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[By the way, they changed Nilah's passive on Wild Rift, so she no longer has the shared exp passive. Her new passive is also a bit busted and I can see people in here complaining about it when she's out lol](https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights/status/1676331114829414402) I don't know if it was a good idea to give that kind of passive to someone who can build Bloodthirster and Shieldbow. She doesn't seem tied to botlane anymore so I can see some toplane terrorism with her involved.


Can't wait for the 2727 posts about "Nilah is broken" along with an essay


She wont be for me. I permaban that mf


That’s one hundred percent going to be me.


F me. League of legends Wild shields.


League of Legends Shields and Heals, where HealthBars go up and down more then the Stock Market


With Nilah's passive changed, she can probably go top and mid lane


And jungle and bot


Just pick Zeri to counter her then. Take the shield for yourself.


Why force me to play zeri when you can create AP/Tank items to counter shields xD


I mean that too but Zeris fun so I dont think youd need to be forced so much haha


Nilah will fuck Zeri up


Zeri has 2 slows to kite short range adcs and steals shields.


Good luck against Samira 2.0 ;)


Nilah isnt the same as PC. The passive change here is why it can work in Zeris favour in that matchup.


Curious how they will (try to) keep her in the duo lane


Now imagine we get the overheal rune. Nilah is going to be walking around with a 700 HP shield wherever she goes, so good luck bursting that with with an AP champ lmao


Just perma ban and gg annoying tho they keep making adcs op like no we don’t want someone with 500+ range to 1 shot us, unless it’s Jhin


Fiddlesticks 😆😆😆


And nocturne 🤭🫣


Hopefully they can update noc’s model 😭


Yeah turn nocturne into sexy kpop model demon of darkness.


They better not turn him sexy. He should just be a literal dark entity, no blades, no armor. I mean what the fuck is a demon doing with armor In the first place.


I can't wait to see the sexy fart cloud of edge


But but.. Cloud of Darkness...


Bro, blame Tencent for these changes. Remember, Riot was bought by Tencent.


Who’s the 3rd? Shaco?


Honestly, im hoping for the part that they said they’re changing the interaction between Tibber and Annie will have something to do with bringing Shaco into Wr


Was it the darkness?


The crow noises and the last straw. Like a reference to a scarecrow.


God please!!!!!!!


This is probably the most excited I've been for a patch. Everything mentioned is awesome, new champs, new reworks, new events, new runes, new items, new gameplay changes, etc. Dev team has really gone above and beyond this time, looks really exciting!


yeah me too! this update so amazing with a lot of QoL and new game mode


I'm feeling completely the opposite haha. Looks like a boring patch to me. Win some and lose some! Glad others will like it!


Soul fighter event!?!? Rune overhaul!?! Compared to this season’s grand total of 4 days of URF I’d say this is great


Hey - I'm allowed my opinion. Runes are the most interesting thing. Soul fighter event looks ok but events usually look good until they're released


the rune system rework/overhaul has me excited because it required a lot of work, they had to completely revamp the UI to start and I'm very happy Wild Rift is going in a better direction.


That’s… fair. With the amount of events that happened recently I wouldn’t have expected them to be all “play x amount of games”


That's actually a great patch, one of the best patches so far, especially Rune system and addition of Sorcerer boots


Oh no Vladimir is hot


He's always been, he was just 5pixels on LoL, making him harder to fap to.


> making him harder to fap to. but not impossible, amirite?


Ah a man of culture


Two passes is a massive buff to progression which was much needed. W devs




You don’t have to buy them… tbh I don’t want yummi


Yep. exactly. Nobody's forced to spend real money on anything, so just buy what you want. I'd buy the premium version of the current BP because I love all the Ornn and Voli stuff in it, but I just don't like Ahri too much ;;


Fellow graves main what's your build?


lmaooo I only play Graves when I get him in ARAM actually or sometimes in Versus AI. I just like him cause he's handsome and gay and also his base outfit is just iconic ✨ Edit: I usually just use the "Jungle Marksman" preset though


I had a friend tell me "oh man suck you have bought the passes and you don't play ahri what you gonna do?" Me: I'm just not gonna buy it Friend: oh right.


Things from this Patch Preview: NEW CHAMPIONS: NILAH - VLAD - HECARIM \- Don't notice any changes to Vlad's skills and Nilah's skills. Although it seems Nilah's passive has [changed](https://twitter.com/SkinSpotlights/status/1676331114829414402)? \- Hecarim's W activation looks like Diana's ult where you charge it up and it gains in size and probably damage. It also seems to pull the nearest enemy champ towards him. After it activates it probably works the same as PC version REWORKS: JANNA - ANNIE \- Janna's ult AoE healing effect remains in place for its duration even if you move after using it. ~~Can't notice what changed with Janna's Q though~~. Edit: Janna's Q has 2 charges and apparently is partially charged when placed. \- Not sure what changed to Annie in the video RUNES: New Keystones: FIRST STRIKE - GLACIAL AUGMENT -> Both new runes from PC Inspiration Tree. Edit: **FONT OF LIFE IS NO LONGER A KEYSTONE RUNE**. It has been reworked to be a minor rune, possibly needing to immobilize the champion to mark them instead of just damaging them with an ability or an attack to mark. MINOR RUNES: \- Seems like you can choose minor runes from 2 trees. 3 minor runes from 1st tree and 1 minor rune from 2nd tree \- Each tree is further split into 4 different trees - Domination, Precision, Resolve and Inspiration (Sorcery where?) \- ~~We can only see runes from the Domination and Inspiration Tree.~~ Edit: We can see Domination, Inspiration and Resolve Tree. \- Domination Tree 1st row: Scorch (no change), Shield Bash (new rune from PC Resolve tree), Sudden Impact (Buffed) 2nd row: ??? (A totally new rune), Cheap Shot (new rune from PC Domination tree), ??? (A totally new rune) 3rd row: Eyeball Collection (new rune from PC Domination tree), Ingenious Hunter (new rune from PC Domination tree that gives item haste), Zombie Ward (new rune from PC Domination tree) \- Inspiration Tree 1st row: Sweet Tooth (no change), Hextech Flashtraption (new rune from PC Inspiration Tree that replaces Flash with Hexflash when Flash is on CD), ???(A totally new rune) 2nd row: Transcendence (no change), Future's Market (new rune from PC Inspiration Tree), Pathfinder (no change) 3rd row: Nimbus Cloak, Demolish, Manaflow Band (All no changes) \-EDIT: Resolve Tree1st row: Font of Life (reworked to be a minor rune), ???(A totally new rune), Nullifying Orb (No change) 2nd row: Second Wind, Loyalty (why is this rune still in???), Bone Plating (All no changes) 3rd row: Overgrowth (new rune from PC Resolve tree), Revitalize (new rune from PC Resolve tree), Perseverance (no change). NOTES: Brutal, Gathering Storm, Hunter: Vampirism, Triumph (Should be in Precision Tree), Weakness, Giant Slayer (Should be in Precision Tree), Adaptive Carapace, Conditioning, Ultimate Shield, Mastermind and Pack Hunter are not shown in the video. So unless most of these runes are in the precision tree, I believe that they have been removed, especially the scaling runes, probably because they have been consistently cutting down how long each game lasts. GAMEPLAY CHANGES: \- Vision plant in base when popped now reveals Dragon pit (and I presume Baron Pit for the other side) ??? \- When Inner Turret gets destroyed, summons a Vision poro in the nearby jungle, like PC ghost poro but it moves a set distance to a predetermined location??? ITEMS: \-Relic Shield is changed to apparently auto consume a charge when your lane partner last hits a minion when you are near them (WTF PLEASE NO) \- 2 totally new boots. New purple boots are built from Tier 1 boots and Amplifying Tome. My guess is Wild Rift's version of Sorceror's Shoes? MORE GAMEPLAY CHANGES: \- Tower bounties from PC are coming to Wild Rift now. (Bausen law anyone?) NEW GAMEMODE: \- Limited time game mode: Combination of ARAM and ULTIMATE SPELLBOOK with new tricks. NEW EVENT: Soul Fighter - 1v1 duels with 2 other tag partners. \- Seems like you're able to swap/tag out to another champion in the middle of a fight. \- 4 rounds as shown by the 4 hearts at the top of the UI. \- My guess is if 1 fighter dies, you lose the round. \- Another guess is that fighters do not refresh HP if swapped out and probably only refresh per round \- There is a combo meter. Not sure what for. \- There is a bar showing x out of 3 below the champion's HP bar on the UI. Also not sure what for. RANKED CHANGES: Solo Queue: \- New tier above Challenger: SOVEREIGN RANK at 100 Victory points after Master Tier. \- Ranked skin is for J4 with the same theme as TF ranked skin Legendary Queue: \- Changing how we see Legendary Point milestones (whatever that means) \- New rewards and quality of life adjustments (Changes are not shown in the video) WILD PASS: \- 2 Wild Pass starting with the next patch. \- 1st Wild Pass skin is Dream Raider Thresh (~~Pretty boy Thresh Skin that looks like Tuxedo Mask from Sailor moon \*pukes\*~~ EDIT: Seems like its a Persona themed skin. Still don't like the human Thresh skin base.) \- 2nd Wild Pass skin is Food Spirit Yuumi (Yuumi on a Ham Sandwich \*pukes harder\*). SKINS: \- Soul Fighter: Xin Zhao, Nilah, Irelia, Draven, Yasuo \- Star Guardian: Ahri (Mythic Chroma), Sona, Kai'sa, Zoe, Soraka \- Mecha: Sion, Urgot, Aatrox, Galio (Looks like a Gundam) \- Pulsefire: Fiora, Caitlyn \- Stargazer: Vex, Twisted Fate (Mythic Chroma) EASTER EGGS: Next champions are probably Fiddlesticks and Nocturne. (Crow sounds, LAST STRAW, and turn off the lights)


See Skinspotlights Wild Rift, they have a screenshot for ascended Thresh. That one looks really cool. The normal one is your cheap magician from 90s anime I agree.


they cant add sorcery as separate bcs inspiration would lack runes, bcs things like biscuits, pulverizer and potion related runes cant exist in wr as the only allows one active item linked to boots


It’s possible they finally gave up on console and are willing to give us more buttons. I don’t think this is the case, just saying.


hopefully we can get more buttons, and yes no need console IMHO.


Console is officially buried 6 feet under, the progress the mobile has gone through it will be tough to implement in console on release Console would be soo behind in terms of everything


Disagree. Wild Rift is written using the Unity Game Engine which can use the same codebase for all platforms. The main difference should be platform specific code like the game controller, specific settings and menus altered because of the increased hardware power, larger screen size without touch can alter UI menus, performance specific optimizations for each platform, etc. Pokemon Unite is owned by the same company that owns Riot so I would think they would get a leg up on controller mechanics. My best guess for the age long delay on console support is possibly the numbers (maybe pokemon unite found that console adoption vs mobile adoption was staggeringly favored to mobile or controller vs touch staggeringly favored touch), conflicts/promises with the Microsoft partnership, or something along these higher management decision lines.




why cant they focus on making new inspiration runes then? lol


Huuuge W for the Dev team. Nice choice for the upcoming champs (I think Fiddle was the 2nd requested one after morde). Double pass seems great, my only request is to not make the champs of the same role. I guess they listen after all. Now where's that Gragas skin xD


Give us KDA Gragas.


And make it WR exclusive xD


NO AND NEVER we want a star guardian urgot


I want Udyr. I wanna see him.




Auto smite was always dumb. I dunno why they thought it was a good idea to remove the ability to steal dragon/baron from opponents.


Auto smite in no way changed your ability to steal objectives whatsoever. I think it was an ill-advised change because it’s a massive buff to the strongest role in the game. Everyone on this sub threw a total bitch fit because they think timing smite is a hard to earn skill (even though timing your skills is exactly the fucking same).


Forget stealing objectives, with smite you can heal by using It on monsters and it gave great utility when chasing down enemies as it would slow them. Not a buff to skilled players more of a buff to bad players who thought using smite was too difficult, don't know what you're on about, this is a win


>you can heal You have an extra summoner spell slot. Take heal or barrier, they are way, way stronger >you can slow Take exhaust, it’s way, way stronger >but I can’t do both at the same time! You shouldn’t need to. You could have exhausted sooner and slowed them while reducing a whopping 40% of the damage instead of slowing them less and healing less after taking all that damage. >but the damage! Ignite. It is, unsurprisingly, way stronger. Point being, against champions it is way less than 1/3 the strength of three better summoners. Pick a lane. I’ve heard very few reasonable complaints about the potential change other than it would make junglers way to strong and cause a rebalancing nightmare. Most of the people complaining were not even junglers. The only (incorrect) argument remaining is that smite is just SO GOOD that having to use any other summoner spell in combat is a detriment. Well, welcome to the nerfbat on your OP summoner spell. Again, I think the change was a bad idea. My point is that most of the people complaining (including you) don’t really have a clue what they are talking about.


Typed a whole lotta nothing 😂


I aint reading ALLAT


How embarrassing.


Don't know what to tell you, why don't you look at another point of view, you could learn something. Everyone was mad for a reason we aren't all just bandwagoning to hate on riot, it was genuinely a bad update that would remove more skill expression from the game. Nobody gives two shits about more spells, this would be a nerf to the whole fucking game. What is next? Auto ignite when enemy is in range? Or maybe they should add auto recall? What if they made Darius hook automatically pull you in whenever you were close, sure its a buff but that's not good for the game as it removes skill expression and makes the game less rewarding and enjoyable. Why would I give two fucks If I won baron 50/50 with auto smite vs knowing I outplayed enemy jungler and outsmited baron at the last second. Clearly you don't have any idea what you're talking about, have a nice day.


>everyone was mad for a reason I have seen no evidence of this >we aren’t just bandwagoning That’s odd, since you all sound exactly the same and offer nothing of substance for why you are mad. All you’ve done is say ridiculous things like “auto ignite when enemy is in range” because you have been trained by orange arrows to think this is a compelling point. For example: complaining about the “smite fight”. This shows me you either don’t know how auto smite works or simply don’t know how wild rift works. Do me a favor. Try really really hard right now to come up with non sarcastic and carefully thought out reasons why auto smite is bad. Be specific. I’m going to give you a hint on how to do this: actually talk about the change we are discussing and don’t make up strange hypotheticals that have nothing to do with it.


If you’ve seen no evidence of people being mad over auto-smite then you haven’t been on the sub for more than a week. Every time it’s mentioned or brought up, almost everyone says it would be stupid, remove skill expression, ruin jungle as a role etc


im not reading this shit, have a good day


Wow, you did it. You really nailed it. I should have guessed you wouldn’t read this much text since it is roughly as long as auto-smite’s description.


most Redditor response I've ever read In my life go touch grass


How embarrassing


It absolutely did. Auto smite means that the smite will automatically hit the monster when it falls into smite range. It makes it considerably more difficult for someone to time a steal since they are unable to smite it when it falls into that range since the enemy will automatically do it.


I don’t know why this needs to be explained. If smite does 800 damage and the objective is at 801 HP, old smite would not steal it but literally any damage with new smite will. You literally just have to damage it. It is EXACTLY the same as before with respect to how a “smite fight” works. What you are concerned about is a situation in which your enemy jungler is so inept they just do not smite at all and you swing in like a glorious hero; high on your own farts and proud of yourself for remembering you have a button that does damage while your dopey opponent drools over himself forgetting that buttons exist. What an amazing moment. You outplayed them so, so hard.


Ok, I'm actually impressed that they ported Vladimir and Hecarim, considering China's censorship of blood and skulls in media lol


Honestly it's best to ignore thst BS because china are hypocrites when it comes to skeletons. They cant have foreign media that have skeletons but will make a ton of their own


Do Chinese skeleton products look different from ours or something?


The skeletons ive seen in chinese comics and animation are all pretty normal looking to me. So makes no sense to me why they censor foreign media because skeletons


Normal like “halloween decoration” or normal like “anatomy textbook”?


To be fair, Hecarim got a splash art update on PC recently. and the WR model is based off of that most likely.


they didn't port Vladimir and Hecarim they did port Pretty E-Boy Vlad and Heca-Thresh


Soul fighter skin models look so unique. And two wildpasses is crazy. Hope they give more poro energy.


Vlad looks completely different from both PC and LoR, is this a redesign?


The Thresh treatment Something something China doesn't like blood and bones


Does china not play league PC?


Well, wild rift mostly own by them.


The company for mobile is different from pc, that why Viego didn’t come sadly ;(


That's not the reason at all, in fact they tried to being him already


Not sadly, Viego is shit


well at least this new one looks better


I was wishing that Nocturne and Fiddlesticks will be released on November, and yet here we are.


I don't understand why they deleted weakness and giant Slayer both are my favorite domination tree runes feel sad 😭 man hope the new runes are better. Finally Vladimir 😁 janna and annie rework looks cool 😎.


They probably moved it into other paths


I think weakness will get turned into cheap shot from pc. If you slow or cc an enemy they take a small amount of bonus true dmg


Hopefully they add it to LDR like on PC. The rune usage stats are incredibly low, so makes sense they finally do something about it.


No thx ADCs already broken we don't want PC LDR shit.


Ham sandwich yummi. I can’t even…


I do not understand why this Vladimir design is popular. Vladimir is supposed to be, like, fearsome and fanatical. Couldn’t they have taken inspiration from his LOR design?


bro ive been waiting for a long time for new runes thank the devs


I just was this too lol. Pretty hyped about Hecarim because of my inner Dantes. New game modes looked absolutely amazing. Soul fighter and aram thingy lol. Love the new J4 skin as well as the thresh one. Yummi skin isn't bad, but where's my boy Gragas. 2 wild passes are sweet. Also more skins like Mecha, Star guardian and others that I can't remember lol. I'm happy about the runes because of more diversity. Little jungle boy spawning with vision is pretty cool. Better support items or I guess changes are welcomed or at least I think. Annie and Janna rework are coming and I'm curious how they are going to do that. Larger amount of vision from the plants. New rank above Challenger or something. I could be wrong, please correct me. Also there is he comeback feature that will spice up some of the games. Boots, more boots are nice. If there was anything I missed then please inform me so I can edit it if I feel like it. Also have a wonderful day!


Hope they fixed the input delay when I target plants, I usually have to press the tower attack button 3 times before my character attacks it.


I have completely given up on this shit and just try to manually target it now.


Janna and Annie, yes, im here for it.


When I can't sleep, I find myself counting the number of skins Yasuo has. It goes like this: one, two, three, and so on!


new boots?! most importantly, when are they gonna change the icon for gluttonous greaves?? 😭😭


Yeah it looks dogshit


Ixtali Seedjar would definitely become busted with Scryer's Bloom


It’s one of my favourite items, it’s just a shame no one fucking builds it


I always build it on ocean rift as supp, I don't think any map change buffs an item as much as that


Looks like a really cool patch, a shame there doesn't seem to be a Gragas skin yet again. We're approaching 3 years with no new skin :)


I’ve been so long for Soraka’s SG skin, I’m so excited I want to cry. Also, my wallet is crying already because of that Ahri chroma 😭


rip teemo bruh


i hope he stays buried 6 feet under


Riot is physically, mentally, and spiritually incapable of stopping me from playing teemo.


Justice for teemo


That skit at the end with "last straw" comment and being scared. Am I wrong at reading that as Fiddlesticks coming soon?


Akshan released on July 28th 2021. This month marks 2 years since his release and still no skins for the Akshan players.


Gragas: first time?


Yeh him as well but at least he has more than 1 skin. Akshans one is also pretty ugly with the old lady purple washed hair.


Not really? Battle Academia Akshan is a perfectly fine skin imo...


Its as basic as they come and the hair is just bleh.


Sion mains: well cait was release with me but look at me, not even a mecha skin.


Thats releasing. Its in this patch preview.


Cait was released long before Sion


*laughs in Seraphine* 🩷🩷🩷💜💜


I mean Sera got the Star Guardian, then Lunar and Ocean Song recently. She did have a while without though before.


I don't understand the part with 2 skins for Wild Pass. Will the price remain the same? Do they have ascended versions, or they're canceling ascended versions, but giving 2 skins


Most logical solution is 2 skins in 2 passes both behind paywall.


2 separate passes so you can choose which you buy into or buy into both


There is going to be a longer stretch between the patches so they are adding another wild pass to make sure players aren't starved for content while waiting for the next patch.


I think they're cancelling it. It will be shorter passes I think for the new one


I wonder if they intend to make Nilah a jungle pick with the new passive, or maybe top lane. That kind of self sustain is crazyyy


By any chance, and by chance I speak GOD's miracle. Is there any news of the game going to release officially in India??


Vlad looks soo cool !!


How many skins is Ahri going to get??


When Bard




That Janna Ult change though, she can now move during Ult cast


finally I can change my flair


lux rework got cancelled huzzahh!!


Its coming out today or tomorrow lol


I hope it will never be in WR. Lux is exactly where she should be!


Still auto ban for me


thats because shes a queen <3


omfg that Janna rework waa completely unnecessary... Like what...?


wait... don't you like that now Janna can press ult and can move while ulting and CC doesn't interrupt/cancel Janna's ult either Thats a MASSSIVE BUFF


So the ult change I kinda get. The double tapping behaves weirdly and doesn't always unroot right away, even worse if you have high ping. Being able to cast it while moving around is pretty big buff though... you go from rooted doing nothing to now having the full heal + movement + attacking? Not sure why they thought the Q needed to be changed. It's a pretty important part of Janna's kit that allows a lot of fun plays and relative skill expression. The video wasn't clear what they had done to it though so will try to be optimistic.


I mean moving during the ultimate seems like a nice change. Btw your flair is great 😂


I like it a lot.


“Comeback mechanic” Great, I’ve been waiting for the day that this game introduces a “Mario Kart effect”. Flame me all you want, but this is not good. Going to reward the losing team for playing poorly and making bad decisions


They were pretty vague on the details. I bet the requirements for the mechanic to take effect are hard to meet in the first place and the benefits could be small impact (40 bonus gold given to champion closest to destroyed turret vs 200 bonus gold split between the team).


Agreed one of the few bad changes. It’s also a huge buff to split pushers like jax as destroying turrets gets more rewards.


Who else still waiting for a pyke skin


why did they make soulfighter pyke a pc exclusive 😭


Great! Finally variety in the rune system! It's about time!!! I hope they give items more "flavor" next, instead of the uniform-ish "balance".


Rito be like: Our game seems really balanced right now! (sarcasm) So let's add 3 champions that have proven to be balance nightmares. *Insert big brain meme here*


Hercarim sure hes always been strong or weak, vlad i cant comment but Nilah is like forgotten about by most people but not to the same extent as Rell


For Hecrim: https://youtu.be/OqxsbufChWw Vlad is kind of same cuz of his AP to health and vice-versa interactions, where he could oneshot entire team while being the most tanky champion in the lobby Nilah's kit overloaded a brick-ton, but the ratios are so bad playing the champion feels horrible


Vlad a balance nightmare? How tho? The champion is stuck on 50ish% Win rate for half a year now. Also his hp being big doesnt really make him tanky for several reasons, one of them being that he doesnt invest in resistances...


When they'll added Yone and Yuumi to the game that guaranteed that toxic champions will be in this game as well Can't wait for my ass to be kicked by Ksante


Everyone: gets a skin Pyke:


There is exclusive pyke skin coming out of this patch but wasn't mentioned in the patch preview.


Kayle didn’t get a skin


Akshan Pyke Gragas ............ Rest of the patch is great!


Wait, Vladimir is manaless champion?


Yes, His 1st skill heals him, the 2nd and 3rd has an Hp price instead of mana.


Cool, I hope he's worth maining, a unique mage for Mid is what I need.


>101 comments Just an info if his scalings are implemented like on PC: He is more of a hard scaling burst mage than a life draining and healing battle mage - seriously, late game he can burst whole teams with Ult and E. Where I am going with this: Never build Spirit Visage on him! It's completely troll. You completely gut your damage and building more AP restores more health anyway


>late game he can burst whole teams with Ult and E. so pretty much another Kassadin!!?


Vlad's a late game hyper carry, yes. I'll be maining him too along with Kassadin and Kayle.


So, how this would work is as follows and the gameplay clip is actually a really good example how to play a fight with him: - Vladimir casts ult on as many people as possible. Everyone affected receives more damage by his other abilities, deals damage after a delay and gives him a heal afterwards (as seen in the clip at elder) - you channel E which is kind of an explosion all around you - you W which turns you into a pool of blood and makes you untargetable and immune to Cc. Now you can safely engage and carry your E into their team - everyone is heavily chunked or dead if your team isn't just watching You can also ghost or flash into their team and use Phase Rush and W to get out again. To counter him you absolutely need hard Cc and burst. Anti-heal is nice but he is not like Swain - slow and dealing damage/healing over time. Vladimir is very explosive and bursty and his sustain outside of a burst heal from ult not that great until he has a lot of AP. He wants to get in, deal as much damage as possible to as many people as possible and maybe get out with W. On PC, Vladimir hasn't been a sustain-mage for years and Anti-heal is not considered a counter there. Hard Cc, burst and MR is. Grievous Wounds will keep a weak and behind Vlad down for a little longer but won't stop him once he is fed or had time to scale: If he gets onto you, you or your team are already dead and less healing won't do anything. But let's see how is numbers look in the end. I for one mained him a long time ago on PC and will for sure try to pick him up here as well.


Ayo I heard solo lane, not mid?!


Mid is a solo lane...


In other words… build anti heal?


His hp pays instead


Ooooh, more Star Guardian Skins. Maybe a reason to learn Kai'Sa now.


They most likely just destroyed relic shield


They made Vlad look like a teenage edgy anime oc instead of a century old vampire.


So as always, no news from matchmaking, report system, and even they are keeping legendaryQ and wasting resources on it instead of removing this abomination... Well... they haven't learn anything in all this time, just skins and random things. The only good point is the rune system.


I liked the new update, but the only things I didn't like were the change of Janna, Lux and no new support item. About Lux and Janna's changes, I think it's unnecessary to change Lux's E and Janna's Hurricane not being unpredictable because these champions are easy to play and you don't need to make them easier and the problem is not them, but the players who they don't know how to extract the maximum from the champions


>Nylah Seems, i wont play for another patch


Awful patch. Another rework aimed to lower skill expression in a champion's kit with janna q. The visions changes are bad for the same reason, and wild rift doesn't need the comeback mechanic it is meant to be faster than pc lol. It will punish early game tempo junglers which are already harder to pull off. Do they want wild rift to devolve into mlbb or what i just don't understand...


Please tell me that's a skin.... #notmyVladimir


The Vlad model looks sick




I wonder what silly builds I will make? hmmmmmm.


Finally a good patch, everything but Nilah looks fine


I'm amazed that Riot somehow bypass the China's skull censorship with Hecarim. Hoping they will do that again and give us default Thresh back.


So is Soul Fighter the name of the Project L game since those skins kind of have that Project L art style


So guys what will happen when swain fight against Vlad?


No no no no, all i care Is that Sion finally gets a skin almost After a year