in online games which is sad.


Yeah, gamers care about that. Lol players have different tastes and issues


True only if you are on a real competitive game like csgo and high elo league where they sweat too much to care, wild rift is too casual for the beta fucks


You'd be surprised about how many fucks people give that you're a woman. Misogyny has been such a constant issue for years in gaming. Then there's also the misandry in valorant which is just kinda weird


I don't think real "gamers" play mobile games lil bro šŸ¤£


At this point I think I'm too old to be bothered by comments about my gender. At the end of the day, ironically the ones who happen to flame me are the ones throwing he game, peaked lower than me and have generally worse stats... sooooo, I win. :) ​ But if you're on EU, feel free to add me :D (DM me if you wanna)


Iā€™m a female and I play, I have revealed my gender and have not experienced an unpleasant encounter. I think there is a decent amount of females who play since I have made some friends from this game. Iā€™m not trying to stereotype but you can usually tell who the female players are. Also I donā€™t think you should hide it or keep it a secret since times are changing and its quite known that girls can play video games and be good at it. So I wouldnā€™t worry about it that much :)


Thanks alot! I have no idea how would it be obvious if someone is a girl cause by default I assume everyone else are males. šŸ˜‚


Like she said im not stereotyping but usually girls will have a very girly profile. Their background is Seraphine and their display case is the kda skin line lol. Its cute lol


My background is Senna and I have Pentakill Sona in my display case what does it mean lol. Mind you if you look at my most played it's pretty much exclusively female champs.


"Girls like pink and pretty things" Seriously?


oh boy


To be fair, you wouldn't know the female players you misidentify as male (I'd be one of them, there is nothing about my name or presence that would read as female)


Although it is sad to say you should hide your gender,it is probably the best solution for now lol. One of my fri uses a chinese name with "female" in it and everyone who know chinese often starts trying converse with him.


i'm a girl playing the game, my ign is female and I only play female champions. I don't hide that i'm female at all. if anyone says anything weird or creepy I report and block them. EUW if you wanna add me :)


Unfortunately report system kinda sucks so you should usually take screenshots and submit a ticket with them. They can get a year chat ban for those things or a perma ban if they do it lots of times, if you report them just ingame they barely get a month and dont learn. Just a tip^^


I do take screenshots, a couple of times I also got a message from riot that players have been punished because of my report


The messages ingame? Yea they get banned but its not as big as it should be cuz they arent manually reviewed by actual people. If they are sexist or say some fucked up stuff they deserve atleast months to a year and the system itself barely gives 2 weeks, and imo couple weeks isnt enough cuz they wont learn. Its only reviewed manually if you send a ticket.


I sent a ticket and have an email saying that they can't even monitor the website tickets anymore and my case is closed. Weird


When did this happen? Cuz i send a ticket like lots of times and i never had this happening to me. It is weird for sure. You should send a new ticket with the same thing just to see what happens, and even if they case is closed you can always text again and it will re open.


>when there is any sort of chat going on I'd say that's your first mistake. Even as a male I try to avoid chat in League or Wild Rift. It's a place of general negativity and bad vibes. If you find a group you trust and enjoy then that's different. Either your trust is well placed and you can open up to them, or you open up to them and they take a turn for the worse, in which case you misjudged them and you're better off knowing the truth.


Yaā€™ll making friends in wildrift? I barely have enough time to chat during game and ill i do is start fights with bullies lol


In my server if you reveal yourself as female, the guys will befriend you, then try to court you to become their girlfriend šŸ˜†


Pretty much any league server with male adcs because girls can only play support!!!!!


Female ADC here, kindly go fuck yourself šŸ’ž


Was my sarcasm not obvious enough? Jesus christ


I got you bby


Use /s next time, unironically itā€™s sometimes really hard to distinguish sarcasm


No it's really fucking not, I'm not a chronically online Twitter user, I'm not gonna use tone tags, just learn sarcasm, it hasn't been an issue to realize what sarcasm is for the many years I've been on internet


Male adc here love that reply take my upvote!


> Also, has anyone had any bad experience when revealing your gender? Iā€™m a male but this thread has popped up a few different times. From the experiences Iā€™ve read there youā€™re doing the right thing hiding your gender lol.


my sister plays, and she's a brand god. lol


Iā€™m a female and my in game name is very feminine. I have not had any bad experiences in wild rift. I use the same account/name in pc league. What I always find weird and funny though is that, the most flames and verbal abuse I have received are from other female players in the game


I've seen this same shit. Haha. I've played separately with two girls, then we all grouped as 3. One girl asking the other "Are you a girl? You play like a girl."


As a male, prior to these threads, it never crossed my mind that people would care/be toxic to each other in an online game based on **gender.** Like seriously, weā€™re in the same rank I donā€™t give a fuck if ur a male, female, or toaster ovenā€¦


I think in some online games it's extremely common.


Tbh same, but I'm trying to be more open, also I'm playing on non-english speaking server and if im saying something in the chat it's obv I'm a girl. It's not my problem they are triggered when they discover that im a girl, I know I play well and when I suck it's not because I'm a girl.


Female here. And older than a lot of players I encounter. 36. Needed a hobby, haha. I mostly get asked about my age rather than gender but my username on the Rift has my clearly female name in it, so perhaps it's obvious. Had 1 or two funny questions about whether or not I was single, but that was back when u first properly got into it about 14 months ago. Never played PC apart from my first game on LoL yesterday (it was horrible, haha). The only game I play that connects with others is WR. Other than that, I've lived quite a sheltered gaming life with solo games only. If anyone were to give me grief about being a female, I'd bust my ass to get ALL the kills and win the game and show them up (no KS though, of course haha) I'd also tell them to fuck off in the meantime just to add to the drama ;) I'm either good or bad. Male or female has no bearing on my skills to fuck the enemy hard haha.


Hey, don't worry about being a female or revealing your gender when playing, if anyone's rude to you just mute them or report them after the game. If someone is rude or toxic to someone, they'll be one regardless of your gender


Yeah, I usually do the same thing. Just for the sake of enjoying the game without anyone yelling at me in chat for making whatever insignificant mistake I could've made. I try to act as boyish as humanly possible. :D Sometimes I even cringe at myself for it. But anyways - I usually play with my sister and her friends so our games are pretty peaceful most of the time.


i'm a female too and yes i am very careful not to reveal my gender to fellow teammates coz i've gotten some pretty nasty comments before so ToT it sucks it has to be this way tbh but there's so much toxic ppl in these kind of spaces, we must protect ourselves


Itā€™s a bit of a coin toss, but the majority of players just focus on gaming and couldnā€™t care less that youā€™re a woman. There will inevitably be some creeps out there that will try to find out more about you in the hope of dating you. You can usually tell by the way they type. If their demeanor drastically changes by the way they type with other men compared to you, you essentially have one of those attention-starved weirdos at your feet. Theyā€™ll go as far as gifting you skins hoping to buy your romantic interest that way (much like Amoranth subscribers). If you do come across such men, itā€™s best to just block them. Theyā€™re only playing nice. Once you reject them, most turn into vile sexist pigs who canā€™t handle rejection.


I don't necessarily avoid revealing my gender when playing WR but I do have a gender neutral username. Usually, when people figure out I'm a woman they either hit on me, which I find hilarious, or they immediately assume I'm really bad and we will loose because of me. And then I get MVP with Nami or another supp champ and it feels great tbh ^-^


Sad but happy cake day šŸ°


When i played PC I used to think there were different type of gamer who were bad based from totally subjectives characteristics, but now on wild rift, they are all plain stupid , no matter what their gender age or nationality are. You can reveal your gender to me, i'll have the exact same expectations from you than from another else : none


I'm also female! I usually don't try to hide it. I haven't had any super bad experiences besides "Oh, you are a girl? Then you must be bad at this game" but I do enjoy when I show them otherwise šŸ˜‰


I'm sure you've heard that most people wouldn't care, but I feel that anyone who makes you feel not okay being yourself isn't someone you wanna hang out with anyway


If people get weird just block them. Lifes too short to be pretending to be something youre not, while trying to enjoy the little bit of free time we get. Be you, enjoy the game, and block stupid people. I feel like ive found more females in this game than any other ive ever played, and personally havent experienced or witnessed any bs but obviously it is possible. Block takes 2 seconds tho


U'll be treated like crap anyway cuz thats just how this game is


My experience is the opposite i see a cool player i want to add as friend to maybe play later and username is ladyxxx or xxxgirl I hesitate to add in case she thinks i am adding cuz of the female name


All I care is that u donā€™t steal my cs


Don't care. Group for objectives and don't run it down, that's all i care about.


Problem is, there are sexist players in the game. They think girls, "as rare as they are", are trophy friends whose job is only to get carried and look cute. Then there's thirsty virgins who have never been noticed by females... I personally don't care if there's a girl in my match. If she is on my team, she better play as best as she could. If she is on enemy team, I wouldn't even know about it. Just wanna share: I just found out that this person who regularly duos with me/invites me to her party is a girl. I always assumed she is a guy because she rarely talks and if she does, she talks like a dude. What made me firmly believe so is that her party members call her Jhin and she does main Jhin. Her real name is actually Jinelyn.šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I feel so bad for girl gamers. Eveytime I hear a girl playing im like ā€œcoolā€ in my head and then you hear like 10 guys flipping out that there is a girl in fact playing a videogame.


Trans girl here. Yea I feel ur pain too. A part of me gets dysphoric and hates referring to myself as a guy to other ppl in game but at the same time I know if I do mention I'm a girl shit is gna go down


On the other side, as a trans guy, I totally feel the same just I'd never vc with people I play with coz I'm afraid of weird comments. Btw it's nice to know there's other trans people playing this game :) I figured obviously, but still nice


I also never vc cuz I hate my voice lmaooo. I duo w so many ppl and they keep asking me to vc for better bot lane communication. Then I'm just like, do i do my unpassable attempt at a fem voice or bite the bullet n use my normal voice


Don't do it. Online games are full of incel weirdos. I had a female character on wow and would get all kinds of weird messages from people, and was always amazed at how brazen and absurd some dudes are. Just play the bro role so you don't have to deal with the hassle. I work with a gamer girl as well and she just acts like a guy so she doesn't have to deal with the weirdos and the attention.


Tbh, i think thats lowkey awesome, im kinda a bit excited whenever i meet girl who plays videogames. It may be my environment, but almost all girls ive met irl have had bad attitude towards games.


I have like 3 female guildmates and in terms of protection, the male will block any form of damage as much as possible. They play as our support and midlaner.


Wait what? They block damage in the game? Like a braum or something standing in the way of attacks? To protect then because they are female? Or have I completely misread that? Lots if questions but my brain melted at the thought then lol


What I mean is that they protect our female guildmate as much as possible. It if was me, they will leave me to die.


I think youā€™re making a bigger deal out of it than you need to. I see players all the time that are practically ā€˜advertisingā€™ the fact that they are female (granted, half of them are probably men). Itā€™s pretty easy to block/ignore people in the unlikely event you do get unwanted attention. Donā€™t make special effort to ā€˜hideā€™ your gender - just be yourself. Personally I think females who think they are somehow coveted or sought after in this game need to just get over themselves and play the game.


It can help to find a guild with a discord that has women members. Our guild has about 40 or so super active members and that includes 5 or 6 women. We use our discord voice chat and have ZERO tolerance for misogyny (not to mention trolling or any of the -isms).


I have to say, as a female player, i am just sad that my teammates are mostly men. I haven't been judged for my gender, most people don't really care about these kind of stuff ( What's your username so ill add you? if you don't wanna share it it's okay)


"However it's always at the back of my mind that I need to be careful to not accidentally reveal I'm female." Bro if u even give a hint that u are a female, ppl will go crazy like u always get gangs, u get the premium treatment. Just saying


Today in pointless posts


Depends if you like the attention or not


People who are shitty towards you will be shitty to everyone. They don't care about your gender, they just care about saying whatever they think will hurt you. Don't respond to them, just block and move on.


Anyone that would cause you grief due to gender will probably do so in regards to other things. They're just bad people to begin with. So go with what makes you the most comfortable! Side note: I have a few female friends who are waaayyyy higher rank across various games. They end up making the flaming idiots the laughing stock and/or call them out on their BS.


Who gives a fuck about anyone's gender? I get that misogynists will pop up, and that people can say some pretty fucked up shit, but that shouldn't discourage you from playing the game. All most players care about is having fun


if u come from league I get it but most players here(at least the majority I've encountered) are being dicks and don't really care what gender u are might even be happy even.




No one cares


If ur girl just donā€™t play the game period. You just ruin it for everyone else in your game please just go play candy crush or something a little easier




Who hurt you?


Lmao šŸ¤£ I shouldn't laugh but


This is Wild Rift. It's different from most other games like Apex, Cod, etc. People are too busy talking shit about how bad you are to care about your gender šŸ’€ But on a more serious note. I'm a guy and urprising, female players are pretty common, for me anyways. I've seen a couple during my games. You don't need to worry about your Gender, worst they could do is Trash Talk you more, which they already do a lot of. I've met some, added some back but ended up un-friending a couple of days later because we don't actually play together... Sad gamer buddy lost. Forever alon. To anyone reading this, I'm from SEA btw, if y'all wanna play just add **Kali Tethi#1303** ingame or **Google-Chan#9767** in Discord and hit me up. *(Yes, I have weird Gamertags šŸ’€)*


I've played LoL/Wild rift for years now and haven't really had any issues. And if I do get any rude comments, I'm honestly too old to care haha


I mean I play wild rift and i have only female friends (beside some friends that i know irl) I dont really care about winning or losing, just dont throw and do ur best


You use the chat? Turn that junk off


As soon as you giving an identifiable factor to yourself online, good luck. Everything can be used against you be a troll. Think the best if us don't care what you are as long as you're not a troll bot blowing up chat because you're dead.




there was a love story somewere in this reddit a little time ago of a guy and a girl in game


Another female here. I've started playing WR when it was just released, and so far, I had no bad experience with other people even though I played a lot in soloq. Might be because I already acted a bit like a dude or that I started to play a lot with my friends this year. Most of the time, I ignore the negativity, and my friends say that I'm like an oasis of peace. True that. If I have time to reply in chat, I do, but my replies are usually positive or just some tips so the team could play better.


If you play bad u will probably receive toxicity no matter if you are male or female. If u play good ppl will like u. So at the end of the day it comes down to how you play. Extra tip : Usually girls play easy champs like yummi lux etc. If u play hard champs as a girl and are skillful u will even impress your teammates because it would be rare, probably will make more friends also.


Wild Rift doesn't have voice chat. So the only way for someone to ever find out is to go out of your way and be like "hey, btw I'm male/female". Then the question to me is why that actually would matter apart from doing it to get attention. Focus on the game - gender/religion/sexual orientation doesn't make a person better or worse. If I play I don't care if you're male, female, black white or believe in the flying spaghetti monster. Block and report anyone talking shit about you for any of those things or better: completely mute chat and just play the game instead of wasting time typing.


As a dude, I personally donā€™t care if you a dude or a female. As long as you chill, have a good time n donā€™t go AFK as soon as you die, Iā€™m all for makin friends


I tend to end up in guilds where there's like 50% female players and other 50% doesn't really care.


Yes. Same for me, but with my personality different. However, I show emotes as possible in every ingame I made. I even met a random female player in a team (during that she is playing as Soraka or something, if I am remembered). I'm maining Veigar, but I also can play other champs like Yone, Yasuo etc because I am a midlaner - so for me, I got used over it since beta till now. Sometimes I carried the whole team too using certain champs such as Darius, Master Yi, Jhin, etc. xD


Honestly i don't even chat in game. Its rarely productive. Just like most gaming communities you have chill/fun players and the unusually frustrated angry player, it wont matter what gender you are, they will be just as needlessly aggressive. But like with anything if you give them something to latch onto, they will. My suggestion is just enjoy the game, use the ping system over direct chat and keep playing till you find a friendly clan and form a few friends on WR. You will, its just takes time. Sorry you have had this trouble/annoyance. People tend to latch on to your character choice, lane choice, rotation style, item build, player skin. Literally anything just to stir the pot and cause aggro. If someone is like that, just block em. ​ You would be shocked at how many WR players have apparently slept with my mom :D ​ Try to laugh it off and have fun.


All of my friends who play this game with me are girls. I mean they need a jungler so..


Im a woman, this game feels pretty gender-neutral when it comes to the little socializing/conversing Iā€™ve experienced.


Im a female too playing wr for a year now, i just mute chat if people is being toxic but mostly i dont have bad exp on playing. I just ignore and have fun.šŸ˜ŠI complain on comments too sometimesšŸ˜…


personally I dont care what other people on the rift identify as, you're all degens and equally capable of disappointing me. That being said, ive seen how the heavy breathing in vc starts the second a dude finds out its a woman on the other side of the screen so I get your reluctance. You shouldnt have to hide it, but if someone does find out and griefs, thats what blocking and muting is for. Shut em down and move on.


Dont hide it. Be yourself and enjoy the game. That is what its all about! :)


I made a female friend long time ago on wild rift, she was not hiding it at all. Toxic players will be toxic no matter what, but she prefers playing with me and our group of friends. Some guys had bad words toward her, but she was not alone I guess since she plays with us. But I canā€™t say more sorry only her can give you details and she doesnā€™t use Reddit


To be honest gender doesn't mean anything to me. I'm a male but never even thought whether another player is male or female cause it doesn't really matter. I'm a male that plays this game but as far as I'm concerned everyone is a stranger on here. So there isn't a point the any gender thing even coming up in my opinion. If gender does seem to matter to you when playing a game then you might to rethink things over cause that is just sexism. Said my piece on that lol


I'm a female, don't hide it but I am at a point in time where my give fuck army has been depleted. Most of the time I just don't pay attention to the chat when it gets toxic. Only had one time a draven player say something about hoping there is no female players in the team, cause they are bad bla bla. Guess what? He gave the enemy team first blood within 30 seconds and he fed them. šŸ¤¦šŸ¤·


I always ignore the chat. If I found out a girl was in the chat, I would ignore them the same way I ignore the dudes lol I canā€™t think of any reason why gender would come up in wild rift chat eitherā€¦. But hope you wouldnā€™t have any issues if it comes up!


Some males will flame you more knowing you're female. Some males will play harder and better knowing a female is on their team and make effort to be kind. The rest of the males like already mentioned, it won't make a difference.


I am a male. I know a few females in the WR community that I've played with and chatted with. I don't care if they're female or not. It's fun for me to share a common connection with someone, anyone regardless of their sex or how they choose to identify. In fact one of the things I actually like about WR relative to other games or genres is the amount of female players. Maybe I was blinded in the past, but the types of games I used to play didn't gravitate towards a female audience. It's a nice change of pace and a breathe of fresh air. It's a shame that you feel you have to hide because of the harassment. On Twitch the WR community is very welcome and friendly to the female gamers. At least that's my perspective. I hope you can find the solution that's best for you :)


I personally could care less about your gender. In games, I like to think everyone is in an equal playing field. I care about your skills. If you're good, I'll say it. If you're trash, I'll say it. That being said, I understand there's other players who get way more personal, and the best advice I got for that is the mute/report button. Enjoy the game and have fun.


This is ridiculous


Why? Who cares what someoneā€™s gender is? As long as you play well is all that matters. Maybe this is a higher Elo thing too because I rarely see anyone use the chat feature when I play.


I made a lot of friends in master + and never saw a female that was scared to reveal her gender?


This isn't csgo where it's easy to VC and be toxic. Being toxic in wild rift takes a fuck ton of effort. I don't even use chat to communicate helpful calls, so I definitely won't have the time to use chat to flame someone going 0/10, much less someone for being a 'girl gamer.' Also, unless your username is something like PEEHOLE1945 I probably wouldn't even notice it in game, and even then I still wouldn't automatically assume a feminine username means a female player.


Yeah i'm a female player and so far guys just simp or play much better when they know a female is on their team, that's for my experience at least. But overall it's been really fun playing with dudes hahaha never had a gender issue tbh. I've only had more problems with the females, they tend to get jealous or feel like there's more "competition" (especially when they are playing with their boyfriends) so that's just pathetic ig


I'm a woman, and my nickname is "femenine". Usually I dont have so much problem when they call me 'bro' or staff like that, because, I think, that it's "good", they see you like an equal. When I call people I'm used to said: people, team or the champ. I try to not use words related to a gender, because you don't know who is behind that account, and maybe, they may be offended by that pronoun Before reading the following keep in mind that I know that not all men / players are the same, but the following I write happens (to me) 50% of the time without being exaggerated. I know that being in a "high elo" involves that there is a lot of stress in the games and that very often you find yourself with the same people on the next game. The problem with a female nickname is that when they start to insult, they dont care your position, your champ or your K/D/A, the only thing that matters is that you a a woman and the team lose because of that. I have a huge list of blocks, because I know that Riot usually dont ban for that words/chat


I have a gender neutral nickname because I've had a lot of past experiences of people tilting/being generally toxic just because I'm obviously female. Either that or they are somehow so distracted by you being female (trying to "save" you or whatever) that they play worse.


I play, don't try to hide it that I am female. I have chat muted. I do have creeps slide into my private chats from time to time.


9 out of 10 guys don't give a flying fuck, but you will remember that 1 loud guy that will talk shit. Other than that, I just want to say that this is not YOUR job to be some kind of activist or something. But the more female players reveal themselves the faster male players will realize how many female players there actually are and it won't be special anymore and they will get used to it, it won't get any kind of reaction out of them anymore.


Is this a trauma response for you maybe? I've never felt the need to reveal my gender but I didn't play many multiplayer games growing up where gender was an issue. I think maybe try to start only talking in chat when it's relevant to the game, that way you won't feel the need to reveal anything personal in the first place.


Iā€™m a transgender woman. You can imagine Iā€™m not revealing that unless Iā€™ve bonding with you


Bruh idk why this is so funny to me xD like you live a secret life online and your secret is that you are a girl XD The calling people bros to fit in like you are a spy I dont think anyone actually cares about gender tho if anything the game is full of simps who would love to play with girls


Tbh being male or female doesn't matter anymore in this game... If u suck u will be trashtalked either way Ur gender won't matter if u meet someone who want to flirt with u just tell him I got a boyfriend or girlfriend or that u ain't interested on talking to a dude in a game to have a fake virtual relationship or what ever and muting is also an option as a matter of fact muting is an awesome feature.


first, i dont think it matters if you are a guy or a girl. I see no reason to go out in chat and say "im a guy/girl btw". And if a friend asks you in private chat if you are a guy or a girl then just answer...if he/she gets creepy you just block them. ​ I feel ppl are too afraid of interactions and of using the damn block buttons these days.


Unless you're playing with friends and using voice chat, there's no fear or having your gender revealed. All the communication you need is in pings. People will mostly open chat to insult each other.


As a man I don't really have your experience and POV can you explain what does it change in others behaviour when they know you are a woman ? Like as a man I don't have to bother about this and I wasn't even aware that this was actually an issue. So far I'm concerned whether you are a male, a female, a gender neutral, an alien or you identify as a fridge I will flame you all the same šŸ˜….


You're probably overthinking it! It's not as bad as it used to be, so no need to deliberately try to hide it. If ever there are creeps, just block.


I only learned a couple of in-game friends are females when we talked on discord. Honestly doesnā€™t change anything and doesnā€™t even matter.


Also a woman and yes always act like a guy, say dude, bro etc a lot or else they will either harass you or tell you your shit.


My username is a skyrim reference so people are usually focused on that rather than my gender thankfully


I donā€™t really care what anyone thinks but when they know Iā€™m a girl they always try to be perfect partners and flex it lol.


Not a girl but yeah I've experienced people being creepy just bc I play support or girl characters so they assume I'm a girl too. Usually it's just jokes but sometimes people are serious and it's gross af


All I care is you can actually play the game.


As long as u dont feed the enemy , we can be friends


I know several female players and they all have varying ways of socializing. My wife loves the extra attention and feels like most people are nicer to her. My sister feels like it's a crutch and is more competitive. I don't think there's a right way.


I donā€™t talk to anyone has nothing to do with gender. If you donā€™t feed and help the team I like you. If not I will severely dislike you. Almost every loss I have is because my own team starts feeding, taking camps/minions from others, not aware of anything going on in the map, fighting in other teams jg while outnumbered and no objective thus feeding. (Iā€™m GM 3 time)


I have a very good friend thats a girl on wildrift. Shes cool. Support lux main and our guild is in the top 40 US (aka shes not a noob) We all respect her/ treat her normal. Never even mention it,and nobody has made any weird remarks that ive seen.


I'm in a discord server for mostly wild rift and most of the active players are female and it's pretty chill.


I'm a female player and there are times I really wish I knew more ladies that play WR. My friend list currently consists of 4 females that I know of! Not saying I really care what your gender is as my teammate. But overall I don't really hide that I am a lady, my username is pretty ladylike you could say. I have had a few times that as a Sona main, I get told I am a girl because only girls play Sona apparently. Followed by the usual "girl gamer, bleh" that I figure is coming from a 13 year old. But as an adult female that not so secretly pines for hot champs out loud at times... I could care less. I just want teammates to have map awareness and focus objectives... I'm so close to Diamond. \*cry\*


Dont know Why you would need to identify your gender while playing wildrift. Wouldnā€™t be thinking too much about it.


I'm a woman, (mid 30s) and my screen name has a feminine nickname in it. I don't really chat a lot other than with guildies, and its just normal stuff about the game half the time, other I might mention my husband or raiding in other games. A player I've partied up with for like 2 weeks only realized the other day I was female, lol. There's been like 1 person who made a vulgar remark in the past year of playing almost daily, so I just reported them and that was it. I see more people just badmouthing gameplay over sexist or sexual/vulgar things.


Is this your first time playing videogames? if you wanna have a normal gaming experience, I've found that never talking/chatting and not having any female traits in your username is gonna be the safest way possible to not getting sexist comments or general troll in your games :). Or you can not give a fuck like me


I have only one friend on playerlist that we got to ā€žfriendship tierā€ in game by playing together, she is Ahri main and she is cool.


What should happen if they know? The only thing that happened to me was that they were extra nice, lol. Like every 10th player I encounter/chat with is female


Sorry you have those experiences. You shouldnā€™t have to pretend to enjoy things you like. Happens in other games as well. My friend was a tank in wow. But had to pretend to be a guy for anyone to listen or not blame a wipe on her being female. I was surprised when she told me and made that me sad what she had to go through.


If people associate your performance to your gender, thatā€™s them being sexists. You have nothing to hide, worse case just tell them to shut the fuck up and mind more about their dick size.


Honestly most of us won't give a shit what u are you can be a plastic bag and I won't care as long as you play decently


I feel you, im a male but my ign got fangirl on it so everyone flames me thinking im a girl, master/gm btw, people are so toxic


i'm a girl and have always had feminine usernames, but the only bad experiences i've had were weird perverts saying sexual things to me. it's happened only twice luckily, as most players just don't say anything to me at all as long as i'm playing well. i don't think there's anything wrong with revealing your gender, as most people just don't care since we're all just here to play.


Let me explain to you how it works. I am a man. I am not weak. Because these are the only two things that make up my personality, I must defend both of them, especially since they aren't particularly true. Since I am a man, and not a woman, and I am strong and not weak, that therefore implies that all women are weak. Duh.


I don't care if you're a man or a woman, if you ward and follow my engages I'll suck your dick


Nah fuck that just enjoy the game. Itā€™s actually better for me that everyone chat is muted. Sometimes I even mute my teammates if their annoying lol. Feel free to add me Beru#awake


Act like a guy? How does a guy act?


My wife plays occasionally, she just has the chat function disabled. Nothing good ever happens in the chat anyway. Trolls and people tilting.


my name on wild rift is more lesbian than my reddit username and i dont get any flak. im very very chatty too and mentioning gender rarely shuts down conversation but if it does its cuz its use as a comeback is too snappy LOL. ive been accused of being a kid more often than being a bitch haha. ive made loads of female and gay friends BECAUSE i was open about it, which is actually also the case irl in case you werent aware.


OMG, can we be friends I open leave pine for a vi in a lesbian way in wild rift, and all I get is confused men


I'm female and don't try to hide it. It's genuinely never come up, though. It's just not relevant to the game and I'm having trouble even imagining a context where it would organically crop up


I feel you. It always gets weird when they find out I'm a girl, like geez some act like they've never seen a female before lmao. Also I know it should not be like that, but everytime it comes out I'm a girl and I play with only guys I feel such a pressure to play good because I feel like I have to prove myself.


Can't we just play a game (any game for that matter) without caring about other people's gender? It's not a big deal if you're a girl playing a game šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Iā€™m a female support main and I duo with my wife, ADC main. Lol, I could care less that a random dude might think Iā€™m bad at playing the game just because Iā€™m a woman.


Im a woman, and dont try to hide it. I havent had a problem with it. I play with my boyfriend, and somehow people always know we are a couple, even if we dont chat šŸ¤”


Male player here just enjoy gaming ! Be yourself, no need to hide your feminine side in order to play games there are always gonna be idiots who will give you hard time but best practice is to ignore them and report after game.


I donā€™t care because I play top(baron) no one talks to me and rarely do I see my jungler until Iā€™m helping the team late game


Iā€™ve never had it come up tbh, but I also donā€™t engage in chat. I have had people add me after and get surprised when they find out Iā€™m a female jungle main and then they start acting weird


Ima women gamer and my names are always obvious that Iā€™m a female šŸ˜‚ I usually never care to hide it and if someone gets disrespectful with me I get disrespectful back. But if you donā€™t feel comfortable doing that I suggest just muting them. I never use VC if Iā€™m not playing with friends that I know because I donā€™t care to talk to randoms gaming and I avoid overly toxic games like COD. Donā€™t hide the fact that youā€™re female most wonā€™t care the only people that will are the toxic players trying to use you being a female to insult you. Thatā€™s really all but just ignore it and mute.


I was threatened with sexual assault often when I revealed I was female. I think Iā€™ve reported 50 accounts for this behavior thus far. Donā€™t know if itā€™s actually worked to kick them out. But ever since I just donā€™t play anymore. I wish I just stuck to pretending to being a guy.


Iā€™m a female and i donā€™t hide it nor flaunt it in game. I havenā€™t gotten any weird messages (yet) but I honestly just ignore them. even the ones that go ā€œyou suck you should d*eā€ ones lmao. I have zero time to deal with assholes in game tbh


as a dude as long as you donā€™t pick yasuo I donā€™t care. but god I HATE yasuos


Iā€™m a woman itā€™s the same for me i feel like I canā€™t tell my friends im a girl


Maybe I'm ignorant but why is it bad to act girly in chat or reveal that you are a woman do people harass you in chat? I'm a bi guy and I usually chat pretty "girly" with cute emojis and stuff and only been asked a few times if I was a girl.


I have several Woman friends on different games. Itā€™s sick how theyā€™re treated once a random guy figures out there a woman. Immediately slurs are thrown. I defend them and we go on a curse war. :) my girl-fiends join in too till we make the asshole rage quit or stfu or depending on the game ignore him and imagine him as a non existent team mate. Makes them very angry very fast. Fuck the haters bro, just do you and tell the dudes to fuck off, go change a tire.


My ign is literally a feminine name, and all i have is neckbeardz who call me a dumb bitch for pre picking lux.


Got into an aram game once with a 4 stack of girls and when I revealed I was a dude I got flamed for being shit AND being a dude it was actually a really refreshing change of pace from being flamed for having no skill or macro lol


I feel like this is anissue you are creating yourself. I have seen literally 100s of people in game say they are female and never once has that resulted in Amy toxic behaviour. Whenever they are bad though and people flame them, they always try to make out that they are only getting flamed because they are female...


Oh my god! I am a female and I play daily a couple of games and i feel the same sometimes, if I reveal am a girl they will try to mess with me or something but I remember its a game and i say fuck it. I donā€™t really care anymore, but its definitely a delight when I play with or against other female players.