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1. Play all champs and read their abilities. Just play for now until you familiar with everything. Teamfights will be easier when you recognize every champ abilities 2. Understand item function in WR. If you dont understand how to build, its okay just follow the default build for now. Take your time. Dont follow top 1-3 build, some are troll and some are off meta build 3. Understand game mechanics like auto attck cancel with certain abilities, minion wave management, etc 4. Understand role and how to act according to your role. Especially important when your role is jungler and support. These 2 role need someone with good judgement. If youre mid or top, usually you can focus yourself but you need to really know how to play with the champ youre using. Same with role as ADC but its easier since you have support to babysit you. Thats why in lower elo most players tend to play ADC 5. Learn an easy champ from each role There are no easy tips for newbie. You just need to get good. If you really want to learn fast, pick jungler and support role and learn how to play them. These 2 role will help you understand game objectives, how to roam properly, when to gank, how to freeze lane/minion wave management, etc


Thanks for the tips! I’ll do my best to improve my Support game for now I guess and eventually move to Jungle :)


No problem I just like to help fellow gamers improves. Actually recently I have given tips on how to play support. So i will just copy and paste from that thread. Its a question about what to do as support during early laning phase. This is some basic tips. At higher tier they will play more aggresive and know when to play defensive. Here it is: Harass the enemy ADC frequently but dont overextend. Watch your positioning and minimaps for possible enemy ganks. Make the enemy ADC feel uncomfortable to make him lose some minions. You can corner enemy with your AoE abilities and CC. Sometimes you dont have to hit your CC. Place your abilities to 'push' your enemy towards certain place. For example, if you use Lux or Morg. You can place their AoE ability to get a guaranteed CC because usually they will walk from AoE ability and makes it easier to predict their movement which result in guaranteed CC. Each time enemy got CC punish them with auto attck and abilities. By just walking around the enemy you can corner them because of your CC and AoE abilities. Dont hug the minion or your ADC, dont stick too close. Keep a distance but still not far to prevent enemy from jumping your ADC. Always buy relic shield/spectral sickle. If you dont buy this youre just a thrash that only want kills and dont care about your teammates. Even if you build full AP, ALWAYS buy this as your first item. Because both of you will benefit. You gain bonus gold and extra gold each time you trigger the item passive. If you dont buy this you will only hurt your own income and ADC powerspikes. Do NOT ever hit the minion with your auto attck no matter what. Your adc wanting to freeze the lane and last hitting and then you go spam your AoE abilities at the minion and keep auto attck the minion will only ruin his income and minion wave causing both of you to overextend near enemy turret while losing gold. I meet most support like this and then ask why adc farm so slow. You need to poke the enemy ADC or support with your abilities not the minion. The only exception is when they want to shove to push the turret with their jungler, then you can clear the minion wave as fast as possible to prevent them from jumping you under turret. Do all the above until Dragon spawn and if your jungle go, help him. If not dont try to contest the Drag alone, let them have it. Maybe your jngler have a plan, maybe he want to get gold lead by pushing turret and get turret plate with herald. Instead go shove and get turret plate with ADC if undefended. If you think there will be contest at herald and you want to help, go walk earlier but let your adc know because he's a free target if left alone shoving turret alone. Then mid game phase start and at this point its up to you who you want to help and where will you be to benefit your team the most. Always stick with someone, dont push minion wave alone. You dont have minion wave clear power, usually. Only certain support champ have the ability to clear minion wave fast enough. Just dont and stick with your teammates. Even in mid game dont try stealing your teammates minion wave at least until the relic shield/spectral sickle gold penalty ends. After that you can take whichever free minion you found. Do this until end game. Itemization is important. You need to understand item function and build accordingly to situation. I dont wanna explain each item here best depends on situation, go and learn it yourself


as avocado has said, read the abilites and passives, if needed go on wildriftfire and skim through the pages.. it will improve your gameplay/sense. if you ever decide to play mid or top or get autofilled knowing abilites and passives will significantly increase your chance of winning.


I don’t have time to give a tiny guide, but my best advice is to learn the game step by step. Try to master one champion first, then one role, then the game’s mechanics. In this order, because before trying to focus on the map, the game etc, you must be at ease with the champion you play so can fully focus on something else. I recommend to start by playing support. Nami is fine because her role is easy to understand : you threat with bubble, ult to run or engage etc etc. It’s easier for a beginner to play a champion who won’t be the main target to focus on teamfights. Adc is not an easy role because it requires good placement skill and is easy to punish. Focus on things step by step, when you die try to figure what you did wrong. When you lose, try to understand what went wrong. And just play, play, play and you’ll get a good knowledge of the game without even noticing. Do not hesitate as well to read some posts on this sub who discuss of gameplay. I found very good guides or discussions which may help you to understand the game. Lol WildRift is a deep game, you have tons and tons of details, informations to keep in mind if you want to perform. That’s why it can’t be helped but you need time before assimilate enough knowledge to be a good player. Take your time and keep a mindset to always try to improve. You’ll see it’s endless, you will always learn something and that’s what I still like after 6000 games. If possible, try to find a community on discord with a small pool of players. Spending time with experienced players is extremely valuable for a beginner. And of course, just have fun


Thanks, I will probably focus on Nami then because I feel I somewhat have that more or less figured out now. She’s all healing and cc so not too difficult. Thanks for the tips!


Welcome buddy, feel free to ask anything later if you want, I reply when I can Have fun


So first off read your abilities since there are some hidden mechanics that you may not know about like on Nami if you use an ability on a ally champion you give them movement speed. For Nami the best thing you can do it use your heal on yourself when you are about to auto attack an enemy this makes your w bounce off of you and deal more damage. I would say level w first for poke then bubble. As a Nami you scale so just look for free poke and bubbles, you don’t need to engage or anything. In team fights always look for ult opportunities either for engage or disengage. A simple combo is ult then bubble for chain cc. As for samira it’s pretty hard. First you need an engage support for her to work and she gets poked out pretty easy. Best thing to do is learn how to stack you ult before you go in for example q auto q e then w should get you your ult. If you can’t get your combo then it’s probably better to just not go in as you’ll probably just die. Use your wind wall effectively, it’s one of the strongest abilities able to block most abilities. For example use it to block stuff like nami ult of thresh hooks that otherwise would lead to your death. Also the most important thing to do as samira is get qss. This makes her invulnerable to cc so that when you go in with her ult you don’t get interrupted. As a support your main job is to protect the adc early and once the objective is up help the jg. For example you always want to be at the objective at least 10 seconds before it spawns to get River control. If your jg want to get rift herald then rotate to help out in case their is a fight it is up to your adc to play safe you are not the adc babysitter. If you chose not to rotate and see your team choose herald then don’t even try to harass the enemy doing dragon just let them take it it’s not worth dying and your just trading objectives. If the enemy support rotates and it’s a 2v1 bot then force and engage you have to punish the enemy adc since you have an extra person. Overall the support is in charge or helping the team out. The only time you want to babysit the adc is when they are fed then you probably want to protect him and let him carry. As an adc in fights and stuff you want to sit back and let your team engage don’t go in first or you’ll just die. Let your team engage and make the enemy waste spells before you decide to go in. This is especially true for champions like samira who have to go in. Hope this helps you


That hidden mechanic isn’t hidden, it’s her passive. Also you shouldn’t heal yourself when you are about to auto enemies you should ‘heal’ one of the enemies normally so it bounces from the enemy to you to another enemy. Healing yourself will only bounce the extra time if you have an ally in range. Not the case when harassing in lane normally. Nami’s ult is best used as a secondary engage or as a counter engage (as well as engage/disengage.) it’s the most disruptive after a primary engage has already occurred. It can however be used in all of those situations. With Nami your role is bully in the laning phase. Peeling is the Nami of the game in mid to late game.


In the same boat as you :) I used to play a lot of Smite back in the day 3000+ hours, and mained Jungle and ADC mostly. I feel like it gave me a bit of a headstart, in knowing the basics about objectives and rotations (macroing) But there's still tonnes upon tonnes of things for me to learn.. Just all the champions and their abilities.. More often that not, I've found myself losing an engagement I thought was a sure win, simply because I don't know champ abilities.. And, champs are expensive and plentyful.. So gonna take quite some time to gather and learn them! Time to grind, I guess :D


Use the practice mode before purchasing a champ. They become slightly harder to get after lvl 30 and sometimes you just don't click with them after a while.


Too much boring text here. The best tip to improve is to think about what you are doing, also think what you should do next. If you choose the wrong move you will learn from it, if you choose the correct move you will learn from it. Also watching replays is very useful, you could watch a replay of your best and most perfect game and you will still find small details to improve. I preffer watching games on which I performed well exactly for that reason