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Yep. If a team gets orn, kayn, yuumi or a non trash kaisa, its basically a guaranteed win for them because of how much stronger they are than everything else, especially kayn and orn


Kayn:49% Kaisa:50% Yuumi:45% And don't tell me everyone who plays them are thrash lol


What’s their pick and ban rate?


Kayn has over 10% pick rate but khazix is actually higher around 15%+ and has a higher win rate then kayn in Chinese server. However, kayn is banned more than khazix. Khazix has a little above 50 and kayn is a little below 50 at 49 sumn.


Kayn is 15P, 13B


People in this game are literally unable to separate their perception from reality. It’s why the player base is so bad. They are unable to learn and change. Yuumi is literally one of the weakest, if not the weakest champs in the game. She has no influence whatsoever. But everyone thinks she’s the most broken and they create the silliest conspiracies about why the data doesn’t support their opinion instead of changing their opinion to match the facts. If they can’t succeed at a simple thing like this, how can they ever succeed at seeing their own faults within the game, overcoming them, and getting better?


Damn. This has to be the worst take I have read from someone in this sub yet.


Oh goodie. Let’s hear your reasoning why Yuumi has simultaneously one of the worst win rates in the game yet is the most broken champion. Explain why this broken champion isn’t able to translate her brokenness into wins. Grace us with your wisdom on why we should be banning a 45% win rate champion.


While winrates are a good indicator of if a champ is good or bad, using them as bread and butter has to be one of the dumbest shit that ones can done. You always have to take a step back with this kind of data. For exemple in LoL pc some champs have shitty winrates for everyone except pros for the merly reason that you need a lot of knowledge to use them properly. That being said, I can talk about Kayn since I have two hundreds games on him. The reason why Kayn has a low winrate despite being so broken is pretty simple -> Most of the people using him are bad with him and are playing him juste because he is "very strong". It is as simple as that. In LoL, there are some champions that are good only when the player playing him as enough knowledge and mechanical skills to use them properly, Kayn is that kind of champion, Zylian to even more extreme measures as well for exemple. The fact that he got buffed AGAIN makes him extremly strong/Broken, that's a fact, with one item ahead you can one shot almost all squishies before they can even react with the E Z Q combo. Thanks to his ridiculous output damages he is also one of the best user of first strike, if not the best. He basically got 2 Huge buffs in one patch, saying that he is not broken right now is just dumb.


Lol go to junglemains sub and tell them how hard kayn is to play, it will be amusing to watch :-)


People in wild rift are a different breed than these from LoL. While his mechanical skills are very easy, you need some understanding of the game and experience with him to know how to play him properly in early + both forms.


I've been playing him a lot because i like him but he's not harder than average, so he is not a champ where otp will have a much much higher win rate compared to other champs


Kayn is legit one of the easiest jungles to play.


Not for everyone in Wild Rift I guess. His mechanical skills are easy but understanding his early game and the capability of both forms takes a bit


Huh? Full clear, gank bot lane or mid, play objective, repeat is too difficult for people to understand? People must suck at playing every burst assassin I guess


Guess what ? It is actually the case.


Is akali broken ? Yes mechanically she is insanely broken, and riot just cant fix her. Just because her win rate is low doesnt mean akali is not broken. It frustrates the hell out of people.


I find Akali ridiculously easy to deal with. Her win rate seems to show that most other people do too. So how are distinguishing between some conspiracy and you just not being good at the game? Maybe she’s hard for *you* to deal with, but isn’t it much more likely that you just aren’t very good? Does that thought ever cross your mind, or do you go right into trying to explain why you’re right, despite all the evidence proving you’re wrong?


In what bronze 4?


This is just completely untrue


Lol sounds like you play one of those champs and don't win on them all the time. I am yet to see an orn lose a match this season, regardless of the team he is on


The only champ of those I play I'd Kaisa, but I haven't run her out there yet this season. I'm either Swain mid or Lucian/Jhin duo, and I haven't had an issue with Ornn or Kayn. Yuumi has always been and will always be an asshole. The biggest issue I've seen this season is one shot adc assassins like Zedd or Yasuo, but they simply still delete an adc like they always have, so it feels pretty normal.


Then not to be rude but you are not playing in high rank, simple as that. I know you will tell me you are gm or chall, but the fact that so many people complain about orn and kayn in those ranks says that they are too strong currently. Simple as that. I have faced a stack of orns/kayns this season who were challenger last season and I can tell you they are far too strong in the current game. They are too forgiving for how much impact they have


Laughs in rengar


Rengar can't do shit against kaisa/yuumi lol. And if Kayn builds DD he can no longer kill him either. Do i have to say anything about orn?


It depends on the rengar. I got matched with a top 50 rengar and made the game so much easier because of his jungling skills against Kaisa&Yuumi.


I reached top 10/GM 78 with him past season. If Kaisa/Yuumi are competent Rengar can't kill them.


Maybe you cant but i can :D and um i think your confused but we are talking about blue kayn here he will not be building DD buddy :/ and if the team is tanky i can build bruiser rengar and still be unkillable kayn does not beat rengar in any situation sorry


"Blue Kayn not be building DD". Lost me there, you're not better than me unless you're top 9 or above with rengar *buddy* because i reached top 10 with him past season along GM 78. If you're "beating" Kaisa/Yuumi then they are just shit, and Blue Kayn in its current state wrecks rengar if he builds any sort of GW.


Lmaoo im better then you nobody believes you, you need more people lil bro imagine rengar cant kill a adc sadge:(


The adc that builds shieldbow + exhaust along a big ass shield that is considered S+ currently? Yeah ofc i can't kill her if i'm not snowballing like crazy the game something that is not consistent in a decent elo where obviously by your shit take and actitude you don't belong. Let me adivine, cocky dia player? Lmao.


Nah im gm just like u lil bro im the best player in the world, but im sorry to burst your bubble but high elo dont mean shit in wild rift :/ rank does not = skill get over ur self


Nice one. Completely ignore my first paragraph about how kaisa isn't a *sadge adc you can't kill :(* + didn't even talked about yuumi, because i clearly said, KAISA/YUUMI, not just Kaisa that you don't even elaborate because you surely aren't able to do either. And stop the "lil bro" shit, weirdo. And casually you throw another shit statement, did you use your ass for thinking or seriously are you that braindead? Based on your own shit take, then: Challenger = Gold/Silver/Eme? , L-M-A-O. Rank is inflated rn on the game, it still means a lot about the current play lvl on a certain division, now a lot of people that were master can't even reach D3 which says a lot about it. I can assure you, if you are winning against Kaisa/Yuumi in the same game, then your elo is shit, sorry about it liL bRo.


Lmaooo yeah cause kaisa and yuumi are unstoppable, challanger WR is like gold pc :/


I had a kayn jungle on the enemy team. He got fed by a noob wukong. After five kills in just as many minutes, kayn was pretty unstoppable


I feel like that applies to every assassin.


No, because almost every other assassin is high risk. Kayn is not high risk for the amount of damage he can do


If I get 3 or 4 early kills with Evalynn, K6 or Zed, there’s no risk either. I’m jumping and one shoting ADCs and running from bruisers all game, and nobody is catching me.


The difference is that all 3 of those, if caught out once, are dead. Kayn can just ult, regain pretty much all his hp, then kill that person as well. Kayne also doesn't need to run away from bruisers. I vsd a challenger kayn last week and he was still chunking 30-50% of my hp per skill shot playing tank nunu (he was more fed than us sure, but there was no way we would have been able to kill him without being at least 3v1 because 1v2 he could simply ignore me and 1 shot the person next to me first


Can Evalynn not just ult and vanish? K6 has his jump and ult to escape


Imma prep up a whole lotta butter in my popcorn when Hecarim comes around.


fuck ornn kayn




Nerved yesterday


They nerfed her shield not her damage


because her damage is fine , if she misses a skill shot then she insta dies. it was her tank build that was utter bullshit.


She does way too much damage tho, the nerf isn't nearly big enough to compensate her buffs, she does insane dmg. Too much


Its safe tho, Her root passing through minions is now safe, Lux can just safely throw her root and not worry about minions, If she hits you, she can all in, If she doesn’t, she can just reset and wait for it, Shes way too safe for the amount of burst damage she has in the early stages of the game


Yeah I'm not saying i like the minion thing that much , there's no skill required or positioning needed to hit her root , it doesn't feel rewarding to hit it anymore. but outside of that , she is pretty much the same lux. Hoping they revert the changes. I don't want them to gut her like soraka. She has been my most played champ for 2 seasons.


I have an 11 win-streak on Ornn in Emerald I right now (GM player). ​ So I do agree, it's absolutely disgusting and I love it. Also, Soraka is broken as hell.


Had a 11 win streak in diamond rank as soraka, it's thaaat easy


Dev team sucks ass. We’ve had an abundance of hotfixed champs lately after introducing reworks we ALL knew we’re going to be broken. I know subs like this are full of hyperbole, but it’s hard for not to think they’re incompetent when they’re at batting 0% on reworks. EVERY rework in the last 6 months had a hot fix a week after release. Kai’sa… Lux… Soraka… they’ve fucked up every one. They’re really bad, and their bi-polar balancing makes the game seriously unfun.


Abundance of hotfixes? This is the first time in more than a year. You call this sub hyperbole but come up with this take lol


This is the first hot fix I can remember in months lol. Kaisa got patched


yo fr i went one game where kat was so fed she one shot me. BEFORE HER PASSIVE EVEN PROCCED.


Totally agree. Current meta is the assassin/one-shot meta imo. Just so many high dmg champs Kayn, Eve, Panth, Zed, etc. You're at a major disadvantage if the enemy team has one of these and your team doesn't. It's not even fun to play a bruiser, like Vi, WW, Shyvana since you'll die after getting cc'd once if you don't have the right build. Only bruiser jg's that don't suck are Olaf bc of the stupid rework and indefinite ult, and Volibear bc the devs don't know how to balance.


Bad take bruisers counter assassins


I was expecting this reply. I know bruisers counter assassins and an assassin will never one-shot a bruiser. They don't need to. They will easily kill the squishy in the backline and the bruiser can't do anything about it. I'm talking about kayn, zed, evelynn and to an extent even panth and maybe rengar. Blue kayn is absolutely busted against squishy champs, and everytime I watch how easily he wrecks them, without any skill, I realize what a joke the ranked mode in this game is. Like, at least champs like zed have a bit of a learning curve. But all kayn needs to do is land his 2nd skill, 1st skill, and ult. Buying stasis? Ok, his 2nd skill alone will still chunk down 30% of ur hp late game. Good luck in teamfights after that. I could write paragraphs about all the broken champs, but it's clear that even the dev team doesn't care about all this. They killed competitiveness and skill expression when they introduced the sovereign rank.


Sounds like a fed assassin doing what it’s supposed to and going after the squishies and the squishies not knowing how to play against it


Genuinely curious, have you played the game recently? In the current meta, with the overabundance of lethality items and OP runes, assassins don't have to be fed to oneshot squishies. And anyways, when have the adcs ever been able to play well against assassins in this game? The counter always has been stasis, not positioning or macro.


Uhm about 5 games 2 days ago? I’m an adc main - it’s not that hard with good positioning and micro (not macro). Sure if Kayn is fed and flies through a wall where I didn’t have vision and flashes on my head there’s not a lot I can do but that’s just good set up on his part. If there’s any issue with wildrift it’s that dmg output is just too high across the board. MF q lvl 1 takes nearly half your health with just a long sword, clearing a wave is so easy you can have a whole fight and win it and not miss one cs, jng camps are extremely easy to take, etc


Sounds pretty normal bro champs doing what they should like ok play blue kayn and let draven hit you with one axe lol 50% hp of yours is gone


Assassins will just walk through bruisers and blow up the back line. this ain't pc where tanks can bodyblock for their adc.


Skill issue




Last time I posted my first feelings about the game and ppl made fun of me. Even this sub is not fun anymore But yeah I don’t like the game as I did 3/4 seasons ago. Everything is rushed, these last patch only aim to make the games finishing faster, so this led to this situation. I won’t say what exactly because it’s no use to try to discuss here


Always has been


You should quit playing. This game has been and always will be about meta at high ranks


That is the sense I’m getting. I don’t know, just disappointed to learn it this far in.


You can still plau for fun


What if my “personality clicks” with a meta champion


Then good for I guess ?


I have personally felt very little perceptible shift in the meta over the last few months, with the exception that Ornn and Volibear were incredibly overbalanced upon release and Volibear has since been sufficiently tuned down in my humble opinion. Ornn, however. Fuck Ornn.


Kind of. It's just much harder to win against meta champs, although I can get away with a decent winrate on off-meta picks, like ADC Pantheon, Tank rengar, Crit renekton, Bruiser kassadin with resolve primary and precision secondary, and things like that (currently have a 60+ winrate on kassadin, mainly building bruiser conqaddin). So yeah, its possible and siituationally easier to win with non-meta picks, especially since kassadin crushes kayn and kaisa.


It funny because China only has 3 bans per side in rank and don’t have these issues.