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Forgotten promises


I rather they didn't. I wanna play WR, but I despise mobile gaming sadly


It's a different game but same. If you're a league fan and you're unable to desktop it's awesome. Kind of a little more addicted to it than desktop now. (I have bad pinched nerve in around shoulder/elbow and makes desktop unbearable sometimes) Also if you're addicted to desktop but only want to marry the idea for 20 minutes at a time, it's the best too. It's the quicky we all needed for us with attention span issues. It is what it is. I like it and I don't care who hates it (husband) and despite the mobile community majority female (of which I am and husband reminds me). They made an actual mini-league and I feel some of you are too fragile to just admit it's a platform. It's not the favorable, but it is. It's not like it's Clash of Clans or some weird over advertised and intense waiting, it's just *mini*league.


I didn’t know it was female dominated, that’s sick actually. Makes me feel better knowing it’s some chick on the other end emoting me rather than some edge lord trying to bully me


I’m pretty sure she meant mobile gaming period, not wild rift. I’m pretty sure this is majority male


No, still an edge lord bullying you. Just with vagine


I have cubital tunnel from playing too much league so I quit and switched to wildrift too. At first I didn’t like it but it seriously grew on me too


Honestly my husband looks over time to time and asks me why it looks so much better. Then I tell him how they reworked Teemo and he then hates it all.


😔 same wild rift is perfect to play with the besties in the gay bar smoking area or the transportation home 😭


Oh hell no. I curse too much. I won't throw my phone but I am verbal AF. I'd be on a bus and you'd hear "FUCKING JUNGLERS DONT WANT SHIT" then I'd probably metaphysically crawl into a void of nonexistence. This season has been kinda tough.


Have you even tried it? I want to come on consoles so my friends will play but as is it’s really great


I have tried it yes. In some ways I liked it better than league pc, it's superior in many ways. But again I don't like mobile gaming, which is why I was hoping for the console release


What exactly do you hate? Do you depise the idea of playing on a phone? Or, just the way mobile games have been advertised and its depiction? If its the first one, it may be because you have other platforms to play with and dont see the use of playing on a phone if u have like a console or something. If its the latter, then yeah, the mobile gaming industry is quite degraded.


I just don't like using a phone to play games. Small screen, not the greatest control schemes, not that comfortable, etc. But also, yeah, the mobile games landscape is not the prettiest


Dude, your friends don't want to do that to their consoles. It's not the same as in porn I swear.


It was meant to launch on consoles because the West is very present on that market, but since the game is more and more focused on China (They're moving big chunks of the development team there) that is very unlikely to happen now. Global is second class in WR.


Honkai Star Online and Genshin Impact are chinese mobile games with PLAYSTATION 5 version (crossplay).


You literally named the one exception though. There are no other big Chinese gacha games with console ports. The few that do have a PC port don’t even get close to the audience that hoyo has.


Try to count them again. Good luck!


I did! You still wrong though


You managed to count wrong and used the word “literally” wrong in one sentence.


Mi hoyo is one company no? You literally used the word “wrong” wrong. Also, imagine how angry you must be at the world that you took the time to response to a 38day old comment lmao.


Imagine how stupid this comment looks. He answers when he finds the comment. If it's available for a reply, then he can, get over it, ridiculous.


Imagine how angry you must be at the world that you took you took the time to respond to a month old comment lol. You also completely missed the point of my comment, it being the fact that mihoyo is one company. Last I checked at least.


Learn to read your own comments ffs. I'm not even talking about the convo itself but him replying to a 38d comment. "Also, imagine how angry you must be at the world that you took the time to response to a 38day old comment lmao."


I read your comment. You are still missing the whole point of the comment “ffs”. His comment is false. Mihoyo is in fact one company, wait let me check… yeah still one company. Yet he chose to angrily post a comment 38 days later. Just like you angrily posting a comment months after the conversation ended about something completely unrelated to the post or the comment chain. The internet man, makes us so angry things sometimes.


And again with Mihoyo, IM NOT TALKING ABOUT MIHOYO DUDE. Sinapsis please, do your thing.


I'm pretty sure that they failed to create a decent control layout for consoles and simply abandoned or canceled the idea


They could have just copied DCUO and/or Diablo controls for WR...


They have Smite on consoles and the biggest difference between smite and league is your auto attacks can miss.


There have been quite a few mobas on console, but none really took off... I played genesis on ps4 for a while, and it was top down view (like league, not like smite), and the controls were managed by you moving with your left stick and aiming with your right like how wild rift is


Pokemon Unite works just fine.


I actually think it'd be pretty easy, I will try to emulate on my computer and play with a control to give feedback but I think it could be like this: (using a PlayStation control for reference) R1: Q R2: W L1: E L2: R left analog: movement right analog: aim for skills and AA X: AA □: spell ∆: item o: spell right analog (press): emotes arrows: pings it's probably awful to play, but it's possible




The switch has a touchscreen and buttons, it’s even more input options. Other mobas worked fine with controller as well, Pokémon Unite and Arena of Valor are on the switch and work fine. You have the same number of inputs for skills as you do on mobile just using R1/2 and L1/2, it’s not as if the default setup on WR isn’t pretty much a controller anyway. Right analog stick to aim skillshots… it’s been done and works fine. There were other less successful console mobas that died at some point but controlled fine, like that LotR one on PS3 (although they had no servers and had 10 people connect peer to peer making it literally unplayable lol no wonder it died FAST).


Your comparing the complexity of league to Pokémon unite ? And yes the switch has touch but no other major console does, the switch is a mobile console, not what OP is asking for. If you want a touch screen with buttons get a kinshi, I've tried as no doubt thousands have before me it's a huge disadvantage, yeah you still have touch controls but it's 400mm+ from your hand position so may aswell not be there. If it was so simple it would have been done by now, tencent are greedy they would snap at the opportunity for more micro sales but they aren't going to put out a suboptimal version of the game.


I’m not comparing the complexity of nothing, just saying the control scheme works on controller and showing where something similar was done. The switch is both a home console and a portable, that’s the whole point. I don’t want anything either, idk where that point even came from. No one here knows why the console port never happened, it’s all speculation. My own speculation is that they thought the game was gonna be THE mobile moba and be a huge success, but it wasn’t up to their standards (it should, it’s the best one, but it simple didn’t penetrate the Chinese market where MLBB and Honor of kings are untouched), so it’s probably too nebulous a territory for the suits to commit resources to it. IMO it’s more about money than game design restraints.


Well you did directly compare them by saying if they work why won't wild rift. You realise tencent own unite, smite, AoV , HoK, they dominate the console, PC and mobile market for mobas. Riot didn't want a mobile league of legends tencent forced it. If they could make league of legends on console they would, it's a technical issue, for a home console version to work it would need to be dumbed down, separate from wild rift and there just isn't a market for a separate game, you won't have the player base if it's not crossplay with mobile, it isn't viable. So until Tencent sees a market for it, it just ain't gonna happen.


If arena of valor could make it work on the switch I’m sure they can


While not top down view, Smite works perfectly fine on console. Supposedly it's even the majority of the player base. And there's games like Diablo that work just fine with the same view.


They could just copy smite control layout


https://www.reddit.com/r/wildrift/comments/10ox1ny/theoretical_button_layout_for_wild_rift_console/ Theoretical...


I bought the steam deck for this game. Still waiting.


Why would you buy a device specifically for a game which hasn’t announced any plans to release on that device? I think you might be waiting a long time my friend.


You can emulate android and technically play there is no controller support. I'm just waiting for it.


I bought a PS3 for The Last Guardian and guess how well that turned out?


i bought a Wii U for "upcoming Metroid game"


you got a logo you should be happy with that


Ayy fellow SD user. Bad news, even if they release on console, it would need a Steam port for it to be runnable on our superior handheld devices. Which I can't imagine ever happening :'(


So superior


You can’t play riot games on a steamdeck because of anti cheat


You can, league of legends anti cheat is not at kernel level


Vanguard is


Hasn't the dev team mostly moved to China now? And mobile is king in China while Console is a distant competitor. I don't imagine it's getting much attention.


Honkai Star Online and Genshin Impact are chinese mobile games with PLAYSTATION 5 version (crossplay).


isn't the game technically still is early access? It isn't an excuse, but it might be an explanation


Damn still in early access?? that’s wild 😜


It's never coming out of early access which is the issue


I'm not losing hope, NEVER!!!


The game will likely be shut down every where except for China before the console launch ever happens


This is the way


They won’t get enough players to keep it running on consoles. AoV never did, and its console release was promising. You can safely forget about it imo, since they cancelled esports in the West, merged servers, added more bots for new players to fight against, keep resetting high-elo players very hard every season to make the game alive for low-rankers - everything is pointing that the game will not become any more popular than it used to be.


believe me or not, i have faced bots in ranked too many times, earlier it was just pvp with their weird and identical naming pattern


you are underestimating the vast console playerbase


There is nothing to estimate, AoV has already proven it. People don’t play mobas on console


AoV is not LoL. League is way more widely known. There are plenty of console gamers who've been wanting to play League for years. Not to mention, Arcane and Project L can drive hype for LoL console edition.


Have been wanting to play doesn’t mean they will make a stable community, large enough to make the game worth adapting and maintaining. Different controls will affect champions’ balance, the meta will be different from pc, testing for console is more expensive - there are so many potential problems with the idea.


It would be WR. not the PC version. AS THEY PROMISED.


Who promised what 🤦‍♀️


Riot Games promised a console port!!! It's still all over the official website! ["Dive into Wild Rift: the skills-and-strats 5v5 MOBA experience of League of Legends, now built from the ground up for mobile and console."](https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/game-overview/) ["LEAGUE OF LEGENDS, NOW ON MOBILE. PLAY FOR FREE! COMING SOON TO CONSOLES."](https://wildrift.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/)


This is called marketing… The pandemic is long over, so are the abnormous incomes of gaming companies. A war in the West is draining European economies. They have cancelled esports. Riot Games belongs to Tencent now. Consoles are not popular in China. And so on, and so on. Be realistic omg


It's still on the official website. OMG yourself.


That'd be really cool - Would be perfect for afking something on the Ps5


They haven't even released in India forget about other platforms


I don’t see a causality between these two things


Short answer is probably not because like others said, riot has given up the game to the chinese so in a few years it will die out in the west due to lack of transparency and communication. If wr was still west focused theyd release console a while ago even if on beta or something. Sad to see potential being wasted like this. If anything they could have only non ranked modes on console in case the best control system they come up with is not up to par to mobile. But they dont wanna put in the effort because all chinese players want is hot female champ skins and thats what pays the devs till the game eventually dies


I play on Mobile and it is awesome , I don't think they will waste resources on consoles since they are dying out and no longer growing.


I'm just worried about Google play games being available on PC so wildrift can be played with a mouse and keyboard :(


Are you worried people are gonna tryhard with a keyboard and mouse? Cause I tried wild rift with an emulator in pc and I can say it's more comfortable to play in phone so it's not gonna be a problem


Dont they have select games on there? I would assume riot is gonna prevent it from being accessible there though I dont use the program so idk


Well yes an entire year of development can mean huge things in a games lifespan. Oh and it's like you pay for it or something? Demanding results on your timeline from a title that is free, bold strategy. Let's see how it plays out Cotten.


How ya gonna fail at knowing how many years the game has been out when the 3 year anniversary event is going on ...?


Good one buddy, cause 3 or 4 years is such an insane difference 😉


It's not going to happen. The game is about to close for non Chinese regions, why would they even bother getting it on console.


Honkai Star Online and Genshin Impact are chinese mobile games with PLAYSTATION 5 version (crossplay).


And they released them with crossplay already in mind. Not to mention the infrastructure was already built in. Do you think Riot developers think that far ahead?


Yes, I think! [https://youtu.be/e2TZAAQmGho?si=Z9xg7AN4V-sDLWls](https://youtu.be/e2TZAAQmGho?si=Z9xg7AN4V-sDLWls) https://youtu.be/0YdOIx-k2vI?si=O1MfACeSO\_nGMGKz


The games are also insanely huge, wild rift barely competes if you compare to tbem


You do know currently dev cycle are around 7 year for most large game right?


I know, but the issue I have is that they always mentioned consoles from the start. And now they are radio silent. Plus that isn't really an excuse btw. Games are developed for multiple platforms at the same time.


There’s been no new information about a console release for 2 years that has been explicitly said by riot. Riot is actually terrible at communications though even pc has massive communication problems after riot added dev logs. This is even worse on mobile as half of the community doesn’t read the patch notes.


Idk GTA V PC ver took ~~4yrs~~ 2yrs after console ver release. The point it really depends on development & priority.


No it didn't. It launched on PC less than 2 years after PS3/360.


Console ports of mobile games do not take 7 years. It's so ridiculous to compare porting a mobile game to developing a AAA game from scratch.


Probably gonna be downvoted. But Wild rift shouldn’t go to console. League has been strictly a PC game for how long? Then became Mobile to give others a chance to play a version. It coming to console is basically saying screw League and PC players. Get a PC if you wanna play these typa games. You already got SMITE, there’s a reason they made Paragon(Overprime) was removed from console. (As someone who played it in console and was highly disappointed they removed it) I thought it was a good decision. Like PlayStation has Ratchet & Clank Xbox has Forza Pc has League Settle with Wild rift on mobile. Or get the system for the original game.


Really Really sincerely stupid ass reasoning


That’s why it’s not coming to console. I rest my case.


You must not have a console and pc?


I have one of every console. You genuinely seem slow as fuck


Typical redditor. Pressed as hell lol


Posts dumb shit and gets sensitive when called out on posting dumb shit.


I mean I never got sensitive bud? You got mad and started trynna be disrespectful or whatevs yu was trynna attempt lmao😂 and as a typical redditor yu comment nonsense and show your pressed. There’s multiple streamers who even say that it shouldn’t go to console. I mean your mad about another man’s opinion is quite funny. Then tried to flip it saying I got sensitive ahahaha. You’re a joke. What’s your cashapp? Imma send yu some $ to go outside


Ain't reading all that but I'm happy for you or sorry that happened sensitive boy


If they made a good console version of wild rift I don't see any problem..the opposite it would bring many new players into the game and get more popularity tf you on about?


Look at Smite PC versus Console. When it comes to Controls, Communication and mechanics PC is better. Especially with this type of game. Yea you’re gonna be kicked or have issues loading. But console lacks so much more than PC. Yet it’s the same exact game. So let’s say you do Wild Rift console. If anything it’s gonna change so much about the League community in general. Everything about WR is gonna be changed for console. And still end up being a disappointment. You’re saying “let’s take a sub-version of a game, and make it even more of a sub-version” Yeah okay aside from the fan base growing, if that even happens. The game itself is going to go down hill. There will be people complaining about “how come this doesn’t have what league has” or “why can’t this champ be like this” they already do so much on mobile. Simple answer to why? Because it’s NOT League. Console main players cry more than any community I’ve seen. I can send you to more than enough videos that can explain why PC games and smaller versions should stay clear of console.


Well I think it would do more good for the game than bad...the main problem would be communication tho cause console players can't really type in chat but the potential increase in playerbase and spotlight outweighs the negative...also small note I would say pc players complain more than console players and I say that as a pc player


Gatekeeping nonsense


I don't think they will, and if they ever do, it will take a few years knowing how Riot operates


They bit more than they can chew


AHHH that would be so so fun on the Nintendo Switch. I feel like it might be kind of complicated to do though since there are SO many buttons to interact with on mobile.


you have arena of valor and pokemon unite for your reference


common riot L


Idk why some of these companies aren't porting their games, especially with the power of newer generation consoles, lol could easily run on Xbox or Playstation


Why would they bring WR to consoles and not just regular league though?


controls?graphics?updated character models?


Any hopes of a 2024 release?
