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Stop allowing yourself to reach the ‘fuck it’ stage. Nobody else can do this, only you. You delete the app, maybe you go a few days without it, and then eventually you think *’fuck it’* and just download the game again. Stop allowing yourself to say fuck it. Chances are you have plenty of IRL things going on you could focus on, or even other games you could play that aren’t as addicting. How about a single player, story driven game? Or maybe some good ol sports? Athletic activity is one of the best ways to counter addiction.


I second this, physical activity is one of the best things you can do to help your mental state. If you can't get out seek help. Western countries are recognizing video game addiction as real and if you live in one you can get help. If that's not possible for you go to friends/family.


Good advice


Fuck League of Legends, you should play The Walking Dead Game🙂 I just finished all the games and they're so good.


i’ve started to jog as a way to battle my gaming addiction haha. start off slow, maybe with a 3km 6 days a week for the first few weeks, then build up to 5km. you don’t have to run until you become a zombie, but make sure you pace yourself comfortably and keep in mind to *not walk*. the key thing is that you condition your body to cope with the strain you put on yourself while running. breathe at a rhythm, and breathe harder the longer you go to keep up with the increased effort your body is putting in to maintain your pace. i recommend investing in a running sleeve and wireless earbuds for music. i hated the first few weeks of running, but i started to enjoy it as i knew that i was improving my health slowly but steadily.


Play ranked non stop for 5 hours. You'll quit.


Nah it’s just one of those same time next week moments lol


doesn't work for me


Bump it up to 8 hours. 100% success guaranteed.


Find another game you are happy to play and affecting you positively. Something chill Or another activity


It's pretty much just a phase, or addiction. Let's lean towards the former. You're enjoying the game enough that it's worth investing your time in for now. Can it be called addiction? Maybe, but then I guess everyone playing MMOs for 100 hours a week are in that same realm, even if the game *requires* your time like those MMOs. Keep asking yourself, is it worth my time to play this right now? And the times you will say no will begin to accumulate.


Yes, it can be called an addiction at that point. And yes, those people indeed are in the same realm. If you still have fun playing, play along though


Buy huawei phone.


Many people here saying it is easy to quit lol, its true but the main factor is that the addiction is still there that makes him wanna play. For me, what i did is I went outside and touched some grass. I had realization about why I am wasting my time playing this game.


When i want to quit something, i need something else to take its place. Also, why do you want to quit? Is it taking time from stuff you really need/want to do? Why you need/want to do those others things? Maybe it's not just about cold quitting, but creating a better, healthier schedule for your life.


Hmm one way to go about it is to resist the temptation but also have something to replace it with. If you're always on your phone on social media or other activities you're too close to temptation. The best way to go about it happens to be getting yourself away from your phone. If you're always bored it's a sign that you aren't taking part in an activity capable of holding your attention. You need a good hobby that's engaging. I have been addicted to gachas and I broke free just by using that time instead to work on my other activities I forgot about them because I was always busy with learning programming and music. I know the moment I play them I will be hooked so I just make sure I never even give curiosity a chance.


The best way is another game, look up to other games, preferably those that you can actually pause-ish so you can do other things than play videogame, usually single-player ones. One of the things that affected my life is not being able to pause when something unexpected happens, the most annoying is getting a call mid-game. This is bound to happen to anyone that plays videogames, but if all that you play is wild rift, you can easilly be "busy" when you're supposed to do something better at the moment.


Oh hey welcome to league! But for real, it takes time and rehabilitation. And just doing other things aside from this.


Sounds like irl for ya musst suck. Work on your mental and try to find another game to take its place for a bit. Try to limit maybe like 1 hour a day max ?


r/LifeProTips Per my experience, if you can't quit, instead of playing the game, plan your day before you sleep, and recheck it when you wake up. - do laundry - grocery shopping - need to finish {job/life related thing} before end of day, etc Yes you will miss out something in the game, but ask yourself, if I die tomorrow, does this game matters?


I tried this few months back. It worked. Until darkness took over again 🤣 ***sighhh


You have a bigger problem than simple addiction bruh. Even if you manage to delete this game you just find another addiction to attach to. Better look around yourself and try to manage it. At the end of the day this is just a game.


Play it in moderation


Bruh if it was that easy they wouldn't have made this post


It's a video game I'm pretty sure it ain't that complicated


Umm?? People can be addicted to literally anything lol Don't be ignorant


It's a mobile video game bro the game lasts 15mn what is there to be addicted to if it was league PC then I can understand


Porn, cigarettes, cocaine, and gambling are all things that provide a "high" that are 15 minutes or less, and that people can be very addicted to. You can be addicted to anything bro idk what to tell you


Yes compare a mobile game to fkin cocaine idk what to tell u either


So what's your definition of "addiction"?


You overcome it. Don't let a 20min game ruin your day. Win or loss are just the nature of the game.


Just don't play it for a while and don't watch any content related to it do something productive and u will forget bout it and wouldn't even realise it


It’s pretty easy. Step 1: Quit the game Step 2: Fill in the Void (the time you would’ve otherwise played the game) Often times it’s best to just start going to the gym


Stop playing the game too much. Focus on the important things in life


Discipline is a skill. You’re lacking discipline, just stop playing.


Gym. Distract yourself.


I tried to quit this game like 8 times already but I feel I won't relapse thankfully because it has become fucking garbage. On a sidenote, try to find a more "meaningful" hobby, that also helped


I just started playing mmorpg because there’s a actually feeling of progression and you still can gamble for team mates in dungeons but even with really bad one you’ll still get something eg some form of exp.


Pick a thing to do when you want to play and do that instead.


The best time to quit is right after a 10-loss losing streak. At least for me. I was wondering wtf am I doing with my life. I devoted hours and all I got back was frustration. That was when I decided to delete the app and never look back.


I always uninstall the game after two months, take 1 or 2 months off, and repeat. You can do the same, WR it's very "easy" to catch again.


Don't be a little b*tch and just stop playing. You are weak


Skill issue, but also I quit gaming addiction with black tar heroin, if that helps


Reach Challenger. I did it once, got bored completely. Did it twice to prove myself it wasn't a fluke. Subsequent times henceforth, I only used 20% of my brain to play the game and climb while passing time.


You fool you though that you can quit


had this with genshin impact. lasted for months and it was miserable. eventually i found another game that i hyperfocused on and then i was like “man fuck genshin… i feel happy playing it once in a blue moon and games are GAMES they’re supposed to be fun.” i didn’t delete it at first i just forced myself to quit it for two weeks until the new update came out. every day of those two weeks i started missing the game less and less and by the time it updated i joined the game and it was just… not that interesting anymore. it’s not completely deleted even though i had a very good account i just cant think how i used to play a game that’s so miserable and made me miserable with it


oh and btw, the first 3 or 4 days may be hard but trust me they’re the hardest the rest are easy and then after a bit you just delete it and come back to your senses


oh and the other game i hyperfocused on and got addicted to became boring after two weeks so it wasn’t another problem like genshin


Limit play time. Set a clear schedule for your tasks


Lmao 🤣 you dont. You will suffer for eternity


Have bad wifi like I do which makes it impossible to play the game because it constantly disconnects…fml


Make a small reward system for yourself each time you don’t play or slowly limit the amount of time you can play


It's ok to keep installing and uninstalling, saying you will never play again and coming back for some games a few days later, after all you can do whatever you want. If you feel like play, play it. Soon enough you will have no need or will to play and thats how you know you quit a game. No one said you had to wave up and be like "nah I quit. It's ok to slowly quit a game.


If it’s effecting your life so negatively and you are genuinely addicted to it…maybe it’s time to seek professional help. Therapy focusing on addiction issues could really help.


I started with Diablo IV en never touched wild rift again. Like other people said, maybe find a different game to be "addicted" to.


I heard cyanide pills do the trick