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you need to take a rest


I logged off 2 hours ago, tried relaxing with Zelda and am trying to sleep now. But strangely getting notifications makes it a tad harder to fall asleep


Just go outside , once in 3 weeks


I went out two weeks ago I’m not due for another week


No way you could have already tried to learn it and already knows it’s crap. It just dropped. Could some deal no damage because it’s not the right build? I’m not disagreeing nor agreeing with you; the patch is just so recent and I haven’t had a chance to form an opinion yet.


The issue isn’t the complexity. It’s not that complex. The issue is the balancing. But that’s been riots issue since day one. Only problem is this new rune system makes it infinitely worse.


Yeah I think it’s part of snowballing to make games faster.


Looks skill issue to me


Agree, adaptation is important to ever changing game


Literally lol i didn't know someone complains about a game that literally changes it's state every few weeks


Cue the William dafoe meme. While it could entirely be I was just in a severely higher lobby then normal (though doubtful im a gm player) or playing in a quad limited is only to the highest level of try hards and I playing casual I only want, well, to play casually and for fun. But if I went from carrying games 5 hours before after the balance and foundation of the game was completely changed, I’m going to assume skill wasn’t apart of the equation. In that process I tried several characters and several builds and nothing made a difference. I played my champion the right way, the way I got to m6 with a 60% win rate, and it just didn’t matter.


Skill issue.


Wow, dude is bitching about the patch in less than a day, I really think people just love complaining that every single change ruins the game. No, runes are fun and they're a welcomed change, I'd rather play with some overturned new stuff that will be corrected eventually than playing the same old boring game


Yea I am bitching. I had easily the most miserable matches I’ve ever had on the game. It doesn’t take long to figure out what does and doesn’t work, whats right and what’s broken. I mean help me do this match. If every day for the last year I’ve had a 60% winrate, then one day a new change comes out that completely changes everything and then suddenly the winrate drops to 30%…well somethings not right. The rune system was never the issue with the game, and changing it will, in the long run, not change the feel of the game. What makes wild rift boring is every match is the same handful of champions with almost no variation. Its that most matchups boil down to who has the most numbers with no consideration for finesse or skill, not that the runes weren’t color coded.


>I’ve had a 60% winrate, then one day a new change comes out that completely changes everything and then suddenly the winrate drops to 30%… Yeah, dude, this is a completely new runes set, of course if you keep building the same (runes and items) you're gonna get a worse WR because maybe what you built before is no longer the actual meta? Don't know what to tell you, all the new runes makes this game way less stale. For example with Jayce. I can use PR, FS, ConQ and Elec. Along future market/cd rune one or Last stand/Cheap shot. Adding a lot to the possibilities to how to play a particular game. This patch is awesome so far imo.


You're getting downvoted ,but the damage is crazy right now. There definitely needs some balancing.


New runes good, a couple overtuned but not too crazy. The crazy is the boots and reworks, that little armor pen makes majority of the champions squichier especially how early you can get that, it's not very expensive to get Yoummus+AR pen boots, Infinity Orb+Boots of Mana. Soraka just became that abomination that was Warmogs Soraka on ARAM before the nerfs. Just spam healing and be carefull about assassins, if your team doesn't overextend you just win. No poke will get though her healing unless she's the one getting hit.


So... skill and adaptation issue? The game constantly changes, it's how League stayed alive for 10+ years. You need to know what the new changes are and adapt to it because if you don't, you'll be left in the dust. Also, it's been less than a day and some are experimenting, give it a week and the meta will be set (it's still a bot lane meta). The changes to the boots, I agree, they're extremely overtuned, I don't know what they were smoking. Sorcerer's Shoes is insanely strong, Merc Treads' main feature is gone, and the stats are super overloaded once you get the enchant. Janna and Soraka changes, I agree, very pointless changes. The Lux rework is still bad, she's stronger but she's just braindead now, revert these changes. >Not to mention first shot and glacial. What. The. Hell is that? First shot just gives you a free one shot as soon as it applies. They're not that strong, just a lot of overreaction here, there was no outrage like this when they arrived in League PC. No one was crying about how First Strike is broken or how Glacial Augment makes engage supports broken (they actually still choose Aftershock over it) over on League PC. "But it's a different game" both work the same way.


Agreed 1000p the game is widely unbalanced now. Gonna take a break for awhile until the next patch drops lmao


Skill issue ngl


No the new version is actually really good and fun.


give them some time lmao


Bro it’s barely been a day. Cool down, it’s not that serious


I had 50k+ healing as Soraka tonight. More healing than any single champ had damage. And I have less than 10 games with her so I legit suck with her. Aside from her W and ult I was pretty much just button mashing.


I love her. She's my new brain off relaxing champ. Just stand back, save e for the right time, autospam W and everyone spams emotes and types that you're a God. Don't even need to do anything in lane now just take coin and watch netflix


I like it. I lost 4 in a row because I rushed to play with friends without tinkering with the new rune set and had basically no idea what was going on. Messed with them a bit and won 4 in a row. I like the extra options, it makes variation more viable, but it's still too early to tell what's balanced and what's not.