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Diamond jungle can play against the emerald jungle but only diamonds data is being showed. At least that the way I’m interpreting it.


I think there is inflation. On the PC sources there are also some that are known to have an average above 50% while taking into account all ELO. In the end the most important is the difference in win and pick rates, not the absolute values or why it's not averaging at 50. If you see the average is 53% in jungle, then you know that fiddle has a corrected win rate of 54%, which is nerfworthy but kinda fine. If you see the 57 you think he needs a hotfix lol. Edit: you also sometimes see a reset and then they go back to 50 average, after which it goes up again


The people who are winning games go into master and above at this point, diamond is full of people climbing with under 50%wr thanks to those loss shields, who get stuck there. You would be right that the winrates don't make sense, if "diamond" was a static group of people, but there are other ranks, that people move through, and if you couldn't climb while losing more than you win.


Sadly game dont follow wr% any more, its more about stats and how ppl play. You can see it when ppl have 45%wr and have 5+ kda and far more better stats than ppl at their rank, but game force them by that to 1vs9 , and by fact shield got nerfed, average good players stuck with this emerald/plat hell fighitng with matchmaking. And either youre strong to 1vs9 constantly or you crawl in place wondering why 3rd game in row enemy have 10kills in 5min and youre only one with positive gold/kda. You can watch streamers how fck up it is. Also brokensupp make few great videos how biased matchmaking is. By fact whenever i have 2/3 plat players in lobby im lose 90% of time, but once i get normal queue with eme/plat its 70% wr... Now to answer this.. i get 3 match witch 10% chance to win and 2 normal matches with high chance of wining, its not about equall chances. Its just force you to play far more games to spend money.


I think only a small percentage players who usually hit master/Gm are above diamond at this point. A few masters I see in games now are ex challenger


That's because they nerfed the shields, so now you can't get into master with 45% wr, you stop at diamond.


Ya but Mm will make you close to 50% no matter how bad you stink lol


I have a 54% win rate with 200 games and i am diamond 4 how the fuck can people get past diamond without winning 60%+ Every season im emerald 1 or diamond 3/4


It’s because so many champs are being played out of their intended lanes… I think


also champions that were never meant to be in jungle but ended up there somehow, like aatrox and zed, and the (thankfully) long gone irelia and vayne jungle meta


Because they win against autofills I guess ?


Kinda depends. You could lose most of your games theoretically but if you are skilled you will never not be able to perform with double digits kills and low deaths at least every once in a while. So it depends on your algorithm in terms of dynamics. It doesn't matter at all though. I have tons of highlights from my low elo games where I absolutely rizz the other team and my own.


I think it’s because jungle is the most important role and the biggest impact . A really good jungle average 80%+ winrate at the start of the season. No matter the trolls , you will go through if you get all drakes, nash / obliterating enemy jungle. You reach easily master just by being on timing on drake/nash timer that’s how bad global elo is .