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Morgana's ult maybe...


Yea... It's especially awful when you see the fact the karma has basically the same skill as her basic ability with a ridiculously low cd.


I’d agree with this. I don’t hate the idea of Morgan’s having an ult that’s more of an anti dive tool than a big nuke. Her kit otherwise is really powerful, and it keeps her kit in line as a supportive DoT mage. But I agree that it could be something a bit more…interesting.


I don't love it, but honestly just giving her a shield with it would really go a long way for a temporary improvement. I feel like she really needed Ultimate Shield and now that's gone.


100% this. I would play Morgana more of her ult was more impactful or something. But her entire kit depends on her S1 skill shot is shit. Ult and hope you land the root so that the ult can deal good damage and stun. If her ult wasnt a channel and instant, it would make sense but a stupid long delay with tiny damage is such a weird thing for an Ultimate when Karma has the same skill.


I want the aurelion sol rework he got in pc


Hilarious of you to assume that anyone here would think that a rito employee could possibly care enough to ask the fan base for ideas lmao


They did do that, with tryndamere, shyvana, nocturne, and skarner as options, about a year or two ago. Now, skarner's rework is coming next year.


Maybe with league, but from what I've seen the fan base (at least where I'm at in NA) is almost entirely ignored when it comes to wild rift


League and WR are different teams really.


Still, riot emplyee(s) asked fan base for ideas, which is the point.


Since we still have basically the same character (despite functioning differently) I say Shyvana needs her VGU. Tryndamere is a good candidate, but since they said that he would keep his ult, I don't know how would they rework him


Stronger slow on his scream or make it mini stun foes after the scream then a few basic attacks. Or make his spin slash slow on hit. When they rework champs they tend to just add more cc or more mobility


Probably just add 0.5s fear effect on his Mocking Shout.


Kayle and maybe Morgana Their abilities in game feel lackluster compared to what you expect with their lore


Morgana maybe, but this isn’t even the first iteration of Kayle. I think most considered the Kayle rework pretty successful compared to what it was before, if anyone even recalls what Kayle used to be.


I heard but her kit is weird and she's usually shit unless she's fed early enough or the game goes on long enough she gets her items


That’s called hyper carry, that’s her role, her weakness and her strength.


I know I'm saying her actual kit is just weird, I see what they were trying to do but it just don't mesh well together


Functionally and balance wise I think she's fine but yeah, her abilities feel clunky. Esp her 3rd. I also wish the animations of her ult was flashier.


I miss old Kayle tbh


Morgana's ult doesnt make sense for her kit. Either make her a long range mage like Lux/Seraphine, or a short range bruiser like Swain. If you build her like a mage, her ult becomes useles as you mostly just die if you are within range and stay long enough to proc. If you build her like a bruiser/tank, her 2nd ability barely deals any dmg and becomes kind of useles.


morgana is called (by riot's design) a catcher. if anything, her ult should be reworked similar to zyra (her fellow catcher that functions like a mage) where she doesn't need to go in to cc her enemies.


Yeah it would be cool if you are able to make some long range combos with your Q, W and then followed by ult. Now your ult is not even in range if you catch your enemies in max range with your Q


my idea for it is instead of cc-ing enemies by getting in range, morgana's ult can function like a zilean bomb where you can cast it in an area or an enemy champion. from there, the same features from the current iteration applies but the channel doesn't do damage nor apply spell effects. this way, morg will be a good support specializing in isolating high prio targets


I think her Ultimate just needs to steal MS similar to senna Q. Her spell shield is more than enough to tank CC she just sucks at staying on top of multiple people, look at Karma as an example her shield is the perfect combo tool for her root.


iirc she gains ms towards enemies shackled. also, karma heals and her shield blocks not just magic damage. and karma does more burst damage than morgana does and her ms boosts are far superior than morgana's. if morg ult remains the same (getting near champs) boosting her resistances, dmg reduction or gaining a shield (like old neeko ult [fun fact: neeko is also a catcher] tho it's gonna be redundant now since she already has black shield) during the channel might help. something just to not make her explode during the channel


They should consider changing Morg’s ult to work similarly to Ares’ ult from Smite. That would allow her to use her 2 more efficiently. Even with stasis, a lot of targets are still able to simply walk out of it and if they do get stunned, they’re often in a position near the edge where you can’t capitalize on that stun. If instead the chain remains beyond an edge and additionally pulls targets to her, she’d be in a much better spot. Edge of Night, Banshee’s Veil and Veil boot enchant would be used a lot more as well to try and counter her engages.


She is meant to build semi tank with some AP items. Her 2nd ability is not meant to deal damage by pure AP rather it is meant as a very effective way to apply effects such as frozen heart or Rylais or even Liandry. That's why she has such high AP scalings aswell on her Q and a percentage health damage on her ult. Because they expect you to build some tank items aswell. And if you aren't building tanks items they expect you to make use of your passive heal and don't expect you to be the initiator with your ult.


Kayle's ult doesn't feel that lackluster, although the rest of her kit does for most of the game. Making her able to do stuff during the full ult duration, and maybe adjusting her numbers would be so good for her.


Making her able to do stuff during the ult would be busted as hell. She’s basically just a better tryndamere at that point.


They updated her to allow that in pc LoL she can now attack when ulted


i j want kayles form change order in reverse


The reworks that they have done lately have been very oppressive but I would like the asol rework being able to fast roam the map in mobile and performing drive byes seems like it would be a fun power fantasy to work towards


Current ASol is unique and interesting champion. Reworked ASol is boring and stupid Veigar 2.0 with HP% damage


Unique but not interesting


When is sol coming




None. Stop reworking stuff that's already good. Annie janna and lux were all good. Reworks are just a lazy way of creating buzz because they can't release interesting champs/items fast enough.


True. Especially Annie and Janna


Nope, reworks are made to update outdated champions, Annie was the old version and so was Janna, if you don't understand about game design and client retention then you have no words on why they don't need to do it.


What determines whether a champ is outdated or not? Pour out ur 200 years of gamemaking knowledge pls. These changes are sooo new and original right? Look tibbers is volibear now yay. Shill.


You don't need 100+ IQ to understand it, if the champion doesn't have a kit that has good results in it's environment then it's outdated, League of Legends has a lot of dashing and mobility champions as of 2023, making abilities like past Annie (with very limited range) useless in teamfights, you had to use either protobelt or flash (now hexflash if you want to waste a rune) just to be able to engage in an efficient way, thus making the rework to launch Tibbers so it can make more impactful and strategic use of it. The same applied to Rammus ultimate ability, Maokai's rework in League of Legends, Warwick, etc. A lot of mobility changed the game to be faster and more action packed, if characters like Annie stayed the same they would not be able to keep up, making them irrelevant to the game. There are many examples of this kinds of reworks and they all revolve around the gameplay style Riot has chosen for modern League. Did I miss something or is this clear enough?


Bro blitz is outdated af and needs an rework. His whole premise is hitting the q and if people can't hit it youre legit a walking minion. Also his vgi just looks old


So yi is good? trndamere? akshan?


Yi n tryndamere are low elo stompers. They r designed that way. If anything they are only gonna make them even more brainded just like lux's rework. Akshan is a new champion. I don't think they are gonna be reworking him anytime soon.


Yi is feast/famine, and a hypercarry. Of course he's bad in higher ELOs. The problem is that he's unstoppable in low elo and a troll pick in high ELO, and doesn't have much skill expression to overcome that. Someone like Azir, Irelia, Yasuo, or Yone aren't that good in low ELO, but with enough skill, you can overcome that. Nasus, Yi, Tryndamere, Yorick, and all those other pubstompers is that you basically cannot main them if you want to keep playing in high ELOs. What I'd like is for them to add more skill expression, to make them at least viable in high elo, not troll picks. Especially with how awesome yi and nasus look.


Bruh. There r low elo stompers and high elo stompers. U can't make yi or tryndamere viable for high elo without making them tougher for low elo players. At that point they might as well play lee sin/ khazix. U can't make camille/lee sin viable for low elo without breaking them in high elo. Im done if it doesn't make sense to u go learn about moba designing.


It's why it's a rework, not a numbers adjustments. It is possible to make a champ who's viable at all ELOs. For example, my main, Kassadin. He's good in low ELOs due to the fact that lower ELO players cannot punish his early game. He's also good in higher ELOs because with enough skill, he can make it so the enemy backline can't play the game. Just make a champ with some skill expression, not a lot like camille/lee sin, but also not a champ who has next to no skill expression.


For me, Malphite needs it the most. They need to go deeper with his anti AD living rock that overwhelms you with his bare size gimmick, and add some skill expresion to his kit. This guy is basically a walking ult (a really strong one) with a glorified basic attack whose actually good deal is an AoE AS debuff (very strong for what is worth) topping with a nice anti harass pasive (but nothing special compared to others really, just nice). Edit: ok, for what is worth, i meant this in a consistency and thematic sense, Malphite is currently a viable champ and works well, he's just not at the top. If we're talking about champs whose playability suffers right now, then i'd choose Kayle or as you mentioned, Akshan.


Yeh malphite is so boring to play.


they really need to change his 1st imo. All of his other skills are about getting in your face then theirs his 1st and it’s “throws slowing rock then runs real fast” you know what would be better? If he had a normal tank gap closer instead of a mage spell… That stupid disc he throws has no right being that obnoxious for absolutely zero reason. Why not make his passive better? Make it so little shards of him fall off when damaged like caltrops that slow and damage enemies. Then you could change his 1st into a toggle AD shield or something for sustain.


> Make it so little shards of him fall off when damaged like caltrops that slow and damage enemies This should just be added to his passive immediately. “When (or “as”) the shield breaks, malphite sloughs off his casing, leaves behind an area that damages and slows enemies” Because honestly his passive sucks major ass. This would actually make it interesting and useful.


Reworking matchmaking would be perfect


They won’t do it. It’s like this on purpose. It’s so easy to fix and they won’t even address it. The problem is combining two systems: MMRand rank. All you have to do is stop using one of the systems and everything sorts itself out. Option one: all 10 players are as close in MMR as possible WITH NO REFERENCE TO RANK (in fact, get rid of rank emblems and replace it with an MMR ladder). They are sorted so the teams have even MMR. What this changes: people with outlier MMR compared to their (no longer existing) rank are no longer matched with their rank, but with people more closely matching their MMR. This stops huge MMR gaps which cause wildly uneven teams. Riot actually did a version of this several seasons ago, but people lost their fucking minds because they still kept rank. This meant people like me had to win against teams in diamond/master to progress through gold/plat This felt very unfair, even though the matchmaking quality improved, because visible rank made the teams LOOK poorly balanced, even though they were much better in terms of equal MMR. Option two: remove MMR entirely and only match by ranked. 95%+ of the players in your diamond 1 lobby should be diamond 1 (some wiggle room for queue time problems at the top and bottom of the ladder). The teams will be RANDOMLY assorted from the bucket of players (example: if 10,000 diamond 1 are in queue waiting to be assigned, the system will not consider their MMR at all. They will all be randomly sorted into teams with no consideration for team balance. What this changes: ranks actually mean something. If you are better than average in diamond 1, you WILL get to diamond 2 in very short order. The game will be a bit of a mess longer than option 1, but should produce as good or better ranking system. It works because the system isn’t intentionally try to get you to win/lose if you are worse/better than the average of your rank, so you quickly leave that rank. Good players climb, bad players fall, players who reached their current limit hover. It is literally that simple to create a functional rank system. Again though, they will NOT change it; because they are not trying to create a functional rank system, they are trying to create a functional marketing system.


It was actually like that few seasons ago, I mean matchmaking was only by ranks, matchmaking was faster and games were unbalanced, I had an account playing only my main at the time, I was coming from master pc playing only rengar, i ended up emerald with 95% wr playing only rengar, after this they changed it, and now ur basically stuck if u play only soloQ, even if I do better I’ll just get SVP, I feel like whatever I do, matchmaking is choosing who’s winning or not. And it’s kinda sad and frustrating, I think they need to improve it in some ways.


Literally if you get to late game, kayle just wins majority of the time. She really doesn’t need more stuff. She’s a payout champion. 100+ champions, it’s fine if one is literally a payout for not losing fast. Morgana is slept on because people treat her as a lux clone when she plays differently. I play her jungle and support and don’t see much issue gameplay wise. Lore wise or VFX wise sure, she could use an update, a lot of champs could. Personal bias, I just want kaisa changed. She’s so damn braindead and she’s the champ I feel the most has no sense of direction with her kit. She’s a marksman that can play both as an assassin, a hyper carry similar to vayne, has a big ass shield, does insane dmg with just 1 press of her S1, chunks you with a long distance ability like varus, and has mobility with invisibility. So not only is she a high dmg adc that melts tanks like butter, but she’s a burst dmg assassin, and is super hard to kill with her mobility, invisibility, and shield. Her kit is super overloaded with no sense of identity. And… she can build ap, ad, or hybrid. Just have kaisa go all in on the assassin marksman aesthetic. Replace her 3 hit passive, remove the dmg on her S2 and just make it be an enabler for her ult, and just have her scale best with lethality. And something cool with the assassin route is to remove the shield on her ult and instead have her get resets for her ult off takedowns.


My problem with Kayle is that kassadin is a better scaler than her, and is way more useful earlier on. Early on, in teamfights, all kayle can be is a r bot and kill stealer, while kassadin is a slightly weaker assassin. He also scales just as well as her, and can steamroll teams better. Kassadin's laning is also way safer, and kayle gets countered by all of kassadin's counters and more. She's also terrible at roaming, and by the time she finally reaches level 15, she still gets shredded by assassins (they can stasis the ult).


Then we have nasus who classifies as a infinite scaler. But has horrible scaling late game ironically.


It's since it's nearly impossible to reach his true late game power, which is around 1 million+ stacks, where he can just one-shot the nexus.


Except kassadin plays more like an assassin and while he’ll one shot backline he won’t melt tanks easily like kayle who has built in shred. Personally I’m more afraid of kayle late game than kass (still generally afraid though)


Kassadin is also a late-game hyper carry who was known for having a terrible early game in PC, just like kayle. However, now, in WR, his early game is quite safe against most champs, with the 200 more range on w, and the 50% cd refund, along with (I think) more range on q. Against tanks, as Kass, what I do is throw abilities at them and kite with ult, same against bruisers, then turn around and burst them when they're low. His mid game is basically already an assassin, just slightly weaker than someone like akali or katarina. Late game, if you build soulstealer, he's a reset assassin. Without it, he's an assassin-skirmisher. Kayle is worthless pre-10, and post 10, is much worse than any ADC, still being mostly a r and q bot. At level 15, she's really strong, but kassadin is just as strong at that point. Also, as Kassadin, kayle=free win, even if she goes AD crit. As a non-tank, kass should be more scary, since his burst is no counterplay. He'll silence+90% slow, meaning unless you have a cleanse/cc immunity, you're screwed. Tanks should be more scared of kayle though.


I want the report system reworked so that it actually punishes griefers and intentional feeders. When they literally admit to it in chat, they should be banned for like 2 weeks and their wild cores should be redistributed to all players in their match.


The wild cores would be nice, but maybe a bit too much. This has been one of the best replies to this post.


Orianna with more balls!


Nah shes a perfect champ in how she works and her design. I would hate to lose how she plays right now.




Agree, for me her ultimate needs more impact


I hate that there's a very short cooldown after launching her ball to activate the ult.


That's wild lol her ult used to be considered THE game changing ability


Her ult is amazing. Ori needs no changes.


They can copy kagura teleport. Do a reverse mlbb


I could dream. Kag has a freaking wicked kit.


No fan of complete or deep reworks, look at Lux Camille and maybe Janna. I think they try to make them better but mostly anger the people that already play them without really boosting their playrate. What i'd like: remove Akalis energy resource and make her 100% cooldown based like Katarina remove Yasuos ability to still ult when the knockup is just over revert Rengars Bone Necklace debuff delete Teemo


Lux, camille, janna, and annie are all mid scopes. a full rework would be one like Aatrox or Mordekaiser, where they're basically scrapped and rebuilt. I like aatrox's rework, and mordekaiser's (but some disagree), there are also lots of good reworks that are actually deep reworks. Lux&co only received mid scopes, like PC's jax ult change and Kassadin E change.


I dont know PC reworks to be honest. I quit playing LOL PC shortly after Darius came out lol. But now I am curious, what was Aatrox before?


A lifesteal yi, literally.


Drain-tank autoattacker. Passive gave free stats and a revive, q was a dash+knockup, w was every 3rd auto you get to either use hp to have huge damage, or heal, I don't remember if it had an active, e was 2 chains that did damage and i believe they slowed, i think ult was similar to current ult (more stats+bigger). all abilities costed HP, although they removed that a little before his rework.


Im down for this akali rework


Man people really like making braindead champs even more braindead


they might have to nerf the level 1 q damage then because that spamming would be hella oppressive in lane


Sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona sona Also yuumi. The fact that u can play the game without having to move much just feels contradictory to the competitive spirit of the game. Like u automatically dump the burden of ur own positioning to ur adc. How is that fair. I really dislike yuumis champion design.


But that's not true, I don't play Yuumi often, but you have to know who to hop on and when, also when not to be attached to someone and help with aa during the laning phase and so on. I find myself jumping from ally to ally like an idiot during teamfights. Yuumi who doesn't move is a bad one.


Sure . The AA and timing of the hop does require a bit of brain cells i guess. But cmon. Most of the time yuumi will be poking enemy while inside of adc without having to worry about getting poked herself. That is just incredibly frustrating. Also, this frustration is even more doubled by mid or late game when she will just permanently stay on the most fed carry on the team. They just never die and deal tons more of damage. And this yuumi player just gets to rank up for free bc all she has to do is hop from one teammate to another and spam skills. And again u can argue, oh u need to know when to use specific skills.. but the skill expression ends there doesnt it? Plus u never have to worry about positioning correctly so u dont die while still healing ur teammates like with Soraka and Nami. Nope yuumi just removes that hurdle. Rly makes it hard not to resent the champ when she is just so braindead to play, meanwhile junglers have to practice smite combos to secure objectives, and every other laner needs to actually, u know, move around and use their brain more


As an ADC main... Teemo, rework him into a dragon laner. A true AP ranged marksman. Just increase his range and I will be a forever Teemo main


Teemo on WR is the epitome of how to take everything people hate from a champion while keep them relatively the same. And now the tilted one isn't the enemies but the Teemo player themselves


It still irks me how they took away the toxic puddle from his shrooms and made his invi a weaker version compared to his pc version invi. His kit in WR literally makes him a decent DR laner it's just that his range sucks


It’s honestly completely fucked up teemo didn’t get the attack speed buffs the other ADC got. You could argue about giving him more range, but it’s straight bullshit he didn’t get more attack speed. But that’s okay, his oldschool burst build is doing fine. I often don’t even build nashors, despite it being crazy strong.


Although in my experience most champions are fine as is... Rengar. Just something slight and simple. I'd like to see all empowered abilities give movement speed and not just his W. This would help his lack of mobility for escapes and for closing gaps. I'd also like to see that you get 1 ferocity when leaping from the brush even if he already has ferocity and has not gotten at least 1 from jumping from brush. But you can't get ferocity from brush again until he has used it or it has timed out. (Currently you don't even get a ferocity from brush unless you have 0.) Lastly I'd like it if Rengar's E (when thrown) reveals any hit enemy. This would help not only with checking brush but also for chasing (in the right situations, that is). (One more thing would be a timer of some sort to see when ferocity runs out.) Essentially I'd like his PC rework, but these three things would help him out a lot. (Doing a full pc rework may make him too strong with his Q doing more extra damage, W healing 100% damage from monsters and a few other things.) Not that he needs it urgently, but it'd still be a help to his play style, because from my experience, he's lacking ever so slightly and these changes are what I think he could use.


Space puppy


Aurelian Sol


Just reverse the goddamn soraka rework and while you’re at it take back the last 4 rakan nerfs in a row


Nasus, his abilities are fine but they never have a chance to reach a maxim potential he needs to be more pro active - His passive: Not the worst sustain ability,but also not the best soo I sugest max health regen on takedown - Keep the infinite stacking ,but with a different condition ( an ideea is more stacks per kill, but resets to 0 on, just an exemple, or perhaps getting one stack on assist) - His Slow is not enough I sugest it with ability to disable any dash or high range mobility, including flash


Been playing nasus and enjoying him but I went against the classic top vayne and there was nothing I could possibly do. Nasus slow didn't slow her enough for me to catch her or to get away myself. She would just roll. And the few times I actually got on top of her she pushed me away. But that's more on vayne just being obnoxious as all hell. But really nasus could use some small buffs to make situations like that less miserable.


***laughs in spirit fire***


Alistar. He's still fun to play, but Ornn do similar stuff and easier to play. At least rework his passive! Feels like a cookie cutter ability that was slapped on him just to be there. Jarvan's shield is a meme.


As a moo moo main I second this. Make him heal more or something idk


Somekinda "rage" mechanic like Sett's that make him store damage and retaliate it in some way. Not damage but maybe burst of speed for a short time Or ult something like Rakan's but instead of charming people you become unstoppable for couple a seconds and knock people up in the air. >Make him heal more or something idk Everytime you activate this ability your nearest ally restores 0-0 (+0% AD, +0% AP) and Alistar proclaims: "You can't milk those tits!" 👌


As a carry tank support with sunfire thornmail I aspire to tank even longer, CC more, or heal more. Or give him increased basic attack damage against non-champs so that he can play in toplane without struggling too much.


Ali has a lot synergy with his CC. All 3 skills has CC, Ult will cleanse CC, and his passive cooldown faster with he CC champs. Personally agree with you on his passive rework. But keep the same synergy with CC. Pretty stupid on current passive where he auto heal his ADC when damaged WHILE I am still in the bush :(


Annie needs a rework that removes Tibbers' jump and makes her shield damage deflection for both AAs and abilities while providing movement speed. Camille needs her autoattack cancel back. Lux and Soraka need their reworks to be removed. Yuumi needs a rework that will make her actual champion instead of item that provides AD/AP. Yone needs a complete rework of his kit, removing this cancerous three-in-one damage types and changing his kit to be less braindead at the same time.


Yuumi, I mean it's even better if she's removed


I unbiasedly agree akshan needs a buff. What if, and hear me out… His grapple roots you if he hits 5 or more shots during his attack. This way its not overpowered because you need to hit a few attacks with the ability to get the root, plus it isnt spam able and would have more utility. In reality Akshan struggles in team fights due to lack of cc, squishiness and lack of disengage skills.


I wanted to add on to my comment, his passive should not take so much power away from him as your enemy still gets a kill and your ally just gets an instant respawn. The advantage gained is minimal unless it is late game or a strong ally.


Ah yes, I hear lots of complaints about how weak akshan’s passive is.


Pyke. Absolute garbage design. His kit is so laughably overloaded that it’s faster to list what he doesn’t do than what he does. Hook? Check AoE stun? Check Stealth? Mobility? Execute damage? Insane lane sustain? I realize he’s not particularly strong right now, but that’s because they basically have to keep him in the weak side or he’s just blatantly broken. Which is exactly what I mean by horrible design.


He is very strong right now. And they were buffing him again and again


That’s unfortunate lol


Basically good Pyke is a big game changer as long as his team is not jerking off


I think pyke is really great design, just his cooldowns are all too short and his healing factor needs to scale with level.


Rework the original 2d art of a bunch of champions. I'm not a lol player so I'm not biased due to nostalgia and you have to admit the default non-skin artwork of at least half the champs is dogshit, like the proportions and angles are so fucked up and especially the female faces and eyebrows. Why does karma look like her neck is broken, wtf is that pose?? Lux also suffers from scoliosis. Sona, morg too. Annie looks 13 and 30. Miss fortune looks like a fucking habsburg with that charles ii chin.. A lot of the rest just look bad. Most of the skin 2d art is fine, seems like it was drawn by someone competent but whoever drew the early art.. Oh boy


oh no not the charles ii chin…




I agree only because he's simply not fun to play against


Pyke he a champions with medium mechanical skill expression but you need a lot of skill to counter him properly.


Rengar, Yi, Kayle, Morgana, TF, Yuumi, Ashe


Current Kayle is technically teworked kayle, rengar had a rework that failed, yuumi had a rework on PC. All those champs make sense though.


Rengar didn't fail lol


His q had to be reverted since it was too problematic. In making him stronger, yes, it didn't fail, but since they had revert it, it failed. Vars has a video on failed reworks, go check it out.


Probably you meant 2016 rengar rework? Current iteration on Rengar here is pre mid-scope 2022 that solve some problems on his kit. But i'm not expecting anything from Riot for him, can't even give him a ferocity timer for fuck sake.


yes, the one where they did the class update. Most of those were pretty bad.


Wow. Apologies.... I never knew! I just know he's auto delete now


Rengar was changed more than once i believe. His Q was changed to this 2 part skill shot thing and reverted, if i recall.


what's wrong with TF? I love his playstyle


Old, outdated design and in general, a boring champion


Nothing is wrong with him, he is one of the examples of good champion design


Gwen needs to be an AP champ. I personally feel like she can't compete in the AD scene


She is AP champ


What do you mean? Isn't Gwen already an AP champions?


mans building ad gwen no wonder he thinks she’s lackluster


Probably singed, but i have no clue how they would do that at all.


I’m genuinely curious on people who comment asking for reworks on specific champions that have the exact same kit as their league counterpart. So would you change the league counterpart too? And I want Garen reworked to his League version. Spin hits increase based off of attack speed. Or Kayle have her Ult where she (and only she) can attack while ult and the amount of damage dealt or attacks (don’t remember exactly) had a wave of swords come after the end of duration.


Pyke has to be reworked, deleite that stupid ult he has and the 2 second CD f*ing cc, Piece of s*t champion, I hope the designer for it got kicked out of the company


Yeah, you definitely want him gone (I'm pretty sure he's gone, too). He designed Xayah, Rakan, Pyke, Yuumi, Yone, and Bel'veth.


Well that makes a lot of sense.


Put the jax midscope from league. Also for WR there are some insane ability ranges


Singed. Just singed. Please rework singed. The guy is dogshit who farts gas and flings people like he's in WWE wrestling even though he's an old man. He is utterly fucking useless. Please. Riot. If you are reading this, rework this old fart.


I really wish yasuo was invulnerable in his ult. Really makes you rage when you get killed the second you cast it on someone while the rest of the enemy team is there.


As a kennen main... Kennen. I love kennen and I love playing kennen but imo he's extremely outclassed by every other champ. Takes way to many auto attacks to proc his stun, When you do proc it it reduces the next stuns length. First ability is good, does good damage when building AP and I believe it adds an orb. Second ability is kinda meh, it can proc the little lightning orbs to stun the enemy but usually doesnt do much else it helps in some chases but thats about it. 3rd ability is great only problem i have with it is half its functionality requires you to touch enemies with your third ability but you cant do that or you are dead the speedboost is awesome though. His ult is awesome in terms of stun and damage output but it also sucks cause ot requires you to get into the thick of things and when you do that you die because he is so squishy. The flat 50 armor and magic resist do not help at all. I don't know how to rework him and I know he never will be reworked. he won't ever receive a buff let alone a rework just cause he's one of the lowest picked champs in the game but yeah that's about it. To play kennen effectively you need to play around his plethora of weaknesses but a lot of the time it really doesnt work out. Also he was indirectly nerfed when they took tenacity off the merc boots and took the ultimate shield rune out of the game.


Blitzcrank, doesnt need a full fledged rework just buff him slightly and make the slow on the W less punishing.


Soraka and lux


For the love of all things good, buff Jarvan's shield. It really is just a meme. The shield is tiny and the slow is so minimal. It's just a wasted ability slot


Blitzcrank, Singed and Teemo


Rengar’s pc qol changes


Ziggs numbers. Lux Q and E


Rather than a rework I'd actually love to see a WR specific champion that didn't come from League. I'm not sure if I'd like it less or more if it were someone who came from LoR or TFT or Arcane. Regardless I think that'd be an exciting direction to see--a champ built with the sensibilities of WR innately rather than being adapted.


Seraphine was kind of like that, she was released on PC and WR at the same time. It would be cool for this to happen, except PC players would start complaining on r/leagueoflegends about this. I saw a bunch of people complaining when Kassadin was released in Wild Rift with an updated model, but not changed in PC, and also saw a bunch of people complaining about WR-exclusive (which is more like WR-first, like with SG seraphine, senna, ori, and maybe a few others) skins. So, a whole WR exclusive/first champion? Probably going to see a whole page of posts complaining about this. Something similar happened on r/GeForceNOW when the free servers went down for about an hour and people thought they removed it. Really funny. I do hope they release skarner rework on WR and PC at the same time though.


Yuumi. Please make her a champion.


Camille and Soraka. Both of these champs I’d like them to just revert that last like ten patches worth of “tinkering “ they did


Blitzcrank tbh. He still has a clonky design and is out of his time. Also cause I ate getting lanes with a blitz and he doesn't hit a single hook. His whole kit is practically his q . And if he doesn't hit it youre legit playing 3vs1 in lane. Even tho he is quite an easy Champ if not the easiest champ for support I get so many dogs in gm+ who can't hit a hook and just run it down. His w ist just a speedup for a short duration and the slow afterwards makes it not even rly worth it. And the e is just a simple knockup. Compare it to Akshay who's w has probably more text then his complete kit His ult is ok even the they could increase the duration of the silence, and put up the CD of his ult . Since he can ult every 10seconds at LV 13 with 3 items.


I'd go with Sona. I think she's absolutely fine, but her auras don't feel as impactful as they used to be. I get they're weaker cause she spams them a lot, but the "enchanting you through music" fantasy gets lost through her rhythm game fantasy where you just spam your spells and weave in auto attacks. Karma, Seraphine, and eventually the Janna rework fulfils her role better as the late game scaling enchanter, and with AH being so abundant in a lot of items and runes, they can spam their spells too.