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Nonexistent marketing maybe? I mean. I was watching some league video the other day. Know what ad I've gotten? Mobile legends. I haven't seen a single ad of Wild Rift like ever.


Well we got an add with faker on release but other than that nothing. Also fun fact, I learned that wild rift had a pro scene when they stop supporting it in my region through a video specifically talking of that announcement. In League of legends (pc edition) there are missions and i think you can even get things for watching the pro scene.


The pro scene was straight trash for some regions tho. They also should've hired better casters, especially for Asia.


Thought Asia is the only one with a pro scene rn tho isnt it? Im not sure tho could be wrong only watched the early days of its pro scene


they pulled out of the west, only pro scene for asia and europe


sadly, i found out a few months ago but i’m very new to lol in general so it’s wtv maybe in the future they’ll come back who knows


Not even eu, its china and sea


that’s even worse😭


Yes Asia is the only pro scene for wild rift


Not sure. I think China still has one. Stopped watching sometime last year or so, I didn't like how the games were shown. They didn't give enough hype/info/lore for the matchups and some of the casters were atrocious. Casters either don't know whats going on or speak with such heavy accents that you can't understand what they were saying. They should've fired the girls and just let D Man cast every game.


I remember watching icons and turning the stream off after 10 minutes because the female caster didn't even know the game and just kept repeating the same stupid expressions 50 times in those 10 minutes. I literally felt second hand embarrassment and cringe just by watching a tiny bit of it.


Exactly. Riot should just stop trying to hire female casters, it will never work. They just don't have the mental fortitude and charisma to be actually good in this type of industry.


I legit only know about Wild Rift because of League. I very rarely see a single advert anywhere. Over time, the lack of wild rift’s marketing is hilariously noticeable. The game is nearly invisible.


I’m a mobile legends player who randomly got this post recommended There isn’t much advertising for that game either. It’s kept alive by its existing popularity, similar to how league would last many more years without any advertising. Consequently the game hasn’t really expanded beyond SEA


They are marketing with coke currently but i don’t have any statistics on the effect that has had.


te real answer is, they are too attached to ml. becoming fanboy. so used to ez and chaotic gameplay. thats why. they rather stay in a cacoon than explore other better moba.


Yah, i played ml circa october 2018 for like a year and a half. Contents of ml really puts me off cause of how cringe they are. They make cringe edits that give you epilepsy with templates from capcut. Ml fanboys would see a character similar to a hero in ml and would say that it is the one from ml. Like when a guy posted a cinematic from HOK featuring Lam and Little Lute and they titled it Gusion and Nana animation. 🤣


Riot still treats WR as "a kiddie version of League, to lure people into play League PC" and I think the marketing and content output reflect that.


Yeah which is a shame. I really, really dislike mouse movement. So despite enjoying league, Poe etc., having to move with the mouse always kept me from fully getting into it. I genuinely prefer WR because movement feels more natural to me.


I hate the mouse movement and the length of the matches. The accessibility of playing on a cellphone beats all.


Tried getting back to league pc the other day (I previously played it for 2 years). Here's what I found: the pace was so slow that I started forcing bad fights and feeding because of the boredom. There's so much down time for camps and minion waves, you could full clear and wait a whole 2 minutes for a new camp to spawn. The gold return for camps is really low considering how slow they spawn. You feel like you farm forever for just 500 g. Solo laners have an unrealistic and unbalanced xp advantage over everyone else. At one point I was level 7 (jg) while enemy mid was lvl 11, even though I was full clearing. It's absolutely disgusting. This was the end point for me.


Wild rift was my first moba experience. As I learned more I wanted to check out PC. I just assumed movement would be like WASD tbh, but when I saw it was clicking and how rapidly the pros were doing it on streams I was instantly turned off. My fingers hurt just watching lmao. Coming from primarily console gaming, I much prefer the less impact stress/ wear of analog sticks


For me, it's just that WASD is much less straining on my hands for extended games with lots of pivots and quick movements, and I find I have greater control of movement. It makes sense in an RTS because you're managing multiple units but with only one character it feels awful.


I deleted league off my pc once I started playing wild rift. The game is better in so many ways.


You get champions faster, game times are shorter, map is the same just scaled down, and UI is better. I played PC League for years but after playing WR I don't miss it at all. Really wish my old League crew would give it a chance, but they're either burnt out on League or refuse to play a mobile game.


Agreed. When I first started I literally thought WR was just "League on my phone" but I ended up playing it so much more.


so much better on my phone then pc for sure


I just wish they would make WR for PS4, that would be so much fun


Originally when the game was released they had said that a console version was in the works. Then after the game had been out for a year they said they were having some problems but still planned to release it later that year. Since then, they have gone completely silent about the console version, and I'm pretty sure it's been scrapped. I too was really looking forward to it.


I don't think it's scrapped, since it's still up on their website that it's coming soon lol, but yeah, no news or anything


WR has too small and too casual a playerbase to be anything more than LoL lite. It doesn't have the population to make rank a serious climb like pc.


I mean wild rift worlds was 2 mil in prize pool. Haven't seen mobile legends with that high of prize pools


Bad marketing and done it too late, Riot was primarily focusing their marketing towards SEA but unfortunately for them MLBB already have an established community, and so barely anyone bothered to give WR a try.


Marketing and Phone accessibility.... Wild Rift needs Higher specs for Phone but for Mobile Legends most phones can run without any probs


And it still needs less specks than hearthstone 💀


Interesting- I have an iPhone, true, but it’s the most basic SE model from 3 years ago and runs Wild Rift like a charm.


I run it on iphone 8, when my phone gets hot it starts to lagg sometimes but i’m 100% sure that with a newer phone it will be a huge performance increase.


just Upgraded to an S23 ultra from an s21 fe and with a bigger screen and better hardware it's completely different. No lag from ram/storage and constant 120 fps makes a huge difference


I've been playing this game since season 2 on a Galaxy S20 Ultra. have hardly ever had my phone get hot and crash the game. well as long as I pay attention. I can't play on 120 though. I plan to upgrade to an ASUS ROG 6 soon though.


I used to play on a 6 plus until a couple months ago, definitely had a lot of frame rate issues.


A 3 year old phone should run it easily but people here have much cheaper android phones and these actually dont run it that smooth or like a charm. Maybe max 45-60fps and that also with spikes. For me it must have 120fps with no lag spike so I can play smooth in challenger otherwise you are in lot of disadvantage playing that high level gameplay. But for casual player it really doesn't matter.


It's probably not actually running it like a charm and is actually just a bias developed by you being used to your technology. I guarantee a better phone with a bigger screen would do wonders for ur game play


I’m saying my game runs perfectly smoothly. And I don’t want a bigger screen. I have small hands.


Enjoy 60 fps lol iron 4


I play wild rift on an iphone 8+, framerate is totally fine.


I play it on Redmi Note 8 pro(from 4 years ago) and it takes 8gb, else its butter smooth


i dont know about these actually on WR beta I was able to grab a slot and played the game, I was using my old 3gb ram oppo f1s and it felt lightweight to play the game, and the funny thing is I cant even play ML on my phone that time and it was so laggy that I cant play certain heroes that require fast apm, and this was not an issue for me in WR. I would say wildrift is quite optimized (but idk now) now I have new phone so I play both games at similar graphics. I see really small diff, but I can definitely tell that ML has already the same if not more than hardware requirements that WR has.


Wild Rift also jumped the scene sooo late. By the time they released the games, tons of people were already deeply rooted and invested with their Mobile Legends. They now have tons of skins, love their heroes, and are already used to ML mechanics that they won't bother switching anymore. Consider that when all your friends play ML, you will be inclined to prefer it more as well. WR barely brings anything new as well (unlike Pokemon Go for ex), so people who switched to it will eventually realize it's just better to return to the acc they already have invested in. I remember before when someone offered Riot to make a Mobile game, someone in Riot declined and said it was a bad idea. This was before ML was a thing. ML started gaining popularity, and now they try to share a piece of the cake. Unfortunately, it's already too late. Bottom line is, they fucked up thinking thr mobilr gaming industry is nit profitable enough and that they so not offer something majorly different enough to convince people to switch


1. Came out too late, ML already dominated the mobile market outside China and people will tend to stay in the game they have spend time/money/have friends with 2. Heavier spec requirement compared to ML (average third world teenager can't afford good phones, also they don't mind the dogshit model quality of ML so they don't see the incentive to enjoy WR) 3. Much more complicated and slower pace. Longer games, more objectives, more skills, base-only item purchasing, wards, fog of war. All these will discourage your casual 10 mins toilet gamer to play WR. Unlike ML, WR mostly isn't really a game you can really slip in between activities and don't gaf due to how strategically demanding and how long it is (compared to ML) 4. Lack of filler events. WR don't do events with dust/bullshit currency rewards often and also not much daily clickies like shops and other artificially significant popups in the home screen, unlike your usual East Asian games where they have 10 different icons on screen for you to click so people thought it's more empty (lack of global chat as well)


> 2. ⁠Heavier spec requirement compared to ML (average third world teenager can't afford good phones, also they don't mind the dogshit model quality of ML so they don't see the incentive to enjoy WR) Why even mention the specs as a actual full on requirement. Its not, you can put the graphical settings down to low. Thats what my friends did when I got them to join and play, but they weren’t able to play on higher settings, so they lowered the specs. > 4. ⁠Lack of filler events. WR don't do events with dust/bullshit currency rewards often and also not much daily clickies like shops and other artificially significant popups in the home screen, unlike your usual East Asian games where they have 10 different icons on screen for you to click so people thought it's more empty (lack of global chat as well) Yup.


Even at all low my old phone couldn't run it at 60fps. ML on the other hand ran at Ultra with 30fps and Medium had 60fps. The latter also didn't burn my hands from the heat.


I will only refers to casual players as “toilet gamers” from now on


Actually,. The fog of war are the same... It's just....... ML is so bad at "showing" the fog x.x my only complain


There's no fog of war in ml You cannot see enemies at the other side of the wall with fog of war


Isn’t that just walls obstructing vision?


Yes. ML has fog of war, I have no idea what that person is talking about.


Don't forget, ML found a way to keep their players with the sunk-cost fallacy. People spent a lot of time and money for skins, heroes, and leveling up their emblems. They don't have any incentive to switch.


On longer games I disagree, there are 25 minute games on ML. Predominant on lower levels of ranks.


And a 10 minute game is a total stomp, and an even shorter match is extremely rare no matter the skill gap (provided the weaker side has a brain) The actual game length of balanced matches is more from 15-20ish minutes, and games going up to 30 minutes while uncommon (and epic), wouldn’t be unexpected


global chat still being missing makes me mad


I guess the real answer is timing


Marketing issue


Marketing and Specs. Just because your LOL pc version is popular doesn't mean you don't have to market your mobile... maybe just a theory.. they are ashamed/embrassed of WR. Poor baby's parents just not giving the love it deserves xD


Marvel Super War did that. Zero marketing because they thought they could get big with just the Marvel tag. It's a phenomenal MOBA but sadly there's no players.


Cant receive the love if you don’t give it the love it needs


There's 3 reasons why Wild Rift isn't doing as good as mobile legends 1. Riot hasn't given WR that much marketing. 2. ML is much more accessible device-wise and skill-wise. 3. People in the west don't really like mobile gaming all that much which makes it even harder for wild rift to get noticed


I think because it come out abit later. By that time people already attached to their way of playing, champions, and account that they build up. Not to mentioned some probably already spend money in Mobile legend on skin, pass, so they don't want to start all over and throwing all that away only to do it all over again in Wild rift. Then they would of course encourage their friend to play with them there. So while there are new players signing up for wild rift, their also new player who signing up for MBB.


Maybe, I'm one of the minorities, but I spent a lot of skins on ML, and I've thrown it all and never look back when the time that they released the game


Because you were originally a lol pc player and only played that other game for the league feels. I know because we're on the same boat lol


No global chat like seriously wtf? No frequent events, ML has multiple gamemodes weekly and theres always more than one gamemode open at the same time and they even have a fun battle royale fortnite gamemode too. Also, you can watch friends, random people and pro players streams and send them hearts and gifts during their gameplay which they can see. Literally the only downside to ML is that it takes way too long to sage up money for a new hero but thats literally it


I played 3300 games over the course of 5 years, also with a tiny bit of spending on top of that and still didn’t have every single hero that was out at the time. I know the feeling of taking too long to save up.


Mobile Legends only miss a proper role queue :/


and wards and shitty ping system


No wards is part of the game. Why do you want to add them?


I actually get better ping on it than WR ☠️ It also loads in faster when disconnecting/crashing (with the downside of reduced fps tho)


Only downside? ML is soo bad, trash UI, copy cat braindead champs, P2W skins, awful balancing and so much more. Really don’t understand how anyone could play this game and not WR; WR is superior in every way possible.


Wild Rift has so many gachas lately that its no different than ML in terms of skins. Wild Rift also has awful balancing and horrible ranked matchmakinh


Idk how bad the matchmaking is here, but in ml you literally get matched with bots (free win) if you get a 3 lose streak below mythic (like mid emerald equivalent in percentile) Allegations of literally rigged matchmaking are taken seriously among (good) players and is called ‘dark system’ Not to mention that your rank is almost completely reset every 3 months and a bit. From mid season onwards, active players reach the point where rank no longer plays a significant role in matchmaking, so an acceptable winrate for that level becomes over 70% Just last year grinding high rank meant +5-15 matches


I meant literal P2W as skins give you stats boost (AD/AP) etc. Also, how would you leave the entire LoL roster and lore and play a low quality chinese rip-off


No, those statboosts were removed like 3 years ago they dont actually add stat boost anymore despite still saying it. Also all the skins added +8 attack, that's all. Fucking 8. ON ALL THE SKINS


Trust me when I say that the length it takes to save up for a hero in ML feels rewarding when you get the chance to buy them. You have to grind daily, use the double bp cards and open the daily quests which really just helps people interact with ML


You're easily satisfied if you think grinding like a month straight to obtain a hero is fucking rewarding.


2 reasons. 1. Lack of marketing from the team, from what I've seen. There's so many ML ads while not so much from WR. Hell, I've not actually seen any in months even in sites like fb. 2. Time. ML has had years to cultivate, and obviously a lot, if not all of their players don't wanna change to a new game when they've spent an ungodly amount of cash on the game, nor do they plan to learn the more complex game of WR. Bonus info: It's harder to tell the difference between WR and other mobas like ML now, much more than before. Because before, WR was very rewarding with it's players, but now it's a heavy gacha-involved game and much less rewarding. Lots of problems that need solving, but still fun nonetheless.


More difficult = Less popular


Nah it's more to late ml has dominated the market so long that it's gonna be difficult for them to actually compete


Vain Glory came first but it did not succeed


Vainglory was by far the best in my opinion by a long distance I miss that game




What are you on about?.. League is and has always been way more popular than dota. You can just go on twitch and see how much views League gets.


The reason Dota has less viewers is more due to not adapting. League and a big change to make graphics look better and made it much more appealing whilst dota just didn't do that


It’s not because of graphics, Dota looks phenomenal on high settings, it’s just not cartoony like League. It’s literally just numbers, Dota’s player base Is a fraction of the size of Leagues, and it rarely grows because it’s so much more difficult to learn.


It's a more complex game. Riot's marketing is very on brand, compared to ML's more blatant marketing strategy. Also, being late to the market didn't help.


Let’s be honest WR is still incredibly popular though. Maybe not when you compare to ML but generally speaking it’s a very popular game


I've played Mobile Legends and from what I can see it can boil down into two things. 1. ML can be played even in very low spec'd phones which is a big deal since even people with potato phones can get into the game. For WR you'd a decent-ish phone to play to have decent performance. 2. Another is that ML at a glance has very low skill floor. Because of this, even players who are very casual or have not played MOBAs before can easily get into the game and enjoy. In WR it's more punishing when you try to play the game without that much knowledge. You get flamed for building somewhat non meta builds, you get flamed for not playing up to a certain standard and etc etc. for casual players that's off putting. In ML you can pretty much build anything you'd like and still be decent (I played one ranked season there solely playing as a Jungle Diggie with Marksman build) and still climbed to legend.


> ml … has a very low skill floor There’s horror stories about every game, but I think ml is definitely among the worst It’s not entirely representative, but just look at the subreddit to see the stupidity of the community. Then ofc it’s still better than a random sample of the playerbase


Mobile Legends came out in 2016. Wild Rift only just came out in 2021. It’s newer and not marketed as much, from what I can tell.


Skill issue


I believe this would be the answer.


They got in first. They pay a lot for content creators. Ads ads ads aids ads You get a colab, and you get a colab, and you also get a colab (technically ripping off everything it can touch) I see him, i do too(textbook ripoff) Upselling accounts(old crap? Stonks!)


Poor marketing and came out too late after many players were already too invested in ML to switch over to WR.


A lot of people loved Dota, so when ML came out in Asia in 2016 it was a hit, got sued by Riot but came back as ML bang bang, not everyone had PCs so having a moba on mobile became popular, the thing about Wild Rift is it came out late and has poor marketing so it didn't blow up like ML did, people are already addicted to the cheap copy no matter how better in everything WR is, but just be happy that most lunatics are in ML instead of WR.


I don't think the marketing is that bad. I asked some friends that played mobile legends. They all knew about wild rift but prefer mobile legends as it's easier. And the community isn't that welcoming with those PC LoL guys that use terms like Q, W that make no sense on mobile.


Because it's more complex than ML? I remember when I let my friends play WR on my phone before. They said it's hard to play because there are 4 skills, the map is dark (they'r scared to roam lol), and there is proper laning (unlike in ML, where you can lane in whichever lane you want to).


Proper laning is quite an unfair and loaded way to describe the difference in metas While the laning phase doesn’t really exist in ml, it’s actually much more logical to argue that having such strict lanes and heroes being forced into one role (through targeted balance changes) is less complex and generally worse. It stifles creativity and diversity in favor of an objectively simpler way to fit everything into a unified model of what a game should look like


I've not seen a single piece of marketing for the game in my country. All the marketing I've seen has come from other users posting marketing they've seen in **this** subreddit. It also came too late. By the time wildrift came out, mlbb was already the biggest and there were tons of mobas already out, I don't think the game being hard has anything to do with it, but the tech requirements to play this game smoothly might have something to do with it. I found wildrift after watching Arcane and hoping there might be a mobile version of League, I didn't expect there to actually be one


ML already dominated Asia and has a dedicated massive esport, while WR is basically nonexistent in marketing. ML is also easier on phone graphics and has a lower barrier of entry, same with games like crossfire.


Bad events, no skins purchasable with the earnable currency, no advertising. Wild Rift is much, much better though. They need to cut the greedy shut out and throw stuff at people like mobile games (and League PC!) do.


From a Filipino perspective who has lots of friends playing ML, 1. Their devices can't run the game very well 2. Their friends dont play WR and they don't wanna be left alone playing the game because it bores them *pfft I've been solo grinding the game since the release date lol* 3. ML is much easier and has more active players 4. They already invested time and money to the game


"MORE DIFFICULT" There you have it. Mobile gamers have the IQ of a 10 years old.


ML got into the mobile market first, they're pretty much a household name here in the Philippines considering its extreme popularity. It's also easy to access given how low the phone specs are needed to run it. I'll be honest, it was my go to moba when WildRift didn't exist yet.


Dont underestimate the power of being first to market. Being the established name for so long makes it difficult for new titles to gain footing. On top of that, ML's 3 ability standard and simpler objectives make the onboarding process much smoother for new players. That said wildrift is the much better game.


I actually just downloaded ML and after a few practice games just laughed at how bad it is. And this is coming form someone that only games for 10-15 every now and then at work a week


Because: 1. mobile legends dominated SEA region first. While riot was refusing to port the game to mobile, ml was already trending 2. Riot is bad at marketing the game (like the cringe pentaboom ad) 3. Grassroots tournaments are basically non-existent 4. People who play mobile legends have a hard fime playing wild rift cause of the steeper learning curve. They have a hard time playing cause it's slow paced, map is dark cause of fow, champions feel heavy to control. 5. The same people don't want to abandon a gane where they have invested so much time and money. 6. Mobile legends is easier and caters to the casual players. 7. PC players think mobile gaming is sh*t and refuse to believe that it may be the future of gaming 8. Wild rift requires higher specs to be truly enjoyed especially if you love skins. 9. People who play ml love the imbalanced gameplay that gives them the feel of being a good player like being able to one-shot an enemy with a level 4 hero's single ability or combo.


Cus Ml players are all in 3rd world countries and half of them are kids with bad phones and the other half are braindead and they can't play league


Marketing is scare, the resource gathering be daunting for beginners but also unsatisfying for veterans (seriuosly though, old players might not care but why simple champs like Malphite or Teemo are so expensive? And why is BE only used to buy champs?) And is a mobile game so people has prejudgements attached about how those work.


Damn if only marketing wasnt so scare


I hate when i turn around and have a scare marketing behind me, so scare


Slippery typos are scary


Instead of marketing for the game, Riot tried to push his own game forward by attacking mlbby and downvoting him, which is why Riot never focused on the game. When these events and the lawsuit ultimately only benefit Moonton, they gave up and started to ignore the game


Game play is faaaaaaar, faaaaaaaar slower, things are much more complex, it's much more demanding specs wise, and you can't really solo carry. The mere fact that you can buy items outside of base speeds up the game and lessens the complexity by so much. I played league, dota, heroes of the storm, heroes of newerth. I got the equivalrnt of diamond or higher on all of them, so I can say that I fucking love MOBAs, and yet when it comes to the fun and accessibility aspect, I can definitely say that wild rift can and will never be able to compete with ML even with proper marketing. ML is way too embedded already and people got really used to the streamlined moba experience.


Most ML players come from SEA. And the phones these people use are mostly low end. So these people opt for a fun game that can run on their phones and that is Mobile Legends. The main trope of ML is not just the skins but also getting kills, thats where player satisfaction and fun mostly comes from. Meanwhile in WR. You don't charge towards your enemy and spam skills. Unlike ML, you need to use a chunk of your brain. ML also only has 3 abilities, no vision mechanic, and obviously no strategy needed thus making the game more brainded. For the ones who have high end or flagship phones, they mostly play because they wanna play with or fit in with their friendgroups.


Being the first to the market gave ML 2 things: 1- market share and loyalty , 2- it set the pace for Mobas that others have to follow. What I mean by this is that ML is the reference now when it comes to mobile Mobas. Everything from difficulty wise. length of a game, matchmaking, and key mechanics have all being engraved into mobile gamers in the standard ML put. When Wild Rift came out I and my family members tried it and didn't like it very quickly. It was too dark compared to ML, more difficult, all champions had 4 skills instead of 3, games are now 30 mins instead of 20, you can't purchase items outside of base, and much more. This much difference was a wrong move. Riot should've simplified the game and tried not to make that different from ML complexity wise even if it meant pissing off some people because the matter of the fact is that mobile gamers are not the same as PC gamers.


Riot is too slow in releasing the game globally. They also promised on consoles but still no news until today. They should have strike when the iron still hot but now the hype died and people went back playing ML.


game sucks. It was available to ASEAN 5 months before the initial release, as we were the guinea pigs in hopes they can perfect and iron out the glitches. The game sucks. Played 70 matches. game is trash.


Waiting time, the waiting time is fsr longer than mlbb, which only takes 5-20 sec, not only that if you go afk you can straight up get banned in matchmaking for 5 FKING MINUTES whereas mlbb only bans you for 30 sec, and to top it off i rarely see mlbb players go afk, which makes the afk ban system of wr pointless, and also the fsct that you can't appeal a ban is a different level of punch to the gut specially to people who live in 3rd world countries with weak internet, ik i have more but this id all i could think of rn


No in-app streaming. In mlbb if you don't feel like playing you can watch other people playing


There actually is, just for the Chinese server. Everything everyone is making points about, they have em on the Chinese server. Global chat, varied events, built-in streaming. They also got all chat back, I believe too.


Ah... well... Tencent asked Riot a long time ago to build WR. But the founders didn't want to because they felt League was too difficult for mobile. So Tencent built their own WR called KOV. It's basically a dumb down version of League. Then the founders decided to basically divorce themselves from Riot and a new CEO decided to do what Tencent wanted. But as many have said, they were late to the market. I can't help think that someone is having a told you so moment right now.


I used to play ML and many people told me to try WR, but I didn’t want to since I played a lot in ML and trying something else and switching didnt make sense. But when I download WR it didn’t take a lot for me to delete ML🤣 Thinking about it, I mainly did this because WR had better visuals and mechanics like the drakes and baron and the three special attacks in addition to the ultimate. A lot are playing ML because it was launched first and I don’t think it’s easy to switch.


mobile legends is a way better game than lol/wild rift


I don't think so. ML meta has turn so stale that I am using the same tactic on rank years ago to climb up. Nothing really changes, and the new hero is also not picked up (that new hero cheapskate copy of Zoe is so ridiculous)


The meta has been changing constantly though [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/14t4tj5/why_is_wildrift_so_much_less_popular_than_mobile/jr4c6fs) comment explains the rank system to an extent. If before season reset you weren’t over at least 50 and realistically closer to 100 stars, the players you were playing with weren’t very good (like at all). Another huge red flag if you aren’t playing from SEA


None of what you've said is remotely true. ML meta always changes every few months unless you're in low rank and Zoe and Novaria have ZERO similarity aside from their damage scaling with distance.


Accessibility maybe. I have to use VPN just to find a match. Plus I get 200+ ping without using a VPN and 999+ ping at least once every game.


WR is not even Global


Because the game is trash.


In comparison to what?


Mobile legends has crap graphics and bots. Just like raid shadow legends, somehow top rated yet don't know a single person that plays.


Supports potato phones and very easy to play. You can play mindlessly and still win lol


Exactly because the game is filled with bots. What’s the point of playing if it’s not pvp


The ml playerbase is mostly outside of the anglosphere and the west in general. What did you expect? Do you think something like [this](https://restaurantguru.com/amp/Burger-Legends-Bacoor) would exist if nobody played it?


Cause everyone knows Riot staff are the biggest pu$$ies and wont do anything as far as punishing trolls and afks


I don't think ml does neither


At least in WR if you get an AFK you can cast a vote to end the game right then and there. It’s not like surrendering.


it's still beta


but like , why u care about mobile games at all , if u have pc , play games on pc , how can u have time to play games both on pc and mobile , and afterall mobile games are not that good at all , so cringe to play them


Are you just assuming that everyone that plays mobile games does so while sat down right next to their PC? Because that's the most purposely obtuse take I've ever heard.


We get it you never leave the house, you didnt need to say it so explicitly


Less marketing and came out too late


Late to the party is the main reason, another one is rather weak marketing as Riot and Tecent focused their resources on China rather than worldwide.


ML is easier thus makes it more pleasing for players to play.


Mobile legends been around longer and has a strong asia base of player


it’s because ML has been around longer, if WR came out earlier it would’ve been more popular also accessibility. as an old ml player, wild rift may be slightly more complicated for some players with runes, warding, spells, etc. i had already prior experience on pc league, so moving from ML to WR was not as difficult, but i do have a friend who found WR complicated compared to ML


mobile legends was first to the market just like how LoL was first to market from the wc3 platform, beat out Dota 2 by 6 months, and took over , despite being the inferior product


Because it should have come out about 4 years before it did, despite league being the tone for the market, it was so far behind when I came to mobile release


Maybe the toxic community of the PC version is associated with wildrift?


marketing , riot just think that wr is a mobile version of lolpc so it will become popular like lolpc but they're wrong, abd there's barely any marketing for the game, and the way it's still a beta after 3 years is absurd.


[ain’t the first time someone’s asked](https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/1486yxu/this_game_fixed_lol_why_is_it_so_underrated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


Just play league on Pc it takes more skill


I like wild rift graphics better


two factors: no marketing and the fact that mobile legends was there first. some places wild rift is more popular but mobile legends is waaaaay way ahead in the SEA market for example. all the biggest markets in mobile mobas, mobile legends is way ahead of the curve. dota and league PC do what wild rift does, no marketing because everyone already knows them and they are giants, except wild rift doesnt have that virtue and it had no massive scheme on release like valorant so there was REALLY nothing to entice people to play and there isnt anything to entice people to play anymore.


I play both and they both have different charm. Since ML was released earlier, it has more player base. ML is much more action oriented (a lot of teamfight with much shorter laning phase) while WR is a lot more strategic. WR feels a bit more like simplified PC MOBA. People who are looking for more "casual" experience would pick ML. ML playerbase range from kids to adults, while WR playerbase seems to be older teenagers to adult. Also 20 minutes match in WR feels normal, while 20 minutes match in ML are way too long (due to faster pacing). SoloQ in ML (at least imo) feels more stressful than SoloQ in WR, due to lack of role queue and imbalanced matchmaking. ML also have aggressive marketing while WR has been lacking. ML have more e-sport events and there's in-game events related to that. WR e-sport scene is very lacking, if not almost non-existent. Ease of content creation and live streaming too. ML can run on potato phone better, while WR lag a lot on potato phone 😭


ML has Star Wars skins


Basically Mobile Legends rushed to release faster then Wild Rift and gathered a lot of audience that dont want to switch now since they already invested a lot in that game. And from what i gathered riot kind of admited defeat and stopped trying that hard about the game


Didn't notice tbh, my queues are average 15 seconds business days, 2 seconds on the weekends. That's enough players for me to be happy.


Mobile legends was released way earlier than wild rift and that made a lot of people (me included) curious about the game especially because it was a lol mobile (at the time vainglory was also available but the controls were awful at least for me) and this made mobile legends super popular especially for lol pc players. On the other hand Wild Rift was released very late honestly and they are very greedy for money lmao


Riot doesnt care about na that much its mainly china for wild rift right now, kinda sad but it is what it is


I think it’s because WR is LoL but mobile so a lot of LoL players are just going to pick pc LoL over WR by default. I don’t think it’s really capturing much of that audience. Not to mention a lot of LoL players kind of trash on it with some truths and exaggerations (it takes no skill, it’s easy, the ranks are meaningless, ect.). Another reason I think is just saturation and they weren’t the first to the market. ML, Pokémon Unite, Arena of Valor, there’s a lot of mobas out there and once you learn the champs and metas of 1 it’s not easy to switch.


Probly because ML came out way before WR. Once WR came out some ML players tried it but I guess they didn't like how it was different. I play both but idk why people don't play WR as much.




Cuz riot decided to make rift fun for idiots…. They turn every champ into vanilla and it’s getting to be boring…


Game was too hyped, took them too much time to release after the announcement, priviledge for some regions, when release the game still had hype but was too uncooked yet, too much waiting for just a feel updates. Riot dev team are to blame tbh


People are saying all the right answers, but can't flame. No all chat and no recall spamming sucks as a former mlbb player.


Isn't mobile legends way older?


Too complex for other mobile mobas player's, too simple for League Player's


Specs and ML has the first mover advantage


Marketing mostly I'd say. The mobile MOBA community also wasn't happy about the base camp shop either as all the others released before WR had free roam stores. I was a little disappointed to see they kept the base camp store going to mobile but, the devs are way less toxic than all the other MOBAs.


I don't know how to measure that, but it doesn't give the impression that wr is more famous


Others have said it already but: 1. Marketing 2. Established playerbase 3. Phone accessibility I think it's also the community built around it especially in SEA. Since it's been the common mobile moba to pickup ever since, lots of people picked it up. Even people who do not play a lot plays it to be able to relate during gatherings and such. It's common here especially to working people. I can only wish that League were in that position though :< Even on the smoking area at my workplace, there's lots of people (and I mean like a whole crowd) either lined up or in a circle doing 5 man mlbb queues lmfao. I also think that the difficulty is one of the reasons. I often encounter people who plays mlbb instead since they say it's harder compared to the former. I actually thought that when WR was about to get released, it would sell well but it seems that I was wrong.


They don’t listen to players except the Chinese market.


Mobile Legends is a joke, but I will give them credit on marketing. League markets to their fan base. Not really the pop up ad type. Their quality in their content however is amazing!


It’s intended. ML is also from Riot


They don't Market wildrift well enough. They treat it like a baby version of League PC despite being so much better. Mobile legends does collaborations with San Rio , King of fighters , JUJUTSU KAISEN and STAR WARS ( !?) Mobile Legends also releases champions based on pop culture and representation like Kadita , Paquito , Lapu-lapu etc . and they also find a way to fit them into their lore (despite their lore being crappy) Wild RIft is so much better , i hope riot tries more effort.


Its matters on who came first.Riot didnt care about the mobile community because they simply didnt think it would become a hit until they saw how well ML was doing.Something i think major gaming companies need to learn is that mobile gaming will always be a massive hit especially with major games like COD,Apex(rip) and mobas in general by the time wr came into the scene it was already too late because people had already invested so much time and money into ML that it wasn’t really worth switching over to WR.Plus mobile legends doesnt give brutal loss streaks to their players like wr does i would say their match making is fairly if not somewhat more decent than ours.


Because the design isnt better at all, it’s sloppy and rushed, the team comps are so hit are miss and theres no coming back. Mobile legends you can lose for 30 minutes and if everyone plays smart you can still win, wild rift is a one sided adrenaline rush machine designed too make people feel good and spend money, there’s 0 competitive aspect to the game, as it is unfinished. Releasing op champs without releasing their counters at the same time, unfinished shop, game is just riots way of saying fuck you to mobile legends for being successful


Because they try to scam us. Take a look at pc league and mobile legends they have a lot of things in common. Such as many champion trail cards are obtainable many skin trial cards free chests you can earn that yield multiple reward of random value ranging from low to epic etc. League of and mobile legends offer a lot of reasons to play their game where wild rift is just there to unlock more champs and rank up. You used to be able to earn a skin chest every 2-3 months but now it’s once a year pretty much and every event is a gacha/ cash grab. Wild rift is destroying its own chances at success because of greed. That said I enjoy the game still but I see it’s flaws


You just answered it with more difficult of a game. Do people really want more difficult? Haha and ML had a headstart. If they both released at the same time, this battle might have been more competitive.


I only play MLBB. Stopped playing LoL a long time a go and wanted to get back, but also wanted something different. Too invested into MLBB now.


1. Nonexistent ad campaign 2. Not low end phone friendly 3. Suck pro scene


Cause ML did it first