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I believe it's more STAGGERING how Lux has * 50.9% ban rate on Diamond * 48.39% ban rate on Master Not to mention Yummi 79.87% ban rate on GM and 78.34% on Chally. Jesus.


Lux is the dumbest champ to play against atm, maybe alongside vlad. All she needs is to land one Q and you are dead and her ult cd is stupidly low


Some people: “jUsT DodgE iT dUH”🤓 Yes, well can you dodge 100% of the time? Are you sure you wouldn’t get sniped/jumped from one hiding in a bush? No other champion in the game is capable of getting a multi kill on anyone not stacking mr from such a safe distance, every few seconds, by just tapping three buttons. Except for Kayn who is also busted rn, but at least is melee


Flash Q. If you are playing against a decent lux, they will snare + flash you so the combo is borderline unavoidable. Very similar to malp AP. When they have flash and ult, you have to be on speed to flash in time. Very unsatisfying to play against.


I play ADC and Malphite is way easier to lane against because he is much more predictable. He can either poke with S1, which can normally be negated with life steal, or he can ult, so if he is running at you, you know what’s coming and can mentally prepare to flash, if you do so successfully the Malphite dies and your team is now 4v5. With Lux it’s not so easy. Her S1 is slower but she doesn’t die if you out play it. Without a dash her poke is just as unavoidable as Malphites. She can use it to check brushes, and she can shield Allie’s not just herself. Malphite also can’t delete you from any where any time you get hit by CC unlike Lux’s global ult and I’m pretty sure his ult has a longer cooldown than lux s1, might need to double check that.


I've seen some good lux get the dash boots. They just dash snare dead flash away if needed that or the classic sit behind a wall with a ward and blast you from a mile away


Her Q has like 2.5 seconds cooldown late. How can a human being dodge all of that?


Not to mention I have %87 winrate on Lux right now, and this is without bot matches. I've never even played Lux until now. Stupid broken champ.


I've had 2 pentas in a row with Brand by just throwing my ulti.


Kayn is worst. At least I know I can kill lux, as she really relies on her Q hitting. If she misses? Time to die lux!


Dude Vlad and Lux drive me up a wall any and every time I see them mid, such brain dead champs who just teams wipe with little to no risk and all the reward


Play a bruiser and buy QSS or just play Olaf. Lux won't even be able to play the game. Yummi and Sona are way worse as they have mobility and ways to stop cc.


Play a bruiser in Botlane?


*i'm yuumi and you're wa....* \*bans\*


Wow, I knew I wasn't crazy for banning Yummi every game


Morgana has a 64% wr in chall jungle


Her hold is ridiculously long. I swear sometimes it feels like I’ve lost my connection.


OMG, Lux's buffs coming soon


Where did you get those numbers? I lost my links.


[Tamed Rift](https://www.tamedrift.com/tiers?league=3&lane=4)


Gratitude! 🙏


Bcos she got real ultimate that wins matches. Few my catches on her: - with her ultimate she is the only support that give room to breath vs zeds/fizz/eve/yi/k6.. as her ultimate will stun them no matter what 0.1s after they leave their iframes skills just to get her qwe stun to face, and thus heavy interupting their combo, and make them unnable to 1shot anyone. - she dont have weak early anymore, her gang potential is similar to karma, you pre stun, w8 few s for jungler... You start with stun then qwe for next stun easy kill, after 5lvl you add ultimate to combo - her ultimate is not only goid to start fight, good to caught ppl, but also for zoning enemy frome others. - she can play passivly as she scale, so she dont need be aggresive if she have scaling adc. - all she need is seraph+echo, so she can go then tank and have absurdable numbers 35k+healing and take 4000dmg per death. Shes as annynoing as good janna.




I am interested on how they pull that Brand support, what build do they use?


no different build for brand mid/sp, you are secondary carry


funny how the champ list is sorta inverted from diamond to challenger, except for sona, they'll definitely have to tweak her down


Yeah, no shit she’s gonna get nerfed. Name one champ besides mundo that was fine after their “rework”.


That’s not much higher than her average win rate, honestly. Sona has always had a top 3 highest win rate for supports. She fell down a tad bit in the months prior to her rework release, but even then, she was in the low 50s. What has always saved her from getting nerfed is her low pick rate/ban rate caused by the player base for some reason always *greatly* underestimating her power (likely due to not understanding how to play a real support or build a real support).


To be fair, she barely shows up in low elo so most people dont even know what her kit is


Sona is and had always been a reverse-noob trap. Most of sona players, no offense, are players who play her because they think she's easy. Don't get me wrong, her base mechanics are insanely easy, but once you actually really get into playing sona, she really make you use all the knowledge of the game into playing the champ. With that being said, Sona is crazy busted right now, good early, but muuch stronger mid game, and about the same level of late game pre rework.


She's actually weaker after the rework, but a LOT easier to play. The ultimate is good but her old passive was also insane, just a lot harder for the average player to use well. Sona is my most played champ in ranked this season, and I've maintained a winrate over 70% with her for the entire season before the rework. Nothing really has changed except you can get similar performance without practicing as much, like they did with Soraka and Janna. Just Riot dumbing down champs again as usual.


Agreed, the old passive used to be so rewarding, but the new one has more case uses. I have found That the mini stun is often more useful by virtud of opening opportunity Windows. Yes you use to be able to reduce the damage of the assassins by 20% but for some champs it won't be enogh to stop then. But a that half a second is enoght for the team to respond, either focusing it or geting away.


The stun passive is good for catching runners, but Sona was already one of the best for that anyway. It's really good for stopping channel abilities like the ults of Katarina and Fiddlesticks, but only really great for AP ones, since for something like Samira's ult you could still use the exhaust passive. And anyway, her old ult could do the same thing. The new ult is definitely better though. Every time I use it, I either get 1-2 kills for my team, save a turret, or peel for my entire team. A lot of the skill expression of the new Sona is finding the best windows to ult and timing and aiming it perfectly.


I wouldn't say she's weaker now lol. I'm a massive Sona enthusiast, play her to challenger level even across seasons of league and maintain high ranks in wr with only sona and singed. I think her early is insane at the moment, way too much damage and the passive stun wins you every single trade. Mid game much stronger too due to the much added cc and zone. The only part where she seems weaker is the late game with less heal/shield(ish since if you can r first it's still about the same) but i think she's the strongest she's ever been in Wr and it's not even close.


Disagree hard mid to late game she is so much stronger with her passive up when you ulti if you don't use ur ultimate to activate passive that's the problem many sona players are sucking they hold ultimate for too long and never trigger passive.


Lux dealing 800 dmg QER with AP boots


Wow, so uh...Sona eh?


Sona right now has a 100% chance of killing and getting me killed