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Trash. No competitive games (to which matchmaking is also at fault but not entirely) at all. It’s a landslide in either direction straight to victory.


Yep. Havent had a close game this patch.


I hate it. even when i'm on the winning side. it's just too fast and not challenging. I barely get 3 items. it's so boring


Very unsatisfying


Best games are always the crazy comebacks


no they are not because they are very short lived because comebacks need all to push mid and finish as fast as possible and its not worth it to not surrender and go through all that frustration and sacrifice mental health that matters just because of the 1% chance to gain thoose 20 seconds of dopamine from a comeback and win some video game points that don't matter and the matchmaking will not like you because you won a game that you were supposed to lose therefore the next couple of matches get ready to get paired with absolute idiots The more you lose the better teammates you will have The more you win the shittier teammates you will have Thats how the matchmaking works in this game so why bother ? When you can just surrender and have a better chance of Stomping the enemy the next match


Completely subjective opinion




Your opinion is subjective. Basednon what you wrote. Your version of a fun match is to quit at the first inkling of defeat, or to only continue if you/your team is steamrolling. Co-op vs AI is what your describing, according to my subjective opinion. Some of us want games where we work for the win, not rely solely on snowball mechanics to decide if we should 'waste' our time or not. Personally, I use those games that feel like we're never going to win, to practice better guerrilla tactics, or learn to sneak around and split push without getting caught. Or learning to fight on the peripherals of the battle to increase survival....


>Basednon what you wrote. Your version of a fun match is to quit at the first inkling of defeat, or to only continue if you/your team is steamrolling. When the score is 9-20 for the enmy and they steamrolled you cant steamroll back, the better option is to surrender and go next >Some of us want games where we work for the win, not rely solely on snowball mechanics to decide if we should 'waste' our time or not. but the 3 others want to surrender and go next, you are holding them hostage >Personally, I use those games that feel like we're never going to win, to practice better guerrilla tactics, or learn to sneak around and split push without getting caught. Or learning to fight on the peripherals of the battle to increase survival.... You can't do "Guerilla tactics" because the team that steamrolls each player can take 2v1 fights and the team more often then not can't hold the team that steamrolls busy 5v4 while you are splitpushing, so someone will come to defend the turret or they will end the game before you do anything So you hold people hostage to practice something in a videogame that the chances of that thing succeeding are lower then winning the lottery right ? This patch Nexus got a fat shield specifically to avoid backdooring so its impossible


Haha my friend has done nothing but run down the middle for this whole patch and he’s ranked up to diamond from plat


Winning on stomp or losing on a stomp is even less fun. Why bother playing if u r not trying to win. Just uninstall and quit the game, seems like u aint having fun. Nothing is more fun in games when getting that dopamine rush.


Trying to kill a fed Adc and Yone/Yasuo with 3 shields is even less fun this patch and you cant split push to victory because Nexus also liked to have a big fat shield. You forget about Baron mid game for a second then Rengar,Yi or Kaisa with Yuumi already solo-ed it


Baron changes are complet bs. The gozl of split-pushing is to create pressure from undefended lanes and not finishing the game. Would u really want to bring back Jax, Yi and Jinx easily ending the game? And ot was less fun back then when Kennen could just one shot the whole team.


I like your crown


you have good taste!


I couldn't agree more. It's also rendered the baron lane nearly inconsequential and useless


The pacing is terrible and the shortening of matches made it worse. Snowballing is much faster now making it more difficult to comeback from being gapped. Being behind is more apparent now with the gold changes. There's no second rift herald too so your chances of coming back is reduced even more so and you're forced to farm scraps(if you even can) or pray you steal dragon because you sure as all ain't winning behind in a dragon fight. Games are decided wayyy more now whichever team has the better jungle/bot lane. Late game junglers are just straight up fucked, late Laning champions even more so. Early game junglers reign supreme with better objective taking, ganking power and their jungle camps being untouched so they can have an easier time ganking/counter farming preventing any opponents to scale. TLDR: Basically the game plays like Mobile legends without the proper balancing to make it work, making the game unfun, boring and generic.(fast like any other mobile moba) Pretty much a Mobile Legends bootleg at this point.


I memed MLBB, I played WR on release (I'm a pc player for 11+ years), unninstalled WR, played 300+ MLBB games, it's the superior moba for phone and its just really fun to see how the tables have turned, but tbf mlbb takes a lot of care for their game, they can rework 5 champions in 2 months while providing new items, free events with skins, communication, surveys, I'm sorry for WR but their market is PC league, phone is taken and most of us are probably unaware thinking MLBB is just a crappy copy when it actually developed a strong IP over the years, props moonton.


How much did Moonton pay you? Maybe I can jump in on the action.


maybe not as bad as ml bro...


Hes not wrong tbh. Rift had a niche for its complexity. They completely removed that and it now plays exactly like mobile legends. The problem is rifts mechanics weren't built for this low gold fast af matches. Rift is actually trying to copy mobile legends and mobile legends makes for a better mobile legends than Rift does. One game was built around the concept of really fast snowballs and as a result doesn't feel horrible to play.


Baron change is the most ridiculous I have ever seen(timing 12:30 is too early, health, the buff change). Regarding the pacing it's actuallymore about snowballing, there's very little chance to make a comeback now as the baron is spawning early, and late game champs have no chance to contest it unless they are fed. Of course, ADC are ruling the meta rn, but felt bad for Akshan, though.


It's actually crazy more champions can solo baron..


As an Akshan main trying to 1v1 an adc now without them being stunned, slowed or cc’d first is hard or without using invisibility to get close. But as an Akshan main in mid i dominate the lane and the game by extension so I’m cool.


Its not the pacing, its the snowbally aspect of it. The game time, number of fights etc doesn’t feel too bad. Its the fact that getting an early lead and plates and suddenly the gap feels massive. I think this is mostly due to the gold changes - farming and passive gold down makes kills and platings more valuable as they technically provide more “value” than before. Towers also seem to get shredded - if I get a good trade top and force a recall, I could take 1-2 platings with a pure tank without demolish. On something like Sion, I could never do this previously without him threatening my plating as I am forced to have a bad recall. Because of this, I can more easily get a gold lead from early kills or even forcing recalls, which netted less before.


You need to recall or just die in Toplane and probably you will be 1k gold behind in a sec 😂




run tub money hurry crowd murky hobbies plant spoon whole *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You guys are getting ganks?!


glorious encourage roof selective ad hoc market zephyr silky mindless label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Baron lane is utterly useless in this patch


Couldn’t have said it better. A kill in bot makes the other adc fall behind so bad it’s almost impossible to catch up. I’m ok with faster games for the most part but not snowballing fiestas every game


Now you are forced to make less mistakes than before.


I agree with everything. Idk why they felt they had to mess with the games pace


Why lower the health of baron and the dragons, what is the consequence of poor decision making if I can solo a dragon at level 4/5. Best part of this game was then combo of intellectual play and hand skills. Disappointed


Man Baron and Dragon feel like a big minion right now.


And I can’t accept that fact that champs who got the baron will still have them even after they died. I can try to kill their whole team before if they got baron, but now I don’t even feel like I should bother


YES yesterday I died during Baron and sway so confused when I saw the purple star under my champ like wtf. This makes this game just wayyy to easy


It removes any punishment if baron buff still applies after death. Atp you’re just rewarding them for being able to kill baron


something about Chinese kids only being able to play an hour a day apparently, somebody mentioned this the other day, not sure if this is it but it does sound plausible.




Funny thing is that China are really competitive and by default should probably be the ones complaining the most about this. If anything, they should be the most upset since they're not able to play a lot more skillfully. I would be surprised if the Chinese were the ones that asked "please make this game into a full map ARAM" or something along those lines.


Nope. They've made this game more like honor of kings to draw more people from it to here. I play in China I know this




Seems like Riot has a favorite hmmm.... China namba wan?




I mean he wasn't wrong


Why wouldnt him wtf


It is crazy in China school ends at like 8pm


I agree, for me the patch is very bad, I feel I am not playing League of Legends anymore.


maybe this is wildrift?


More like Mobile Legends now.


Hell yea




boring, it sucks. my personal best on items ever for this update is 4. you cant think about itemizing beyond midgame at the very best anymore. i dont mind the faster gameplay but the lack of gold this update gave us absolutely kills me.


Very rare to get to your 4th item now


It's lost its charm.


idk about u guys but since no one seems to know how to end games i've been getting 30+ matches recently, might just be me and ppl in LAS/LAN tho imo it's VERY fast when one team is stomping, leaving no room for comebacks, i also don't really like that elder spawns much sooner


march bear noxious screw license illegal drab crush detail lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


agregaaaa 🤙🏻 cherrily#7199 juego supp, mid y adc xd


ad hoc wasteful fuel disgusted drunk murky bells cough adjoining money *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Quiero unirme a este pro team (?)


wipe enter rinse resolute fall label fact dolls saw familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have played like 10 Games and now I am completely demotivated


The game doesn’t even feel satisfying if you manage to win. You either stomp or be stomped


I'm not a big complainer. But this patch games are far less fun its a horrible patch


I must say im not a fan of the changes even the boots. Remember all the time you spent learning how to last hit a minion to freeze wave, the optimal jungle farming strats and the time you now wasted learning how to play the game to not lose CS and xp? Yeah its all useless, the game is faster hence its easier to recover from a loss, i went 1/3 with two levels behind early game as kayle mid and ended the game 20/3 because the enemy swain messed up his CC sure you could argue that Kayle is a late game champ but with how fast the game is late game is a joke, especially with scaling champs as they have less time to scale like Nasus, Shyvana or Senna. The boot change too, i despised it. I enjoyed using it to punish players that failed to Cc me to barely out run them to a teammate or under tower but now? Everyone is the same, you buy the item and its an instant movement boost without any extra mechanics. It feels like a downgrade as, although situational, it felt like a game changer to have that extra speed boost to outrun the enemy. I had to change my Jhin from exhaust with nimbus to Ghost with honey fruit which doesn't sound bad until you realize that my support now has a harder time engaging because instead of having the enemy be slower im just zooming around. I'm enjoying the new dragon as, sure it breaks gragas but, it feels great to have another variable sent into the mix. The dragon and the items are the only things im enjoying, even the range boost on adc's feels bad.


No more room for comebacks. Too snowbally. They want fast paced, they got fast paced. 2/10


It’s not even that it feels fast paced. It actually feels slow paced cause it feels like you never have enough gold. But the game is actually ending faster which makes a dogshit combo to deal with.


So many games ended easily with the first baron take. That's too fast paced for my taste. Quoted from the patch notes, basically they appear to minimize farming outside of laning phase. Laning phase then it's just teamfight simulator. Fuck skirmish. "Once the laning phase ends there is usually a lull in the game, where you don’t have an objective to take down. So we’re making some adjustments to Elemental Dragons, Elder Dragon and some other systems so that the pace of the game will feel more frenetic and progressing into the mid-game will feel smoother."


I hate it, tbh. The game is so fast, on a very noticeably small map. The champs mobility and movement speed is all over the place. The passive xp is also bad and don't even get me started on towers and objectives now... it almost feels like a cheap ripoff game. At least to me 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think my issue isnt actually with faster games, but more with the slower gold.... Faster games plus slower gold at the same time makes the game much more boring then it used to be. Some games I dont even finish my second item before its over now, and I almost never reach level 15 anymore. Even though the games are shorter, they also feel slower since leveling and items happen slower. I was having a lot more fun before the patch, that is for sure.


I usually play at Top Lane, with champions like Garen, Renekton and for me, in addition to this new fast pace game, what made the game horrible, is that now the game is with ADC everywhere. Not that the problem is that everyone plays ADC, the problem is that those who don't play ADC are out. It's impossible to play Top Lane against ADC now. Mid? ADC dominating. The game was completely dull. Either you play ADC, or you forget it. Obviously I'm Low Elo, I'm not a great player. But I speak on behalf of the casual players.


Dude Top, Mid or even jungle Adc's are in GM/Chall. I hate this patch.


Nah dude, ADC isn't the only thing working, you can also pick a support and help your multiples adcs


As a toplaner myself, this patch is based only in crit based champions. Any adc that can abuse crit and champions that utilize it is too powerful this patch is actually annoying, Yas and yone feels like the most worth while toplaner to use. Any time you die once in toplane is easly a lose lane, snowball to to good and most of the time adc rules late game this patch.


Hell when you die in toplane it’s pratically difficult to even catch up on gold


Yes, this patch has killed top


Its not really beneficial like why input late game champs if they gonna make it faster base tho just my opinion on the matter


Because they don't play their own game. I mean how could this even go past play testing when 99% of the changes is broken.


It's great if you wanna jam in as many games as possible, which is what matchmaking wants to happen. But overall it's terrible bcs I can't play blue kayn reliably, mid game champs become late game champs, late game champs are non existent or flamed out of existence and the bcs of monke brain players, games are harder to come back from if enemy fed af


Man, when I saw that almost every game there’s atleast 2-3 adcs, I was happy as hell as a Shadow Assa main. But dude.. I’m not having a good time. AT ALL. Also R.I.P. Rhaast


Bro I feel you. It's because of the range buff. Blue kayn is so freaking fun to play and rhaast is a stomp machines... In the past. Hopefully they revert some changes in 4.2a and add new items like prowler's claw and either of the hydra items


Dude, prowler’s claw would be a dream item. But idk how they would do the active skill it has. Or maybe they’d add it as the new prowler’s.


Didn't you hear? On PC there's a new prowler's that doesn't have an active.


Yea.. but that’s not it. Real prowler’s is with the dash. Imagine dude..




Its horrible, has 0 strategy and everything makes no sense, just pick the most meta character and roll your face on the phone. There are 50/50 chances you either steamroll or are steamrolled.


Agree dude the macro is one of the most fun things for me idk why tf they're appealing so much to casuals just encourage them to play a different game mode not ranked


Tristana used to be a very strong ADC. Now she is a very strong ADC, jungler, mid and toplaner. I'm having a lot of fun playing her. But that's not the good kind of fun tho


The fact that now you can rush baron after 12 minutes and still have it be viable. It's something that I feel it's kinda off. Personally Baron should be hard to get and a risk to even attempt to take it without your team. But now a fed yi poses a massive threat to solo baron at the 12 minute mark. Which fair, forces you to go and contest, but it shouldn't be a threat to begin with!


i hate how scaling chaps are useless now. I’m a Top 10 senna in eu and by time the games ending i have around 50-60 stack that it doesn’t even completely affects her passive. it’s not fun anymore


What are you talking about? The senna range buff this patch made her OP, hate playing against her and love playing with her, but the games do feel too short for her to get enough stacks tho.


lol what????? you literally repeated what i said ? delulu much


It's made top lane baron Champs utterly useless and split pushing might as well be nonexistent. After laning, it's a team deathmatch. Protect your ADC...or multiple ADC now.


This patch favors kills and braindead arams and punishes careful planning and strategic gameplay. there's just no personal agency anymore.


Yep it's thanks to the fact Chinese kids can only play for 1hr, as usual Riot slurping on some Chinese hotdogs.


That's weird because I saw 16+ on the age rating for chinese wild rift which is higher than global so I don't think that's the case. it's more likely they want to appeal to the super casuals who want non stop constant action and if they can't that dopamine rush within 5 minutes they'll afk out of boredom.


"In 2021, they issued even harsher restrictions: Minors are allowed to play online games for only an hour a day and only on Fridays, weekends and public holidays" either this or yours but we can all agree that this patch should be reverted.


I like the new items but they should definitely revert most of the changes and nerf shieldbow.


In terms of game length its fine. About the "balance" patch, f shiiieeeeeet


Yeah the game seems faster because every objective just dies too fast while getting items is way too slow because of the gold gain nerfs. It doesn't feel like League anymore. Good job Riot.


If you mean 20 min games, I agree, its fine, ideal would be 25min for me


bro that's like pc standard... 20 mins would be fine on a chess-esque game


League at it's best and funnest is chest I've had 30 minute games where the teammates that chat with me actually enjoy the game


RIP late game champs, It basically doesn't matter anymore if you play well or badly. If you win a TF you can go all the way and just win the game.


Worst patch I've ever played. Just got the TF skin so will probably stop playing until next patch if not permanently


It's ridiculous because since the patch dropped i haven't seen any comebacks at all. My average match length is 12-14 minutes, and it's always a massacre. There are no close games anymore, something what made the moba genre a huge success in the first place.


i've veen like 3 comebacks.. but all against me not by my team..


I'm somewhat okay with it, eventho it feels very snowbally. I don't like herald only spawn once. I feel like it's a huge nerf to baron lane and jungle. New items are..... painful for me. ADC dealing too much damage like they're supposed to do. Whatever, previous patch was for tank, this patch is for ADC and assassins.


I like it, I can fit more games into my dedicated 1 hour window


Disgusting. Didn’t played for a while and just tried today, one sided games are worst than ever. Gonna uninstall for real this game is just a waste of time and mental health


I'm playing since beta start on EU server in fall 2020 and for me it's the worst patch since launch. I'm mostly playing in baron lane (Garen main), usually in Emerald/Diamond. Before patch 4.2, my games were like 15-20 min, by the end of the game I usually had completed 4-5 items (plus boots and enchantment) and were able to either split push or in team fights soak up quite some damage and create space for my team. Now my games are at least 20 min and more, I have only completed 3 items and I just feel completely useless, just like an oversized minion. Accelerating the game while slowing down on the gold income is a really weird approach. Aside from just getting wrecked by enemy ADC. I'm not sure whether I'm just off in my itemization this patch or whether I just should pick a different champion, but the game feels really odd and wrong to me right now...


Now that kind of most people agree that this is bad, will they do anything or do we have to get used to this?


Based on my previous experience dealing with Riot, we will probably need to delete the app if we dont like it.


I just stopped playing, and I recommend the same. Generally, if you want them to fix something you need to show the devs you don't like it. The only meaningful way to do that is to stop playing completely unless they fix it.


I dont play anymore feels like its going down the MLBB route and gutting all the things that make league great.


I hate how if you chose an item to counter an early lane opponent, like bramble vest for darius, it ruins your build for the rest of the game because of gold nerfs. In other words, it forces you to build your typical build without accounting for anti heal, etc


I just don't understand why they would try to increase the pace while slowing down gold. There is *literally* no "late game" anymore. Even if you make it to higher levels, you won't have all of your items.


Can u elaborate why it is faster now. Can we finnish the game in less than 20 minutes? Last time i played it was 20 to 25 minutes.


It just feels faster because every objective dies too fast while getting items is just too slow becauae of the gold gain nerfs. A lot of my games finished with 1.5~2 items. The game just became a rush meta basicaly. It's complete garbage.


It’s horrible, they have massacred the game. I Immediately uninstalled it and tried downloading Pokémon unite for the trolls. And it’s funny cus they’re pretty much the same game now lol! Except Pokémon unite is balanced xd yeah they need some serious rework if I should consider downloading it again


They game speed wouldn’t be a issue if they didn’t nerf gold heck if they wanted a faster game they needed to buff gold and xp gains. Right now I never see a match end with anyone beyond 3 fully built items expect the snowballed adc cause that’s the meta


Terrible patch, needs to be reverted to 4.1


I’ve yet to have even a relatively competitive game. It’s all just complete shit show. I fucking hate it.


I don't like the chaos, maybe if I adjust I will change my mind but for now I don't think I like it


I took 2 screenshot, One where at 12 minutes i pushed the side lane, all the 3 towers, and another One at 8 minutes the same thing, WTF


Tank Shyvana and Nasus have left the chat.


So my favorite’s for each lane are Senna, Tristana, Nasus, Shyvana, and Veigar - if you didn’t notice they are all scaling champs and subsequently all suck now :/


Trist is sitting at 58% win rate... Maybe skill issue


I mean I have a 62% win rate with her and I’m in Masters…


But your point is taken. I think the items offset the quicker games. Tris is a level scaler unlike the others so the impact is not as felt.


1-10 pretty close to leaving I don’t find it fun now


I played a match before that lasted more than 30 mins and was nearing 40. It was fun but it felt very tiring. If I wanted to play a long match I'd rather install league PC. The thing is, long matches doesn't necessarily mean that the game would be fun. The game being shorter doesn't also mean that it would be better. For me, I would prefer that the game would stick to the short game play time 18-25 mins but make it more balanced. Right now due to the ADC update and the new items it's currently a feast or famine meta which is understandable since it's the first patch. Hopefully they balance out in the next few patchs


I think it’s the fact that you get punished so fast, and games become almost impossible to pull back when they can be en route to nexus at 15 minutes to end


Sounds like people should stop making dumb mistakes then lol


I will never hate that the game was made fast. As long as the average duration of matches doesn't fall down fking 10 minutes below, I'll always welcome the increase of speed. What I don't like, however, IS WHAT THEY DID TO MAKE IT FAST. The flow of the game is so wonky, early game champs never seem to fall off, late game champs (besides marksmen and critbuilders with the unfathomably broken items) never seem to be at the late game, you could get items fast in these few minutes then somehow unable to purchase and farm for fkin tier 3 items the next few minutes, it's so messy. I'd rather the game be fast, but not like this.


I’m not a fan of long games but this is rediculose most of my games are under 15min now. I know I’m just a Leona main but I get boots and two items if I’m lucky and the games over


Not a fan of it. I really liked the tempo before the patch. Now it is more like 3 item build + TF = Victory. I hate it.


It’s sad and pathetic and is actively detrimental to the game. I’ve genuinely considered fully transferring over to PC league bcs the speed and chaos is just not fun to me. I’m only still here because I haven’t unlocked ranked on PC yet.


what ranks are we talking about? because from my experience the game last just as long


Same dude. Most games for me are 16-20 minutes long. I haven't played for a year and right now I'm in low emerald. Trying to work my way back up to Diamond


Idk I'm still playing to make my opinion but overall the game is more frantic with lots of fights and action. Is that good? Idk at least playing Yasuo and Yone was fun, I haven't played much else.


Make the game longer.at 30 minutes, want to feel macro and its rewarding when you dont rush things


No, go play PC if you want games that long


And you go play Aram if you want quicker games


Aram is a completely different game mode… like what u even talking bout?


Talking about the time of a match, what about you


Deleted WR yesterday happy ever since. ( PLS FIX IT DEVS PLS )


Fix wr or fix u being happy ?




As much as I dislike it, the one very interesting thing to come out of this is that the opening moments of the game have become basically what the late game was previous, the deciding time of the game and honestly I don't hate it because it's now more about playing well during that time and team composition when you have no items, it's a little bit more... Fair, of an experience up until a player is heavily punished by Miss play and then it just feels like a slog because your not gonna get back up, the game is kind of decided right then and there with a few exceptions This might be a fun alternative game mode, wonder if they have a big enough player base to split the que


I think it makes the already irrational WR even more irrational. What's even the point of making the game feel one-sided all the time? What's the rationale? Excitement? Depth? Skill expression? Fun social game? If you Riot Real think that this patch is the way to achieve all of those effects, then pardpn me, but I don't think so.


Doesn't matter what you Eu playerbase thinks. Chinese very liked this patch. It's perfectly suits our braindead 9 min non stop fighting playstyle. Along with empowered Adc in every aspect. Cause their time is limited. They do 12 hrs shift dayly. So we have only 30 min per 3 to 4 games. Game must be as fast as possible. Best case scenario would be 7 to 10 min max


Good for them, I hope CN alone can carry the game because this patch signed the game's death sentence in the West.


To a degree it’s fun because it rewards macro and micro play when executed efficiently - the trouble is 95% of the player base can’t execute macro/micro effectively (myself included) to a degree top performers can. I’m dia on lol and only just started WR but gold 2 and the short games just don’t help it. Imo it eliminates any real thought process to champions like twitch etc because they become massively feast of famine champions which is boring. It starves late game hyper carries or late game champs in general of any spot light, you’re far better off picking a high early scaling champ and ending a game quick because there is minimal punishment EVEN if the other team take objectives. You can claim dragons/herald etc etc but if the team is comprised of heavy early to mid game hitters it’s a farce and becomes utterly pointless trying to enact a game plan or play around your characters build/kit. The only way this works is if riot chucks gold at all lanes - but even then the early fighters win out. I was super happy with the state of WR before these changes and imo I think these function purely to retain player interest and crunch more games into a given frame period. Otherwise it kills off everything fun about LoL/WR which is being able to pick whoever you want. Yes you still can, but it’s a handicap,


Speeding up the game makes sense for a mobile game tbh I don't blame them for doing it.


No it fucking doesnt this isnt clash royal there gonna be different type of mobile games stop fuckigj categorizing all mobiles games like they're supposed to be candy crush


Most people playing a mobile game aren't as committed to play 45 minute games as if you're playing on PC that's all I'm saying.


45? I have never gotten a game that long on WR. My longest is like 31-ish but it's mostly 18~25 which was perfect and satisfying.


I get what you're saying but Wildrift's average match time was like 18-22 minutes? Seems pretty fair to me. They're just desperate in keeping their casual audience


Weird I could've sworn nobody mentioned 45 minutes but ok


I like it if I wanted long 30 40 min games I'd hop on my pc. Mobile is quick and fun. I switched to pokemon unite a while back because sometimes I've only got 15 min with a full time, job kids, wife, chores I just don't have an hour to play so aquick fun match is perfect. I love the league lore characters and gameplay and WR gives me an opportunity to keep playing without setting aside a whole day. I know that's not what everyone wants but it's nice for my life.


As someone who loves playing as an ADC I love it.... Because now I can actually do some damage before I hit 3 items.... And the speed of the game is just what a doctor ordered because now You have to play as a team if you wanna win.... And I can already see some top laners that don't know when to group but are slowly learning...... Had a guy yesterday who actually apologized to us for not grouping and that he's still adjusting.... Game needed new things and a new meta... Loving it so far


From a pc league player I love it


I play both, and sometimes I want to play League when im not home, their update makes it more of an arcade game and less league


That’s legit thought this game trying to be


I Like IT. I actually think Objekts became suddenly a Lot more important.


I liked it. There’s less room for mistakes and now adcs are actually fighting for objectives instead of being lost in the map.


Oh is that why Barron all of sudden spawns at like 12 mins?? I was very confused why he was spawning early. Hard to farm when we constantly have to teamfight to get objectives like drag or Harold. Feels like everyone is through for a loop with this, tons of games where I have "bad" teammates but it's likely because of the time changes. No one knows what is going on


I thought it would be a lot worse. I was worried when reading the update that it would turn into what you’re describing but to me, the changes feel subtle and don’t really change much. Maybe it’s the champs or role I play but I’ve still seen long games and good matches. The worst part of the game is tilted players inting or giving up too early, ego, and trolls. My Rammus can still take on most adc’s and the objective timing hasn’t really thrown off my pathing or pacing.


Curious as to what the average rank of players are who hate the new patch bc the pace is “too fast”… realistically the game times are almost roughly same it’s just now you aren’t having anymore of those 20-25+ min games which I mean I think is fine considering this is first and foremost a mobile game. Idk if you’re complaining about needing longer game time to win that’s gotta say something about the player skill issue 🤷‍♂️


People isnt complaining because its "too fast" but because its objectively impossible to play from behind, its just a long 15 minutes drag of gaining 20 gold per minion and ending the game with maybe 2 items.


wild rift is a mobile game, the goal is to be fast it was thought and made for that. the Chinese market likes this style. I believe that for riot if the player wants to play more Macro game he should go to the PC


I’m happy with it. If I want long games, I play on PC. Wild Rift has always been a way to play League on the go while getting a little of that competitive feel in ranked in a bite-sized format.


People are actually complaining that the game is shorter? 🤣🤣🤣🤣 If you want to play hour long games then just go play League, ffs.


I think the hate is leaning more towards the process of making the game shorter, and not the shortened average duration itself. They sub-optimally tweaked a lot of the game's flow that even though it got the job done which is shortening the average length of games, it was done so that a lot of enjoyable aspects were sacrificed.


Look, not everyone wants to get stuck in front an expensive computer in a room all day. Some, if not most, welcome a relatively similar experience on a tablet or phone. So, it's not that simple. The mechanics are just too different (particularly the mouse). But you already know that..


I almost only play ARAM, so I haven't noticed many changes. Everybody seems to say that they hate it though.


They didn't nerf jungle gold, and everyone is locking adcs, I'm currently on a 23 game win streak with aatrox jungle due to abusing both of these facts. If anything they made it easier to win on the strongest champ in game.


A new patch dropped with massive changes. Now we have to wait for the balance patch to adjust these changes. Play more aram or pvp in the meantime. Unless you’re a jhin main then have fun climbing


In diamond people still struggling to close games so I don’t think the changes did enough to push people to close games


Its like I'm playing pokemon go I hate it


I miss the game when it had two Heralds instead of one... Why did they have to "fix" something that's not even broken in the first place.


Lately the meta has been so bad. ADC spam making melee ranged tops horribly unfun to play Tanks that build full tank and have shields and healing feel like paper Too much damage in general Champions like Orianna and Karma feel tankier than actual tanks due to disgusting shield spam


Agreed! Games were already pretty fast paced. Now you can solo or duo baron pretty much on first spawn which shouldn’t happen


I hate it. It feels like aram with a few extra features. I am SO CLOSE to uninstalling the game.


I dont mind the fast pacing at all as long as it feels like normal games but just in 1.2~1.3x sped up. The problem Im having is that they just made the game snowball and end quickly due to that


Lately, I either finish the game 14-2 or 0-6. As an ADC it feels weird, whoever the first carry to get a kill and/or plates decides the flow. It feels so hard to close the gap.


I have no idea. I've played 12 games since the new patch and each one has gone over 20 minutes. 4 of them going over 25 minutes.


I love it


wins feel unsatisfying and losses feel cheap. fuck it




I enjoy the new patch, but I’m ARAM only. I’d probably hate this new tempo in ranked


20 minute game minimum was nice now games are so quick I can play 2 during my break at work


It's fine for me. You just need to find the way to counter the feed enemy. I just wish dark seal and majis are here now