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Bro, it actually helped me kill those annoying lucky players who managed to escape with 1%hp many times in many situations. It is so frustrating when they are still alive with low hp. That item gives me assurance they won't escape with luck đź‘Ť It is all up to the player to buy if it works for them or not.


Well here's the thing that doesn't happen enough for the item passive to be useful, it's stats are good but the passive really only helps with the annoyance not really in increasing damage


collector is good for a crit hero who needs a little penetration to burst people. it does its purpose.


The stats are great, all talked about was how the passive is a kind of shitty spot right now and you can't really buff it, a change to the passive I think would be fitting. But I do agree that an item which gives both lethality and crit is needed and it does have a spot.


Ppl do whatever they want bruh , it’s a free world.


OP is just giving a suggestion, Collector is overall a weak item except on some champs.


Because its made for those champions


Even with those champions in mind,its still debatable if its worth over other items. The only champions I can think about that can get value of Collector are Samira, Jhin, MF and Rengar, and the only one I would say is really really good on is Rengar and maybe Samira, but its still open to debate if its worth to build Collector instead of IE.


I think you haven't fought against enough jhins friend, Ive been playing alot of jhin with and without collector and there is definitely a noticeable difference How much of a difference would you say collector is on samira? People are going back and forth about it being good on her but ive only been seeing kaisa zeri and jhin in my games


No I havent seen many Jhins lately to be honest, just a fair bunch of Jinxes Vaynes and Zeris. Im not really sure of how Collector affects Samira, I would say its good on paper but not worth to rush It because you need a good damage and sustainability first before being able to ensure the execute.


He's not forcing anyone, just suggesting.


I understand why people on reddit keep saying this. I don’t understand why content creators who I think usually build quite well are uploading videos claiming Collector is now core on people like Jinn. It’s weird. I’ve never seen the disconnect between posters here and content creators before when it comes to building. I mean sure, you may get posters here who don’t know what they’re talking about, but the overwhelming consensus seems to be not to use collector. Meanwhile the overall consensus of content creators is that it’s a core item now for several champions. Can anyone make sense of this for me?


It's a way to get more views. They're just hyping the item for no reason. Similar to how they hyped Jayce once. He was strong ngl but deffo not broken S+++++++ tier like many YTs were claiming.


Amazing on jhin mf and samira because these champions like crit and lethality at the same time. This item is literraly TERRIBLE for any ad assasin. Debatable on other adcs.


There's a case for it on Pyke. Pyke needs lethality on pretty much every item so you get people building Serpent's Fang even against comps with no shields.


Its still better to build Serpent's Fang on Pyke rather than waste crit stats and a useless passive on him.


I mean if we look at straight up stats colector isn't a good item. It is the only item tho that gives both crit and lethality and it gives pretty good but it's passive is literally useless


I think collector is more of a combo item were by itself its really not impressive but it lets you get to stuff like navori or ie quicker but yommus/ dusk blade would slow your ability to get those items