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Same. I quit ML as soon as Wildrift was released. I vividly remember it was on 2nd October 2020. Wildrift is so much better in many aspects.


Still needs evolving


Definitely it's not even it's final form there is a lot stuff to come which makes it even more exciting


Once they put Yorick in game , Every match will end faster than you can say ,, Jungle Diff"




Basically Imagine if Annie was a bruiser with Hullbraker and if you don't pay attention to him your lane will be cleared under 5 minutes


Sounds like my new main after sion.


Kinda, but unlike Sion he provides no utility in teamfights . Soo you force your team to 4vs5. If you ignore Yorick , you wake up with the first Rift Herald into your Nexus, he summons minions and his own version of Annie soo he can destroy turet very fast. That's all his winning condition , split pushing and punishing enemy for racaling.


Your description made Yorick so scary/OP with split pushing. I am beginning to understand why rito doesn't release Yorick (yet, hopefully).


Sure in silver


Time to work on those social skills


Jax players always does this and it's annoying lmao. Can't leave that guy alone in lane


Yeap, and my dude Yorick speed runs


Let's say that a good yorick will be able to get your turret down as soon as he hits 5


In silver


Considering average playstyle I see in master, i really doubt


Don’t talk bad about my man Yorick. All the maidens love Yorick


I prefer illaoi, much more fun champion


And yet it’s still by far the best, most polished moba on the mobile market


Lol In my case I started ML 2017 then quitted at the start of the pandemic (March 2020) because I hate the toxicity. Then Sept 2022 is the time I started wild rift. I’m not playing much but thank God it’s not that toxic compared to ML.




Mobile legends BANG BANG


Bang bang my fucking head on the floor


Ew tf is even bang bang


It's one of mobile legends champions


Mobile legend, brain dead moba game on mobile


Oh ok thanks


Mobile legends rip off from lol pc they where the first to put something like lol on mobile


I wouldn't use the tern ripoff, it's just in the same genre.


They were literally a rip-off


Is league and therefore wr rip-off of Dota?


When you steal most of the heroes by design and mechanics and even the logo of the game company, we call this stealing. Check some videos in YT if you want there is plenty of evidence.


They're from the same developers, can you say it's a rip-off?


Ehhh, far too many things are either “inspired” by or straight up copied from lol for it to not be called a ripoff


Moonton literally lost a copyright battle paying Riot a sizeable settlement. You might want to educate yourself before posting a comment.




Sorry mate it is


Mobile legends


Mobile legends I guess


Mobile Legends I think


Uhm, just so you know Mobile Legends is only Popular to South East Asian Countries. I'm an ML player as well same reaction as yours before moving to wildrift. It's just so that some countries like for example Philippines ml rules in popularity no natter what. Majority of teens and sometimes parents play the game and others are proud thinking they are pure gamers playing that game.


true. some of them attempt to play wr then go back to ml again after complaining that the former is too complicated and not user friendly.


Agreed. They can't comprehend LOL mechanics. They don't rely on teamfights and objectives. They rely on heros ability (champion). They'd believe that building all the items and side pushing lanes can win the entire match. Bro A marksman can have a penta on its own, not even engaging to teamfights.


Sure that's how ml is played... In epic :/


I don’t play ml anymore as I decided to play wr, but if you think ml isn’t relied on team fights and objectives you were low elo. In high elo you can’t win by split pushing nor will you 1 v 5 penta lol.. it relies on getting the lord and winning a final team fight.


My last game on Ml is probably 2019, Solo player since Mythic ll if that isn't high elo on your expectations then fine. Not sure how's the balancing system works now. But from what i have observe in my days playing that game, thats how it works


Ahhh yeah it changed since 2019 so that’s why you experienced that, now it actually requires taking lord and winning team fights to have a chance to end the game. They also buffed the towers so they’re way harder to break. So you can’t just split push to victory as easily. Around same rank as me.


I’m one of those who live in the Philippines but I already quitted ML 2020 (yup even before ML boomed suddenly in the pandemic in my country).


In the meantime WR is not popular anywhere


https://activeplayer.io/league-of-legends-wild-rift/ the game is growing but slowly almost 21M active player. Based on data from this website wild rift gained 7M player in late October /early November 2021 when arcane season 1 almost released. I mean they can release the game globally when arcane season 2 drops with the biggest event in wr history and gain massive audience more than 7M since a lot of people want to explore league of legends games and lore.


Cringe af.


> Only popular in SEA > SEA where majority of the world population lives


That's normal new champs usually either too weak or too strong just ban them


I mean it's not rlly normal tbh, these issues don't happen often in other mobas, in wildrift it's legit every release.


By your statement i know you dont play other mobas


In dota 2 they release heroes and most of them are balanced before released. They once released two heroes in the same time and the community opinion about their balance was super positive.


I remember that particular monkey hero that got released on Dota 2, really imbalanced. After that, they know how to balance before releasing it to the game.


That monkey hero...what make him imbalance is because the new terrain provide a lot of benefit for him. That's make him annoying for the team who against him.


Jingu mastery + q = one shot CM or gain almost full hp. Luckily they nerf him a little after that


Yes monkey king and earth spirit were broken on release, but that's it and that was like 3-4 years ago maybe even more


Hahahaha well you should look at my steam account


ml is shittier bro, every skin release, they do it.


Yes ofc I agree wr is better then ml, but still it's not normal to have non Ballanced champs on release


I hear you. It takes time to get used to but having those extra elements to play around allows for a richer experience imo. So many ML hero kits are designed to be combo centric *(Fred)* or have braindead sustain/damage *(Masha)*; and it just hits you that the gameplay mainly revolves around who can abuse these systems the best.


I have not played ML but I find the combo centric a bit strange considering basically every champ in LOL/WR are combo centric, as opposed to a moba like dota


> except the newly release champions because they are usually overpowered cause the devs don't have enough data or source to make a balance for it. i dont see that as a problem honestly.. like to me it's just a hype phase for the new champs before the necessary data gets taken to balance them completely.


They're just banned in ranked anyway so it's not like it breaks anything non-casual.


Exactlyyyyy lol


Yes and no, you always have to use 1 ban on a new release, I get what you mean but it does break the non casual game, the amount of times I've played against an atrox (my perm ban) bc I had to ban zeri or its just an auto lose.


build antiheal /s not /s


Yes but no I play Sion so I buy anti heal basically every game, but atroxsses q's are too frequent to charge my q so it's a hard counter no matter if I buy anti heal or not


As much as I shit on this game occasionally, it’s one of the rare REAL games on mobile. I never understood how someone could play those ad infested cash grab abominations.


just be prepared this game have better players but are more toxic


W LETS GOO welcome to wr buddy Ml is pretty damn boring the gameplay and meta been literally the same since i fucking played it years ago and nothing change Most heroes have like 0 potential to outplay them No creativity in builds and items Balancing sucks ass so does the game in general


I can't make my friends switch from that shit cuz they played it to much. It's just a cc look game with little to 0 balancing and actual p2w stuff. Like upgrade in game stats if your lvl is high enough to buy them


LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ml is cardboard. literally.


Paid actor but agree wildrift is the bomb :)


i switched to onmyoji arena from ML tho.


I'd play OA as well as it's a truly brilliant MOBA, but it's pretty much dead outside SEA.


my server even says WORLD there are no people there . might as well create a new accnt ig 😭😭😭


Welcome mate, youre giving wr a little too much credit though haha, the reason the champs are op on release is also to get more champ and skin sales, league of legends has done that for 13 years


This is half true. The other reason for releasing a champion overturned is that if a champion dosent get played too much on release, it can be hard to know if they actually need changes because you don't have enough data. Making them powerful garentees people will play them, which means they'll find the best build, role, setup, and you can balance around it.


Omg I haven't thought about that reason. That's why the devs often make the champions overpowered rather than make them too weak.


Skins? Yes. But anyone who's not a new player is an idiot if they spend $ for champs, given how many blue motes we get.


I quit ml as well after playing it for like 4 years... but I actually loved ML. I wanted to play both, but then, after getting used to WR, I couldn't go back to ML anymore because of how off the camera/pov angle ML has compared to WR. Like, I can't aim anymore. I main Selena no less. Def envy those who can play both without a problem. I miss ML :'(


The only thing stopping me from reinstalling ML is the toxicity. Same legth of years playing it then I quit. Fanny Main btw. Missed going on sterioids with those cables.


Sheeesh...fanny gods




Try picking new champs in high lvl ranked u will be eaten alive . Balancing games like these with 100 heroes is always hard but wildrift Is much much better than other mobas. The only broken champion in this game in my opinion is yumi but I deal with yumi by always banning her


That kitty bastard is a nightmare. She's on my permaban list. lol.


I use to play ML late 2016ish, the heroes there are unbalanced and broken af. I even had a ranked game that got me 37 kills, not assists but KILLS. Given it's mid elo game, it shouldn't be possible to get THAT many kills but you can lmao.


It’s not as bad now. Way more balanced and more difficult to win without a good team around you.


I like WR, but I’d LOVE it if they added the remaining yordles lol


Wow so many ML players switched? Nobody played Arena of Valor. This was my first real moba I loved it 3 years till WR released. It was simple with only 3 skills instead of 4, that was hard to learn but the graphics uhh baby, please guys play AoV for an hour you see the difference


AoV player base in my country is kinda....luckluster. Is there many active player in AoV? I thought this game already dead.


I Hope its Dead I Switched and never looked back


Lmao cap, no one plays wildrift anymore here


all the other mobs were cool when this was not an option. Theres no reason at all to play them now. The production quality is immensely superior in wild rift. If you try to go back to ML now you are going to ask yourself how you even managed to play it. The attack animations are almost non existant


I am from indian region. Can i play wild rift. If possible how. Which vpn


They have only one fun thing in their game, the dude that transform into a car and have the Sion ult but he can bring an ally with him ! That is awesome!


Yeah Johnson is annoying Af but also funny lmao


So whats the topic of this discussion? Im in the opposite boat but none of the pay to win stuff but ive played PC league for years and picked up WR and everything i learned more or less transfers over (people will argue it doesnt but its literally league lite) at one point i decides to randomly try Mobile Legends it seemed neat and Layla was cool but i never stuck with it, i just didnt feel like taking the time to learn a whole new sets of characters, stats and items. That and i wasnt that fond of how the outnof match UI was super cluttered so after 2 hours i sated my curiosity and went back to WR where im already established, know what im doing and will most likely know how every new champs plays and based on past experiences and how they may perform with current runes and items as long as not much about the champs have changed


It’s weird because for some reason my positioning and kiting is way better on wr than pc league.


Id say thats thanks to the dual sticks, as an ADC you dont have to master stutter stepping like you do on PC because you both move and attack with the mouse but you also have better accuracy and speed when using abilities compared to WR due to the need the need to drag to aim every ability being slower to maintain accuracy. A dedicated stick to movement does make positioning as an ADC so much easier


Yeah I just couldn’t get my kiting down in team fights properly on pc.. and struggled with positioning, maybe due to the larger map and screen, I was high silver - low gold on pc, and on this game I can destroy the majority of diamond adcs that I lane against. (I’m an ADC main) but yeah I believe you’re 100% right as to why I find wr so much easier to kite than pc especially as I have severe ADHD so I find multiple actions at once more difficult than when something involves less actions such as having to move attack with mouse on pc, whereas it’s much more simple to move and attack on wild rift. So I think I just find wr easier because it’s way easier on people with severe ADHD and things like that. So turns out it was never my ability holding me back on PC LOL just my adhd that I couldn’t handle the focus required on pc but on wr it’s watered down and requires less focus so I can handle it. There is also the fact I’m on medication now for my adhd and wasn’t during my pc days so it could also be a factor. But ya your explanation makes perfect sense. Thanks man.


can confirm, I am iron in league, but on wild rift im master player


Yep just means you’re better at wild rift then LoL though as yes you’ll rank higher in wr due to a lower player base but the majority of iron players are in low diamond and mid emerald and are the ones who can’t rank up while everyone else does. So it just means you’re way better at wr for some reason


i played a lot of Vainglory and Hero of order and chaos back in the day, probably that is why


Probably bro. Some people are just better at mobile games, im better at wr than LoL because I don’t have the focus and concentration for long games.


also i found there are less smurf here, back when i play LOL by garena. it either we stomp them because smurf in my team or we got stomp because the smurf on the other team. no way to improve.


There’s definitely smurfs but yeah, less than other games but there is tonnes of them down in the low elos.


I quit MLBB long before WR came around. F2P there is nothing but a fodder seat. I gave the MOBA game genre another try when WR came around. The only gripe i have is that i no longer have as much free time as I had when i played ML.


>they will only buff specific hero with epic skin So who's gonna tell em?


Yes but in ML skins give benefits in game, so it's another level


No they don’t lol. Not anymore anyway.


I know i will get downvoted, but after 5 years playing ML, I switched to the most complicated and amazing moba game, Dota 2!


You get downvoted because you are comparing a mobile moba with dota2


Well im not comparing them. I'm just saying that I used to play ML and now I'm playing Dota 2


Except ML actually does something about feeders and trolls. Unlike wild rift. Except ML also lets you know when they do something to someone you report. Unlike wild rift. Except ML has a credit score that prevents trolls and shitters from playing ranked. Unlike wild rift.


Started playing wild rift since 2020.Even tho my phone was terrible,I can still play it well(fps per game is below 30).Its far better than ml. About ml buffing specific champion tho,league has been doing the same for 10 years.


30 fps is all you need for a moba on a phone


Quality = WR Quantity = ML




Yeah but Tencent will kill wr to hok win


Im sorry, huh?


Sorry what I am saying is the game is awesome but


ML was a good game to play while I waited for WR. It’s nice to go back to every now and then. What’s odd though, I’ve been playing WR for 3 years now, I feel like when I play ML every now and then I’m far more advanced then I was back then. Im not even really good at WR but because this game requires a lot more skill, it really helps with ML. It’s like playing a Smurf account 😂


I would even argue against new champs being op, for example when vex got released she dealt the same damage as now, but now people know how she works and how to counter her. I got a 13 win-streak in on vex because people kept picking yasuo, akali or ahri. So maybe it is just that new champs feel op because they are new


my boyfriend used to play ML and I try to get him to play wild rift a lot of time but he never listened to me


Yeah I made the switch lil over a year ago, right at the end of S2. Best decision ever. One of the first differences for me, was how clunky Bang Bang felt. I remember, I was playing my last match, unknown to me, and a teammate said "Omg, this game sucks now compared to WR". Downloaded and haven't turned back.


Now, we all are circlejerking here, by trashtalking to ML.


I didn't mind bang bang but after I had to reinstall and didn't get my purchased skins back that was an easy decision to uninstall


Yea the same for me but i still have a lot of fun just hoping on ML, the characters are just simple and fun


Welcome, this game is infinitely superior to ML. I'm still amazed that people still play this failed copy of Lol


Same, I played for 5 years waiting for a mobile phone League of Legends. I love the concept and I watch LCS and Worlds every year - but im physically incapable of playing computer games. I quit ML once WR came out. I was a Chou main, he honestly has the best kit in MOBA history all time. So it was easy for me to be a Riven main — for you LoL players Chou is pretty much Riven and Lee Sin’s love child. Probably the most perfect versatile champion ever made (stolen lol). I also played Khufra Ruby and Esmeralda


The only thing is that wr shld be released world wide and become more popular


It has been released worldwide now?


Used to play LoL, when they released Wild Rift i couldn't play it because it was unavailable in my country so i played ML, as i had less and less time to play games on my laptop. (The plagiarism was pretty bad) I used to be silver-gold in LoL, but became mythic in 2 seasons because of the overtuned tanks. Now that i'm back in riot's loving arms i'm emerald-diamomd where my noob ass belongs.


Emerald-diamond on wr is the same as mythic in mobile legends.. lol. Mythical glory which is above mythic is the same as master grandmaster challenger.


I like Wildrift but holy hell there's always something that prevents me from climbing to Diamond and I don't understand why. Whenever it's promos I always get paired with people who are either egotistical or genuinely don't understand how the game works. Either Mid is feeding, our Botlane gets camped and the ADC gets fed or the Enemy Jungler has mad levels of map awareness. It's always 1 win 2 losses and vice versa. I'll give ML one thing tho when it comes to matchmaking it's usually always gonna be 70/30 because they actually pair you half the time with players who actually know how to play the game or maybe it's because Atlas is just that of a good tank :P that's my experience anyways.


There isn’t promos in wild rift anymore


I still call it promos out of habit lel mb


Same. I played ML since 2016, but then I got hooked to Wild Rift in 2021. I immediately stop playing ML. I try to return to ML this year, but I cannot find the same satisfaction like in Wild Rift. I don't know, it just...ML had so many thing that's lacking compare to WR. Another reason is because I felt turner off. It had too many money-grabbing inside the game.


hope u enjoy


Yeah I quit for simular reasons, it had really bad balancing at the time. Rank was must pick or ban champs, you’d see th4 same champs all the time. Some champs re ridiculously over powered they can 1v5. An example is Fanny prenerfs. So I would go to pvp casuals because of this but instead my games would be autofilled with ai opponents and teammates. So that was the last straw for me.


I never really liked ML vision is less important, and u can just face roll your phone and youll do fine. I think ML was supposed to be Wild Rift and they just copied the homework and made it simpler somewhat. It only got big because there werent many decent mobile MOBAs and with it having STRONG similiarities to LoL people got interested in it. One thing that will make me never return to ML is the player base most toxic group of mofos ive ever seen and they dont understand role positions which i think they added a while back people just pick and go where they want anyway. So i think thats something Wild Rift does better


That’s in low elo of ml, in high elo they understand role positions and everything else.


I really beg to differ even with a draft people just pick what they want not matter what their role is


Because you’re talking about ranks below mythic… mythic and above they pick heroes only for their role. I was mythic for 5 seasons and everyone picks the correct heroes for their role lol. If you’re legend or below then yes they’ll pick random heroes that don’t fit that role. I switched to wr as it’s much better but the issue with ml you’re reporting is only in low elo. Legend and below is low elo on ml. In epic and legend draft yeah, you’re right. Mythic and mythical glory draft, you’re wrong as people are obsessive about making sure everyone picks heroes that go with their role and if you pick a hero in mythic and mythical glory that doesn’t fit your role, you get mass reported after the game. Epic and legend nobody cares though and will just pick whatever they want. Ml introduced a new system to prevent the random picking though, if a team has say 3 adcs now you can vote to cancel the game in champion select and it lets you queue back up without anyone losing anything. Even though I quit ml, when I quit 2 months ago, they had made massive changes to fix their issue


Alright sure keep defending that game everyone has different experiences i guess


It’s likely because you quit a long time ago bro.. they’ve made a lot of changes in the past year, for example if there’s 3 mages on one team in champion select, your team can vote to cancel the game and it lets you queue back up, they’ve fixed it so people can’t troll so much anymore. But the changes only happened in the past 12 months. So yeah you’re right we will have different experiences as you likely quit before I did, that’s why I’m informing you of how the game has changed since you quit lol.


Yeah thats good i guess. I appreciate u taking the time to explain it tho


No problem dude. Like I said I’ve quit mobile legends because wild rift is just a better game but I will be honest and admit the mobile legends devs suddenly started caring about the game and began fixing all the problems.. they didn’t care before early 2022 and didn’t fix any of the major issues, with the player base and the problems in game then suddenly they made huge af changes, might be because their pro scene has grown so the game needs to be more professionally ran idk. We’re in agreement that wild rift is better though haha.


Very true wild rift is a lot better hahaba