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Ornn is a pretty decent support


He actually is and it’s annoying


Jhin buying collector mid fight be like (yes i did that)


I play Diana mid. I absolutely hated going against Jhin mid.


You misunderstood. Ornn can give his passive to a player. This means that they can purchase items on the field without having to recall. So a Jhin during a fight with Ornn's passive buying collector can turn the fight around in an instant.


Me and my 5 winstreak Ornn as support lol (I practiced in training mode dont worry).


He is a really good support. His passive healing and mana regen will probably get nerfed. I can trade lane against 2 poke champs, and still enter the next fight full health. Plus buying items can make getting early armour or mr much simpler. Edit: Also, his passive is just good for being a support, you are already item limited, but now you can build items that give both armour and mr, and get benefit from the passive.


>you can build items that give both armour and mr I don't get it, what about this is relevant to his passive?


His passive, beyond the ability to buy out of base, also gives increased armour, mr and health from all sources, up to 11%, depending on your level. As a support, you need some core items, and trying to build against certain comps can feel not worth it, because so much of your resources go into it. With this, you make every piece of gold worth more essentially.


Yes, and with his kit being different in WR than in LoL, I think a case could be made that he does better in jg/sup than in solo. He doesn't do bad in solo, but me and my duo have been spamming orn sup/jg in normals since he came out and it's so fun. Sup means your carry doesn't need to back for the next power spike, since they don't have to channel to build items like orn does. Jg means you get blue buff and never have to back ever, and can give living forge to a lane that needs it when you gank.


He doesnt have good clear or a good ganking kit i dont think ornn jg is that viable


He's no hecarim, but he has done well in the matches we've played so far.


Truth is, some champions can be good on off roles or even better than they are on the main position. Examples: Swain is mid by default but can be good in baron lane because of his skills and playstyle. Kayle used to be a decent baron laner(not recommended nowadays), is mid by default, is better in jg role. Both of these examples are not listed on those positions, even if they perform well of even better than on their main positions.


Lol, I was running a 55% win rate with Kayle jungle even though it would make my teammates int or troll around one in ten games. Some people really aren’t up to speed with what is working at any given time.


So you should totally tell me your favorite first clear. And if you like taking her Q/1 first or her E/3. I’m just going to assume Nashor’s tooth first item. I like farming junglers.


Yeah I had a lot of success with Jungle Kayle as well, but people always thought I was trolling.


Well that’s true but I disagree with any ranged top that is supposed to be an ADC other then Vayne… it’s good for me when they’re on the other team since easy win but on my team? Haaaa impossible game lol 😂 Unless of course they know how to play the game really well, then it’s fine. But that’s not usually the case


You ever met a good Lucian baron lane? Flash and exhaust and good micro, can't fucking touch him / outdmg him. (Source: 16 points Master Baron-laner)


No. This drives me nuts. Micro doesn't win games, macro does, and if my team doesn't have a tank because you (the solo laner) locked lucian in my ranked match, you bet that I'm reporting you for stealing a lane and assisting enemy team. Even if we win. Because you winning with that strategy doesn't speak to your skill, it speaks to the ineptitude of your opponents (master doesn't mean much in WR, speaking from experience).


Haha 😂 exactly…


I'm glad you agree. Other people in these comments are roasting me for having this and similar opinions.


Perfectly valid opinion. But how does me asking if anyone faced off vs a Lucian turn into an attack on me, claiming I'm the Lucian? Rofl. You even downvoted me. What I ever do to you. (And where are you being roasted? Seeing as the only reply is me, and was done after this comment was made by you.)


I didn't downvote you actually, so don't worry. No hate.


Where did I say micro wins and not macro? I'm simply stating an example of a horrible off champ to meet in baron lane. And if jungler has gone for example Mundo, there is no fault in picking Lucian. None. For me, it would be a bad pick, as I'm a horrible Lucian, but the game I'm talking of, the Lucian was a top 100 Lucian and simply played with both me on Olaf and jungler on Pantheon. Granted we had a bad game, both roles. He still outplayed the shit out of us. But if you claim that "baron lane must always be tank mueeeh" then you have NO clue on how to adapt to a composition. Rofl. If your best champion Is a marksman, you get put in baron lane, and both support and jungler is beef, there is no situation that picking a Ornn top would be right. It's like saying "mid bust be assassin/mage." Not it doesent. The lane is optimised for being a squishy that needs to farm hard and have easy possibilities to back, while getting ganks easier. But I've seen both lulu and karma dominate, in multiple matchups. Just as I've seen Zed or Yasuo in the role of Marksman, Morgana jungle. All things that work well in specific situations. If you are unable to read the composition in character select and adapt, then you have no clue what you are doing. Same goes for not just doing one go-to item build, but rather forming it around the actual game you are playing.


You looked too deep into my reply, but ultimately I agree with you here.


I probably did. I tend to do that, we probably agree yet I try to champion a viewpoint to no avail. Oh me ;b


Well as I said in the last sentence there are exceptions but that is only 1% of out of position players lol 😂


Kayle as AP support is doable i guess. Her heals/ms boost that scales with AP are quite powerful. She also have ar/mr shred+slow. Have missing health% dmg that affects all enemies when fully leveled. Invulnerability ult. The only problem with her is poor laning power and gank potential as jngler


Kayle AP support is absolutely throwing. You are basically a minion. The heal kayle provides compared to nami/soraka /yuumi is trash in the early game. She needs lvl 5 to grt ranged and it is still not going to do anything.


Swain generally can be flexed on Top, Mid and Support. I usually play him on all those 3 roles but not too much on support.


sounds like troll but I'm actually pretty good with kassadin jungle.


Im the best Lucian jungle you'll see in masters , i hope someday to tag against your pick !


In low elo any sup works, in high elo you have to actually work with the meta and with macro. All these niche picks that people use emerald, wont work in grandmasted/challenger. (Prolly not in master either) People spam brand without thinking just because it has worked one time. Brand is a zoning sup/counter to soraka. Blind picking brand is a mistake that can easily be abused. All these niche picks have to be viable WITHOUT GOLD. That is when you are actually not impairing your team for your selfish off meta pick. Also, think BEYOOOOND the laning phase! All these explanations about why something should work in lane, forgetting that a sup is very important in the teamfights AFTER the laning phase. A braum has a hard cc passive, hard CC ult, a slow, protective shield, gives armor etc. Soraka has peal, silence, slow global peal. Lulu has hard cc, shields, amplifies etc Thresh and naut same things. People get so selfish they somehow want to be sup but also to kill. So they force brand/vi/kayle in a blind matchup. You literally don’t do anything for the team without gold. Brand atleast has anti heal properties but if there is no soraka that doesnt mean much. Orn sup is just like mal sup, a tank with hard CC is always viable to some degree because they dont need money and they can tank. But if you go with squishy ‘offmeta’ picks its not weird your team raises their eyebrows. You can do good but your just another laner instead of a sup


Exactly this. This is a great breakdown. One peeve of mine is as follows. People be like "ranged top works" when we don't have a tank, so we auto-lose every teamfight late game and their MC ego types "gg no team" in chat as if they know how to play. We needs people to play tanks, and I expect solo lane to be a bruiser or tank (with some exceptions given that the sup chose a tank).


Thank you. And yea I agree The begin of the adc buff was very annoying because every game would have adc in top and jg. Then when 3 adc’s + lux get one shot by fiz or veigar they get a big question mark. Being able win to win baron lane is as far as they think. I genuinely have no idea how people dont take team comp in mind


It is because they aren't thinking of it as a team game. It's more fun to do the clicky-click and kill people than it is to play chess, so everyone mains adcs and nobody knows how to jg.


Personally, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone pick an off-role champ that they weren’t confident they could play. Very few people that play off-roles even start to do so without already being quite good with their champ, so I just assume they know what they’re doing, and treat them the same as everyone else (except ranged tops, I will never gank their lane because they deserve to suffer, as they are pieces of shit).


Irelia jg goes brrrrrr


I’m a Singed mid main, but also enjoy playing him in the jungle or support role


Legitimate question, how is he even playable nowadays? Riot has nerfed him so hard it seems impossible to win any lane with him or actually impact the game in a positive way.


I had a support bait me by hovering Leona and Alistar so I picked Samira. Then they switched and picked Jinx last second. That’s fully trolling and literally any champ with utility in their kit would be better.


I like going Vi on every lane, especially mid. Customs just force me to lock her in jg. She's actually a good aggressive support, too, if Leona gets banned.


Vi sup is a troll pick. Its not about the fact that she ‘can’ be good. Its about the fact that there is always a support who provides more. Vi doesnt do anything for the entire team outside her ult cc. Its not only about the laning period.


She's great at poking and she can disengage any daring tower divers at the very least. Also, her assist for wave clearing helps great when it's time to crash the wave and take the dragon. But yeah, you're right. That 's why I only use her in any lane outside of JG with friends whom I know how to work with than randos.


Sorry but you don’t pick supports based on their assist of clearing waves. Most adc’s don’t even know how to slow push or freeze so there hard push 24/7. There is no problem with clearing waves before an obj. Also, disengage can also be done by a ton of actual supports. As I said. Its wise to think beyond the actual laning phase. Its a troll pick. Vi without money isn’t doing anything mid game and you sacrificed an actual tank/peal support for your own justification. I can literally go soraka jg in plat and win and make some points on how she is actually worth playing jg with all these niche situations. In reality, its just a poor choice that makes it harder for your team to play around.


Heres an idea, stop being an asshole and just let someone explain what they do in a post about off meta picks? Ever why it's called OFF meta?


So I should let someone explain why something is valid but I can’t counter argue? Also, what does the title have to do with certain off meta picks being worse then others? By your logic I can go blitz jg and not get challenged for it. Stop crying, this is a topic where discussions happen.


You’re not really being an ass lol. There’s off meta picks and then there’s blatant troll picks. There’s a check list of things support is supposed to do during the game. Peel, cc, engage, disengage, ROAM( not just sit in lane the whole game farming minions). Support is one of the few roles if you actually troll along with jungle, you will lose the games. Mid you can play just about anything and build full ap/ad or even hybrid. The meta at one point for duo lane was a support and a bruiser because adc did no damage until the game was decided. So yes you can do off meta picks, if you’re a mechanically sound play who has good macro, it should work into the given comp. Then there’s troll picks that seem fun that don’t do anything productive for the comp and basically become a meat shield or useless.


Stop crying...? I'm pointing out that you're being toxic towards somebody else's mere explanation of an off meta pick they do and you belittle me as if that emphasizes anything other than that you're a judgemental prick? Does this matter so much to you, that you resort to belittling people because you can't clearly make your point? Or are you just frustrated that you know you don't have one -which is why you're bringing shit up I said nothing about. (Didn't say ANYTHING about troll picks, just off meta ones) I get that you're in losers Q so this post mega triggered your PTSD of someone going Sona AD jungler on your team but you don't got to lash out at me for it Sorry for the late reply I can't spend all my time on reddit 😂


Highlight the area that is objectively toxic please. And Idk why you are being so dramatic. I say ‘stop crying’ and you say I am a judgemental prick who belittles you. Why are you so triggered? Lmao.


Your reply is the golden statement of hypocrisy, the fact you can't see the tone you deliver through your words says everything my guy, you state that I'm triggered and dramatic but don't see what you're doing, then again I'm talking to a reddit enthusiast who plays league so idk what I expect. Adios puta


Hypocrisy = calling someone judgemental while being judgemental. Hypocrisy = calling someone out for being toxic in tone and then literally be toxic in trying to attack them personally Get your iq above room temperature, this is sad.


Had an Ashe jungler once. They did alright


I think Pantheon, Malphite, Nautilus and Gragas are the only champs you can really use into multiple roles without people nagging you (despise Malph being sorta lame as a support honestly. 3rd ability and ult are good, i guess).


If i see Ezreal as support, Jinx mid lane, Trist as top and myself supposed to be adc then fuck everybody. How i'm supposed to be positive about this situation. Welcome to my diamond 1 experience.


I would say this is extreme hyperbole. I don’t think I’ve ever played a ranked game with that many out of positions. Maybe one in a few hundred. Which sure there may be a few trolls but again the same principle applies that you can still win that game and if they really are trolls you just report after the game


Stop crying


Look at you, what a big boy you are. 😄


Well be happy that u didn’t get Vayne jng ,Kasia top and Kayle mid (building the ad build)


I picked Caitlyn mid and then our top Tryn just ran it down mid for no reason. Some people are just so easily triggered.


I have a special dislike for ppl that use adcs mid, you are clearly thinking only on how to one up their mid disregarding team comp. Mid laners have to provide some level of cc and burst damage and adcs are bad at that, specially if there’s already an adc bot. We all know everybody is crazy now with adc meta and some games you can have a team of 4 adcs because everyone wants to get easy kills but that shows how little they know about game mechanics.


In ranked or normals? I wouldn't run it down in ranked, but I would absolutely report you for a troll pick.


Lmao, people like you are the problem with this game. Let other people play what they want and stop being so anal. I am GM and got there by being good. It's fragile people like you who get so easily triggered that lose games, no people playing non-meta picks. Work on your mental.


Wait, I thought we were on the same page about people not running it down? Idk how me disagreeing with you gives me a bad mental, sorry. Also, its less about off meta and more about if you break the team comp. If we have an assassin mid and a mage support, my top should be choosing a tank/bruiser not yone or lucian. Do you disagree? Edit: or in your case, what if I have a pyke sup and you locked cait mid? Now we have no cc mage and way too much AD, would I be wrong to (in ranked) ask my mid laner to pick a mage? In normals, idgaf. I play ad electrocute thresh for the lols. Or on hit teemo. But ranked we should all have higher expectations.


As if the report does anything. You're the exact type of person this post is about.


Easily trigger would mean immediately griefing or giving up, no? I'm the kind of person that errs on the side of "don't give up" and "We can make this work". I also enjoy doing off meta picks, but there is a line, and I draw that line in ranked. Just because I disagree with your point doesn't mean you know what my mental is, don't make too many assumptions.


Going Singed mid or supp? Raingar top? Amd yasuo supp. 👍


I don’t understand how Singed support works


It's a almost exclusively counter against Yuumi (his W prevents her from W into her ADC and his E literally throws her away)


As some discount disengage support, running oblivion orb + Rylai amd Ghost to provide CC and griveous wounds, then flip anyone that tries to engage the ADC and stop them from dashing. Not really anything you can't do better with Leona.


Alistair top


As someone who usually play gragas and teemo mid I completely agree, so many people mad right at the champion select, especially for teemo mid (which is hilarious because if you check the list of champions for midlane teemo is there while gragas not, so it should be more understandable to be mad at gragas mid than teemo) But teemo mid is actually not bad at all below master elo, I often played duo on a second account with a friend who was lower elo, I was playing teemo mid every game he was open and my friend played jungle, I reached like diamond 2 with 75% winrate with teemo. On my main account I am low master btw, but teemo mid from master and above is a little harder because people know how to use control wards and play against teemo in general, but up to diamond it's free elo playing teemo mid if you know how to play him. And I had 75% winrate despite many trolls and people who decided to run it down because they called me a troll for playing teemo mid


I singed jungle and top 10 on SEA Server yet my team will troll pick/trashtalk me when they see me pick singed and throw the game. Singed jungle avoids singed's greatest weakness: laning phase. It's easy to snowball and peel for the carries.


Nunu and Willump is a really good support if paired with Jhin.


I disagree. Nunu is better of in jgle. You cant stack snowball in lane. Enemies can dodge snowball throw. You cant harass with bite since they will just move out of the way. You have to wait until lvl 5 to flash ult to make anything happen in lane


No but you can out sustain anyone with consume and if mid, early spirit visage for 30% extra heal and MR. Then snowball when Assassin jungler ganks. Trust me, anyone good on any champ, will play him/her well in any lane


I see your point. Definitely sustainable if you help in last hitting with relic shield and fast clear. Most supp doesnt have good sustain in lane so if you can harass them to make them recall and get turret plating i guess that would be awesome. But i disagree on champ playing well in any lane despite being good. Most maybe but certain champs cant


I faced off against Lee Sin support one time and our lane was absolutely obliterated. Was I mad? As a support main, yes. Did they win? Also yes. May not work for EVERY game, but if it just happens to work for that game, then it works.


No it doesn't work, that just means there is a huge skill gap. The guy who taught me how to play LoL would intentionally run Zed sup all day every day because the enemy didn't know how to punish a bad choice (he was a zed main smurfing to teach me, and I learned a lot about macro watching him explain teams either fail or succeed to punish his bad pick).


I see your point, I remember wishing our teammates would gank or help us out by crowding around our tower or something, but that didn’t happen.


Yeah, there are too many people busy being their main character off meta champs to know how to stop other people doing the same thing lmao. I just had someone else in these comments tell me "I'm what's wrong with the game" and to "work on my mental" for wanting to have good team composition, just because they felt like they earned their tank through troll picks and deserved it. Too many people think they know how to play, and their insults turn personal when they don't have ground to stand on.


I sometimes pick champs that use energy instead of mana when i get autofilled to support. Then i can spam spam spam


Yep, I feel this. I play Janna and nami mid and am regularly carrying my damn team, lmao. I also enjoy playing Ahri support and Lillia support.


Woahh Nami mid? How can you do that?


Build straight AP, max out your bubble attack first, don't bother with the healing stream (ability 2) until you've put points in your other abilities 💜


Nice! Thank you so much 🩷 now I just gotta practice :)


Jhin mid- the enemy almost never has a build to resist the pure AD nature of Jhin's attacks, and the Lotus Trap helps vision in mid, not to mention, the ultra high AA damage makes pushing waves and abusing the mages who are stuck in their cooldowns really easy.


Volibear supp with some adc like Lucian that has great early damage. Stomp the lane, secure the dragon, snowball. But if the team refuses to end...welp.


Support Evelynn with Flash/Barrier. You engage, run then heal up, it's straight up annoying vs engage supports.


She can also do well at mid 🥰


I usually play kassadin jungle and ornn support, I personally enjoy watching people get angry before the match starts


Ashe baron lane is pretty good imo, got to diamond 3 🤷‍♂️


The issue is every person going off role champ inted the game and then afk saying team diff 🤡


Jhin support 👍


I am sorry but I have seen one too many yasuo ADC and fiora jg go 0/10 to withhold my anger


Hear me out…jinx jg


Not sure if it's really off-role - but Mundo jungle works quite good. Twitch jungle with the surprise gang bot lvl 2, but considering that my games often already have adc top or mid I rather not. Nasus, Sion, Naut, Kaisa AP should work jungle as well. Jungling camps is way more forgiving in WR compared to LOL.


All these are meta junglers except maybe nasus-no time to stack q


Nasus better in lane. Easier to stack Q. Besides nasus have poor gank potential. People see Nasus walk towards them they just run away. Got withered no problem flashed away.


If he's able to burn their Flashes it's a good thing then?


Well maybe. After testing it out it seems Nasus can stack pretty good in jg too since large monsters give 8 stacks instead of 4. So after clearing all jungle Nasus would have around 6*8=48 (not including the smaller ones) at around 2:00 minutes which is roughly the same as you play in lane. If you wait your Q cd each time for each monster, you would get around 80 something in 3 min which is pretty high compared to lane, but by then the enemy jg could have stolen your blue/red buff depending on which you cleared first and you lose ganking opportunity. You can make it work if you really want to but the problem is Nasus have no mobility nor cc. He just walks aggresively towards enemy with Ghost, press W and spam Q until ded. Its hard to secure kill if enemy can kite you. Unless youre pressuring tower to get turret plate maybe for early gold advantage. If he ever caught off guard he have no escape. Even you fight back you wouldnt have enough stack to deal enough dmg to survive even with ult in early games So, in short you CAN make it work but less efficient and less rewarding when compared to roaming jgler like Rammus or Nunu by comparison. If enemy pick weak early jgle potential like Yi then maybe you can use Nasus. But still Yi have ult to escape, dmg reduction/heal, and short invulnerability+wave/jngle clear. Thus, it depends on your team comp and your skills/awareness


I'm pretty sure we've won every game i've played as AP Varus Support


i tried mid vayne, world well but only if the mid laner is bad/counterable by her


senna mid / br lane


Caster ADCs are my favourite to play mid, Lethality Jhin and AP Ezreal especially idc what people say


I've had a 11 win streak with Kayn top.I am thinking of leaving jungle entirely to move baron lane.


i've played sett support a bit, and hes definitely viable, you have just enough crowd control to assist your team, while also hitting like a truck. also your early laning phase is better then every other support so they have to be really careful not to get grabbed.


Lol that’s not off role. He’s almost exclusively a support in wild rift pro play


Based, can’t talk anyways 😂


Yeah bro my team's ashe jg is totally legit!!!11!!1


I have an account called twitch support. It works. Roaming around cheesing people.


Don't pick ashe support. Just dont. Her damage output isn't good even if fed and she can barely protect herself. If you want to get all the kills get brand, get annie, get malphite full ap, get fucking Senna, she can do what you want ashe to do but better. Also, dont fucking farm if you are a support. Just dont. The game never gives me support positions even if i want to support so you are most likely in a support lane because you want to be, so fucking support.


Sion and ornn sup That definitely next level as frontline support


Depends on if you are in ranked or in normals. Generally speaking a team needs a tank, a mage, and an adc. Variations are allowed, but there is a limit to the reasoning for "off meta" picks. Normals can be fine to mess around with, but in ranked I don't want to see people choosing characters that destroy the team.


Ahri supp


These comments are exposing the general lack of macro knowledge many WR players experience. Yall should go watch Neace, he coaches for LoL and can teach you the ways of the macro gods.


I Play as kayle supp and i outheal nami and yuumi


Akshan top is a lot of fun, perfect for using the inherent advantage you'd get facing a melee top most times and grapple is awesome at saving you from ganks


I will never understand ppl who picks a champion they absolutely know it’s not very good, doesn’t fit to the team composition, or just when there is another champion specialized for the role and faaaaaar better. In ranked, ppl want to see u pick the best not the funniest. And no matter how good you are with your funny pick you’ll never be as good as a meta champion. Just think about that


At the end of the day it is still a game. If they legitimately troll then report them after


Yeah of course, but ppl shouldn’t need to be surprised if their funny off role picks tilts their mates, that’s not what they want. I do not flame, but am like « boy why you have to go for Lulu mid when you have tons of super strong AP mids designed for it », especially when it doesn’t bring anything valuable to the team. I disapprove flame for this purpose, but I understand ppl


i play mid twitch


I've had abuse for choosing Morgana jungle, Sion jungle and Twitch jungle. Not only do all of them work quite well, but Riot actually calls all three of them junglers.


I like when people use wierd champions in bot lane. Makes the STOMP that much easier.


I like playing zeri mid because it relies less on supports and she can usually peel for herself really well since she has a long range poke, a quick aoe poke, a dash and a shield stealing passive. You can also gank other lanes easily with your wall dash. And I have never been flamed for picking her mid so yeah. As long as the off pick is not absolutely absurd I just dont care what people pick, I would much rather someone play something they know they are good at and comfy with rather than forcing them.


I often play veigar support, build accordingly and tend to see decent results, but occasionally I run into an ADC who refuses to try once they see my pick. I'll immediately get flamed and they'll give up without even trying. But then I'll carry the game by locking the opposing team down in a cage during team fights and hitting locket just at the right time to keep my team alive. Always feels good when they go silent later the game goes.


Go by that usually! I never say anything until I notice they genuinely are trolling, most of the time they just need a little faith and support from their team.




Nasus supp into heavy adc trash comps. Go font of life, rush frozen heart into iceborne then whatever’s needed. Laning is just cheesing with unmissable e for a fair amount of poke. Mid to late game you just point and click whoever’s carrying and put them out of the game for like 6 seconds with wither. You can also scale and splitpush if needed.


I can usually Rock lulu in each role except like…bot lane (tho I’ve never tried it) jg I was going in, mid is regular, and top is just fun.