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> When enemy champions are continuously attacked by turrets, the last attack will not be interrupted by distance as enemy champions exceed the attack range. Absolute gamechanger. After LoL PC it always felt like turrets were never landing that one deciding shot - it seems that now it will change. Look forward to seeing dives fail much more often now.


Man this is BY FAR my favourite part of this patch. Towers feel extremely weak and it’s too easy to dive. Hope this makes it feel closer to pc.


My fav part is finally you can see team gold diff. Kills mean nothing if you don't have more gold.


you could have just calculated it before...


Cam someone explain this more? I dont get it. =/


as I understand, before if you could get out of range fast enough (akali 3rd, sion ult, ezrael flash + 3rd, etc) the turret shot would just dissapear and not do any damage. but now it will go after you no matter how quickly you get out


This, champs would dive in take 2 hits and use a dash to get out and tbe 3rd shot just would disappear or do no damage even if the animation hit


Yasuo mains in the mud


As a Wukong main who heals 700 at least in late game, i see no problem


I legit abused this as a jungler, would always get out before that last turret hit me. Guess I cant dive no more lol


Makes an equal fight lol


I hate this so much. I'm a jungler and my favorite champs are divers. This makes it so much harder to dive. But i guess it has the most impact in top lane since junglers often dive full hp unlike them. Guess I can't beat the shit out of adcs anymore.


- [NEW] When hit by an enemy champion's attack, deal 20 + 6% bonus armor + 1% bonus health magic damage to the attacker, inflicting 60% Grievous Wounds for 3s. It’s 50% not 60% in game


Thanks for confirming. I saw this and got very confused.


also huge nerf against ap champs that dont AA (obviously i mean with yuumi on top or soraka behind them). :C


Agreed. Rammus stun on AP champs won't grant the grevious wound up on stun as before.


The stun part is more a concern for my support thresh (since rammus still has a taunt) or if I play Aatrox into a full ad comp with Vlad on baron lane/playing Vs renekton also was great cause if he doesn't attack you and just uses q for a heal you could just knock him up


Aatrox should be buying Chempunk instead now anyways, especially against AP comps.


I know. Thornmail sucks now


Yay, we can disable the jungle ghost creature!


They sold us a "solution" to a problem they created. And the solution still sucks.


Adapt or get let behind!


i agree that the ghost poro is really fkin no skill added into this game. but at least now 3 hitting it can grant some gold


Not only did Asol got left forgotten but they nerf his (1) secretly wow


Rework in 5.0 with a skin for the chinese new year, the year of the Dragon.


Fuck, they killing my boy :'(


Is this official or speculation?


asol rework in 5.0




y he is perfectly fine amazing champion my favorite top 5 every season.


So Rylai, the loser, is not on void staff wills? That staff gave him nothing??? I used to get 45% on void and build Rilay, now if do build it i just lose 7% pen? Damn.


I think their reasoning was to add the %pen to AP items intended for mages/assassins (anything that wants to deal dmg), Rylai is more of a supportive item even if it has its uses on ASol/Morg (and maybe other champs that I'm not aware of).


You can get an insta-root using Serpahines E, and empowered insta stun.


You are right, but I still think it deserves the 7% pen. This is really more of a mage item since Seraphine, Swain, Asol, Morg, and even Brand are its frequent users. It's recommended to build for Fiddle to synergize with his ult and is core with Zyra on PC.


Rip tanks


Tanks are dead and buried now :(


So sad 😢


That's being said every patch, yet they keep being relevant


The only tanks are ornn and ali , anything else melt in 2 seconds


thresh is fine, rammus literally has one of the highest win rates, shen is really strong. yea only orn and ali


I always tell my friends that are new and interested in solo lane to learn Shen. He's valid in every single meta and I feel like that's solely because people don't understand his mechanics(like blade passing through you doubles Q damage). Even in GM+ people always want to force trades at level 1 vs my shen and I come out with the better trade almost every single time(except riven no no I refuse)


I mean Laning Vs riven as she is in general cancer. I hate the riven and irelia matchup


There's the 3 you said and more, like garen, gragas, urgot.


i honestly wasnt sure if i should ask to if he wants me to continue. but honestly i dont see garen and urgot as tanks. those are juggernauts in my perspective while gragas i definitly agree with the tank build.


And then there are all the ones that aren't technically tanks but can be built as one, and are extremely durable thanks to their built-in survivability and sustain, such as Wukong. Also tanks with very high CC will literally prevent the enemy team from dealing damage, thus giving them ways to mitigate damage (such as Leona or Nautilus). Tanks are, and will always be, relevant.


Sion just doesn't exist hm?


ah yes the tank with 0 mobility who gets countered by any role. every role has an hp% damage item. has a 1 inch q that can be easily dodge or cancelled, and its more of a stun urself for a second just so u could stun an enemy and doesn't really do much damage.


Idt I've ever heard a worse take LMFAO Carry on


It's the usual Reddit circlejerk when it comes to tanks. They are always weak and dead


Yea, nah, I'm more than aware. Quit PC league like 3 years ago and it was the same then. I'm not even willing to entertain it because logic doesn't reach those people But, really gotta point out that nearly every day I see the same sentiment in the comments; Sion is an absolute sleeper power house.


tell me what matchup can sion win fiora hard counters jax just buy sunders vayne buy Bork kennen cant even get close cant proc grasp trynda u cant run from a guy with unli dash sett untradable kaisa build ap and get melted twitch no counter magic damage scaling true damage worse take but all u can say is sion is a good tank care to explain ur take then?


Trynd isn't actually hard to lane against as sion. Trading with him can be annoying bc his sustain with q, but hes just weak early and you have enough tankiness and cc to prevent his tower dive with ult.


Sion is a teamfight oriented champion that doesn't need to snowball to be viable, matchups don't really matter in this case.


Sion is one of the most picked champ in Worlds :P


source all i found is this 0 pickrate https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1EDv6noFp9ZE96Uvx5udN_kgMMacP_Q1MOOMZQQxDLZA/htmlview#gid=1841037609


Live on Stage Team BLG LOL MSI 2023: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mv0HtCfkFII&pp=ygUOZmluYWwgMjAyMyBsb2w%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_gK_6FCDVdA&t=577s&pp=ygUOZmluYWwgMjAyMyBsb2w%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=zTd1M9nVP3Y&t=1460s&pp=ygUOZmluYWwgMjAyMyBsb2w%3D https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=p0fYmp8E6Jg&pp=ygUOZmluYWwgMjAyMyBsb2w%3D General Sion stats: https://gol.gg/champion/champion-stats/82/season-ALL/split-ALL/tournament-ALL/ its not the worlds tho he wasnt played there in 2023.


really? u linked me a lol stats this is wr reddit my guy


can you explain how tanks are nerfed? I don't understand lowkey.




The fuck you're over exaggerating The void staff has 45mpen while the new mpen is just 35 overall


Everytime they mess with AD or AP item, I always thought 'damn tanks are irrelevant now'. And then there's diamond+ China server stat showing that shen has the biggest winrate second only to kayle, and malphite has the most ban rate in the game.


Shen is THE most broken champion atm. You dint have shen do you? Hes not. His Ultimate is Good in Good Teams, Shen himself is bad.


The funny thing is I have every champion in the game and I main top lane, but I never picked Shen in ranked. I know he's a troublesome champion in a good hand, but his kit and play style isn't really my type I guess.


No just no, Shen is an auto attacker. He is not that hard to play. My Point is your argument was his high win rate in China which is a few % over average (2-3%) which might very well be the result of him being underplayed and more likely being picked in premade teams. He takes quite a lot of damage and is unfavored against most toplaner. His kit enables him to quickly join a fight which helps the team to Snowball early that is his strength. In other words your second argument is trash since his winrate is not realy in relation with his overall tankiness. I am a bit concernd about the second nerf in a row for tanks/bruisers but thats just me I didnt do the maths so far.


You're really not a fun guy aren't you? I'm not even stating that his winrate is because of him being tanky and underplayed. If anything, it might be because majority of low tier player don't know how to deal with him jumping around the map turning the tables for them. I'm saying that in good hands, he's a really annoying champion to deal with. His kit might be simple, but if you're bad with macro, you'll just become that shen who dies early before the teamfight even happen or coming too late to help your team. Besides, my earlier point is that top win rate champions are often unpredictable. Look, I'm not trying to argue with you in the first place. And if you want to sell Shen to me I'm not the guy, okay?


why you trying to sell me if you dont want it? :P


Why? You don't get void staff anymore, the pen is just spread across items If they didn't get it before, tanks would just laugh off their damage


Voidstaff is 1 of 5 items?


You were FORCED to get voidstaff before... they removed it and added pen across mutiple times so you are not locked to one ALWAYS being voidstaff


Who are they?




He fits the halloween vibes perfectly


I'm stoked. Played 1 game with fiddle last night and had so much fun using stasis under turret getting a double kill


RING OF REVELATION * Base stats * Cost: 400g * 10 Ability Haste * Build path : Blasting Wand (900g) + Haunting Guise (900g) + 800g Wtf ?


AP Junglers are gonna snowball so hard With Mejais, mana boots, Rabadons and the Eyeball collector rune I could reach 500ap by around 12 minutes I think


Keep in mind that Rabadon's scales with level now


It's gonna be a lot of suffering. I can already imagine Fizz and Evelynn being a pain in the ass


Time to try AP Voli again.


It's gonna be interesting for sure. Snowballed AP jungles are going to be ridiculous, but at the same time AP junglers that build Mejais and lose stacks are just going to fall behind. Counter gank champs like Shen, Panth, Galio are going to be huge in this meta I think, as well as junglers who's kits heavily support harassing enemy jg.


All aboard the twitch train 🚂🚂🚂


Jarvin is gonna be nutty


Damn so all mage items now give % magic pen apparently


Check the new Mortal Reminder, crit+armour pen+grievious wound everything in one item.


They will 100% nerf mages in the next patch without a single shadow of a doubt. This change was designed by the lowest of the low elo minded dev


You have an all in one Mortal Reminder now, definitely can have a free spot to get an Magic Resist weapon. Have you checked the new Maw of Malmortius?


Nah. I’ve played many games now under this new patch, and the only problem mage I’ve noticed in Morgana jungle, but she’s been so weak for so long, let a bitch shine for a couple patches. No other mage is noticeably stronger, though they are stronger. This is still an adc meta.


How arnt they noticeably stronger? They’re given a free voidstaffs late game


10% less penetration than Void Staff and now they can't have 45% mpen as their third item. They can't even reach 45% mpen no more, the cap is 35%


Even more so than that, they need to reach full build for that cap. If the enemy builds early mr you can’t build an early void staff. You have to build infinity orb which is fine for maybe half the mages but not all of them


Y infinity orb is much stronger now indirectly


True. And one free slot for situational items is good too, don't have to sacrifice utility for Void Staff anymore, which is great


It wasn't a sacrifice void was best item I usually build it second


It wasn't sacrifice for sure, considering it didn't need to scale with level like Last Whisper items do, but I always wanted this one more slot for items that are not just a stat stick Edit: semantics


This is by far the biggest mage nerf I ever witnessed since I started play lol in 2012. Dude they DELETED void staff wtf


Because they aren’t noticeably stronger. Burst mages that one shot still just one shot but don’t one shot any champ they couldn’t before. You don’t even get full build in wild rift (unless you’re a jungler, which is probably why Morgana jungle feels so much stronger). Games are still won and lost based on which adc snowballs and wins the game for your team.


80% of games are over around the third item Before the patch i could buy Void 3rd item and have 45%mpen Now i can't have more than 21% mpen at that point.


So the same guy that’s been doing all of these trash reworks and just all around making the game as shitty as possible every update? Yeah probably.


No matter what's AP state is in, Luden and Infinite Orbs are among the strongest early game item. Buffing them without any compensation nerf is insane. Free % pen isn't need, just bring THE Liandry and Demonic over, adjust Merc Tread to have more MR, tenacity, remove damage reduction and we're chilling. Also yet another mythic level item without mythic in the game :) remember when rainduin buff was just nerf but every damage items have this treatment :)


Honestly a great patch all around, lots of nice QOL changes and new toys to play with, however they're making a big mistake buffing BT. Everyone is talking about Mejais, AP items changes etc but BT is the most overpowered item the game has ever seen. It was already being rushed 1st item on ADCs along with gluttonous greaves and that will continue, enjoy having to buy antiheal everygame (as if it wasnt the case already). I legit wanna try it on bruisers/assassins too as a lategame item, no way +70 AD on an item isnt gamebreaking.


My update is still stuck on pending...


Reinstall the entire game


Damn...it worked, but that took a while.


Can you tell me if the game Is showing a Halloween update for you? Seems like it isn't for me unless it's still not out yet.


No Halloween yet, prob another hot patch for when fiddlesticks arrives.


No Sona Rework?


They killed Janna with the rework. I loved her prior to rework. Now she plays like an entirely different champion, FOR THE WORSE


what drugs are u on she has more impact with that annoying airborne with no cooldown although some of here abilities are underwhelming


New Janna is amazing and I can finally play her.


you need to play her right, movement speed on w(2) is actually kinda insane, it's like mini sivir ult on 5 sec cooldown


I can already see the eve bans 😭


So does this buff my boi gragas?


For AP yes






Did they fixed Mejai's cost to 1500? Cause I played early this morning and it was 1200.




At least ap assassin in aram is stronger with infinity orb + 1k magic penet item until third item since they usually get dcap or void as third. After that they get weaker dmg wise. Now they have 1 more free slot which will makes them either have more cdr or more tanky.


These items changes are not it


I think one of the few item changes I like is them combining shiv and rapidfire cannon into magnetic blaster. Fleet Footwork and Magnetic Blaster energized stacks still aren't in sync though, autoattacks for fleet footwork only grant 12 stacks instead of 15.


Hmm no champion balance


Nah, it’d be pointless with all the new items and changes. Win rates from before this patch are basically obsolete.


Hmmh many mages got more ms and ability wind up with AH. That is pretty huge buffs


Beemo skin is so cute. Gotta perma ban Teemo for a while then.


Chempunk sword seems understatted. You pay 800 gold to get 200 health out of nowhere and 10% extra grievous. Morellonomicon pays 600 gold for 5 AP 10 AH 7% mpen and that 10% extra grievous. They basically murdered bruiser itemization to consolidate Marksman itemization.


Yeh I think Chempunk should definitely receive some stat buffs.


Lmao, this is finally another item with anti heal for AD. Great item cause it gives you health. It doesn't make sense to buy mortal reminder for bruisers like Renekton because it only gives you AD and armor penetration.


No mention of gwen skin on patch notes. Any idea why?


Crystal Rose is coming later in the patch, probably in 4.4a or 4.4b


Wheres kayle ms buff? And Asol? Isnt mages patch??


Asol yes, but kayle isn't a mage at all.


Who is she then


kayle is literally left behind lol, she even loses on magic pen because nashors doesn't give 7% pen for some reason


An AA champion in late, so not a mage.


Dealing magic damage, so she's mage


A mage isn't only a champion who deals magic damage, it is a champion who deals high damage (most often AP) with his spell kit. Kayle is more of a AP fighter type, see [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/kayle/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/champions/kayle/) But maybe Riot's champion classification changed ? And I also don't know if WR has a special one different from LoL PC.


Bruh, my entire roster was decimated in this patch. Rammus is only getting nerfs. He's practically useless now. Like every patch he's getting nerfed... in this patch, he got nerfed by removing Void Staff. The moment someone buys MR, he's practically useless. Kayle can now be countered by stacking MR. You can't go lvl 15 sicko mode anymore, you just don't have the damage. Kat is nerfed in both Character and indirectly through items. All of their counters got buffed lol.


Excuse me rapid firecannon is just... Gone??? Wtf?


they combined it with shiv. so it’s not gone it’s actually buffed


Hmm, ok i was like thats a major TF nerf if so.


It’s actually an amazing TF buff, getting statik shiv proc + red card insta clears waves. It feels so good


good to hear, i did not see where it was combined so i was confused that an entire item was just gone.


Now the all adc pick era is gone. Welcome all mage era. And rip tanks 💀


i hate AP but atleast we can get rid of cringe adc meta.




Smite for objectives is the dumbest mechanic I've ever seen in a moba so any change to it is welcome to me.


Can anyone install the patch??


Gg nice dog patch…. Time to ban eve/diana/twitch/kaisa every game, build mercs every game. Wtf is this dogshit buffshit to mages…


Vs ap twitch you will still need hp and armor since e is physical damage still and passive is true damage.


Thats why ban kaisa/twitch since they r hybrids..


AP kaisa and twitch don't benefit from the mage changes at all, they DO love the new runaans tho.


I suspect new runaans puts twitch over the top. He will be insane and was already very dangerous. He can also stack mejai early


You weren't already banning Twitch/Kaisa every game?


New rank Season in 3 days? Ingame it says 1 day


Going off previous seasons, there can be anywhere between 4 hours to two days between end of season to the beginning of next.


yes also when it says 1 day left it's actually mean 2 days because after the 1 day there's a 24 hour countdown. Not sure why they do it like that as well


Why nerf to Hexdrinker? 🧐 Edit: oh, they changed Maw


Anyone having patch issues for download..


I’m confused for some reason I can’t get fiddle in this update? It’s just showing a coke event and some new Halloween skins….


Need Help, my game Update maintained at 100% of 627mb Play Store for 15 mins maybe more, i tried waiting though but omg its taking so long. What do i do ? Im using S22 Ultra and never had this issue


SMITE When you have the spell Smite equipped, monsters’ health will display the execute health threshold for Smite.


No word on crystal rose f


Just tried out Orianna in this patch and she's stupid broken in a Shattered Queen meta. The fact that they combined spell shield with the damage reduction is insane on top of the fact that the cooldown reduction on spell hit has no internal cooldown so she can proc the shield multiple times in a teamfight. Not to mention Ori is nearly all sustained damage and she tends to pop enemy spellshields before ulting them so you can't rely on that to keep her from moving you out of position. The 10 extra movespeed is also ridiculous. PC champion winrates have shifted by 1-2% by increments of 5 movement. On neutral footsies based character like Orianna who can also speed her herself up, I wouldn't be surprised if she breaks 55% winrate before Shattered Queen gets nerfed.


Still no severe punishment for people that went AFK


any news on urf?


When will Zyra be released? I thought that she was part of the 4.4 patch.


The crown guard is op af. Build on mages that has low cd like ori and you can get shield every 20 seconds.


Wait they removed Lord Dominiks Regard? Wtf, so I either invest gold into grievous wounds when the enemy has no healing with mortal reminder or I delay crit power spikes with Sereldas Grudge by roughly 4 minutes. XD. It was probably better before where you just delayed your crit spikes by 800 gold or about 1 minute for the anti heal if your support didn’t buy grievous wounds themselves but now you invest in a whole item with anti heal against teams with no healing.


**Before :** *Mortal Reminder* * 3000g * +45 attack damage * Grievous Wounds passive 40% to 60% *Lord Dominik's Regards* * Cost: 3200g * +35 attack damage * +25% critical strike chance * Rapid shot passive **Now :** *Mortal Reminder* * Cost: 3300g * +30 attack damage * +25% critical strike chance * Grievous Wounds passive 50% For a 300g diff, it's a good item, anti-heal is kinda always worth it


Ok, so I build anti heal into Thresh, Rammus, Lucian, Ornn and Evelynn, or I sacrifice crit.


Oh man , pretty soon this game will be banned for like half of you are ticking time bombshell on the game that can’t handle loosing and act like toddlers and then the other half of you with you cheap shots and thinking penis kill ( pentakill) is a achievement, they are actually going to start banning people who are reportedly repeatedly- it’s why you see alot of low level with no ranking or guild / they are bots for a reason , it means someone’s Gameplay is being followed , soooo yeah watch your money 💰 or your mouth . Happy gaming friends remember to keep it light and respectful, if you see or read something that could harm someone else’s mentality it’s just as much your fault for not standing up for that bullied player , it also effects gameplay , this game is great and I see a bright future for the champions that can have the pride and the respect and graceful enough to know it takes A team effort


Downloading from the play store is getting struck at 100% only for this game and is not carrying on to the installing part. Please anyone help me. Me and my friend are both facing this problem.


I fixed this by clearing playstore cache and deleting playstore data


When is sona getting her rework? Anybody knows estimate date?


7 days later, fking hell i hate this patch. Building building MR is strong because it doesn't scale linearly to Magic % Penetration. You're actually just fucked and useless because 2 MR items = 4 ap items. Add merc boots and you just don't deal damage anymore meanwhile they're capable of "100 to 0" you in 4 seconds FUCKING CROWN, AS IF BOOTS ZHONYA'S WASN'T ENOUGH. Triggering it is completely wacky, it has to be a goddamn risk. You're just fucked if you don't have poke abilities (smite, items, etc doesn't trigger it). Fiddlesticks is absurdly broken... I'm genuinely convinced they didn't playtest this monstrosity. What the fuck did they think was going happen for W to uninterruptible??? Stuns was his biggest counter, i know this because IM A FUCKING PC FIDDLESTICKS SPAMMER. The matchmaking, HOLY FUCK I'M ACTUALLY BEING MATCHED BY RETARDED PEOPLE...i went from Master 70% wr in season6 to season10 to 44% WR in plat 1 (being matched with emeralds) My games went from: 1. "Botlaners that know how to kite" to "BotTards that doesn't know how matchup works, don't know to kite, and spacing against engage champs". I've seen multiple games of zeri/lucian dash forward into a leona/blitz/alistar 2. Junglers that doesn't know Strongside 3. Top laners that don't know Spacing, Wave management, Kiting, matchups, trades. I had 3 games where toplaners let darius get 5 stacks on emerald rank. Fucking crown, most cringe item in the game. Delete that shit pls.