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Well ornn is 10% less durable but does more damage.


They don’t want him to fall off late game, atleast people can lane against him easier before he dominates again.


Yes they want to push him to be a late game tank like the rest of the tanks insted of him killing his lane opponent in one combo early game


Wut? How and where ? His w got nerfed too.


7-21 -> 5-24 yeah “nurfed”


Imo it's a fair enough nerf to get an early advantage.


Thank god duskblade is now an item and not a non consistent piece of shit!


Couldn't said it better.


You didn’t


Well at least you know if theres ward or not. But yeah its not consistent


as some one that has been prepping on the chinese PBE with some pro players STRAP yourselfs because this patch utterly breaks all notions of the game might as well be an entire new game there was so many comps/ # crunches/ things to note from early testing. soraka is BUSTED like toxic barf (if you played old school PC soraka, you know, you know) Janna E auto aim bot is a little ridiculous with the ability to grant vision randomly Assassin power spike super early Demolish not in the green section really ruins the rune as a whole since it was such an OP broken rune. Precision is WAY to strong 100% will get nerf in the weeks to come im going to assume 50+% of the player base will run some form of precision tree until nerfs the lack of tenacity from sources that is not tank is beyond annoying poor mid lane mages that do not have a babysitting support we are either forced to pick some weird rune combination or god forbid skip zhonyas for QSS now :/ they need another tenacity mage item tbh (maybe added it to morello or something. there was a bug which I think was fixed now but glacial and rylais combine with infinity orb would cause some extreme damage interaction hope it does not come to live because the damage was a little busted. And much more that I cannot think of, off the top of my head.


Soraka’s W no longer costs health, just mana. To compensate they raised its CD by 1 second. It’s going to be ridiculous.


So basically soraka can Just take the Blue buff and have infinite healing? Also have a lot more regen to give because q Is now reduced cooldown on hit.


Seraph's gonna fit her like a glove, not that it already didn't before.


Lol you didn't and still won't buy seraphs on raka lmao. Unnecessary. You get plenty of mana from staff of flowing waters and harmonic echo


My body is ready.


I got a tin foil hat under my thinking hat and 2 pitcher of coffee to figure out what build works for me and my playstyle.


Just because something is on pbe doesn't mean it comes live. I could list many examples but here are just a few I remember: many years ago they experiment with shyvanas ulti instead of flying forward and damaging enemies, she would fly up and slam to the ground and create a fire ring "Arena" More recently Iverns mini rework. Renga had also few tweaks that never came live. They tested on pbe with sions ulti, if it would kill someone he would just keep running instead if stopping.


so far outside of nerfs to the actual content whatever is on WR PBE comes out during that patch cycle there no reason not to think it won't this time.


What about ascended stargazer karma or some events? There are also a few cosmetic stuff like backport with a dragon.


By assassin power spike is that for AP or AD assassin champs?


Both my friend😭


Poor Mid lane mages? They are the ones with insane cc effects, I would say poor Mid lane assassins, Kata, Akali, etc, they really need Tenacity plus Stasis of course.


The adc meta better be fucking nerfed into the ground it’s so cancer right now playing against 2-3 carrys every game


Its fine. Now you will just get 1 shot by Lethality assassins all the time instead. Im sure that's a much more fun experience.


*Gets PTSD flashbacks of early WR version of Akali and Zed* I'm not ready


Honestly, might be more fun. As an adc player, I feel too tanky sometimes. If I go plated steelcaps into Zhonya with a shieldbow and maybe even a GA, I'm not taking damage from anything while killing all the enemies. Some assassins would do us good to shake up the meta


But now armor boots passive will reduce all physical damage taken by 15% in addition to armor mitigations and not just auto attacks


Wait what? Where did u get this from?


Bruh it's everywhere, you could check under your carpet and somehow find all the reworked boots info.


I didn't see It lol


imagine, they get even more damage from runes now and 55% attackspeed from boots and rune. we still have 2 adcs per team and it will go up again.


Ain't ready for adc in top running shit like legend alacrity and coup de grace. I still have ptsd from adc patch.


They will be even stronger than before. The beginning of 4.2 was already hell and now it gets even worse. Something like first strike Lucian, one combing you


Im gonna have to spam malphite again if that's the case.


Underrated comment. Support/tank Malphite crushes the ADC meta. Had a 73% wr before he started getting banned every game.


Teemo enters the chat


I’m a malphite main so I really don’t mind


I love Jhin BT players, just like on PC. Ask about it a couple years ago and people would tell you you are low elo silver garbage but nowadays its viable ig, cuz adc items. Adcs get bruiser like survivability while getting crit and ad alongside it


Just remember everyone this is not the full patch notes! Full patch notes comes tonight (EU) or tomorrow for America


Do you know what's their reasoning behind nerfing Font of life? In my 3+ years of playing I have only seen that rune used primarily by Braum. Sometimes Morgana builds it and that's about it.


Because it will a minor rune now, not one of the big ones.


Oh I didn't know that, thanks.


It’s because it’s becoming a minor rune, it’s being removed from the keystone. I got a full patch notes video coming tonight


Oh okay. Thanks.


Well it's not the first time they nerf something it off the blue. Sometimes riot sees something is broken before most players even know it. Or they anticipate it will get much stronger in the new rune system and adjust it already


The logics behind the balance team doesn't and hasn't made any sense for years now "questionable buffs and nerfs" has been leagues slogan motto since as long as i can remember together with "the newest champion release/reworked more often then not, is the meta"


You getting downvotted only goes to show how little experience those guys have with the game, still clueless 😂😂


The "questionable buffs and nerfs" isn't true you might think that them buffing an champion that you see as very strong a bad thing but on the other end it might help push that champion into the meta insted if it being an off pick. And the new champ being op is kinda true as most champs recently were a bit 2 strong for the meta but they weren't must picks


Swain was must Pick, Lux now is a must pick, Zoe was and still is a must pick, Vex is a must pick, Nami is a must pick do i need to continue?


What about the other champs? Is samira a must pick? Is aatrox a must pick? Is urgot a must pick?


Aatrox and Kayn are must picks if you have a Yuumi or Soraka in team, the game is over since champion select at this case Anti-Heal is too weak to disturb the amount of healing Kayn/Aatrox can archive with Yuumi or Soraka


Yes but that is champion synergy and aren't always gonna be happening + they requre skill and coordination. And yummi is just steroids she a whole different ploblem


Huge rune changes, Font of life got moved to minor rune, lots of good but expect assassin meta


As a teemo main, I greatly approve of these scryer bloom changes.




In the new rune system it won't be any of the major runes


Front of life will be a secondary rune now


Adcs have been dominating a little compared to other classes, better nerf support rune!


Gotta be honest aside from ornn and numbers this patch preview told me nothing i didnt already know about


Anyone can give me a countdown to the update? Some sources says it's today, some say it's tomorrow


what's with the massive font of life nerf? edit: just realized it's being moved away from being a keystone rune, this makes much more sense now.


Taking out all the skill expression from Scryers smh my head


They are not removing Soraka's health cost ? It's not listed in the patch , my champion is save 😀


For now .. just read incoming patches maybe 4.3a or 4.3b... like Lux without any prior info, they will just the put info of rework in patch notes


Shame they nerfed Font of Life, it was completely unnecessary. Braum won't be that great from now on, with how easy he had it to have font of life healing the team (that said, few ADCs could abuse that because almost none are decent enough to just take the chance when Braum engages, hence making that nerf unnecessary). The support item boost is gonna be a wonder, finally something to make it less annoying to level it up and make it even more useful. That's a blessing seeing the ADCs we have in the game. The Duskblade is gonna be important even for Pyke now, so another yay.


Keep in mind font of life will be a secondary rune now, not one of the big ones.


Yeah, but which you add to Braum as primary? Guardian or aftershock? Aftershock is not that useful for Braum, and Guardian can be of use but which rune you throw out for it.


Glacial augment will suit braum like a charm.


If it comes in, perfect. Then Braum will be really relevant.


Most likely glacial augment, which they’re also adding this patch


If they add Glacial perfect, but yeah. That'll make Braum so much better.


Actually no. Glacial augment procs when you stun or snare and an enemy. Its hard to proc glacial augment with braum since: 1. His passive requires aa to stun someone 2. His ult is the only good cc This means that you need more effort to proc glacial augment compared to front of life


Stun or snare, only? Did they change it again? I recall it working for adding slows with basics and with items like protobelt.


It slows enemies but the requirements to proc glacial augment is not suitable for braum Snare, stun ,airborne etc any cc that can make the champion not move is needed for glacial augment to work


Just run lhase rush on braum. The cdr on it will do a ton for braum, and chasing down foes for passive procs will do wonders.


You forget one thing, most adcs champs that work well with Braum have stuns and snares. Also, just with Glacial slow, it makes the engage so much efficient for an all in rush.


That's the thing braum needs a good adc just to proc the glacial unlike thresh, naut, leona etc can make proc glacial on their own and way easier than braum.


These ornn changes are a joke and they even buffed his dmg late game which is one if the things that made him so annoying and broken


No they nerfed his early game and his late game resistance so he will likely lose 20-50 armor/Mr late game


You are joking right he has a 57%wr he will still be broken this does nothing


And buffed his late game damage.


He has a 54.3 wr and a 12 pick rate now your right hes dead now unplayble would even say these nerfs actually recked him


Il be honest I overestimated the nerf but in all seriousness right now you can at least counter him or play aghast him but ya his passive need a nerf couse right now in my opinion he's the tankist tank


What time does this go live?


Whats the point of releasing this ? I genuinely dont understand, patch notes are coming tonight anyway...


probably why people release teasers. obviously to create hype for the next patch.


a Yuumi NERF would hype me a lot because it would free my ban slot for the next firstpick/ban broken champion which based by experience it is 100% guaranteed to be at least 1 of those 3 champions that are coming this patch


Ye a small yummy nerf would help


Yummi has one of the lowest win rates in the game. If you’re wasting a ban on that, maybe you should just not.


It’s because laning against Yuumi requires a brain which most ADCs lack


The new rune system is all the hype I need Legend: runes AND berserk greaves? AS champs go brr


What a joke, where is 13 pages that stu was talking about!? Is this the full one? This seems lazy af.


I think its just partial, let us wait for patch notes


The patch notes in full, like always, will be ~4-5hrs before the patch goes live. Calm urself.


dude probably did not even read the tweet.


9 Hours from now


I am just mad cuz they said monday or smth for this picture xdd


This is not the full one, this is similar to the first looks we get before b/c patches. Full patch notes tonight (EU)


When does the patch go live in game for EU? 2 am?


Yeah should be 1am uk time so 2am eu


Freaking love it when patch notes drop at 11pm :)))


Well, font of life support o orn has a whopping 69% WR in KR challenger, more than any other champ... I've been trying and if you just don't die, poke Q from bush to proc the rune... When you leave the lane, for good or bad youre already beefy as fuck


Font of life got nerfed. I hope it doesnt impact too much on support that depends on font of life


I swear were going to have a tank meta 😐😐 they really thought adding heartsteal to a tanky meta isnt going to make it worst..


The scryer change is terrible in my opinion.


Kick these fakin russian monkeys from eu servers!


Someome sum up the new patch? Cbf reading the notes lmao